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breast implants

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Topic: breast implants
Posted By: princessmonica
Subject: breast implants
Date Posted: Jun 8, 2003 at 6:14pm
how many women here have implants or thinking about breast implants? i do. infact i had them done 3 times. i consider myself a guru of breast implants. if you have any questions ask me

------------- -

Replies: 99
Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Jun 8, 2003 at 6:14pm
how many women here have implants or thinking about breast implants? i do. infact i had them done 3 times. i consider myself a guru of breast implants. if you have any questions ask me $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.

Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: Jun 8, 2003 at 7:51pm
Hi Princess,

Thank you so much for the info. Did you go to the same doc for all? Are they silicone or some other material? Any problems with scarring?

Wow. Thanks again for sharing.

Karen !$ Shab` dbe ,%4 b` , 8bp - )%! )-% !$ -,$`r /2

Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Jun 8, 2003 at 8:30pm
i went to the same dr. he in my opinion is the BEST!!! i have saline. i didn't go with silicone because it is more. i think they look just as good as silicone. funny when i woke up from my last surgery i thought he put silicone by accident because we did talk about it. they felt so soft! my scare i can't see. it's under the crease of my breast. you may be wodering if he is the best why did i do it 3 times which is a good question. i had the tear drop at first. then i still wanted them bigger. then i wanted them more together[see wedding pic, i finally got it!] so i switch to round implants.
$- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.

Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 8, 2003 at 10:47pm
Wow princessmonica!!! Three times!

I am petite, have a pretty good figure I think, and my breasts are about right for my size, but of course I have thought about having larger breasts,-(what women hasn't!!!)-.
Part of me wants to be very, very sexy, -(and I think I'm sexy now, but even more so)-!..... As attractive as humanely possible, and having a "barbie doll body", you know big breasts, a little waist and nice hips, is something many of us dream of.

I have a couple of concerns;-( money isn't one of them. Kathy Ann my partner is the breadwinner in our family and has said she would pay for me to have implants if I wanted them)-.

One concern is- I have heard that if they leak-( silicon implants that is)- it could create health problems.
Another concern is that if I don't go with silicon and choose saline, which I heard ARE safe, that saline implants don't feel like real breasts, they are usually harder and don't really feel realistic.
I , in fact, know this to be true, because being bisexual when I was younger -( before I was with Kathy)-, I slept with women who had implants and some of them didn't feel like real breasts, at least not to me. That bothers me a little, I like a breast that feels natural, if possible.

I also am concerned with how Kathy will react to me. We have a great relationship, and she loves me and my body the way it is. I'm sure she would like me with larger breasts too, but the old adage,"If it ain't broke don't fix it", may apply with me.

Still it is a fascinating idea.
I have seen short, petite women like myself with large breasts and they are VERY SEXY!!!

Concerning my concerns, do you think, Princessmonica and Karen, that they are vaild?

Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Jun 8, 2003 at 11:41pm
tina i'm petite too and i love my implants. of course having concerns is valid. the number 1 thing i can not stress enough is GO TO A GOOD DR.!
i ask my husband how they feel and he thinks they feel real. some get them overly to big when they don't have any breast tissue. i think this cause them not to feel real. the tear drop impant doesn't feel as real beacaue they are heavy at the bottom. this was also my fustration when i got implants. i kept hearing tear drop looked more real. [it slopes] well if it gets to heavy it can ''bottom out'' meaning not to scare people, the implant can rip through the skin. so my dr. was worried if i kept going bigger the heavier the implant would be it could ''bottom out'' my only 2 options was silicone or round saline. i was skeptical but i went to the round saline. i was so happy i did! they looked better and felt better! after my surgery i felt them a little and they were soft! i had my mom and nurses feel. they couldn't believe it! my dr. stretch my breast pockets so they would be soft. meaning it made room for the bigger implant.
as far as what kathyann woud think. number 1 talk it over with her. [i was single at the time.] see what she has to say. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.

Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 9, 2003 at 12:37am
Unless someone has lost a breast to cancer or is abnormally small, I find it sad that women feel that they are so inadequate that they would submit to cutting themselves open for the sake of vanity.

Here's the problem -- when so many women artificially wear fake breasts, then natural women look unnaturally small. It's kind of like fake dyes in food. When so much dye is used, we get used to what the fake color is like so that real color of food looks artificial.

I am 100% totally natural. I'm not a cow, but I'm not as flat as a boy. Thankfully, I have no abnormalities and am extremely grateful for excellent health and healthy self-esteem to appreciate what nature gave me.

Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Jun 9, 2003 at 10:58am
Originally Posted By: Jennifer"d`" 0B$$.`` ` 2
jenifer you can have your views. a lot of women get implants after they have kids. saging, loss of volume etc. some women just want to have their breast size back. for me i don't feel i'm vain. i felt one was a little bigger than the other. it bothered me. i felt my breast were looking smaller to me. i didn't like how i was looking in certain tops. again i did it for myself. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.

Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 9, 2003 at 1:28pm
>>>>a lot of women get implants after they have kids. saging, loss of volume etc. some women just want to have their breast size back. for me i don't feel i'm vain. i felt one was a little bigger than the other. it bothered me. i felt my breast were looking smaller to me. i didn't like how i was looking in certain tops. again i did it for myself.

You're right; a lot of women are surgically altering their bodies, and it's no wonder you didn't feel good about yourself when so many artificial breasts are held up as the ideal.

I'll bet a lot of women don't even know that breasts are supposed to slope down a bit as we age!! The problem is that so many fakes are around that some people feel unnatural when compared to the artificial breasts.

Part of what makes us beautiful is our uniqueness. If we all wear fake boobs, we'll all look like molded mannequins. We'll forget what real breasts look like!

I'm certainly all for empowering women to feel good about themselves, but except for unusual circumstances, it's quite sad when we have to cut open our bodies to do it.

As for men, almost every man I know can definitely tell the difference and would rather look at and feel a real breast than a fake one any day.

Monica, you seem like a very nice person, and I honestly don't want to insult you, but I really do not want other women to be encouraged to surgically alter their bodies. There are so many ways to feel better about ourselves that are much healthier!

Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Jun 9, 2003 at 2:53pm
jenifer it's people choice. my husband think my breasts feel real. that's not even the point. the reason i started a thread was to give out correct imformation. not start a debate. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.

Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 9, 2003 at 11:37pm
Jennifer loves to debate people on every thread, regardless of the subject.

This time I have to actually side with Jennifer. As much as I am intrigued by the idea of getting breast implants, I probably won't. Especially since I want to have another child and want to breast feed the child.

Also I think my breasts are good enough, they are not too small for me, they are about right.

I agree though that it is up to each woman to decide for herself.4!,!

Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 10, 2003 at 9:42am
Just a few points here. Never have I claimed that women should not have the choice whether or not to surgically alter themselves! Absolutely, I agree. However, the point which no one has addressed is that with so many surgically-altered women, natural women tend to become more self-conscious and also want bigger, "better" breasts, and I find that sad. Why can't we appreciate what nature gave us? I'm all for enhancing appearances with hair color, perms, make-up, jewelry, clothing, and so forth, but cutting open our bodies is a whole new subject.

Also, Tina, actually you can breastfeed with implants, though, I think that if you look and feel good now, why mess with natural perfection? {grin}

One thing I will not argue at all is breastfeeding. I am THRILLED that you wish to breastfeed any future children! It is absolutely superior to anything a billion dollars could buy to feed your child. Quite simply, you can give your child nothing better than your very own body. No, if you're looking for an argument on not breastfeeding, you'll have to go elsewhere!

I don't like to debate just for the sake of debate, but I like to make people think. Far too many of us reside comfortably in our own little hidden boxes and don't like to travel beyond those borders. But we need to grow. I don't think we need to agree on everything at all.

But, surgically altering our bodies is a cultural trend that I think is worth addressing. Apparently a lot of women feel inadequate with their bodies (especially after childbirth) and wish to change them. Breast enlargement, by far, is an American cultural phenomenon. It kind of goes back to my point about how Americans feel about themselves and comments made to them.....

Btw, I'd rather not be specific, but I have done research on breast implants for an article in a national magazine and spoke to dozens of plastic surgeons and read books and conducted research on the topic. Amazingly, a high school female graduate is almost as likely to get implants for a graduation gift as she is a dictionary. I can't argue that the surgery is extremely common.

My big question is: why, oh why are we so unhappy with our bodies?

(and to be fair, South America is big on "derriere implants." Breast implants are not at all common there, but having a very shapely rear-end is highly desirable.)

Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 10, 2003 at 9:44am
Monica, in regards to your first post. You did you had your breasts done THREE times. If you're willing to discuss it, I'd like to ask: why? Were there problems that needed correcting? Or, did you find that you wanted to be bigger? I promise I won't harp on you for the reasons, but I am curious why you had three operations.

Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Jun 10, 2003 at 11:21am
Originally Posted By: Jennifer #d`" $ @$ "```` 2
why did i do it 3 times which is a good question. i had the tear drop at first. then i still wanted them bigger. then i wanted them more together[see wedding pic, i finally got it!] so i switch to round implants. there were no problems at all.
a comment on breastfeeding you still can like you said jenifer. i will not breastfeed anyway because of other issues. this though again was the WHOLE POINT of my thread to begin with. SOME PEOPLE do what implants or have implants. there are mis inform about things such as breastfeeding. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.

Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 10, 2003 at 11:41am
>>>i will not breastfeed anyway because of other issues.

I won't ask for specifics, but if you don't mind my asking, are the issues medical or psychological?

There is an awfully lot of misinformation about breastfeeding, I've discovered. So many women that I know have been given downright false information from their alleged "educated" doctors. What I find more frustrating is when women don't question it. Far too many of us take one opinion as the true and never bother to find out if there's any more information about the subject. Sigh.......

Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Jun 10, 2003 at 12:51pm
i will not breastfeed because of medical reasons. i am handicap and i take medication. i'm trying to tapper off but it's hard [sigh] if i stopped it completely i could have complications. i have done my reseach and talk with my dr. i do not want to put my baby at risk. i will be on it during my prenancy. which i hate but don't see a choice just trying to tapper off more and more. my breast milk will have the medication in it. therfore i do not want to exopose my child to more medication. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.

Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 10, 2003 at 2:46pm
Monica, you've probably already done this, but if you haven't, it would be worth your while to see if there are other types of medication that you could take that wouldn't be as harmful. Often, other drugs are available that won't be as concentrated in the breastmilk but that will treat your condition, but your doctor may not have thought about it.

Also, you may try contacting La Leche League International to ask if they have any current research on alternatives. As busy as doctors are, it's virtually impossible to keep up-to-date and know absolutely everything!

Even as bad as nicotine is, doctors recommend that if a mom insists on smoking, it's better to breastfeed and smoke than to bottle feed and smoke. The antibodies that are found in breastmilk are made specifically for each baby and cannot be duplicated in any man-made breastmilk substitutes.

You may be an extremely rare case where it is advised that no alternatives exist. However, it really would be worth it for both the health of you and your baby to investigate absolutely every possibility.

Best wishes!

Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Jun 10, 2003 at 3:56pm
[QUOTE=Jennifer] Monica, you've probably already done this, but if you haven't, it would be worth your while to see if there are other types of medication that you could take that wouldn't be as harmful.

jenifer i have TRIED so MANY over the years. infact one made me have to go to the ER because it didn't work right. i got excited i thought this one dr. had an alternitive but he didn't.. he basically said they are all harmful to a degree.

Also, you may try contacting La Leche League International to ask if they have any current research on alternatives. As busy as doctors are, it's virtually impossible to keep up-to-date and know absolutely everything!

how do you concact them? i'm very interested. thanks for any info. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.

Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 11, 2003 at 8:01am
Sorry, Monica, I didn't see this earlier.

Here's their website: -

If you don't find what you're seeking, the number is: (847) 519-7730

Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Jun 11, 2003 at 12:39pm
thank you VERY much i will look into it. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: Jun 11, 2003 at 2:16pm
Be very careful of those people.. they will have you breast feeding until your child get their drivers permit!

Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 11, 2003 at 2:59pm
Hal, where did you get that impression? As I understand it, they simply advocate natural weaning. By the way, did you know that the world wide average age for weaning from the breast is four years of age? I have no idea how it started, but Americans have been taught that they shouldn't nurse past infancy. We're kind of prudish with our bodies. After all, breasts were designed for children, you know!

Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Jun 11, 2003 at 7:52pm
Originally Posted By: Wondering4 `` (# @ $$``` a
hi wondering
i think you can. i'm not an expert in that but i don't see why not. you could call a plastic surgeon and ask them. good questin though $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.

Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 11, 2003 at 8:59pm
I breast feed my baby when she was little. I can't imagine breast feeding a kid until they are 4 yrs. old!!!!!
Those foreigners are crazy aren't they!!!!!.4!,!

Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 11, 2003 at 9:02pm
And if you don't believe me, the next time to see a 4 yr. old kid, try and imagine breast feeding someone that big!!! Holy buckets, you would have to have some BIG breasts!
Thanks but no thanks!!!!.4!,!

Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 11, 2003 at 9:07pm
Now that is not to say you wouldn't want someone a little bigger like,....ehem....a man , -( or a woman if you are so inclined)- doing some "stuff" with your breasts! But that is using your breasts for a different purpose!
I kind of like my breasts, they can be put to such good uses!!!.4!,!

Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 11, 2003 at 9:33pm
Tina, milk production has nothing to do with breast size. Women who wear big breasts simply have more FAT than others.

FAT doesn't make milk. Milk ducts do.

I find it so sad that most Americans have no idea behind the physiology of milk production.

Hey, we're Americans. We're PRUDES. We find it gross to nurse a child beyond infancy, even though the benefits are incredible for both mother and child.

Women who never nurse a child or who only nurse a short while have a much higher rate of breast cancer.

So much for technology.

Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Jun 11, 2003 at 10:03pm
my mom didn't breastfeed me or my brother. not her choice. my brother was born premature. i was in ICU back then mothers couldn't go in. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.

Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 11, 2003 at 10:23pm
Monica, a premature baby's mother's body makes milk that meets the specific needs of that child! Unlike static formula which is the same all the time, breastmilk changes to meet the need of the growing baby. Breastmilk is a live substance. Artificial formula is not.

Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Jun 12, 2003 at 12:57am
my brother was also in ICU. [the story blows people away] he is older than me you are talking about 34 years ago the didn't let mothers go in like they do now. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.

Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 12, 2003 at 5:38am
Here we go again, more lectures from Jennifer on us terrible Americans.
I try to make a joke and use a little humour and it goes right past Jennifer and we get another lecture.
Do you ever smile or laugh Jennifer, or are you too busy lecturing Americans?
.....and if American women are so unhealthy, why is our life expectancy now 80 years?4!,!

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Jun 12, 2003 at 6:04am
Quote ow that is not to say you wouldn't want someone a little bigger like,....ehem....a man , -( or a woman if you are so inclined)- doing some "stuff" with your breasts! But that is using your breasts for a different purpose!

Tina, honey, you crack up up .

I am of the opinion that breasts are primarily for "play" and for attacting the opposite (or same) sex.
Milk production is a secondary function.
After all, you can only breast-feed kids for a proportion of your adult can spend a great deal more time getting sexual pleasure out of the beautiful orbs.  ), R '. `p %

Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 12, 2003 at 6:44am
>>>>i was in ICU back then mothers couldn't go in.

Yeah, things were fairly primitive back then (today, doctors realize that a preemie's mother's milk and her arms are actually more valuable than some of the technology they to help save the babies; that's why a lot of hospitals accept volunteers as "baby holders" -- literally!). I've never given birth in a medical setting; my kids were born at home.

Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 12, 2003 at 6:47am
>>>>>if American women are so unhealthy, why is our life expectancy now 80 years?

Technology keeps us alive practically forever. That's great in many instances, but if I'm 90 years old and all my organs are failing, I'd really rather not be kept alive by a machine.

Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 12, 2003 at 7:19am
You missed my entire point Jennifer. Uzma obviously understood what I was saying. I was joking around a little.

Lighten up a little Jennifer, we don't need to be constantly lectured, we now as much about things as you do.

We are having some fun here, you don't have to be continually condescending to us and overserious. 4!,!

Posted By: demodoll
Date Posted: Jun 15, 2003 at 2:41pm
Sort of changing the subject here but to answer the question about getting implants after a reduction, I have a friend who did that. She had the reduction, didn't like being smaller and had impants--twice. Managed to breast feed her baby and no problems so far.

Not that I advocate implants, I don't. I worked in a hospital where lots of plastic surgeons operated and the number of complications who came in were much greater than the ones who came in for the implants. Nothing beautywise is worth risking your health like that. $ S bd`ter - ,,bb - 0b` /4! $(!, $- $%%, ` "6

Posted By: KISAWA
Date Posted: Jul 2, 2003 at 2:47pm
Hi girls,
I had mine done twice. I used to be a model for lingerie so it was better for my work and then I met my husband who literally fell in love with my "twins" and I had them done again (bigger) after giving birth to our son.
My husband is the happiest man (so he says) in the world, he loves them.....
I have the scars on the nipple and they are saline...
I had them done in Paris where I used to live and the surgeon comes on TV regularly: Dr OHANA.
By the way how much did you pay for it?
I paid 22000 F (4500$) twice!!
But hey.......that was a good investment, believe me!!

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: Jul 3, 2003 at 7:17am
Originally Posted By: Jennifer!d $ $B$ $`` ` 4

And your source of information would be............the La Leche League?

Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jul 3, 2003 at 7:54am
Quote nd your source of information would be............the La Leche League?

No, the World Health Organization! I can't find the direct link from the WHO website, but it's referenced below.

Also, a medical journal -- see below:

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that, around the world, the average age of complete weaning (defined as the total cessation of breastfeeding) exceeds 4 years! In Breastfeeding, A Guide for Medical Professionals (1985), Ruth A. Lawrence puts this figure at 4.2 years. -

Also, another source given was Davidowitz, 1992, not for 4, but for 4.2 years! -

As you will see, the four years as a worldwide age of weaning is well-accepted. -

Here are sites with some interesting stats on breastfeeding rates: - -

The good news is that rates are increasing in the United States, which is excellent news for all of us. Healthier babies grow into healthier, more productive adults. And on a financial level, that only has to help health insurance rates, instead of madly driving them up!

