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Worst Asian Hair ever! (pic)

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Asian Hair
Forum Description: Devoted to the special hair needs of people of Asian descent
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Topic: Worst Asian Hair ever! (pic)
Posted By: mintychoc
Subject: Worst Asian Hair ever! (pic)
Date Posted: May 20, 2005 at 11:28am

take a look at my hair..this is AFTER putting antifrizz cream..does anyone have any suggestions on good anti frizz creams.i thought about straightening it, but since curly genes are rare among asians....

the question, if these were your hair, what will you do with it?

i intend to cut it soon too..but have no idea on the style, how to cut etc. any suggestions..doesn't matter what style,as long as it's long (don't want short hair) coz i want to have nice curls like the pictures.. i just want to look presentable with my hair down (currently i go everywhere in a ponytail)..i really need help, please!

also, for better curl tips, is it okay if i post this in the curly section too?

Replies: 35
Posted By: mintychoc
Date Posted: May 20, 2005 at 11:28am

take a look at my hair..this is AFTER putting antifrizz cream..does anyone have any suggestions on good anti frizz creams.i thought about straightening it, but since curly genes are rare among asians....

the question, if these were your hair, what will you do with it?

i intend to cut it soon too..but have no idea on the style, how to cut etc. any suggestions..doesn't matter what style,as long as it's long (don't want short hair) coz i want to have nice curls like the pictures.. i just want to look presentable with my hair down (currently i go everywhere in a ponytail)..i really need help, please!

also, for better curl tips, is it okay if i post this in the curly section too?

Posted By: The Asian Invasion
Date Posted: May 20, 2005 at 5:10pm

Don't worry, frizz is NOT a rare problem among Asians. Are you shampooing your hair everyday? What kinds of conditioners are you using? I have very coarse Asian hair, so I put heavy conditioners (even if they're the rinse-off kinds) on my hair to weigh down frizz. Then try to buy from coconut or jojoba oil to smooth over hair. Just one or two drops will be great!

[edit] Sorry, I forgot to mention silicones. I used conditioners that contain them, as most conditioners do. But you may have build up, which you remove by using a vinegar rinse. =P

I'm not the expert. You may wish to wait a little over a week for Anais to return where she can answer all your Asian Hair Questions.

The Asian Invasion38492.7186111111

Posted By: mintychoc
Date Posted: May 20, 2005 at 9:10pm
i am only shampooing my hair twice a week, with Dove because apparently it's more mosturising?  my hair is dry, coarse and my friends say it, it's not even's just a bunch of frizz..i live in a tropical country, so that might contribute to the frizz too..

Posted By: mysticaldodo
Date Posted: May 21, 2005 at 12:12am
I think your Dove is the problem. Try a different brand and see if anything changes. I use Redken All Soft and felt that it left some build up in my hair to make it feel soft but it might work nicely for your hair. You can try to use serum containing silicones. I do not think its possible to remove silicones completely. Even the water soluble ones will build up eventually (at least thats what I feel with my hair).

Posted By: mintychoc
Date Posted: May 21, 2005 at 4:41am

i don't think it is the shampoo, coz i change shampoos regularly (before this using ginvera)....Redken products are only sold in saloons, not convenience much is that Redken All Soft?? (i'm from Malaysia too, so you can give the price in RM)

Serum containing silicones? what's that? Any suggested brands??

as a side note, i'm using the Dove conditioner too..

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: May 21, 2005 at 1:56pm
Hi Mintychoc,

Even though you only wash your hair twice per week, you may still be drying it out.  I live in a subtropical climate (central Florida) and I shampoo my hair only once per week (using very diluted shampoo, no less).  When I used to wash my hair too often - like 3 times per week - it stripped out all the oils, and the humidity took ahold of my hair and made it frizzy.

I'm not sure that the Antifrizz creams probably are helping.  They probably weigh your hair down (and make it appear less wavy, right?) but don't address the base problem.

You may want to get some oil (jojoba is an excellent choice) and work a bit of it into your hair.  Less is more (a little goes a long way).  And I would recommend keeping as much length as possible, because the length will (to some extent) help control the frizz.

By all means, you are welcome to post your query on the curly board too.


Posted By: mintychoc
Date Posted: May 21, 2005 at 7:19pm

i think i'm going to try using oils from now on.........and only shampooing once..thanks for your reply!

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: May 22, 2005 at 10:43am
Sure thing.  Let us know how the changes work for you.

