top waves
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Category: 360 Waves Forum Name: Men's 360 Waves Archives Forum Description: Archive of the old Men's 360 Waves Forum URL: /forum_posts.php?TID=3229
Printed Date: Dec 26, 2024 at 10:56am
Topic: top waves
Posted By: youngspinna12 Subject: top waves Date Posted: Dec 13, 2004 at 10:47am
Ayoo im should be the youngest member on the team from Harlem World 12 years old, but i need help with my waves on the top and how do i use the murrays and nu nile together one more thing wat brush is best from a black beauty suppy store
------------- When u see me in streets u see my waves not me my waves so deep u call em an O.G
Replies: 1 Posted By: youngspinna12
Date Posted: Dec 13, 2004 at 10:47am
Ayoo im should be the youngest member on the team from Harlem World 12 years old, but i need help with my waves on the top and how do i use the murrays and nu nile together one more thing wat brush is best from a black beauty suppy store %, Q cda e` , 24b` $2 ` %$ -) , ,%!$%! bb ,
Posted By: chessbum
Date Posted: Dec 13, 2004 at 12:55pm
okay young talent,try nunile and ice pomade.purchase a medium hard hollywood brush depending on what kind of waves you want.goodluck.! ! Aib `de`d % ,b ((0 r $$! ,)-% ! !- (4`p /.