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long hair goals

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
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Topic: long hair goals
Posted By: laststar
Subject: long hair goals
Date Posted: Jun 7, 2005 at 1:45pm
Just thought it would be fun to hear what eveyones long hair goals are.
I know this topic or something similar has come up in the past but I figured we could mention it again. I am at 22 inches and would like to grow it to my waist maybe longer I will have to see.  How about everyone else?

Replies: 56
Posted By: laststar
Date Posted: Jun 7, 2005 at 1:45pm
Just thought it would be fun to hear what eveyones long hair goals are.
I know this topic or something similar has come up in the past but I figured we could mention it again. I am at 22 inches and would like to grow it to my waist maybe longer I will have to see.  How about everyone else?
0 - Ai dape ),4 `b ($0 ` .& !! -$ %-!!-0" '.

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: Jun 7, 2005 at 4:07pm

TLSF, How many inches is waist length for you?

My goals are tailbone as short term goal, mid-thigh (fingertip length, Golden Ratio) as long term goal. And I do plan to get there!  LOL ETA (Tailbone: Jan. 2006 and mid-thigh: Jan. 2007, about 7.5 inches per year) Part of the goal includes having healthy length, cutting off sun damage, and getting rid of some layers. So juch for fairytale ends!


AnaisSatin38510.6765856482 $$ )'```ara $).,`` %*,`r !,,!-- ,,)-% ! " $4

Posted By: laststar
Date Posted: Jun 7, 2005 at 4:23pm
From here 12" inches so about two years 0 - Ai dape ),4 `b ($0 ` .& !! -$ %-!!-0" '.

Posted By: laststar
Date Posted: Jun 7, 2005 at 4:41pm
Oh yea Anais,  fingertip length that will look awesome and your hair is beautiful as well go for it!
good luck
0 - Ai dape ),4 `b ($0 ` .& !! -$ %-!!-0" '.

Posted By: Amazing Grace
Date Posted: Jun 7, 2005 at 6:26pm
I'm still early on the journey at 20 inches, which is just below my shoulders. I'm really not sure how long I want my hair to be - at the very least bra-strap length, but I do have vague thoughts about waist length.

Posted By: ChelseaB
Date Posted: Jun 7, 2005 at 7:02pm
I am at 15 1/2 inches right now, so a little past bra strap length. I am hoping for about another foot in 2 years tops. So altogether about 28 inches. %, Aaf*4`r ,%64"` #0 b` #.--!(%,!%! ,)!,``".

Posted By: Viktoria
Date Posted: Jun 8, 2005 at 9:39am
Well, I set out for "let % C`e adu a - , `b 4(` /.%% -$ ,%$! 8bp ,(

Posted By: laststar
Date Posted: Jun 8, 2005 at 10:27am
I agree, growing it long,  is something you can get hooked on my first goal is 35 inches let's just say. 0 - Ai dape ),4 `b ($0 ` .& !! -$ %-!!-0" '.

Posted By: chgurlsng
Date Posted: Jun 8, 2005 at 10:52am
I'm at about 24 1/2 inches right now.  I want to get to waist length which is about 34 1/2. 

Posted By: Katja
Date Posted: Jun 8, 2005 at 5:23pm
I totally agree with Viktoria here. My short-term goal is waist length (about 27.5" on me) and so far my long-term goal is classic (about 40"), but I have a feeling once I reach classic I'll be growing it to mid-thigh and then maybe even to the floor! Katja38511.730462963 $ Ca'ba dbd $!(,`b $4`r .-% !,$ !%!),, `p #

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jun 11, 2005 at 9:15am
I surpassed my last goal (of 3 inches past "classic" 5+ years ago) and now it's past knee... and rapidly approaching "terminal" (ends thin to nothing).  Curious to find out what "terminal" is.

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: Jun 11, 2005 at 3:27pm
My goal is mid thigh, I think it looks really cool!  But I know once I get there I'll go for knee length because it'll be so close.  I don't suspect I'll go longer than knee length, but that's so many years from now, who knows.  I'll be very happy when my hair finally gets back to my previously favored bsl (which I thought would be sooner but looks like its still going to be ~6 months from now) !)) C ed``d ` %44`r #.,bb $ !,) ! (!) !!$` ,.

