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Long Hair and My Boyfriend

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
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Topic: Long Hair and My Boyfriend
Posted By: yeahyeahyeah
Subject: Long Hair and My Boyfriend
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2005 at 10:12am
I have always wanted to have hair down to my waist, but everytime my layered hair gets to that awkward stage kinda around my shoulders, I get frustrated and cut off 2 or 3 inches. Well now I've vowed to myself to not go into the hairdressers until after christmas and even then I will only allow my hairdresser to take of half an inch. I've told my boyfriend of my plans, and he didn't exactly seem thrilled that I was actually going to grow my hair out instead of just talking about it. He's one of those boys that likes short hair.  Have any of you had a similar situation?  How did you deal with it?


Replies: 15
Posted By: yeahyeahyeah
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2005 at 10:12am
I have always wanted to have hair down to my waist, but everytime my layered hair gets to that awkward stage kinda around my shoulders, I get frustrated and cut off 2 or 3 inches. Well now I've vowed to myself to not go into the hairdressers until after christmas and even then I will only allow my hairdresser to take of half an inch. I've told my boyfriend of my plans, and he didn't exactly seem thrilled that I was actually going to grow my hair out instead of just talking about it. He's one of those boys that likes short hair.  Have any of you had a similar situation?  How did you deal with it? $$ )'fat$Pa )%2`b /28"b -. , , -,,)-% br -"

Posted By: Vicky
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2005 at 10:41am
Every BF has something that they especially like in women.
But I have learned that what they say they "like" or "find attractive" today and tomorrow are two different storys.
I can give you a million example of this. My BF is also this way, the key is not to pay any attention to what they are saying.

Have you been together with him along time? Has he changed his opinions about these kind of things before?

If he loves you he won't leave you just because you want to have longer hair. Perhaps you could wear it up sometimes and show of the neck which I have learned is what many guyes that like short hair *love*

Posted By: yeahyeahyeah
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2005 at 11:35am
We've been dating for a year and a half.  I've always known he likes short hair and have never worried about him leaving.  I just want to know how people deal with the complaining and asking me to cut it. Once my hair is long enough for different updo's, maybe he'll change his mind.  Thanks for that suggestion!yeahyeahyeah38587.4838194444 $$ )'fat$Pa )%2`b /28"b -. , , -,,)-% br -"

Posted By: buckiefairy
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2005 at 12:05pm

If he would leave you because you want to have long hair, is he worth it at all? Your hair if part of your look and personality, not his. Also, what if you (for whatever reason) split and your next BF loves long hair? My guy prefers blondes and made that obvious, but I wouldn't dye my hair for him. As I said to him, if I change my hair because of him, who knows what he'll expect me to do for him next!

Don't be persuaded to cut it unless you want to and you never know, when you have beautiful long hair maybe he'll love it!


! , P ed`dd` , 4(` && `r .$ $ !%-,!, % `p %

Posted By: yeahyeahyeah
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2005 at 12:08pm
No no guys! Don't get me wrong!  He's not a bad guy. We wouldn't break up because of my hair!  I don't want to make him seem like a complete jerk!  He just prefers short hair, and misses my short hair. $$ )'fat$Pa )%2`b /28"b -. , , -,,)-% br -"

Posted By: buckiefairy
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2005 at 12:11pm
oooh sorry, I seem to have got the wrong end of the stick!! , P ed`dd` , 4(` && `r .$ $ !%-,!, % `p %

Posted By: Vicky
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2005 at 12:37pm
Hehe so do I, Ops sorry!

Well don't give in to his "nagging"

Posted By: yeahyeahyeah
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2005 at 2:43pm
It's ok don't worry.  I probably should have worded things better! $$ )'fat$Pa )%2`b /28"b -. , , -,,)-% br -"

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2005 at 5:11pm
I think I'll approach this with a bit of calm.

I have read many post where someone had a BF or Hubby that said something like "I like short hair" or "Why would you want your hair that long" and then the lady gets her hair long and the guy changes his mind and understands why.

The lady starts feeling better about herself because she now has hair like she wanted to have.

Now that's not to say that all woman will feel better with long hair. I'm saying when a lady has hair that she is happy with and it makes her feel good her guy will notice how happy she is and he'll be glad for her.

This works the other way too, if you had long hair and he said "why would you want to cut it short?" and you go and get a chin length bob. If you're really happy with it he'll notice. And if not well hopefully he'll be there to wipe the tears.

He'll grow into it whatever you decide. Do it for you first. Hair looks best with a smile.

Posted By: yeahyeahyeah
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2005 at 5:32pm
Thanks PurpleBubba!  That was really encouraging!  I hope that he will change his mind, because I think I will look much better with long hair.  I will try to post pictures of my hair and my progress sometime! $$ )'fat$Pa )%2`b /28"b -. , , -,,)-% br -"

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2005 at 5:35pm
Here's an idea.

If you think he can be gentle enough get him involved.
Let him trim or detangle or braid or something.

Posted By: yeahyeahyeah
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2005 at 5:49pm

That's another good idea! I'll give it a try for sure!

$$ )'fat$Pa )%2`b /28"b -. , , -,,)-% br -"

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2005 at 6:06pm
There's a good book by Anne Akers Johnson called Braids: A Book of Hairstyles with 3 scrunchies.

You can find it in stores or online. Usually it's in the kid's area because the publisher makes mostly kids activity books. But I have this book and as a Guy I can tell you that if he has no clue what to do he can learn with this book. It has a spiral binding so it lays flat too. That way no one has to hold the book open.

Posted By: nikki1701
Date Posted: Aug 24, 2005 at 9:20am
Oh for god sakes guys!! The problem here is simple! Men simply do not like change!! They just don't!! I have always had long dyed blonde hair. When I met my boyfriend he always said he loved long hair and especially blondes.

I have always wanted to go back to my natural colour of dark brown but I was scared if my borfriend wouldn't like it ( cause he said he didn't)! But then I thought no, it's only hair I can dye it back and it will grow so what the hell!!

2 weeks ago I went from long blonde locks to sholder length dark hair and my boyfriend was gobsmacked!! He says I look even more gorgeous than before and he can't believe I didn't do it sooner!

Once you change, they realise it's not so bad and that your the same person. They get scared of you looking different that's all. With your hair growing at such a slow rate your boyfriend will have plenty of time to adjust to the change and by the time it's long he won't have even noticed!!

Remember you can always get it cut!! But I'm sure he'll love it!! What guy doesn't like long hair getting tossed around during the throughs of passion!!!

Good luck with the growing anyway!!
!)) (!

Posted By: Vicky
Date Posted: Aug 24, 2005 at 2:47pm
Now if I could get someone to play with my hair, braid or comb it I would be in heaven! I have used my BF as a "hairslave" to much, he just won't do it anymore

Posted By: gossipqueen
Date Posted: Oct 29, 2005 at 6:29pm

I went through a similar thing with my bf as well. He loves long hair and when I talked about cutting it he was less then thrilled. And I pointed out that he should really just back off due to the fact that he shaves his head and is bald!!! Well that shut him up for a while. Lucky for him I decided not to cut my hair but that was my choice. As I see it guys should like you for you! hair grows back anyway.

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