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Something I was wondering

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Category: Women's Topics
Forum Name: Pregnancy Hair & Beauty Tips
Forum Description: Having a baby doesn't mean you can't still be beautiful
URL: /forum_posts.php?TID=31607
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Topic: Something I was wondering
Posted By: AmberJune
Subject: Something I was wondering
Date Posted: Jun 9, 2005 at 1:01pm

I'm not pregnant...and I don't plan to be for quite some time (I'm only 21 and not RESPONSIBLE haha) But I was talking to my hair dresser the other day...she was talking about pre-natal pills ...and how when your pregnant your hair grows faster.  Well, I said..."I've heard after you give birth...a little bit of your hair starts to fall out."  She said as long as you keep taking your prenatal vitamins for 6 months afterwords that that won't happen.  What do you all think about this...anyone have any experience with this?


Replies: 5
Posted By: AmberJune
Date Posted: Jun 9, 2005 at 1:01pm

I'm not pregnant...and I don't plan to be for quite some time (I'm only 21 and not RESPONSIBLE haha) But I was talking to my hair dresser the other day...she was talking about pre-natal pills ...and how when your pregnant your hair grows faster.  Well, I said..."I've heard after you give birth...a little bit of your hair starts to fall out."  She said as long as you keep taking your prenatal vitamins for 6 months afterwords that that won't happen.  What do you all think about this...anyone have any experience with this?

(- RHena `d (.,`r $4$b" /,-- % %,% !

Posted By: rrobey
Date Posted: Jun 9, 2005 at 1:44pm

Unfortunately prenatals vitamins aren't what make your hair grow faster while pregnent... it's the hormones.  When I was pregnent with Zach my hair grew like a weed... so I thought it was the vitamins too.  I tried different prenatals from the store and use the dosage for a pregnent woman.  No change.  Then I read somewhere that it's the hormones.  My hair didn't grow as fast this time with Emily.  I had average growth.  Both times though my hair fell out like crazy afterwards.  It's just now starting to slow down.  It started when she was 3 months old (she's 5 months already!).  Again, I believe it's hormonal.  I still take vitamins, although not the prenatals.

Hope that helps.

Posted By: Elissa
Date Posted: Jun 10, 2005 at 11:18am
Yep, it's the hormones. FWIW, I never had any shedding during or after my pg'cy.   I wouldn't worry about it.

Posted By: meg77
Date Posted: Sep 5, 2006 at 2:47pm
Being pregnant twice in the past 2 years, I feel I can share a bit on this.  Yes, during pregnancy your hormones cause for your hair to be more abundant (but not necessarily to grow faster).  That is because your body is holding on to every nutrient it can to support the growing baby.  Normally you'd be losing your normal amount of hair, but in late pregnancy this process is stopped. 
3-4 months after delivery you will lose a lot of hair - this is the hair that should have been shedded during pregnancy.  Don't worry - you will not go bald! Prenatals have nothing to do with this.

Posted By: julesyjul88
Date Posted: Oct 8, 2006 at 4:46pm
 It is something about the protein and the hormones...the pre-natal pills probably help some,but it is highly a bad idea to keep taking them after or for someone who isnt pregnant to take them.
I took mine for only a few weeks after pregnancy and went for a check up and was told that I had way too much iron from the pre-natal pills and to stop taking them immeaditaely or I could do damage to my organs. Thing is,after the baby is born we dont need all those extra vitamins and too many can be very bad.
Just taking a normal once a day vitamin would seem like a better thing to do.
julesyjul882006-10-08 16:46:47

Posted By: Sakeenah
Date Posted: Oct 18, 2006 at 8:23am
Sakeenah2006-10-26 19:36:56

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