Posted By: Karevision
Date Posted: Jun 12, 2005 at 3:54am
Wow, you all wanna go long and I mean looooong. I just want to get to my chest or so at first and been trying for years. I need to stop coloring my hair so much and I have. Just refilling roots now.

Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: Jun 12, 2005 at 6:59am
I'm thinking floor length here, but unless I find a good hair slave or two I probably won't let it get any longer than that.

Posted By: laststar
Date Posted: Jun 12, 2005 at 1:13pm
That is really cool EKatherine it must take a lot of commitment to get it that long.  I was at wallmart yesterday and I saw this lady with hair down to her knees dark brown and silky it was awesome.  Have you ever heard of Leona she is almost to the floor.  good luck 0 - Ai dape ),4 `b ($0 ` .& !! -$ %-!!-0" '.

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: Jun 12, 2005 at 4:04pm
Oh, you'll find wonderful hair slaves before then! They'll be applying in droves. $$ )'```ara $).,`` %*,`r !,,!-- ,,)-% ! " $4

Posted By: shiverpale
Date Posted: Jun 13, 2005 at 12:13pm

i dont really have a goal...i havent had my hair shorter than 35 inches in eons tho. currently my mane just over 37 inches long....

im sitting on the ends, which cant be good at i'll probably get it trimmed back up to 35....

so um....maybe 35 inches is my ideal length....and coz of your interesting question, ive only just found that out!


thanks starfighter!



Asmara x


(% @aab `q d % 2(b` #4 br !,%,$ -$ %--%,,

Posted By: alex
Date Posted: Jun 14, 2005 at 4:51pm

My goal is knee-length hair. I'm only a few inches from that goal. Well, the longest strands are nearly there, but most of my hair isn't. So that's my final goal: get some volume in the ends at knee-length.



Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: Jun 14, 2005 at 11:10pm

WOOOOOOW! You're almost at knee length?!? That's way cool  


$$ )'```ara $).,`` %*,`r !,,!-- ,,)-% ! " $4

Posted By: laststar
Date Posted: Jun 15, 2005 at 6:22pm
Awesome knee length that is some achievment,  Although I think I am with Asmara in going for the 35 inch mark that seems like it will be a good length for me but you never know.  Good luck keep growing. 0 - Ai dape ),4 `b ($0 ` .& !! -$ %-!!-0" '.

Posted By: Kristine391
Date Posted: Jun 16, 2005 at 2:18pm
I'm just aiming for my waist (my hair is tapered, and I would like it all one length along my waist or just slightly above). 

My hair becomes WAY too tangled at any other length, since it's not thick at all.


Posted By: Tyranna
Date Posted: Jun 19, 2005 at 11:46pm
A few years ago I decided to see how long it could go.  For years I had the standard 'long' hairdo - the longest it got was above the bra strap and I never could get the sides to grow long.  I always admired people with a thick length below the bra strap but never could achive it myself.  I realised that as long as I went to stylists, I would never, ever get it long.  So I stopped going and started trimming it myself.

My hair is now past my waist in the back.

My hair is thick, but with a fine texture.  It can have breakage and having some split ends is something that I live with, as long as the ends don't get that fuzzy look.  I do color my hair, and have read that doing so is no great for those with longer hair.  However, it is very close to my natural color, and since I MAY have seen some gray coming in - I will continue to color regardless - lol.  A few years back, I began coloring to my original color so I could stop coloring.  But when I saw he hint of gray, well, I will not tolerate that.  I will not perm though.

Don't think I will go much longer than it is right now.  Reading some of these response, I could never see getting my hair down to my knees.  I keep shorter bangs in the front but the rest of it is long and tapers down the back in a wider 'U' cut.

I love the feel of long hair and get a kick that I have a hair length that other women pay big bucks for fake extensions to achieve the same look.  There is something timeless and classic about longer hair.