Posted By: mysticaldodo
Date Posted: May 22, 2005 at 11:50am

I bought All Soft for RM 40 from a salon. I even bought the Heavy cream and Hair Addictive. Its not working, just coating my hair and making it feel heavy and rough. I change my once a week conditioner to Phyto Sesame Masque and the improvement was tremendous. Buy from Hair Supply store, I'm sure you can get it cheaper. Bear in mind that Malaysia is a very hot and humid place where pollution can affect your scalp (depending where you live).

You can follow Dave's advice. I use to use jojoba oil as a styling product to keep stray away hairs down and find it easier to apply then wax. I'm sporting a bed head spiky style so the bottles of oil is laying to waste

Posted By: mintychoc
Date Posted: May 22, 2005 at 8:43pm

erm..if i shampoo less (only once a week), should i still use conditioner everytime i wet my hair?

also, apply jojoba oil after washing hair when the hair is dry or still damp??

edit: where's the Hair Supply store?? i've never heard of it before..


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: May 23, 2005 at 5:51pm
I'd suggest gradually increasing the interval (between shampooing your hair).  Switching suddenly from once every 3 days to once a week will  probably result in lank hair by day 5.  Try increasing the interval by a day (or even a half a day) at a time.

If you dampen or wet your hair between shampoo days, I personally wouldn't advise re-conditioning.  But you could always experiment to find what works best for you.

Always apply jojoba ("ho-ho-ba") oil to dry hair.  Otherwise you won't know how much your hair needs and it's easy to over-do.

Beauty supply stores (especially stores labeled in the United States as "natural") should carry it.  Not sure where this might be sold in Malaysia or elsewhere in southeast Asia.  Ask storekeepers for help, perhaps?

Posted By: The Asian Invasion
Date Posted: May 23, 2005 at 6:27pm
Originally Posted By: mintychoc<4`",&$` a``a

I don't ever wet my hair unless I intend to shampoo because I don't like the friction that my wet hair created against eachother in its weakened state. I just pull it up in a bun to keep it from getting wet as much as possible (it works for me because I have one of those shower heads that detatch from the wall and spray water where I want it to).

For oils, you could try an E-store that ships internationally. It's much cheaper that way because many E-stores are like giant warehouses that they just ship out.

Posted By: mintychoc
Date Posted: May 26, 2005 at 6:49am

i tried not washing my hair that often, but by day 4 my scalp gets itchy..and i just have to wash it, then the itchyness goes away..

i have not tried jojoba oil yet, but i found a bottle of olive oil for hair in my house..i couldn't find jojoba oil in the stores, will be going to pharmacy tomorrow to check it out...but will olive oil do? or is jojoba oil better?

i'm not sure on how much to actually put, should my hair feel smooth coz that would be putting almost 5-6 i rub it into my hair, or just smooth it on the surface?


Posted By: mysticaldodo
Date Posted: May 26, 2005 at 11:31am

You should wash your hair when your scalp gets itchy.

Get jojoba oil from aromateraphy stores. I bought mine from Scents City for RM 80 (rm 99 discount) but Scents city seems to have close down.

Try a light conditioner when you wet your hair but don't intent to shampoo it?

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: May 26, 2005 at 5:40pm
Mintychoc - put a few drops (even 5-6 on the palm of your hand and rub the palms of your hands together.  There should be a very thin coating of oil on your palms.  Gently smooth your hands (fingers closed together) over the outer layer of your hair (start at the crown and go down to the ends).  Repeat on the under side.  Then open your fingers and stroke through your hair from top to bottom, and repeatedly rake until the oil is transferred from your hands to your hair.  Reassess;  repeat the process with one or two drops of oil if it's still a bit dry.

And yes, wash your hair when your scalp is itchy.  Focus the shampoo on the scalp.  Hold the ends of your hair up when you rinse so that the shampoo doesn't go through the ends.  The idea is to try to minimize the shampoo exposure to your mid-shafts and ends.

Posted By: mintychoc
Date Posted: May 27, 2005 at 10:41am

there aren't any aromatherapy stores in my area. However, i went to Guardian yesterday, and i saw a "cuticle cover with Vitamin E and Jojoba Oil" would you think that is the same? It costs Rm31.90 with a 20%'s liquid, not cream..looks a bit like oil to me..

