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Women Suddenly Cutting their hair short

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Topic: Women Suddenly Cutting their hair short
Posted By: buzzedboblover
Subject: Women Suddenly Cutting their hair short
Date Posted: Jun 16, 2005 at 10:44am


   Just wondered if any of you ladies can shead any light on this. Why do so many women get married and then suddenly decide after years to have their long hair cut short ? I know a lot of new mums do this also but I can see a practical reason for this. Any insight for me ?




Replies: 43
Posted By: buzzedboblover
Date Posted: Jun 16, 2005 at 10:44am


   Just wondered if any of you ladies can shead any light on this. Why do so many women get married and then suddenly decide after years to have their long hair cut short ? I know a lot of new mums do this also but I can see a practical reason for this. Any insight for me ?




Posted By: phil
Date Posted: Jun 17, 2005 at 3:03pm

As a frequent visitor to the country I have to say that I think short hair is more prevalent in Scotland. The same applies to the North of England, particularly Yorkshire. I hate to generalise, but I have a feeling the inhabitiants more "no-nonense" approach to life may be a factor.

0 ),

Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: Jun 17, 2005 at 9:12pm
In the old days, only girls cut their hair (short was bsl back then), and women grew their hair quite long. Now it is the opposite, only young women (or young, beautiful women) are considered to be acceptable candidates for long hair, and the older they get, the shorter women are supposed to keep their hair. So for women who plan to live up to society's expectations, a haircut is a rite of passage into "maturity", and failing to cut your hair is considered immature at best, and in any case a major character flaw.

According to this schema, short hair is required for older women, regardless of the condition of the hair or the success of the styling/cut, while long hair is unacceptable, regardless of how beautiful it might be in the absolute sense.

Posted By: duke
Date Posted: Jun 19, 2005 at 8:41am

I wish they wouldn't do that! It's partly what Katherine says, though perhaps saying long hair on an older woman is "unacceptable" is a bit too strong. It's more unconventional, I think.

Part of the reason may be that women tend to (due probably at least partly to social conditioning) like change. Some of them may keep their hair long until after the marriage, because their boyfriend may like it or she thinks he might, but then decide that, having married him, she "has" him and therefore needs not do so much to "keep him", and cut it off for the sake of change, comfort of fashion.

The big question is, how can a guy send a message to a girl that he would like her to keep it long, without offending her?

Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: Jun 19, 2005 at 9:18am
Although there is overlap, perhaps a better word for me to have used was "inappropriate", and there are lots of people (mostly women) who really do feel it is inappropriate for women over a certain age to have long hair. For women who have long hair then get married, the societal messages are stronger than the ones she is getting from her husband. He is just one man, but if she wants to be accepted by women, she needs to have short hair.

Few women are willing to break these rules and grow their hair long despite disapproval of family and friends. Good luck.

Posted By: Tyranna
Date Posted: Jun 20, 2005 at 12:16am
Women should really think more before doing stuff like this.

Once saw an interview with Tina Turner and the journalist asked Tina how she managed to stay looking so young compared to other women her age.  She replied that unlike herself, many women tend to alter their appearance according to what pre-conceived notion they have about their age.  Thus a woman who hits forty and cuts her hair to look like a suitable matronly bankers wife, will age herself and LOOK like a forty-year old banker's wife.

A friend of mine was blessed with lovely long thick hair with the greatest natural wave. She had it styled in a long layer cut and she had this effortless mane of hair that drew many compliments.  But all good things come to an end.  When she had her child she cut her hair.  And cut it again and again.  She went from wow to matron.  Last I saw her, it was all shoulder length again, but I really don't know if she has the discipline to grow it out again (she's expecting again).

Posted By: buzzedboblover
Date Posted: Jun 20, 2005 at 10:45am
It does seem to me that on the whole Women tend to go from long to short at specific "milestones" in their lives such as Getting Married, Childbirth, Divorce, Retirement etc. There are some other women who also seem almost on a whim to suddenly have their long hair cut short for no discernable reason. I find myself wondering what triggers affect these ladies also. I think society and peer pressure do have a lot to do with it but also geography and stylist pressure seem to play a part also. Any other thoughts ?