Posted By: SuperGrover
Date Posted: Jul 3, 2003 at 11:22am
OK, this is kind of getting off topic, but oh well.

I can't imagine having a 4 year old still breast feeding in our society! Maybe in other cultures that would work... It makes perfect sense in cultures where food is scarce.

But honestly. We're talking about us here, who live in a society with computers and automobiles and Rice a Roni. If you're out of diapers, you should be eating solid food. You should be in preschool!

4 year olds are old enough to have memories of their experiences in later life. No one should have memories of breast feeding! !) ic a p`` -& `b . @p )2 ,-$ ! ! $ -$ ` ,

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Jul 3, 2003 at 1:39pm
Quote o one should have memories of breast feeding!

.....except my ex-boyfriend.......

Hey, it's not's my hormones talking .

Seriously, I do believe that breasts provide the perfect nutrition for children. But when the gums get hard and the teeth are showing signs of coming through...that's the sign that the baby is getting ready for solid food.

I could care less what the "organizations" say on this one. ), R '. `p %

Posted By: Gally3d
Date Posted: Jul 3, 2003 at 2:16pm
I'm very glad you guys had few complications from your implants.. but I would never do it because of the risks..

1. Hardening of the tissue around the implant can make the breast feel rock hard
2. Sometimes this tissue can also shrink & squeeze the implant until it pops
3.the scarring from the placement of the implant may be small, but that's more scar than I'd like on my skin :)
4. Sometimes the implant can twist the muscle around it. talk about PAIN!
5. There are all kinds of issues with leaks/bursts. most of them aren't life-threatening, but just the thought of it is icky to me
6. It doesn't matter what kind you get, they won't look %100 natural. I can pretty much tell by looking that a woman has had implants. There are even fashion trends based on the un-natural effects of implants (*ahem*undercleavage*ahem*)
7. Even implants age with time.. and wear/shift/cause more complications.
8. The risk of getting a BAD boob job from the start is scary as well. The "breasts too far apart" or "cross-eyed nipple" looks are frightening to me, as are the nipple stretching that can sometimes occur with implants.
9. Surgery in general is dangerous. You can die on the table. O_O
10. Most importantly to me... the type of guy I am interested in can be intimidated by large breasts. ^_^ Assuming that a change like that will make you more attractive can be a big mistake. Sometimes you have to ask.. more attractive to WHOM?

Posted By: SuperGrover
Date Posted: Jul 3, 2003 at 3:24pm
ROTFL! Uzi! I had mouth full of water when I read your post, and I nearly sprayed it all over my computer!

And Gally 3d, I agree with you. Though I have nothing against people doing it... hey I'd love big boobs, too... I don't think it's something I'd ever do, and those are the reasons why. Plus a few more I hadn't known about yet.

Also, I like to keep my body natural as possible. The only thing I've done to it is pierce each ear lobe twice. !) ic a p`` -& `b . @p )2 ,-$ ! ! $ -$ ` ,

Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jul 3, 2003 at 6:51pm
SuperGrover, I understand how you feel. Until I had kids, the thought of nursing a child past infancy would have definitely grossed me out!

However, it is important to realize that an older child does not nurse like an infant. An infant

Posted By: Girl Tia
Date Posted: Jul 3, 2003 at 6:59pm
Some of us have to have breast implants.

Those of us who were born males but are females.
The transgender community.
Transexuals appreciate the advancements in science and breast implants. Oh yes we do!!!!!!!

If I was born a woman would I have had my breasts done?????
Hard to say. I don't have anything against it for natural women.
< , B`&

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Jul 3, 2003 at 7:55pm
Hi Girl Tia

I guess breast impants in a trans-gender person may be less risky than in a people who are born females.
No issues with milk-ducts, etc.

If you don't mind me asking, how successful were your implants? ), R '. `p %

Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Aug 4, 2003 at 9:04pm
Originally Posted By: arizona $` $%$`0 (d` e"
you go girl! that's right!
$- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.

Posted By: duke
Date Posted: Aug 6, 2003 at 8:47am
I normally wouldn't waste my time on this
discussion, but as there are issues on which
I feel strongly, I have to comment:

1) The idea of a girl (I'm a dude) having
implants is disgusting to me. Cutting yourself
open in such a private spot and putting in
bags of potentially hazardous goop...blaugh.
And phoney. The idea of this operation is
so disgusting to me that while I think I
wouldn't mind having a wife who's had a
masectomy (and perhaps a few other
physical flaws to boot, if she's otherwise
attractive), I'd be really grossed out to have
a wife who's had her breasts worked on. If
you're hoping to attract guys with your
implants, you're probably going to attract
the wrong kind of guy (likely a macho,
shallow type who sees you as little more
than a sexual object).

2) I'm all for breast feeding. I don't want
to pressure anyone to do it, I just want to
point out that there are antibodies in
breast milk that are meant to increase the
chance of your child being healthy. But I
agree with SuperGrover. I think kids
should be weaned while still small and
without a long-term memory to remember
any pleasurable feelings which went with
the feeding. That way, they are less likely
to regret it or to later pressure you to
breast feed again (I am totally against
mothers giving the breast to older kids
when a baby sibling is born, no matter
how pretilly they beg).

Posted By: allie
Date Posted: Aug 6, 2003 at 4:06pm
Originally Posted By: duke" `.$'0` (% abd $

That's not the reason most women I know would get implants. I don't know anyone who would put theirselves through that much pain just to get more attention from the opposite sex. Anyhow, I also don't agree that the "macho,shallow" type of guy is the kind a woman with implants would most likely attract. To believe that,you'd have to believe that real breasts aren't as attractive as implants,which is shallow in itself.

Posted By: DakotaDiva
Date Posted: Aug 6, 2003 at 6:21pm
Breast enhancement, like any body modification (like my many tattoos) are a matter of personal choice. As long as body modification is done safely, to me it isn't an issue.

Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Aug 6, 2003 at 11:23pm
Originally Posted By: duke#d "$ 0` ($ b`d
with all do respect that is your opinion. would you have a wife that is selfconcious of the way her breasts look that she would not let you see? tv and hollywood gave implants a bad rap. now a day just your averge jane gets implants to make their breasts look better to them.
i'm married and ironically my husband is not really a boob guy. by no means he sees me as ''sex object''. he's not shallow ethier. many people i know have gotten their breast done after getting married and having kids. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.

Posted By: duke
Date Posted: Aug 7, 2003 at 9:24am
Well, I didn't say who did or didn't get
implants to attract guys. I just said that
it's a bad reason to get implants.

One way or another, the thought of
this operation is disgusting to me.

Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Aug 7, 2003 at 11:48am
Originally Posted By: duke "d & ! `0 ! a`hd
i think any operation is disgustion i had an operation when i was 7 on my foot to walk better. they took one bone and moved it to the other side. that to me grossed me out. i know that's not you point that operations are all gross. i'm trying to make a point though. people loss the whole point of my thread. it was to was to inform women who made a personal choice to have breast implants or thinking about it, to give them correct information. or to share experiences. instead this thread got turn into women having low self esteem or breastfeeding. would you say alssa milano has low self esteem? to me no. she looks like a self cofident women. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.

Posted By: allie
Date Posted: Aug 8, 2003 at 7:06pm
It doesn't disgust me at all. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. It only affects you and no one else,so what's the big deal?

Posted By: tony9999
Date Posted: Aug 12, 2003 at 8:17pm
From a man's perspective.. I really don't think I want to be with a woman with implants... Although I have always been attracted to women with large breasts I don't think I'd like to know it's not natural.

But I've never been with a woman that had implants so just conjecture.... !, A ab debd $-2 `` 2,`` !.$ $%, $- $!,) `b %4

Posted By: Twanda
Date Posted: Aug 20, 2003 at 10:41am
To add my .02 worth to an already long topic, I have seriously thought about it, but decided even a small complication wasn't worth it. The reason I originally wanted implants was to firm back up after pregnancy and nursing. They're just never the same after they've blown up to a DD and shrunk back down to a B. It has been 9 years and they've improved some, but just not what they were.


Posted By: Gord
Date Posted: Aug 22, 2003 at 11:49pm
I know a woman who has had breast implants and it's fairly common knowledge. Unfortunately, despite success in college and in the business world, she's known as "you know, that woman who had the breast implants." I work with another woman who used to be a topless dancer and guess what everyone thinks of her? Another woman started getting tattoes when she turned 40 and she's got 7 of them so far. Instead of the department director, she's known as that goof with all the tattoes. Three women in the last four months or so had that stomach-reduction surgery. Two were very open about it; one tried to keep it a secret, but it quickly got out. One of the women who was very open about it has been in the hospital at least a half-dozen times since; she told me she's not doing very well. I know it's not strictly a woman thing, but women seem to care about enhancements more than men do.

I guess to each his or her own. Personally, I believe God made each of us in his own likeness. Why screw with it?

Monica, from the photos I've seen, you're a gorgeous woman. Not that my opinion matters, but if I had a vote, I would have said, leave your breasts alone.

Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2003 at 3:06pm

Monica, from the photos I've seen, you're a gorgeous woman. Not that my opinion matters, but if I had a vote, I would have said, leave your breasts alone.

thank you for the compliment gord maybe i'll cut my har intead [ just kidding gord i love long hair as much as you] i already have implants. i have for many years. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.

Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Aug 29, 2003 at 11:12pm
I'll probably never get breast implants, but it is tempting. I'm short and petite with breasts about right for my size, but it would be fascinating to have larger breasts;
a Barbie doll type of figure; ...average hips, little waist, big breasts. I think every woman dreams of having that sort of figure.4!,!

Posted By: Twanda
Date Posted: Oct 15, 2003 at 2:32pm
Princess Monica,

After my breasts were stretched to twice their size while pregnant and then inflated and deflated with milk for nursing, I'm seriously considering breast implants. No more pregnancies are planned and I'm ready to be firm again. Do you have any advice to give me? I also have a few questions to ask.

How long have you had implants? How long does the pain from the surgery last? When does the swelling go down? I don't want to return to work from a few days "vacation" with huge breasts. I only want to go from a "B" to a "C" (maybe small "D"). How did you decide what size?

I bought a padded bra and it does make a difference in the way I look. I kind of have an idea of what size I would like to be from what size I liked when I quit nursing and my breasts still had some milk.

Thank you for opening this thread and offering your expertise. Anything you can tell me that would help would be most appreciated.

Thank you,

Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Oct 15, 2003 at 9:03pm
Originally Posted By: Twanda"``"$#0 .`a $ "
hi twanda
on your first question i've had implants since 98 so 4 years. the pain for me only lasted for about 3 days. each person is different though. the swelling honestly i can't remember but your dr. wll go over it how long the swelling last. i do have advice to give go for the D cup. once the swelling goes down and stuff you may wish you have gone bigger if you go with a C CUP. BUT YOUR DR WILL GO OVER WHAT SIZE IS BEST FOR YOU [sorry left the caps on] one of the biggest complaints from women is they wish they have gone bigger. my final advice is please research your dr.! if you have more questions please feel free to pm me $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.

Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Oct 15, 2003 at 10:54pm
also twanda you mention earlier in a post you were worried about complications. if you find the right dr. there should be none. that's why i so stress to find a very good dr. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.

Posted By: Twanda
Date Posted: Oct 16, 2003 at 8:34am
Princess Monica,

Thank you so much for responding, just talking about it with someone who has done this before makes it a little easier to think about.

How do I check out the Dr.? Where did you get your info on the Dr. you chose? There are 2 places around here I'm considering and both of them are members of the plastic surgery assoc. but that's all I really know.

Again, thanks for answering my questions. One consultant I spoke to at one of the Dr's office did suggest going ahead with bigger ones as she said the same thing you did that women usually wish they'd gone bigger.


Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Oct 16, 2003 at 12:14pm
make sure your dr. is a certified plastic surgeon by asking. my plastic surgeon was tripple certified. because he also does reconstruction surgery. what i did was go through the phone book and called for information about the drs. when i recieved there imformation i was quite impressed that the one dr. was not just certifed but trippled. certfied i knew to go with him.
my advice would be check out both drs. by going and having a consultation with them. my dr. had pictures to see what he he did. it really put me at ease. believe me fo my consultation i was so nervous! $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.

Posted By: joec
Date Posted: Feb 22, 2004 at 11:46pm
Dear Ladies
Thank you for sharing all this information especilly about a topic so private.
I am a married man in my 40's and my wife has nice breasts,we both enjoy them.As one of the writers wrote (name I cant recall) As a women becomes older the breast tend to droop.We both thaught about a lift or an implant.What steered us away from it in truth,was the suregons own web sites.

I f you go to them they are very detailed with before and after pictures,and they are going to show the best pictures.Even with that we could'nt find a dramatic difference.
They also disscussed the surgery in great detail and make no mistake it is surgery.The scars take up to6 months to heal,somtimes they never heal.
Bras dont always fit the new breast (allthough they are working on that) but what really turned us off as Uzma mentioned "breast are used sexualy more often than feeding childeren in a lifetime."
Thats true, but the surgeon own web site said the patient will have a loss of sensitivtey in the breast,and some even experience total,and irrevesible numbness in the breast.
That was enough for us to say if it isnt broke do'nt fix it.
If it improves a womens self esteem,or to correct a defomity there nothing wrong with it.
It's a personal choice thoe I dont think anyone should critisize,anyone else for it.But for us the risk outweighed the benefits.One other thing the surgeon site said if you lift the breast (women over 40) the results are only temporary.
I dont think a women should do it casualy,if its done get all the facts.

Date Posted: Mar 2, 2004 at 5:30pm

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: Mar 3, 2004 at 12:20pm
My GF got a great set with no lose of sensation or any other side effects for 4,000 dollars. She could not be more happy!

Date Posted: Mar 4, 2004 at 9:34pm

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: Mar 5, 2004 at 7:27am
4000 was the total cost. Spend some time looking at pictures and celeb with the same body type as yours. Get some idea of what you want before you go to your Doctor. They are the professional so you need to put "some" value on their opinions but you should also realize they have a prefence just like every one else. Of the 2 doc my gf saw, one suggested stripper size and the other nice rack for a peitie woman size. You can "try on" many sizes and then pick. Hope this helps.

Date Posted: Mar 6, 2004 at 8:40pm
THANKS.... THAT DOES HELP ALOT.  AA F@@T A B@ , R < ,   ,,"" .

Posted By: sarahstars
Date Posted: Mar 13, 2004 at 7:16pm
I am 23 years old and am looking into getting brest implants. why have you had it done three times? can you tell me about your experience and help me decide weither this is something i should go though?

Posted By: Paula
Date Posted: Mar 20, 2004 at 8:16pm
I don't understand all the surgery craze. I'm kind of small and admit it would be nicer to have larger breasts, but I think that anyone who is so unhappy with their body should consult a psychologist first. If someone is really, really flat, I might understand, but I've seen women who are B cups go larger and it seemed like more of a follow the herd mentality and it didn't add the happiness they thought it would. I would really think long and hard about this because surgery is a very big deal, especially if it isn't to save your life.

Posted By: Veiled Lady
Date Posted: Mar 21, 2004 at 5:17pm
I wouldn't have breast implants myself but then again I don't need them. My breasts are the right size for me, so why do it?
!$% Pi ``d Re -)20`r .$0b # ! , ,$) $%%

Posted By: angelgirl
Date Posted: May 2, 2004 at 8:29am
hiya all,
please, if anyone is really considering getting breast implants, PLEASE don't do it.

It is the biggest waste of money and WILL eventually ruin your health sooner or later. Besides, surgery pain and debt aren't really very sexy are they.

Besides all that, you really have to ask whose idea of beauty are you supporting by doing it? Do you want to look like a freak who swallowed two oranges or basketballs (some celebrities spring to mind here but i don't wanna get sued by naming them....)

Little breasts can be elegant and beautiful, not to mention the fact that a real breast feels and reacts 100% better than a piece of plastic or saline. It feels better from your side, and it feels better from his side!

PLEASE dont' get fake breasts. Just exercise and strengthen your pectoral muscles, and your back muscles. That will lift your breast flesh up. Buy some sexy new lingerie. Little breasted women can wear sexy lacy stuff with no under wires in it. Im thinking teddies and lacy camisoles. Also little breasts look SOOOO hot in those shoestring strap dresses with nothing underneath, or when they wear big thick tight jumpers with nothing underneath. SOOOOO hot!

You don't need fake breasts. You DO however need your hard earned money and your lucky health.

Don't do it ladies. You're all woman right now.
Smile, lift your chin up high, and be the sex goddess you are ;)
wear low cut dresses with elegant necklaces with nothing under your dress. wear strappy high heels and makeup.
Do a million things to feel more feminine elegant voluptous and sexy, but DON"T GET SURGERY THAT WILL EVENTUALLY COST YOU YOUR GOOD HEALTH!
Little breasts rock xx best wishes

,!, `gn!t `e , `` .& `b )4 !),%$ %-$ $( ` '(

Posted By: brown_eyed_girl
Date Posted: Nov 12, 2004 at 9:37am
I've been thinking off and on about get the surgery done. The only thing that probably holds me back is the expenses. I guess i never really liked what i saw looking back in the mirror. I wear a size 32 B (i've recently come up a cup size). All, and I mean all, of my friends breasts are bigger than mine are and alot of the time i find it difficult to just walk in a store and find a 32 anything. I hate wearing those hot and constricting padded bras. I suppose I'm just tired of being below average. It's hard to walk around knowing that everyone has more chest than you do.