Everyone, thanks for all your help! i intend to use your advices as soon as i find a bottle of jojoba oil!

edit: i can't buy online because of conservative parents. i checked out that product above again (Cuticle cover) it contains two "..-cone" ending products...should i get it??


Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: May 30, 2005 at 11:37pm

I'm back, and I need to butt in.

DON'T try oil yet.

Find the perfect washing routine first. I learned this the hard way, after spending oodles of money on my favorite oils, only to use them for my skin instead (after switching to a Conditioner-Only routine without oils). Oils are not a miracle cure. I used oils from June through November and it helped a lot, but that was over several months. Now most of the oils sit in the closet. I think the first thing you want to do is find the gentlest washing method possible, that still cleans your hair. In general: the less shampoo involved, the gentler the method.

I think your hair type would be best suited to a C-COW-C or CO routine (Conditioner Only, no shampoo). ETA I also think that shea butter could help you with flyaway or misbehaving hair. Use only a teeny bit, rubbed between the palms, and stroked through the length. Best thing is to braid after applying shea.

There's a big transition period between shampoo and no-shampoo. The steps are as follows:

WC (wash, condition)

CWC (using a light conditioner like Suave Naturals or V05 before "wash, condition")

C-COW-C (see Medusa)

CO (Conditioner Only) light conditioners diluted in water, massaged into scalp, rinsed out, final application of your usual conditioner.

The methods are in greater detail in Medusa's Lair, but I just wanted to add my thoughts here.




AnaisSatin38502.9853125 $$ )'```ara $).,`` %*,`r !,,!-- ,,)-% ! " $4

Posted By: mintychoc
Date Posted: May 31, 2005 at 7:26am

Thanks for your comments!! However, I am worried that CO might not work as said in the earlier posts, my scalp gets itchy easily.

Shea Butter, that sounds familiar.  I'll try that too and see. I've seen your website, and it's cool how you can grow your hair up to so long and still have it look ravishing!

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: May 31, 2005 at 1:02pm

Thank you Mintychoc

As I said, there are many different washing methods. C-COW-C still involves shampoo, or at least diluting your shampoo. It's still very cleansing, with all the benefits of CO. Most people who don't have luck with CO tend to use C-COW-C or CWC.

Do you clarify often?

ETA: I itch too, VERY severely if I don't do something about it. I have an overactive metabolism, overactive shed rate, growth rate, healing rate, and "dead skin" production rate. For that reason, I have to degunk my scalp more often. I do this with other things besides shampoo. The only reason CO doesn't work for some people; is that it's not exfoliating. CO doesn't remove enough scalp gunk just by itself. It takes one or more of the following:

vinegar rinse (after the first conditioner)

brown sugar scalp scrub during the hairwash

scritching the scalp in the shower to remove gunk

dry-combing the scalp with a medium-tooth comb.

There probably other ways to remove scalp gunk and prevent itch as well, but they are little known. Some Indian herbs can also help degrease and remove dead skin. Some people use clay, although I don't know enough about clay washing to help you here.

Hugs and blessings


AnaisSatin38503.5557060185 $$ )'```ara $).,`` %*,`r !,,!-- ,,)-% ! " $4

Posted By: mintychoc
Date Posted: Jun 1, 2005 at 7:45am

Well, actually. I have never clarified my hair before. Any vinegar from the store will do? Cooking vinegar?

Can the conditioner i mix with the shampoo (COW) be the same conditioner as the last step? (C)

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: Jun 1, 2005 at 11:54am

I think most people clarify with ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) because it smells better than regular vinegar. Some people have had good luck with rice vinegar (a little milder than ACV) or red wine vinegar for redheads. Other people swear it's a hair color thing: they use lighter colored vinegar for lighter hair. I use ACV because it's readily available in bulk

As for the C, if you wish. Usually the last C is pricier than the C in the COW. For this reason I like to mix any cheapie conditioner into the COW. (as long as it's silicone free. Scalps don't seem to like silicone)

Hope this helps


$$ )'```ara $).,`` %*,`r !,,!-- ,,)-% ! " $4

Posted By: mintychoc
Date Posted: Jun 4, 2005 at 12:26pm
Yes, thank you so much!

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jul 5, 2005 at 8:37pm
So how's the scalp and hair these days, Mintychoc? 