Posted By: Viktoria
Date Posted: Jul 14, 2005 at 12:08pm

Where I live, it seems to me that women have forgotten how to wear long hair in a more mature, elegant way. And I don % C`e adu a - , `b 4(` /.%% -$ ,%$! 8bp ,(

Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: Jul 14, 2005 at 12:53pm
I wear my hair loose in the summer when I'm not doing yardwork. Next summer it'll be harder, as by then my hair will be longer than classic.

I'd be glad to be anybody's role model.

Posted By: Viktoria
Date Posted: Jul 17, 2005 at 3:30pm

eKatherine, you are a role model! A fantastic one!

 % C`e adu a - , `b 4(` /.%% -$ ,%$! 8bp ,(

Date Posted: Jul 17, 2005 at 4:34pm

Originally Posted By: bob `.$# b$ `b e

Hi there,

For me, society has nothing to do with thoughts of cutting my hair in this phase of my life. I believe for many, it is hard to steer clear of the Stepford ways. In my opinion, the self-appointed upper crust society has created an unwritten book of rules we should all follow, lest we fall beneath a certain level - which mimics third grade behavior. "Eww, she's wearing white shoes at the wrong time of the year."  Please.

Geography plays a big part, I agree, though it seems the more social an area, the higher fashion choices are in priority. If I lived in Tulsa, I'd be laughed at and mimicked for my long hair at 40, yet it would not convince me to cut and get in line with the rest of them.

Personality plays a big part, too. I have a heavy flower child streak and a strong sense of independence. It would be true to say that part of my long hair is defiance.

I've made sudden cuts on a few occasions in my life, which I did regret. Once it was a longing to sport the style everyone else had. (Think Stepford) Once it was cut, I realized I was just another face in the crowd.

Another time I cut thinking I would appear more attractive with shorter hair. I ended up sad over the cut. Looking back now, I laugh, because I cut my hair for fear a man would prefer another woman with a more styled look. Today I find humor in that because if a man didn't want me due to my hairstyle, I can't imagine trying to further win his affections.

Certain events do indeed contribute, be they a phase of life, a new marriage, wanting to feel fresh and springy, etc. Much like a garden. Though I enjoy a large patch of Four O'Clocks and they smell wonderful, it would be interesting to yank ten years of root and in it's place plant a flowering shrub half the size. In comes the sunlight, new mulch is added, etc. I realize it may be an odd euphemism to compare hair and one's garden.

Control issues may also affect hair cutting decisions. Perhaps a lady lived under the thumb of a dominating man for quite some time. In the event of a divorce, a short cut would indeed serve as a statement of freedom, a new lease on life.

Who knows why women cut so suddenly. Though it would be interesting to see the results of a poll on Hair Boutique. *hint hint* The only thing is, you may have to aim the poll at those who cut a drastic amount of hair, not just a few inches.

Karen Marie




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Posted By: fatmoogas
Date Posted: Jul 20, 2005 at 8:04am
As a woman gets older, men become less interested in her hair, while society's rules continue to apply. For these reasons, a woman might cut to stay in line--especially as she doesn't feel that men are too interested anymore.(!% Qa da d`` ) $ br

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jul 20, 2005 at 9:01am
Originally Posted By: fatmoogas# ` $'$` %d`b a
Hi fatmoogas,

Um... can you please clarify?  I don't understand what you're saying.  Sorry I'm so dense.

Posted By: fatmoogas
Date Posted: Jul 20, 2005 at 2:00pm
Guess I'm saying that as a woman ages and is less interested in impressing men with her looks, she is given a freedom to wear whatever hairstyle she likes--as long as she doesn't give in to the conformism of society.(!% Qa da d`` ) $ br

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jul 20, 2005 at 5:36pm
Thanks for the clarification fatmoogas.  But um... I'm not sure why you qualify the freedom by saying that conformity is not one of the options.  You seem to contradict yourself.  If your "as long as..." comment were omitted, perhaps I wouldn't still be confused.

Posted By: fatmoogas
Date Posted: Jul 20, 2005 at 5:51pm
It's an option. But obviously, anyone who takes it will be missing out on the possible diversity of hairstyle that comes with getting older.(!% Qa da d`` ) $ br

Posted By: LiliBeach
Date Posted: Jul 21, 2005 at 12:09am

The issue of older women have to cut their hair off at "x" number of age really bugs the hek out of me. 

