Has anyone tried Viviscal?
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Topic: Has anyone tried Viviscal?
Posted By: Christina Subject: Has anyone tried Viviscal? Date Posted: Oct 23, 2001 at 8:06pm
I was just wondering if anyone has tried Viviscal before...what were your results?
Replies: 5 Posted By: Christina
Date Posted: Oct 23, 2001 at 8:06pm
I was just wondering if anyone has tried Viviscal before...what were your results?
Posted By: Hello_Kitty
Date Posted: Jan 3, 2002 at 11:19am
Hi, on the website viviscal.com it says it works for people who have alopecia and such conditions, check it out though ! :) ~$Vicki$~ Oh yeah and everything is in euros so I can buy it but I wouldnt cause you have to buy 3 bottles @ 62 EUR each thats like $300/< ) Cie*`$ Bd !) ,b ) ,`` 4- !%% -) (!) `r &(
Posted By: Jenny
Date Posted: May 19, 2002 at 11:50pm
Hi there! Yes, I tried Viviscal about a year ago. I took it for about 6 months. I don`t know what kind of results you`re looking for but mine was faster growing hair. I did not notice any faster hair growth It was the same for me.I already had thick hair, so I didnt notice an added thickness. Also I don`t knowif it was because of a bad perm before started taking the pills but I started to havin a lot of breakage especially around the front part of my hair. When told customer service specalist about it they were like oh thats just dead hair and its viviscal that is getting rid of the old hair to make way for newer healthier hair. I was very skeptical after that cause that sounded so stupid. For me it was a big waste of money. It was so expensive like i wasted about $400.00 and when I called the customer service line to tell them i wasnt seeing reults after being on it for about 2-3 months. they were like keep taking it you might have to wait a year to see the optimum results. I was like forget it I cant afford to do that. They didnt even offer a money back guarantee so I was majorly dissapointed with viviscal overall. I was so optimistic since supposedly a model had used it to grow her hair faster and had good results, I guess everybody is different...... < ,, Ahfh`ttrd
Posted By: Kym
Date Posted: May 20, 2002 at 10:58pm
Hi. I just started taking Viviscal about 6 days ago. I also use their shampoo and their scalp lotion. Plus I have been using Capilong during the am. So I`m kinda desperate. But so far I have noticed that my hair is much softer It is quite pricey but if you want long hair and it works, then it should be worth it. I`ll keep you updated.
Posted By: MPRose001111
Date Posted: May 27, 2002 at 5:33pm
I just started taking Viviscal three days ago. My hair has been falling out for two months now from too much vitamin A I was taking. I will post the results I get. Even on day three I see what sort of looks like dry scalp. When I rub my scalp there is some type of substance that has never been there. Anyway...we shall see...!!%
Posted By: waggingtail
Date Posted: May 27, 2002 at 6:05pm
I will be at six months soon.
I`m not sure how much it`s done for my hair (I never measured before) but I`ve been getting a constant .5 in. - which I think is just great.
The most dramatic difference I`ve seen is in my skin (rosacea) - I have had virtually no trouble with it at all and that is very unusual, I noticed it from the first week on.
I have been getting it for about $40.00 per month - looking around for specials and I would keep it up just for my skin...g ! ) Q`cd`d ,,$0b /4 bp +.,,%!%!