Negative Haircut Comments
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Topic: Negative Haircut Comments
Posted By: Lorryann Subject: Negative Haircut Comments Date Posted: Jul 17, 2005 at 3:19pm
I've only posted a couple of times so I'm still feeling like a newbie.
I had my long hair cut short last winter. My hair is baby fine with just enough wave and cowlicks to drive anyone insane. When I was making my final decision to go short, I did the image thing at the salon, and was always discouraged from the nape-lengths, etc, because I am tall, large-boned, curvy, and a bit voluptuous--if yiou know what I mean.
But my face is oval, and I am not fat, so to everyone at the salon's surprise, the short haircut looked good.
I loved it, but wasn't feeling very stylish or chic. My hair stylist eventually asked if she could cut my bangs to my forehead, and when this was done, it was clear that I would look good in an extremely short style, which is what I now have. The length is somewhere between a long buzzcut and an ultra short pixie. With the humidity around, it sticks up and is more of a buzzed style.
My friends and coworkers think it looks great, but the problem I have comes from complete strangers. Last night I was having dinner with some friends at a popular restaurant and dance club. While we were in the bar waiting for our table, a couple of nitwits started making loud comments about my haircut They seemed to think this was amusing.
I know this should not bother me, and for the most part, it doesn't. I do not think my haircut is extreme, though it is very, very short. This was not the first or only time I have had to respond to questions or comments about my haircut, which is nowhere near a headshave. I don't mind questions or comments from people who ask what my male partner thinks, or how do I like it, etc., and I've also had guys ask me how to convince their gals to go short. But it's the people who make the negative and judgemental comments that can really tick me off!
Has anyone experiened this? And how do you deal with it? Last night, ignoring did not seem to help.
Replies: 34 Posted By: Lorryann
Date Posted: Jul 17, 2005 at 3:19pm
I've only posted a couple of times so I'm still feeling like a newbie.
I had my long hair cut short last winter. My hair is baby fine with just enough wave and cowlicks to drive anyone insane. When I was making my final decision to go short, I did the image thing at the salon, and was always discouraged from the nape-lengths, etc, because I am tall, large-boned, curvy, and a bit voluptuous--if yiou know what I mean.
But my face is oval, and I am not fat, so to everyone at the salon's surprise, the short haircut looked good.
I loved it, but wasn't feeling very stylish or chic. My hair stylist eventually asked if she could cut my bangs to my forehead, and when this was done, it was clear that I would look good in an extremely short style, which is what I now have. The length is somewhere between a long buzzcut and an ultra short pixie. With the humidity around, it sticks up and is more of a buzzed style.
My friends and coworkers think it looks great, but the problem I have comes from complete strangers. Last night I was having dinner with some friends at a popular restaurant and dance club. While we were in the bar waiting for our table, a couple of nitwits started making loud comments about my haircut They seemed to think this was amusing.
I know this should not bother me, and for the most part, it doesn't. I do not think my haircut is extreme, though it is very, very short. This was not the first or only time I have had to respond to questions or comments about my haircut, which is nowhere near a headshave. I don't mind questions or comments from people who ask what my male partner thinks, or how do I like it, etc., and I've also had guys ask me how to convince their gals to go short. But it's the people who make the negative and judgemental comments that can really tick me off!
Has anyone experiened this? And how do you deal with it? Last night, ignoring did not seem to help.
Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: Jul 18, 2005 at 3:07am
I don't think you should have to respond to bad remarks. *shrugs* You can just feel better from knowing that every time those people open their mouths, anyone in earshot will know they are idiots. ! % Aaebade d !, ` . 4``
Posted By: Kimblonde35
Date Posted: Jul 18, 2005 at 8:04am
Hi, your hair sounds cute! :-)
Some people can't except something different in this world, most people think that we all should be walking around with the same kind of hairstyle, now wouldn't that be boring??
I love to be different! My family is the same way, asking me why I would have my hair short and spiked like this and I should let it grow long (well I did have long hair but then they harped about it then too) so some people you just can't please, even in your own family UGH!!
But they are the ONLY ones who are negative about my hairstyle, whenever I go somewhere people are saying that they love my hairstyle and that they wished that they were daring enough to do the same with there hair. I just haven't heard any negative comments from other people YET! haha
So you will always have someone who you can't please!
It really doesn't matter what other people say, it's what YOU think about your hair, and if YOU like it then that's all that really matters!
Kim ! % Pi n``era !! 8bp '.4`` ( $% $(%- $- %,4b /4
Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: Jul 18, 2005 at 9:29am
You should have spoken to the management. There's no excuse for customers harassing other customers. |
Posted By: Lorryann
Date Posted: Jul 18, 2005 at 8:55pm
I did let the management know what happened, but I'm not sure if the "manager" took me seriously. A call the following day over his head to the supervisor was far more productive.
I love my hair short, and the shorter it has gotten, the better I like it. If anyone had told me a year ago I'd have a buzz-cut and love it--I would have thought they were nuts. But my hair had driven me crazy my whole life. I went through zillionsof jugs jugs of gel, thickener, mousse, hairspray--no matter what hairstyle I had--it took HOURS of work in the morning. The buzz takes 15 minutes (to tame the cowlicks). It may not be as flattering as one of my 2-hour "do's"--but who cares? At least I have my sanity--and tons of leftover time in the morning.
Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: Jul 19, 2005 at 2:40am
I'm sure it's just as flattering, if not more so, than the styles that took two hours and a heap of product ^_^ . Especially with fine hair, excessive product tends to make it look flat and greasy, anyway, so you're probably better off as you are. ! % Aaebade d !, ` . 4``
Posted By: eatgreenjello
Date Posted: Jul 19, 2005 at 2:19pm
Congratulations on the short pixie. I love to see women with really short hair (partially because I can't stand to have lots of hair), it tells me that they are not conforming to society, and they want to show off their lovely facial structure. It takes guts to do a pixie! I'd love to see a picture of your hair before and after.
Anyway about the people chuckling at you; are you sure they were chuckling at you? If they were, they are stupid and mean and don't deserve to have any candy. | |