Personally I think that LONG HAIR ADDS YOUTH!!!

I have 29 year olds tell me all the time with beautiful long hair,"I am turning 30 next year, I guess it will be time to cut it off".  I always reply with horror and first tell them "how old do you think I am" ( I have long hair half way down my back, Jessica Simpson style)

Then I tell them if that's the reason than i won't be the one doing the cutting.

I also require a one month waiting period for such a drastic cut.  I hate tears in my chair, and if you cry, I will cry right with you because I love long hair, when it is properly conditioned.

Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of short hair cut people too.

Just my thoughts.....

 !- A `badera -, , @ )20`p )2$-!) !-,- )!4 r $(

Posted By: phil
Date Posted: Sep 10, 2005 at 7:13pm
The practical response to this is: there comes a time (and this occurs at differing times for different people) when you make the decision - functionality over sexuality. In other words, "I've decided that   maintaining my sexual attraction isn't worth  the effort involved". This isn't necessarily a negative   thing, it could just mean you are happily paired-up and are content with the status quo. Ergo, short  hair is easier to maintain than long hair for older people, who generally want a less stressed life. Can you blame them.  0 ),

Posted By: Viktoria
Date Posted: Sep 11, 2005 at 6:52pm

Originally Posted By: phil$!d`$('$`(($ bdd

Yes, this is exactly how I feel. Although, for me, it means: keep the hair long.

 % C`e adu a - , `b 4(` /.%% -$ ,%$! 8bp ,(

Posted By: buzzedboblover
Date Posted: Oct 10, 2005 at 1:26pm
Originally Posted By: LiliBeach<4@ $)!@


How refreshing to hear a stylist say that they won't do spur of the moment long to short cuts, If more stylists took such an approach I think there would be more beautiful and happy women around as it seems so many stylists these days are all to eager to get shearing and chop off years of long hair growth only for the woman in the chair to end up with regrets as she has been "pushed" into a big cut all too suddenly. I mean don't get me wrong I love a good short cut as much if not more than the next person but only if

a) It is what the woman really wants and is not merely  getting to please someone else or to stop the stylist pressuring her

b) If the woman is comfortable with such a style

and last but by no means least

c) The style actually suits the woman as I have noticed especially locally there seem to be a lot of "carbon copy" styles coming out of local salons regardless of whether or not the style suits a particular woman or not, The problem I fear is locally most of the stylists train at the same college and so churn out the same styles.


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Oct 13, 2005 at 7:25pm
Originally Posted By: buzzedbobloverT@%`$(d`bh@


How refreshing to hear a stylist say that they won't do spur of the moment long to short cuts, If more stylists took such an approach I think there would be more beautiful and happy women around as it seems so many stylists these days are all to eager to get shearing and chop off years of long hair growth only for the woman in the chair to end up with regrets as she has been "pushed" into a big cut all too suddenly. I mean don't get me wrong I love a good short cut as much if not more than the next person but only if

a) It is what the woman really wants and is not merely  getting to please someone else or to stop the stylist pressuring her

b) If the woman is comfortable with such a style

and last but by no means least

c) The style actually suits the woman as I have noticed especially locally there seem to be a lot of "carbon copy" styles coming out of local salons regardless of whether or not the style suits a particular woman or not, The problem I fear is locally most of the stylists train at the same college and so churn out the same styles.


I agree 100% on your 3 points.

Posted By: Hellfrozeover
Date Posted: Oct 14, 2005 at 12:41pm
I agree with everything you've said in here, buzzedboblover. Alot of the comments by certain people were just downright sexist and a load of crap, pardon my French. I'm going to be pushing my zimmer frame with my long hair intact in sixty years to come.

Posted By: Melantha
Date Posted: Jan 10, 2006 at 4:22pm

I'm a trichophile (hair-lover), and I have to say that this sudden trend for not only men to have super short hair, but women as well, actually repells me from them. It sounds shallow, but I can't really help the instinct. I like natural hair, and classic, simple cuts like bobs. I don't like this new trend of layering, texturing, and buzzing and spiking. I just look at those styles and think 'Ugh, why would I want to run my hands through that?'

