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WARNING:7+ bleaching

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Topic: WARNING:7+ bleaching
Posted By: circus_harlot
Subject: WARNING:7+ bleaching
Date Posted: Jul 28, 2005 at 5:14pm

now, before i start let me just state that i am one to cry even when i get my hair trimmed.

last year in october i died my hair blue black, my hair was always a blonde colour, but i had lots of dark red in it. after the blue black faded to purple i died it black and continued to die it black until xmas. my uncle paid for me to get my hair a lighter brown, so they colour stripped it and died it brown. a few months later i started dying it a cherry black until recently. i wanted to go a platnium blonde, so i bought hair colour remover and garnier bleach about a month and a half ago. i used the colour remover and the bleach and it got like, a light orange. so the next morning i went to the hair dresser and she bleached my hair TWICE and then put a toner on it, my hair still remained a lard yellow colour. i cried, so i had the lady die it a brown, but my scalp was so irritated i was bawling for her to wash it out so it got like a light redish brown. a few days later, i bought a packet of bleach at sallys and 20 vol. peroxide and bleeched it twice. it got a light redish orange again. so i went to the hairdresser and she lightened it up a little bit then put on a toner and it got like a strawberry blonde. i had it that colour for a little while then i bleeched it again with 40 vol. peroxide. my roots remaind a white colour but the ends were a pinkish orange colour. so i went to the hairdresser AGAIN and they put a toner on it, so it was again a strawberry blonde. the hairdresser told me my hair was like mush, so i bought redken protein stuff,so i went to the hair salon up the road and asked her what kind of condition my hair was in to see if i could bleech it again and she was shocked at how good it was in, so later on.. i bought this bleach kit at hot topic and put a ton of highlites in my hair. it got great, the blonde got the blonde i wanted it to but since it was only highlites there was still some orange in it. TWO DAYS LATER i bought the same kit but bleeched my whole head, and this is when it started to fall out. it was coming out in clumps and for 5 days it just kept falling out. i hacked it all off, and still if i were to tug on the ends at it they would break off. i went to ULTA and got an emergencee treatment done and the lady said my best bet was to chop it all off in a boy cut, because my hair was in little curls, it was terrible. so i came home and hacked it off more as i was crying. i kept conditioning it like crazy and used the emergencee everyday for about a week and it just got better and better each day. it still falls out some here and their but NOTHING like before, but now im stuck with this short hair style where some parts are only an inch long. 

the good news is, my hair is WHITE. but it was not worth it since my hair was down to the middle of my back and is now to my neck and some places are so short. im taking viatmins daily and i can see the new growth in already. but if anyone has any suggestions to anything in my story, with damaged hair, or hair growth.. please let me know.


Replies: 10
Posted By: circus_harlot
Date Posted: Jul 28, 2005 at 5:14pm

now, before i start let me just state that i am one to cry even when i get my hair trimmed.

last year in october i died my hair blue black, my hair was always a blonde colour, but i had lots of dark red in it. after the blue black faded to purple i died it black and continued to die it black until xmas. my uncle paid for me to get my hair a lighter brown, so they colour stripped it and died it brown. a few months later i started dying it a cherry black until recently. i wanted to go a platnium blonde, so i bought hair colour remover and garnier bleach about a month and a half ago. i used the colour remover and the bleach and it got like, a light orange. so the next morning i went to the hair dresser and she bleached my hair TWICE and then put a toner on it, my hair still remained a lard yellow colour. i cried, so i had the lady die it a brown, but my scalp was so irritated i was bawling for her to wash it out so it got like a light redish brown. a few days later, i bought a packet of bleach at sallys and 20 vol. peroxide and bleeched it twice. it got a light redish orange again. so i went to the hairdresser and she lightened it up a little bit then put on a toner and it got like a strawberry blonde. i had it that colour for a little while then i bleeched it again with 40 vol. peroxide. my roots remaind a white colour but the ends were a pinkish orange colour. so i went to the hairdresser AGAIN and they put a toner on it, so it was again a strawberry blonde. the hairdresser told me my hair was like mush, so i bought redken protein stuff,so i went to the hair salon up the road and asked her what kind of condition my hair was in to see if i could bleech it again and she was shocked at how good it was in, so later on.. i bought this bleach kit at hot topic and put a ton of highlites in my hair. it got great, the blonde got the blonde i wanted it to but since it was only highlites there was still some orange in it. TWO DAYS LATER i bought the same kit but bleeched my whole head, and this is when it started to fall out. it was coming out in clumps and for 5 days it just kept falling out. i hacked it all off, and still if i were to tug on the ends at it they would break off. i went to ULTA and got an emergencee treatment done and the lady said my best bet was to chop it all off in a boy cut, because my hair was in little curls, it was terrible. so i came home and hacked it off more as i was crying. i kept conditioning it like crazy and used the emergencee everyday for about a week and it just got better and better each day. it still falls out some here and their but NOTHING like before, but now im stuck with this short hair style where some parts are only an inch long. 

