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Pecking Order

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Topic: Pecking Order
Posted By: fatmoogas
Subject: Pecking Order
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005 at 3:27am

Why do posters keep changing from Senior Members to Groupies and back again? Actually I know the answer.

I would suggest the following:

Super Member=1000+

Senior member=500+


Newbie=less than 100


Replies: 5
Posted By: fatmoogas
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005 at 3:27am

Why do posters keep changing from Senior Members to Groupies and back again? Actually I know the answer.

I would suggest the following:

Super Member=1000+

Senior member=500+


Newbie=less than 100


(!% Qa da d`` ) $ br

Posted By: Debbie
Date Posted: Aug 11, 2005 at 7:27pm
fatmoogas, I was a Senior member and now I am just a groupie. I wonder really what the numbers are? I have got only one more post to post before I hit 300!  So, I hope here it is!  Oh well!   % ic adp` - ,(b` $( b !( ,,,--% -,--,Bb '$

Posted By: fatmoogas
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005 at 1:34pm
Still a groupie? Maybe it's 500 then!(!% Qa da d`` ) $ br

Posted By: AmberJune
Date Posted: Aug 22, 2005 at 9:56am
hmmmm I noticed all this too(- RHena `d (.,`r $4$b" /,-- % %,% !

Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: Dec 25, 2005 at 7:15am

Hi all,

Jeff changed the post rankings at one point to the current ranking:

Newbie - 0-10+
Groupie - 50 +
Senior member - 500+

I will see about adding the Super Member - 1,000+

If you have other suggestons for 2,000+ posts or higher, please let me know your thoughts.  As you all know, I am open to suggestions that make sense and are reasonable and generally for the good of all the visitors here.

In the meantime, FatMoogas...I made you an honorary Super Member.  It is posted under your icon. :-)

I will definitely look into this.

Thanks for the feedback.


PS.  Debbie & AmberJune I promoted both of you to Senior members since you have both been such devoted visitors & friends. 


 !$ Shab` dbe ,%4 b` , 8bp - )%! )-% !$ -,$`r /2

Posted By: Debbie
Date Posted: Jan 1, 2006 at 8:17am
I just now noticed this thread!  LOL!  I am still a groupie which doesn't really seem to bother me too much!  I hope everyone had a Happy New Year!  I did catch a glimpse at Dick Clark and he looked  great!  I I did notice though that his speech was slurred. But by the way that I took it it is a miracle that he is with us!  Happy New Year again to everyone!  May all your hair happenings....Happen!  Keep up the good work Karen and the rest of the gang!  I do enjoy coming here!  Debbie % ic adp` - ,(b` $( b !( ,,,--% -,--,Bb '$

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