Most people have really pretty hair--especially boys, for some reason--and I think it's a travesty when people just shear it all off. Maybe I count appearance and sex appeal as too important, but I see the body as a work of art, not a machine. This whole attitude of 'short hair is easier to take care of' makes me think that the speaker doesn't find joy in their own body.

Just my two cents.

$- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.!%! !(, ! ,%! b` /"

Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: Jan 10, 2006 at 4:58pm

Sorry to disappoint short hair fans but the current trend is for men to go longer.  This has started in the past 6 months.  Men are also are growing facial hair AND sideburns...for the first time in years.

Just check out the WireImage and similar photo databases to see the trend of longer hair in men.  Longer...being to the collar or below with more fullness all around on the sides and top.

And some isolated cases women are going shorter but there are still a lot of women still growing their hair longer.  I would not say that either men or women are going shorter...all of a sudden.  The trends seem to be more romantic, much longer and softer overall.


 !$ Shab` dbe ,%4 b` , 8bp - )%! )-% !$ -,$`r /2

Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: Jan 12, 2006 at 1:08am

I think I'm pretty well the opposite there.  Long hair (especially if it's all one length) just looks and feels stringy to me, which I find very repulsive.  Long hair also has more tendency to tangle, and there's nothing less romantic than trying to run your fingers through someone's hair and running into a knot :-P !  Short hair is just much softer and nicer to me. . . okay, not spikes, those are hard and not fun to touch. . . but even spikes and other hard styles can be nice in that they're more visually interesting.  I'd just rather the hair not be hard when I go to touch it ^_^ .  But as usual, now I'm just rambling. . .

Originally Posted By: Melantha<#P $$, `` @ $ ! % Aaebade d !, ` . 4``

Posted By: DarkHelmet
Date Posted: Mar 10, 2006 at 12:10am

I think the media and what we see in image and print effects both men and woman.

Those who are able to think freely without outside suggestion and influence in my opnion in the long run ( no pun intended) wind up as happier more well rounded settled people.

And that goes both ways. I think a person who finds him/ or herself more comfortable in their own skin with short hair should listen to their  own mind and not others. Just as people who prefer long hair on themselves do not feel themselves of conifdent with short hair.

I think the danger really falls in the notion that people think they are making choices in having short or long hair because they think that's what they want, when in reality they are constantly being bombarded with images in the media by popular stars and unsolicited opinions by peer's, family and co-workers. Eventaully these opinions and suggestions seep into the subconcious mind.

In those cases you see a person cutting their hair and instantly regretting it in some cases. On the other hand if a person is outside influenced subconciously to grow their hair, they will quickly learn whether or not they are doing it because that's what they really want with thier own mind or are just being subconciously programmed by others suggestions and images in the media to grow it. Because if they are just being influenced to grow their hair, after a peroid of time they will realize they arent doing it for themselves and stop and go back to the length of hsir they like for themselves the most. It only takes several seconds to cut your hair off but takes months and patience to grow yout hair out.

That is why when society and others are influencing you or suggesting you to cut you hair short it is far more dangerous to your ablity to control your own looks and actions because if you do not think things through and really want to do it for yourself you can quickly realize what you thought were your own thoughts were someone elses.


Posted By: Melantha
Date Posted: Mar 10, 2006 at 12:28am

That's absolutely right, Darkhelmet.

Sorry to disappoint short hair fans but the current trend is for men to go longer.  This has started in the past 6 months.  Men are also are growing facial hair AND sideburns...for the first time in years.

Not where I live--where the heck do you live?? All I see are buzz cuts, unless I was at my high school, where the trend was more 'ooh how far can we abuse our hair??' Bleaching, self-cuts, etc. wasn't short, but it wasn't very healthy either--and therefore, not attractive. Nothing was longer than chin-length in guys, either--and now I don't see long hair at all, unless I look at my sweethearts.

Just check out the WireImage and similar photo databases to see the trend of longer hair in men.  Longer...being to the collar or below with more fullness all around on the sides and top.