-flat-as-a-board %- @a fat` a % $` .$ b` " !$% !,%!)! !$`` #(

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: Nov 12, 2004 at 11:12am
My ex GF was a 32A-ish she went to a big b or small 32c.... she is SOOOOOO happy she did it. Her only post implant thought is should she have gone bigger. Based on her goals before the implants she got exactly what she hoped for and is VERY happy.

Posted By: BaldJasmine
Date Posted: Nov 12, 2004 at 5:08pm
I'm the other extreme.
My breasts are big for my relatively petite body and I have thought of breast reduction surgery to maker my breasts a "normal size".,

Posted By: Twanda
Date Posted: Nov 16, 2004 at 10:21am
It would be great if we could all accept our bodies as they are and be content. I too have thought about implants off and on again. Bald Jasmine made me think that some women have more than they need and would like less, while others like Brown Eyed Girl and myself have less and would like more. I still haven't ruled out implants. Everyone should do what feels right to them and if bigger or smaller breasts makes us feel better about ourselves and we want to make the change we should do what feels right to us.


Posted By: BaldJasmine
Date Posted: Nov 18, 2004 at 9:34pm
I like what you wrote Twanda.,

Posted By: BaldJasmine
Date Posted: Nov 18, 2004 at 9:34pm
I like what you wrote Twanda.,

Posted By: Twanda
Date Posted: Nov 19, 2004 at 4:33pm
Thank you very much, BaldJasmine.


Posted By: Kalika
Date Posted: Jan 12, 2005 at 1:33pm
I have implants and love them :)

to each their own. its not up to anybody to tell someone else what to do to their bodies, be that to get implants or not. THEY have to look at themselves in the mirror everyday.

If your 18, your a legal adult, and good luck to whatever decision that YOU, as an adult, make for yourself.

Posted By: Kalika
Date Posted: Jan 15, 2005 at 12:45am
by the way...

I forgot to put this in my last post, but here is a WONDERFUL site on breast surgery -

if your even curious, please check it out, it will anwser a lot of questions

Posted By: sthenri
Date Posted: Mar 29, 2005 at 5:38pm
Thank you for your post Monica, I have saggy D's and went in
for a consultation to look at saline implants. I was surprised that
I would lose two cups sizes with a lift alone and was confused
with all the choices. I have read many message boards but
your post validated what I suspected, the tear drop implant is
not going to be enough fullness on top especially if I am
already saggy I don't want to see more sag.

Many women are unhappy with the tear drop it seems. I am
waiting until I have enough for the lift and implant as I have to
have both.

Thanks, Natalie

Posted By: Bambilee
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2005 at 9:40pm
I'm fairly young just a few years into my twenties, I have very small boobs.I've gone up a cup size from an A to a B, I'm so very very proud of myself! LOL.
I'm 5'8 and quite thin, anywhoo, with the proper bra of course I can give off the hint of curve, but I never felt it was enough.
I find women with larger breasts to be womanly and womanly I am not.

I researched constantly on the topic of to do it or not for about 3 years or so.
I had my pros and my cons set up and sadly my cons over came my pros. The only pro I had... Big boobs to make me feel better for a little while.
The cons weighed heavily. 1st of the amount of money and surgeries I would have to endure to get larger boobs, the compilcations that could occur and the whole boob dropping out and stuff like that,also of woman and men saying their boobs and or woman's boobs felt like rocks. Though not all people have had this experience.
I think that later in life when I've had my two kids and am looking for a good, wholesome lift in my life that I might consider it once more.

But we can't accept ourselves it's the way the world works. Everybody dislikes somethign about thier bodies and are willing to change it in Order to accept themselves. I have no problem whatsover with it.
When I'm 60 and I need lipo and a face lift... I'm there. ;)

~Bambi Lee~

< A`a @de

Posted By: msblueyes
Date Posted: Apr 22, 2005 at 6:19pm

I am in my late twenties,have two kids and have the same problem Twanda does.  I went from a 36 DD while breastfeeding and then back down to a 34 B.  I am seriously considering a breast lift/augmentation.  My worst fear is being "the lady with the fake boobs".  I'm thinking I only want to go to a full C cup.  I pride myself on being able to spot "fake boobs", but recently have discovered two aquaintances of mine have had breast implants and I didn't even know!  I didn't know because they aren't too big for thier bodies.  I am also petite.  5'2" tall and I don't want to be an afterthought of my breasts! 

I am also looking into a tummy tuck as my stomach looks like a road map.  Anyone have any experience with that surgery?

,! , Aieb

Posted By: Kalika
Date Posted: Apr 22, 2005 at 9:36pm

they will look fake cause some people WANT them to look fake.  a well done augmentation looks like nice natural boobs.  I get topless for a living and the only people who know mine are fake are the ones I tell, including other women.

Posted By: Genie
Date Posted: Apr 23, 2005 at 7:30pm

I've had silicone implants in 2 years ago.... and I'm thrilled... I have a barrel chest - gladiator chest that is.... and small hips... I looked like a walking ice cream cone... cept I had breasts that did not FIT my chest area.... not the sticking out part, but the circumference part....They were not proportional.... So, I had implants that actually looked like pancakes... They were big and round, but almost flat.....they had to be special ordered..... and now they are proportional to my chest area... No one even thinks that I have implants..... My breasts do not stick out at all.... not more than they did.....



!,) Add``a`

Posted By: Bambilee
Date Posted: Apr 29, 2005 at 5:44pm
Originally Posted By: brown_eyed_girl#t` %$b $ `@`hd$

Get a really good water bra. They work. HONEST! I'm a 32B aswell, also went up a size. I had to buy all new bras (used to be a 32A) and I got a liquid filled bra from La Senza.. WOWZA! I dunno where those babies came from but hello!
I am so very happy having my b's. I've spent my whole teen life and some of my twenties thinking I was just a sad, lonely A... Nopers!
And as I look at it... they are bigger than Paris Hiltons... so YAY!