Posted By: Viktoria
Date Posted: Jun 20, 2005 at 5:58pm

Originally Posted By: Tyranna d`&$ 4@ d`` e"

Exactly! And welcome - nice to see a new "face" on the board!

 % C`e adu a - , `b 4(` /.%% -$ ,%$! 8bp ,(

Posted By: sakura07
Date Posted: Jun 24, 2005 at 10:34am

My first goal is mid-back  and my second is waist length, I do not know the amount of inches...But I think my main goal is having healthy hair as long as it will grow

Posted By: Vicky
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2005 at 6:02am
My hair is at the moment Bsl but im aming for mid waist. I need to have it trimmed so im looking at another couple of years. As a child I always had my hair to my fingertipps. I have realy thick hair, don

Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2005 at 7:33am
If you're hair is wavy, you could choose layers, as long as you're not planning on wearing your hair up. Layers will keep you from doing a neat updo, and you'll always have pieces popping out when you don't want them to. Short layers won't even stay in a ponytail, which can be really annoying.

If your hair is straight, you should get it blunt cut.

Posted By: Vicky
Date Posted: Jun 26, 2005 at 5:15am
My hair is abit wavy, but I have had it cut straight now and i love it (I cut most if the layers of that i had from before)
Sorry to start asking about other things.
Great thread by the way, you guyes are really growing it long. I don't think i've ever seen anyone with hair to their knees 

Posted By: OceanicDreams
Date Posted: Jun 26, 2005 at 2:15pm


Posted By: yay i win
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2005 at 1:03pm

How are you all measuring your hair? Because it is different lengths, depending on whether you measure it at the top of your head near your part, or the slightly shorter hair underneath it. The hair at the crown of my head measures about 17.5", and the hair beneath it, 15".

Either way, it is roughly boob length right now, and very sad that I cut bangs into it recently. Haha.

So what's the standardized hairboutique measurement technique???

yay i win38533.5452430556( $ )gfa$epa !!$,bb /.,bb #8%!

Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2005 at 3:26pm
You start at the front hairline, measure over the back of the head and down to the ends of the shortest layer.

If you have different lengths, you can say something like, my shortest layer is x, and my longest layer is x. Or x inches long when dry, stretched out is x.

Posted By: Tyranna
Date Posted: Jul 5, 2005 at 11:28pm
Originally Posted By: Viktoria< 4@@( ```` 

Exactly! And welcome - nice to see a new "face" on the board!


Thanks - glad to be here.

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jul 10, 2005 at 4:23pm
Belated welcome greetings to Tyranna, Oceanic Dreams, and "yay i win"

Oceanic, thank you for showing your photo of your very beautiful hair!

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: Jul 12, 2005 at 12:27pm
I'm posting for Jennifer once again (we just uploaded a new avatar).  She has had long hair most of her life and it was below waist length several years ago.  After a short cut after a bad relationship, she's growing it long once again and is reaching for at least waist length once again and I don't think she'll stop there.  Oh, and regarding the topic of touching hair ... how can one resist?!  I brush it for her at least every morning and night and am the sole volunteer as shampoo (well C.O.) buddy.  I love to touch her hair and can't keep my hands out of it :-). 

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: Jul 12, 2005 at 12:32pm
One more thing .... I see that several people have larger pics at the bottom of each message as a signature.  How is this done?  Is it done as part of the signature?  Do you have to have the picture available on a website somewhere and put a link to it or do you upload the picture to the signature box somehow?  Thanks in advance!

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: Jul 12, 2005 at 12:49pm
I think I figured it out, so I'll give it a try with this post.  **fingers crossed**

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: Jul 12, 2005 at 12:51pm

ETA: Whoops! You got it!

Pictures have to be hosted by some sort of "image hosting provider" such as Photobucket,, or Imageshack. will let you load pictures without signing up. You just browse, then click "Host it" and scroll down when the page is finished loading. It will give you a URL. For people who are looking to load a lot of photos for different reasons, then a free hosting account is really cool.

Anyway, so you take the URL and add it to your signature as an IMG tag. (click on Add Image, put the URL between the [ IMG ] tags ) 

 Hope this helps!