Posted By: Jade30
Date Posted: Jul 11, 2005 at 1:48am

There's a chance that it might not even be the shampoo that she is using. It might be the weather and the water. When I lived in Hong Kong (97-2k), it was the worst three hair years of my life. There were sooooo many chemicals in the water it was not funny. :(

Posted By: Yoshiki
Date Posted: Jul 18, 2005 at 12:26pm
Hi , why don't you try herbal essences moisturizing shampoo. the one I had was purple color bottle with avacado/blackberry/mango.  I have asian coarse curly hair and this shampoo tames frizz so good.  Try rinsing with cold water too when you're done. Paul mitchell conditioners work good too for conditioning.

Posted By: mintychoc
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005 at 10:16pm

At the moment, I layered my hair in a "U" shape, It seemed better for around 2 weeks, but after that, my hair went back to being frizzy but it looks more manageable than the first picture. I still do not have the confidence to let it down, but it looks much nicer in a ponytail. I use this product called "cuticle cover" which contains some jojoba oil (couldn't find jojoba oil in its pure form) and it makes my hair appear less dry.

I also use the conditioner+shampoo, then conditioner method. I'm not sure whether it makes any difference yet, but I'm going to keep using this method and see.

I tried using herbal essences shampoo before Yoshiki, it doesn't work on my hair.

I do think that the weather plays a very important part, as it's rather hot over here and my hair frizzes up in the heat. If I should stay in an air conditioned room, my hair will frizz as minimally as possible. However, my other straight haired friends retain their glossy straight frizz-less hair even in the hottest day of the week.

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2005 at 1:03am

Hang in there Mintychoc! Good to hear your hair has been more manageable. Weather does indeed play an important part. Here's to a quick passing of the warm humid season.

a happy day to you


$$ )'```ara $).,`` %*,`r !,,!-- ,,)-% ! " $4

Posted By: lana
Date Posted: Aug 20, 2005 at 6:07pm

try crede at shampoo with the crede er treatment. it's supposed to work
really well with curly hair to smooth it out...i use crede ft and i like it a lot.

Posted By: makeitafrappe
Date Posted: Sep 9, 2005 at 11:01pm
:::looks at pic::

Hey look, it's my hair.
Except I pin it into a bun, not a ponytail.

Ever tried Mane 'n Tail?
It's originally for horses, but it's been used, sold and advertsized for people.

It's worked somewhat well for me: soft, not as tangly, not as frizzy and with a subtle shine-not bad, eh?

! % Ah d`d$"$!!. B` ,

Posted By: Silver
Date Posted: Sep 10, 2005 at 4:30pm
WOW, some amazing HAIR pictures, I want to see some more ,LOTS more  , S ch`d be ( (b` %20`r ($$ (--%%%,(!)0`r #2

Posted By: LostForever
Date Posted: Sep 11, 2005 at 3:36pm
I use Catwalk by TIGI curl defining shampoo & conditioner but since I
have an oily scalp I am forced to shampoo every other day and only use
conditioner below my ears.

Catwalk products have Curly hair Shampoo, Conditioner, Leave-In,
Booster and Amplifier. Maybe they'll make your hair look a little less like
a pile of frizz?

Posted By: fawnsweet
Date Posted: Sep 21, 2005 at 5:16pm

I dont really have much of a feedback except when i saw Dave's hair pic i was like... damnn!!!!!  That is a LOT of hair.


all good though...  

Peace people.. fawnsweet


 )! Pig a`a`d !20

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Oct 1, 2005 at 7:44pm
Originally Posted By: fawnsweet< 4@ $'$` 0$````

Awww!  Thank you, fawnsweet! 

BTW, nice blacklight photo of your dazzling teeth.

Posted By: fawnsweet
Date Posted: Oct 3, 2005 at 1:13am

Yeah aren't they great...and they were on sale! just kiddin...


 )! Pig a`a`d !20

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Oct 13, 2005 at 7:40pm
Originally Posted By: fawnsweet< 4@$ ` $. ` d`
$39.99 crest white strips?  or much dinero at the dentist, perhaps?

Posted By: Sk8RcH1cK1773
Date Posted: Nov 14, 2005 at 8:13pm
Well i have wavy/frizzy hair (i am asian too btw) so i always like use straightener and after that i use hair spary that is like extra quick dry and use like Herbal Essensce frizz control gel spray cuz i dont really like hair spray smell and that Herbal Esessensce cover that spray smell and also is frizz control - @a fapd` -% ,`b $ ` .$ % !-,, %$ 4b .$

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