< A`a @de

Posted By: Bambilee
Date Posted: Apr 30, 2005 at 1:47pm
Originally Posted By: Kalika< 4`($! B ,( ` d`

The big thing that I have is the feeling. I dont' care if they look fake. I dont' know a single woman (KNOW) that has fake boobs, so I just dont' know hwo they would feel afterwards and that's whats really pushing me towards a NO-NO.
I'm scared about the feeling, they won't feel right. I've read about them being hard as rocks, and men saying they just dont' feel right. I even watched a program about a woman, going thruogh the process of getting them. And she ran int this one chick who got them done and she was so upset cause they didn't feel like boobs. She was actually letting this the woman (who was saying she WANTED them done) to touch em. The woman who wanted them told the people on the show that she didn't want them now. Because they didn't feel like boobs. They were hard. It's all about the Pros and Cons I guess.

I read something in Star that they are tryign to approve ones you can inflate and deflate. So when you get them and if they aren't the right size you can just stick a tube in em' and deflate or enlarge them. Which sounds good. There is no MAJOR surgery to get them the way you want them.. sounds good. LOL.

< A`a @de

Posted By: Genie
Date Posted: Apr 30, 2005 at 4:15pm

Your physician should inform you of the difference... I know quite a few 'implantees'...... and it is as follows to me...... saline.... slightly stiffer/harder....   silicone..... soft and natural.......


However, the silicone has taken a hit... but I have them and like the silicones.......




!,) Add``a`

Posted By: Bambilee
Date Posted: May 2, 2005 at 9:25am
Do silicones leak?
Also another question I've had... grabbing them and squeezign them.
I don't know what it is but my breasts are roughly fondled often and one day I was just sitting there thinking, if I had fake ones, could the rough play I so throughly enjoy rupture them?

I've HEARD of this happening, I read that you can't be too incredibly rough on them... is that true? To anyone who has them.

< A`a @de

Posted By: Genie
Date Posted: May 2, 2005 at 7:04pm

Don't know 'bout that... since mine haven't been touched since my surgery... cept me showering...... However, my Calif. girlfriends who have them... 'sillies' and they are 'in action'.... know what I mean.... I HAVE NOT heard of any leaks since that big upheaval.... years ago.....




!,) Add``a`

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: May 3, 2005 at 1:30pm

Bambilee I have no idea how roughly your boobs are handled but i do have some idea of how much an implant can take.  I one sitting flat on the doctors desk he said to my then GF, go head, hit it.  She slammed her balled up fist into it.  So unless someone is doing MORE than using your boobs as punching bags, I think you would be fine. 

As for silicon implants, the latest research shows the recall was a knee jerk reaction to one very flawed study.  I beleive the US was the only country to pull them from the market.

Posted By: Genie
Date Posted: May 23, 2005 at 7:44pm

Yep......... Sounds right to me....... Always safer to be on the small side, than be oversized.... I had a Beverly Hills surgeon put in 'Dolly Parton lookalikes', and I had them ripped out 6 months and one day later..... I downsized and they suit my body much better...




!,) Add``a`

Posted By: Kalika
Date Posted: Jun 3, 2005 at 3:36am
MoMo - I used to try on bathing suits and just cry.  Breast implants for me were a godsend.  Dont listen to other's, do what YOU want with YOUR body, after all, your the one who has to live in it. 

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: Jun 6, 2005 at 7:37pm

I agree with Kalika. No matter what anyone else says it was the best decision I ever made. From the time I was a young teen, I was teased about itty bitty titties etc...etc... that went on even as an adult. I felt like I got cheated in the boob department. For me personally I did not feel sexy or beautiful. Clothes never fit right, and I was lucky to find a bra that actually fit. I went from an A to a full C/small D. (My Doc actually thought I could go bigger, but I said no). It was the best decision that I ever made. It gave me a real sense of confidence in myself, I feel good about the way I look (in and out of clothes.) I only wish I had listened to the Doc and went the size he suggested. They seem so big when you dont have them then after you get used to them the seem smaller....and thats the biggest complaint I hear from women who have had BA's. They wish the would have went bigger!

I had silicone(gel) anatomical(teardrop). And they are beautiful natural shaped sloped breasts that feel soft. Yes, firmer than a natural breast but still feel great. Ive not had any complaints with how they look or feel!

Different things are important to different people. Personally I would never have eye surgury to correct my vision, the way I look at it, the small chance of something going wrong and ending up not worth the risk. But I dont criticise anyone who does choose to do it.

Its a matter of personal choice, nobody else can tell you whats right for you.

$- P cn`dp0% 00BB .64b" !( %($%,!)$!!!!8br 0

Posted By: msblueyes
Date Posted: Aug 4, 2005 at 2:44pm
Hi everyone!  Scheduled for a breast lift and implants on the 26th of this month...for those of you who have had this done, any suggestions or things I should know?,! , Aieb

Posted By: GenieA
Date Posted: Aug 4, 2005 at 7:37pm

Just follow doctor's orders... I had them 1 1/2 yrs. ago, and would do it again... not as painful, as rumored... at least that was my experience.... However, crucial to not cheat on doctor's orders... when they do not drive... they dang mean DO NOT DRIVE!


Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: Nov 8, 2005 at 10:49pm

Well this thread has been an entertaining read

I am booked in to have abdominoplasty in a few weeks (after 3 enormous kids ruined my stomach muscles, gave me a hernia and produced heaps of excess skin!) and am considering having my boobs done at the same time.  I have always been a D cup, but years of breastfeeding has deflated them to the point where I am still in D bras, but I have no volume at the top and they hang really low!  I wanted a lift, but then I'd end up an A or B cup (as once the skin is removed, I'd not have much flesh left to fill it out any bigger than that).  The last doc I saw suggested implants, but I'm worried that in order to fill the available space, I'd end up with HUGE boobs.  I'd actually prefer to be a C cup.

Anyone ever had a breast lift teamed with an implant?

Having said that, I'm a bit reluctant to get implants. Just don't like the idea of them at all.

Posted By: Longhairdreams
Date Posted: Nov 9, 2005 at 8:15am

I agree, its a very interesting topic.I have never considered implants as my boobs are a doubleD.Which I hate.I oddly enough would like them to be smaller.They are very heavy and not as cute and perky as smaller boobs.

But i have considered liposuction.I think its cool how breast implants can be so positive.Anything that genuinely makes you feel good, or even better about yourself cant be bad.

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