AnaisSatin38545.536412037 $$ )'```ara $).,`` %*,`r !,,!-- ,,)-% ! " $4

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: Jul 12, 2005 at 1:11pm
Thanks Anais for the quick response.  I'm actually hosting this picture from my own webserver at work.  It shouldn't get a lot of traffic so I should be ok hosting it from there.

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: Jul 12, 2005 at 1:16pm
Cool! and Jennifer has totally gorgeous hair too. I just tried the sig pic thingy myself. This is such a cool board feature. $$ )'```ara $).,`` %*,`r !,,!-- ,,)-% ! " $4

Posted By: chunt1023
Date Posted: Jul 12, 2005 at 1:44pm

my goal is to be at my breast, about 16 inches. i am just below my shoulders now in the back and just above my sholders in the front (i have a mini mullet, kinda but i use clip on extensions so it's cool) with alot, i mean alot of layers. i had a girl put way to many layers in my hair and now the ends are see through. once i reach my goal i hope to have something like this .. just like 6 inches longer

Posted By: laststar
Date Posted: Aug 5, 2005 at 10:17pm
Tiffany Thiesin,  I think she looked better on saved by the bell. 0 - Ai dape ),4 `b ($0 ` .& !! -$ %-!!-0" '.

Posted By: LongBraidz
Date Posted: Aug 6, 2005 at 10:51am

My short term hair growth goal is to my bra strap.

My next hair growth goal is to my waist.

My "coming into the home stretch" hair growth goal is to my butt.

and FINALLY my long term hair growth goal is to the back of my knees...just like DaveDecker. He is definantly an inspiration!!!!

chemicals and scissors are the enemy

- A` nat p` $ 4(` !24` %,)%($! $- $%%, `b "

Posted By: crazylady
Date Posted: Aug 6, 2005 at 11:39am
i would love to have long hair. as a kid, my grandmother always made me keep it short, and then i started messing around with haircolor, so even as an adult i cant seem to grow it. and i dont know how to give up my blow dryer, which i know kills your hair. i would love to have it down to my waist, or so. any idea how long it should take it i just trim the ends regularly?

Posted By: AmberJune
Date Posted: Aug 6, 2005 at 12:38pm
I am currently at 21 inches.... My goal is to BSL.  I don't plan on going any further than that because my hair is very thin and fine.  It is so hard getting it to grow even now without looking stringy and so forth.  (- RHena `d (.,`r $4$b" /,-- % %,% !

Posted By: LongBraidz
Date Posted: Aug 6, 2005 at 12:41pm

Hi crazylady,

you CAN have long just have to want it bad enough!!!! You have to be committed and set a goal which you already have of waist length hair. Be a little more reasonable on yourself and perhaps try for bra length hair at first. You also have to make sacrifices. Why is a blow dryer so important to you? Hair usually grows about 1/2 an inch a month...that is 6 inches a year. Remember...each year adds up and before you know it your hair should reach your desired length.

- A` nat p` $ 4(` !24` %,)%($! $- $%%, `b "

Posted By: crazylady
Date Posted: Aug 6, 2005 at 1:24pm

hi longbraidz

thanks for the comments. i guess i am afraid of what i will look like if i stop blow drying. my hair is very disobedient, and likes to do different things all over. i wish it would just hang straighter. maybe its the layers, cuz they have to be blowdried.

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Aug 7, 2005 at 4:03pm
Thank you, Longbraidz! 

Welcome, crazylady!  What is your hair's texture?  Might it be "disobedient" because of summertime humidity?  And how long is your hair now?

Posted By: crazylady
Date Posted: Aug 7, 2005 at 4:14pm

hi dave

my hair is pretty short right now. its a layered cut, the tops about 5in, and the very bottom is around 3. i have reddish brown hair, slightly wavy, and very thick. i know the humidity makes it worse, but its dry from coloring. a few months ago i had it dyed to my natural color, so i wont have to maintain it. i just want it to grow long and healthy. i am just working on conditioning it alot until all the colored parts are trimmed off. BTW, your hair is GORGEOUS!

