Welcome One & All
Printed From: HairBoutique.com
Category: Beauty Talk Forum Name: Perfumery Forum Description: Aromas and scents - favs and finds URL: /forum_posts.php?TID=28210
Printed Date: Dec 26, 2024 at 12:01pm
Topic: Welcome One & All
Posted By: Karen Shelton Subject: Welcome One & All Date Posted: Jun 8, 2003 at 7:53pm
Welcome to the place to talk about perfume. I have been addicted since I was a freshman in HS and the woman next store wore Shalimar and it smelled so awesome. Of course it was more than I could afford (working part time in the local hospital) but one Christmas she gave me my very own bottle. Which I cherished forever. That was it for me.
Thank you all for requesting this board. I have had so many nice emails about it.
Let the perfume chat begin. :-)
Best wishes, Karen
------------- That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)
Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: Jun 8, 2003 at 7:53pm
Welcome to the place to talk about perfume. I have been addicted since I was a freshman in HS and the woman next store wore Shalimar and it smelled so awesome. Of course it was more than I could afford (working part time in the local hospital) but one Christmas she gave me my very own bottle. Which I cherished forever. That was it for me.
Thank you all for requesting this board. I have had so many nice emails about it.
Let the perfume chat begin. :-)
Best wishes, Karen !$ Shab` dbe ,%4 b` , 8bp - )%! )-% !$ -,$`r /2