Yeah...the 'I just haven't gotten a haircut in a while' look? I've seen that on a few guys, but not many at all around OC.

And some isolated cases women are going shorter but there are still a lot of women still growing their hair longer.  I would not say that either men or women are going shorter...all of a sudden.  The trends seem to be more romantic, much longer and softer overall.

I would definitely NOT describe the look as 'romantic' at all. Girls with long hair have it sixties-straight and--it seems--bleached or light brown. Or else dyed and layered weird. Longer may be the trend for girls, but it is not a 'romantic' long, it's more of a 'nineteen-sixties' long.

And again, long hair in men--truly LONG, as in all one length and below the shoulders--is not common, because if it were, I'm rather certain that my boyheart wouldn't constantly get called a girl. The 'grown out' look is common in magazines and fashion, and I forgot about that (thank you for reminding me), but long hair is not in vogue among the average guy in my area--it may be different in colder climates, I don't know. That's a thing about the internet--we're all from different places, sometimes vastly different, so things that are true for, say, Chicago, are not true for LA and so on.

*hopes he didn't sound snarky*

Melantha38786.0206018519 $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.!%! !(, ! ,%! b` /"

Posted By: DesertDavid
Date Posted: May 3, 2006 at 3:01pm
Before we got married ten years ago, my wife and I wrote a prenuptial agreement that included a provision that my wife, Beeper, would not ever cut her hair. She is a person of great integrity and has kept her promise, and we are very happily married.  You can view her on her website at  

Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: May 7, 2006 at 4:35am

Does she get to make demands of your appearance in return, or does it just go one way?

! % Aaebade d !, ` . 4``

Posted By: Hellfrozeover
Date Posted: May 7, 2006 at 4:56am

I'd make a prenup that husband is banned from going over a certain weight.

Is Beeper allowed to cut her hair as long as it's over a certain length? It looks like it's cut.

Posted By: auramae
Date Posted: Jul 16, 2006 at 11:12am
This reponse reflects my personal experience as a woman, not my experience as a hairdresser.

I had typical "child of the 70's hair until I was 8 when my mother got tired of dealing with it and I got tired of crying when she tried to detangle it.  I got my first perm then, also (Toni home perm for children).

I wore my hair varying lengths of short and medium until about 25 when I let it grow and grow to see just how long I could get it.  (Bra-strap)  I then grew tired of my natural (read: not luscious) hair and went to play in the short hair sandbox for a while.

I grew my hair long specifically for my wedding because I wanted to style it in a particular way and to do that needed length.  (I ended up needing the help of a wig as well because I can grow my hair long, but I can't grow it thick!)

I got a haircut on my honeymoon.

To explain why, I will quote Julia Ormond (from memory, so forgive any minor errors) who got loads of crap when she cut her hair from long to short.  "When you are making a movie, long hair is wonderful.  It moves and catches the light and is a charachter all it's own.  Every other waking minute of the day it's a collasal PITA!"  I found that when I had long (for me) hair, I had to think about it constantly.  I had to keep accesories at hand to contain it at a moments notice.  I had to bundle it up to put the top down on my car.  I had to be precice and thorough in my daily maintenance so as not to cause breakage.  For me, it was just too much work.

I really think that there are "long-hair people" who are most comfortable with more hair and are willing to put in the effort required to maintain it.  Many others (myself included) are too dang lazy (or busy with other things).

A long-hair person has different definitions of short, medium and long than a short-hair person has. (Hence the need for a thorough consulltation including photos or illustrations.  Oops, there comes the hairdresser side of me again....)
!$ Cie @`ara ) , ` !(0`r #2% %! %!! ) 4`b &

Posted By: 95chevy
Date Posted: Aug 4, 2006 at 10:39pm
My wife has had five haircut in 35 years of marriage. About ever 7 years she get an itch to go from long to pixie or shoulder or what ever. She just wants a change. Cannot blame her it is her hair and her choice. She always grows it back long to cut and sell or donate her hair.Longest hair was in 1979 9'3" cut to 3" because I was away with Special Forces training and she was pregnant and had no body to help her take care of her hair so she cut it off for$1,200. Change is sexy

Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2006 at 2:00pm
      I don't attend many movies, but frankly, had Julia Ormond left her hair long, as it was in "Legends of the Fall" and "First Knight", there is no chance that I'd *ever* miss a flick of hers. Shortly after I'd seen these two films, I spotted a copy of the NYT Magazine, with a vaguely familiar face on the cover. As I lifted it from its rack, my jaw hit the floor. It was Julia O., with very short, unkempt, maybe 2 or 3" hair! It looked as if she'd cut it with a Flowbee, but someone must have thought it was hot, b/c there was a feature spread inside.
     She had cut it for another film, "Sabrina". I'll admit that her short hair looked nice styled, and the film itself was very good, but the sensuality dropoff fror me was seismic. PITA or not, I believe that her chop cost her plenty of roles in the long run. I cannot think of another actress who has ever graced the big screen as majestically as Julia did with her awesome tresses in those two magnificent films. Best, Bob

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2007 at 4:20pm
In medievil times young maidens had long hair to show they were free and single. Married women would keep their hair covered in public so another man could not see it. The only ladies with short hair were considered prostitues.
Make of that what you will in todays times. Some say it's all changed and others say it's the same as ever.  You decide. Confused

Posted By: julesyjul88
Date Posted: Feb 10, 2007 at 2:37am
Moms cut their hair short because when they are busy taking care of a baby,many dont have time to sit there and style and fuss over their hair like they used to. It is simply more practical at times to have shorter hair.
I myself remember my baby constantly pulling on my hair and ripping out clumps.In the begining you're lucky to get in a quick shower,let alone get to do anything to your hair!
I have had long and short on and off for years. I admire women who have had long hair their whole lives...But I get bored looking at the same thing everyday and sometimes just want a change.
julesyjul882007-02-10 02:38:15

Posted By: mikecuts
Date Posted: Feb 12, 2007 at 8:52pm

This is a great question that I don't know if there is any one answer. My wife did it as did a many clients over the years. My wife did it because she was done dealing with it. She would have it in a pony tail almost everyday in the summer. She felt alot cooler with her hair off her neck and out of her face. One day she came into our shop with her sister for a vist and she asked me since I was not busy wolud I cut her hair short and she never went past her collar since. Thats been 18 years. As far as others I had many clients have reasons that are normal and some that are way out there. Families talke alot of time away and lots of mothers usually end up going for a care free haircut. I had many have it cut for for locks of love and I admire that. For what ever reason someone gets a short cut I am sure it's a great one.There are times I wish my wife would grow her hair. One time I refused to cut her hair short and she went to my freinds shop and did it anyway.Confused

mikecuts2007-02-12 20:55:16

Posted By: Rosalie
Date Posted: Mar 7, 2007 at 2:21pm
It's just a trend. Some people will tell you it's functionality over style but most of them are really just trend whores.

Short hair looks horrid, tacky, worn out and dull on older women. It's a youthful thing.

Posted By: arch94
Date Posted: Mar 7, 2007 at 3:29pm
Tell us how you really feel...! ! @ cnat r` $ .0`b /.0 ` % ,))%,,,!,$ %4` /4

Posted By: julesyjul88
Date Posted: Mar 7, 2007 at 4:18pm
Rosalie,obviously you dont have kids yet! I have never cut my hair because I thought it was trendy. And I disagree that it looks bad on all older women. Some it actually looks quite good! 

Posted By: Rosalie
Date Posted: Mar 10, 2007 at 6:00pm
What does cutting your hair short have to do with kids?

Also, if you DID cut it because it's trendy, you wouldn't admit it, more than likely. It's the only "I'm not brainwashed!" paradox.

Posted By: julesyjul88
Date Posted: Mar 11, 2007 at 4:56pm
Having kids has everything to do with it.When you have a baby you dont have time to fuss over long hair,your lucky if you can get in a shower.

I have never done anything that was trendy~I like being different.I only cut my own hair short because it needed it because it was damaged.
I think you have alot of really negative comments that are un-nessacary and rude.People can do whatever they want to their hair and dont need you telling them they are doing it because they are trendy and brainwashed.

