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What a mess

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Topic: What a mess
Posted By: andiee0
Subject: What a mess
Date Posted: Apr 23, 2005 at 1:38pm

hi, my name is Annmarie

My daughter who is 14 decided to dye her hair with a semi-permanate hair color, it is finally starting to come out, this has been since december, it is jet black, of course I told her she has too light of a complextion to do this, but she did not listen, now she wants to remove it, any advice would be great, i refuse to bleach it out!! please help me


Replies: 9
Posted By: andiee0
Date Posted: Apr 23, 2005 at 1:38pm

hi, my name is Annmarie

My daughter who is 14 decided to dye her hair with a semi-permanate hair color, it is finally starting to come out, this has been since december, it is jet black, of course I told her she has too light of a complextion to do this, but she did not listen, now she wants to remove it, any advice would be great, i refuse to bleach it out!! please help me

,- Rie

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: Apr 26, 2005 at 2:49pm
If you want to try things around the house, you can try Dawn dishwashing liquid (washing her hair with it repeatedly), or mixing baking soda with some shampoo (mix it 50/50) and washing her hair with that.  Neither of these is guaranteed to work, but that's about all you can try at home without going for color removing chemicals and redyeing (in which case, a trip to a salon would probably be easier).

If you try what I mentioned, her hair will be very dried out afterwards and stripped of all of it's moisture.  You will have to condition it really well afterwards (a good at home deep conditioner is mayonnaise (not low fat, not miracle whip) on her hair for an hour, then wash out and condition as usual).

Hope this helps, but there are no guarantees.  Black can be hard stuff to get out.

!)) C ed``d ` %44`r #.,bb $ !,) ! (!) !!$` ,.

Posted By: andiee0
Date Posted: Apr 27, 2005 at 9:17am

Hi Susan,

I remember when I went to beauty school a long time ago, we used ajax, thank god, it did not dry out her hair, but what it did do was I think help the black come out a little more, I can see where her hair color from before is coming back, she has golden brown hair, I warned her not to black, it would be too hard, she has a light complextion, but you know mom is always wrong.  Thank You for taking the time to respond to my post.



,- Rie

Posted By: TanglesRC
Date Posted: Apr 27, 2005 at 12:53pm

well first off thank god she didnt use permanent color. there is a professional product called lift out. Its mixed with 20 vol developer and you go under dryer for 20 mins and it lifts out one level of color. purhaps you could go to a salon and see if they could use this,

or just call around first.

it will fade out soon though.

), Ahg `dapd , .,` % $ ` $)-%,,, , ,"

Posted By: andiee0
Date Posted: Apr 27, 2005 at 7:55pm

thank you for your advice, but all the salon's around her want to do is strip her hair, bleach it out and i will not let them do that to her hair, she is too young, I have a site saved where I was reading reviews of hair products and i will try one from there.  Thank you.



,- Rie

Posted By: TanglesRC
Date Posted: Apr 28, 2005 at 2:26pm
good idea- no do not use stripper or bleach! ), Ahg `dapd , .,` % $ ` $)-%,,, , ,"

Posted By: andiee0
Date Posted: Apr 28, 2005 at 6:09pm

I am so afraid of what will happen to her hair, I know what bleach can do, I went to beauty school and I can remember coming home each week with a different color in my hair, only did it once as highlights and would never do it again, there was a product that I read about on line to take the color out that will not damage her hair, so I have to wait and see what happens, but thank you to everyone who responded to me, I am all ears, if someone can come up with a different idea, please let me know.



,- Rie

Posted By: TanglesRC
Date Posted: Apr 29, 2005 at 1:32am

there is a prpofessional product called level out, its mixed with equal parts of level out and 20 vol developer you apply it and go under the dryer for no less then 20 mins. it DOES work! it will take out one to two levels of color and leaves the hair in good shape. Maybe they sell it near you- what state do u live in. could even try ebay

good luck

), Ahg `dapd , .,` % $ ` $)-%,,, , ,"

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: Apr 29, 2005 at 7:18am
Be aware that with color removers, they take out the dye, but if permanent dye has been used, the peroxide in it will have lightened or yellowed the hair slightly.  What I'm saying is you can use color removers that only have a little peroxide in them to try to remove it (so they aren't that bad for hair), but it still may take a few times of doing it since it was permanent black, and what you get will likely be an orange or yellow color that was not her natural color because of the peroxide in the dye she used.  After color removal, people usually have to dye over it again to get it a natural looking color.  !)) C ed``d ` %44`r #.,bb $ !,) ! (!) !!$` ,.

Posted By: andiee0
Date Posted: Apr 29, 2005 at 11:13am


She did not use a permanant color, this was semi-permanant color, which is just starting to wash out now since December.  If you know of any products that will work to take it out with, let me know, Thanks,


,- Rie

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