What is the point of a diffuser?
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Category: Curly Hair Talk Forum Name: Curly Hair Forum Description: Curly Heads Unite & Talk About Curls URL: /forum_posts.php?TID=26073
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Topic: What is the point of a diffuser?
Posted By: Baby Citlalli Subject: What is the point of a diffuser? Date Posted: Feb 15, 2005 at 7:34pm
I hope you guys don't think I am stupid or anything, but I never really knew what a diffuser actually do. I heard everyone say to use it, but how? Also what is the point? what does it do to curls? If someone could answer me those questions that would be great. Thanks
Replies: 1 Posted By: Baby Citlalli
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2005 at 7:34pm
I hope you guys don't think I am stupid or anything, but I never really knew what a diffuser actually do. I heard everyone say to use it, but how? Also what is the point? what does it do to curls? If someone could answer me those questions that would be great. Thanks
Posted By: ToXiC KiSsEs
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2005 at 3:40pm
A diffuser attaches to your blow dryer and instead of making it poofy(if youve ever used a blow dryer on your curls) from the air, it drys your hair wth out damaging your curls and making your hair frizzy. You have to use a heat gel though or moose with it though. You can learn how you use them and what you need by reading the instuctions on the box of one. They are quiet easy to work. HTH!