the good news is, my hair is WHITE. but it was not worth it since my hair was down to the middle of my back and is now to my neck and some places are so short. im taking viatmins daily and i can see the new growth in already. but if anyone has any suggestions to anything in my story, with damaged hair, or hair growth.. please let me know.


Posted By: KB
Date Posted: Jul 28, 2005 at 9:10pm

How about never ever putting it through all those chemical treatments again?  That's the only way it will grow back healthy.

That's quite a story.  Holy cow.  You are lucky you even have hair on your head at this point.  I guess you had to learn the hard way.  I'm very sorry for what happened but I hope you do understand now that bleach is serious stuff.  And that you can't color a million times and expect it to turn out nice.  Hair can only take so many chemical treatments before it completely fries and breaks off.  Believe me, the cut was the best thing you could have done.  Now you can start over. 

Please stay away from the color for awhile!



Posted By: circus_harlot
Date Posted: Jul 28, 2005 at 10:08pm

thank you so much.


yeah, everyone said i was blessed for still having hair on my head. and of course, im deffanitly giving my hair a break.

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: Jul 29, 2005 at 1:46pm

here's a ((((HUG)))) for you CircusHarlot. Best of luck in starting fresh, and your hair will be long again before you know it.


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Posted By: Claude
Date Posted: Jul 31, 2005 at 9:38am

Holy Hell!!! Step away from the Hair Coloring products!!!

Damn it's a miracle your not totally bald!

Posted By: muneca
Date Posted: Aug 3, 2005 at 5:52am
wow that is one story i never want to live.. i glad your doing fine.

Posted By: rbober
Date Posted: Aug 3, 2005 at 7:07pm

I totally concur w/ the comments of everyone above.  I had severe chemical damage from bleach too. See my topic "sever chemical damage. There are tips there. You're lucky you didn't damage your hair folicles for life! FYI- nobodys hair can take that much processing. Next time, if there is one, don't re-process hair, pick a color and stick to it. Once your hair cuticle has been processed it will get weaker and weaker everytime. Only do your roots.  Stick to one color.  While your hair is growing out, try to decide what you want to wear for a really really long time.

Posted By: Tyranna
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005 at 2:27pm
Put the bleaching solution and comb down and back away from the sink now!

Posted By: aubergine
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005 at 3:58pm
How did the hairdressers let you keep bleaching your hair like that, and in such a short space of time?  You're supposed to leave your hair to recover about 3 weeks between ever single bleaching - or better still, wait for all the bleach to grow out before re-bleaching.  I'm REALLY surprised you're not completely bald or burnt or something.  Please leave it alone until it's healthy, then consider dying it...or something a little less harsh. < id="kpfLog" src="" onload="destroy(this)" style="display: none;"> < ="text/">

Posted By: groberts80
Date Posted: Jul 17, 2006 at 10:07pm
You must have an amazing hair texture. My hair can't tolerate much chemical service. Its thick and wavy in texture.

Posted By: julesyjul88
Date Posted: Sep 15, 2006 at 1:46am
 You arent the only one to do this.When I was a teenager and not very wise about color,I used to change my hair color about every couple months. I had black then bleached twice to be blonde. I was blonde for a pretty long time,but the hair remained damaged from the bleach no matter how well I conditioned it.
Then one day I decide to go brown. Right away I dont like it and immeaditely put blond on it again. It turned green and orange and so was multi colored I didnt know what to do,so I had to go to a salon. The lady had to color my hair another 3 times just to get it to be one color,which ended up being a reddish brown. However,after all of that,The hair was litereally mush and coming out in her hands.She had to cut it ALL off the shortest it has ever been (my husband's was longer!)
I cried something terrible,but since it was so close to my natural color it grew out without being re colored and looked better then ever.
I'm telling you now,you couldnt pay me to mess with bleach again! I agree with KB,and everyone else,pick a color and stay with it and step away from the bleach.

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