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Aug 7, 2005 at 5:36pm
Thank you for your kind compliment, crazylady. 

Deep conditioning, and oil (jojoba is my favorite) might help your hair.  HTH!

Posted By: crazylady
Date Posted: Aug 7, 2005 at 5:50pm
thank you dave. i will look into getting jojoba right away

Posted By: LongBraidz
Date Posted: Aug 7, 2005 at 6:14pm

Hi crazylady,

now that I know what hair type you have I can relate. I also have very thick and dry hair with layers growing out. As DaveDecker suggested the jojoba oil is great!!!! I NEVER blow dry my hair...EVER! I simply use either jojoba oil or Weleda rosemary hair oil. I usually apply it to my damp hair after I get out of the shower and believe it or not my hair lays almost straight and the oils makes it feel so soft.

- A` nat p` $ 4(` !24` %,)%($! $- $%%, `b "

Posted By: crazylady
Date Posted: Aug 8, 2005 at 10:47am
i looked for jojoba at the store last night...didn't find it. do i need to go to a special store? or online?

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: Aug 8, 2005 at 1:40pm

You could try Mystify Your Senses or Emporium Naturals, or Mountain Rose Herbs . I've had good experiences with all of their customer service. Jojoba oil would be listed under "carrier oils", "base oils", or "fixed oils".


$$ )'```ara $).,`` %*,`r !,,!-- ,,)-% ! " $4

Posted By: Tiramisu2c
Date Posted: Aug 8, 2005 at 7:41pm
1) Have you reached your goal length?
HaHa, I wish!  That would be some sort of miracle, wouldn't it?  LOL, I only started on my goal two days ago when I got my hair butchered .

2) If not, what is your goal length / are your goal lengths?  (In other words, do you have a short-term goal and a longer, long-term goal?)
My Short-term is Shoulder-Length while my Long-Term is BSL!  CAN'T WAIT! 

3) What is your present length?
Chin-Length  .  Haha, I'll make it...Thanks to all of you!  
Present Length: 

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Aug 8, 2005 at 7:47pm
Tiramisu... hmm... I'm hungry for dessert now  

Posted By: kimberlily
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2005 at 4:34pm

I started off in the spring of 2002 with a short razored cut (thanks to the 3rd trimester pregnancy blahs - decided to chop off my 20" length hair in favour of a funky style that would be "easier" to manage with a baby... HAH!). Now it is about the same length, and I'm trying for 24". I have some layers to get rid of, and I'm growing out my bangs which now reach the end of my nose, so they drive me nuts. Not long enough to stay behind my ears, and always in my eyes. I need a trim badly though, so I'm thinking I may have to get about 1 or 1.5" cut off. It will help me with my goal of getting rid of the layers, at least

My problem right now is that I was colouring my hair, which of course, has made it dry. We also have hard water in the city we live in now (moved in Dec/04) so that isn't helping me any. I'm on the hunt for a really fabulous conditioner. I already use a shampoo with no sulfates, so what I really need is a conditioner. I do a homemade hot oil treatment which is a mixture of olive and macadamia oils and my hair is manageable for a couple of days after, but as soon as I wash it, it goes haywire again, since I haven't found a magic elixir yet.


Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2005 at 6:56am
Hi Kimberlily, as far as your hard water, try either doing a final rinse with cool bottled water, or a very dilute vinegar rinse to help remove the mineral buildup.  (I say very dilute because even though hair can take not-so-dilute, I don't know what it will do to your dye...maybe someone else here has experience with vinegar on dyed hair).

Edited to say:  To give you an idea, I use 1Tbsp of vinegar in 1 cup of water, so even on undyed hair I dilute a lot. (some others dilute less)

Susan W38582.2904166667 !)) C ed``d ` %44`r #.,bb $ !,) ! (!) !!$` ,.

Posted By: CrazyGirl
Date Posted: Aug 19, 2005 at 6:38pm
Hi crazylady, I'm CrazyGirl...  $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,$),,!%% (,`b ."

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