Posted By: Rosalie
Date Posted: Mar 11, 2007 at 5:20pm
[quote]Having kids has everything to do with it.When you have a baby you dont have time to fuss over long hair,your lucky if you can get in a shower.[/quote]

What a load of horsesh*t, honestly. I know several single mothers who not only have time to have long hair, but dye it pretty colours, dress in interesting clothes, etc. Babies are obviously hard work but you do not spend every waking minute doing nothing but staring at them to make sure they don't explode. And couldn't you wash/comb/trim your hair while watching a baby?

Alright, not everyone is like that, but the fact that many people can do several "Pretty" measures and still be GREAT mothers says a lot. Long hair isn't that hard to keep at all. I've had long hair and short hair. I prefer how short hair looks, but it's only slightly easier to take care of; you have to style short hair, whereas long hair looks interesting from the get go.

The issue here isn't that it's in any way difficult to have long hair and be a mother, but that you seem to believe it is more mature to accept the mundane route through a landmark "growing up" situation.

I have no problem if it IS what someone wants. I have short hair, and there was no reason for someone in my situation to want it because of any other reason than I wanted.

However, you keep bringing up a rather invalid reason as to why you have short hair. You seem to think that "because" you have kids you "shoul" have short hair.

[quote]I only cut my own hair short because it needed it because it was damaged.[/quote]

That's the second time you've switched your position.

[quote]I think you have alot of really negative comments that are un-nessacary and rude.[/quote]

Or maybe comments people don't want to hear? You can't be sheltered all your life.

This is a debate on why women cut their hair short when they get older. Debates can get heated. If you can't take it, then you can leave the topic. I may have aggressive tactics but my methods are still technically valid.

[quote]People can do whatever they want to their hair and dont need you telling them they are doing it because they are trendy and brainwashed.[/quote]

Do you not see the contradiction there? If people are following trends or being subtly controlled otherwise, how is what they want?

Statistics are the key here. It statistically isn't possible that so many women can suddenly make the choice to cut their hair. That's not what a "choice" is. It indicates a presence of a bias factor. Please read up on basic probability before making such statements.

Listen, I really, REALLY despise faux-maturity; the idea that people should get duller with age "just because". To me, it is a disgusting and uttely pretentious concept that only harms people horribly. It is something I will never be friendly in the face with. If you think I'm being "Mean" to you, then please accept that I do not believe in sheltering people, nor do I think it's appropriate when it's quite blatant how easily people are controlled with such throwaway notions.
Rosalie2007-03-11 17:24:47

Posted By: julesyjul88
Date Posted: Mar 11, 2007 at 6:08pm
" It's just a trend. Some people will tell you it's functionality over style but most of them are really just trend whores.

Short hair looks horrid, tacky, worn out and dull on older women. It's a youthful thing."

It has nothing to do with being sheltered.It has to do with you not having enough tact when speaking. there are ways to say things and get your point across without being offensive to other people.calling someone a trend whore is frankly inappropriate,and possibly against the terms of service here.

Obviously you dont know how to read.The forum question was Why do some women suddenly cut their hair short. One of the reasons I offered was that NEW MOTHERS  dont have time.They arent looking at their babies 24 hours a day as you said.babies need to be fed every 3 hours,and DONT SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT at first. The fact you dont know this leads me to believe you are VERY IMMATURE.
The reasons I cut my own hair are my business alone.And I dont appreciate being called a trend whore by you.Funny how,I dont see a picture in your avatar.maybe you arent as hot as you think.

Posted By: DesertDavid
Date Posted: Mar 11, 2007 at 7:34pm
My mother was shorthaired and my grandmother was longhaired and usually wore it up in a bun or twist. I liked my grandmother's personality a heck of a lot better than I liked my mother's. So I have always naturally gravitated towards women with long hair who put it up.  That has been true as to the women I have selected for dates and from whom I have accepted invitations for dates and my two marriages. There are many women who take pride in growing, caring for, and styling their long hair, and those are the women most compatible with me. I fully realize that others have different tastes--there are women who like their hair short and men who like shorthaired women. They're made for each other just as long haired women were made for me. For every Jack there is a Jill. Women of course have a right to whatever hair lenght and style they choose just as men have a right to select whatever women they choose for companionship and/or marriage.

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