Wood stain to color my hair?
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Topic: Wood stain to color my hair?
Posted By: hookuum Subject: Wood stain to color my hair? Date Posted: Jun 21, 2003 at 3:44am
"OK" Here I go. I need some help with this little disaster I have achieved today at work.
I am a contractor & today I stained a Cedar fence for one of my clients with Super Deck Oil Base Wood Stain. Color= A nice bright but semi-transparent "CEDAR RED" This stain for regular clean up of tools ect... calls for the use of Mineral Spirits.(that really stinky stuff) So I am going along with my work day *SPRAYING* this fence with the CEDAR RED Stain in beautiful 87 degree Sunny weather, when all of a sudden "I kid you not" at least 40 mph winds came from what felt like all directions. needless to say yes I was reaching above my head at the time & now my sun golden Blonde hair is brownish pinkish??? & down right sticky. So in my 36 yrs. of life I have done many things I have not however washed my hair with Mineral Spirits?? Is this an Idea that is even worse than it sounds? Is their a better way?? Please will some one come to my cry for "HELP". THANK YOU: Rob
Replies: 5 Posted By: hookuum
Date Posted: Jun 21, 2003 at 3:44am
"OK" Here I go. I need some help with this little disaster I have achieved today at work.
I am a contractor & today I stained a Cedar fence for one of my clients with Super Deck Oil Base Wood Stain. Color= A nice bright but semi-transparent "CEDAR RED" This stain for regular clean up of tools ect... calls for the use of Mineral Spirits.(that really stinky stuff) So I am going along with my work day *SPRAYING* this fence with the CEDAR RED Stain in beautiful 87 degree Sunny weather, when all of a sudden "I kid you not" at least 40 mph winds came from what felt like all directions. needless to say yes I was reaching above my head at the time & now my sun golden Blonde hair is brownish pinkish??? & down right sticky. So in my 36 yrs. of life I have done many things I have not however washed my hair with Mineral Spirits?? Is this an Idea that is even worse than it sounds? Is their a better way?? Please will some one come to my cry for "HELP". THANK YOU: Rob
Posted By: Moonshadow
Date Posted: Jun 21, 2003 at 10:15am
Sorry I can't help you, but this reminds of my husband (a carpenter) who got his waist length hair wound up in a drill once. The girl who cuts his hair still laughs about it. Mineral spirits on hair does not sound good, but maybe just try it on a small part on the end and see what it does? Hope someone else has some better suggestions- Good Luck!
Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: Jun 22, 2003 at 8:38am
Maybe you could try Mineral Oil first...It will disolve gums and other types of dye?? It won't bother your skin, although I would still take pecausions.
You can pick it up at the drug store I believe. Be patient, let it sit and see if it breaks down the gummyness?? Use a Clairfying type shampoo to remove it, try a fine tooth comb to comb any little chunks out first...before you take the oil out.
....Don't mix and blend things...like the mineral spirits and mineral oil...
Let us know...the strand test is a good idea if you have to use the mineral spirits. Try the Mineral Oil first though.
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Posted By: Moonshadow
Date Posted: Jun 23, 2003 at 4:18pm
Sophie's post made me remember I read not too long ago that petroleum jelly (Vaseline) will take oil-based paint off skin. Might be worth a try on your hair.
Posted By: hookuum
Date Posted: Jun 23, 2003 at 5:02pm
THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP! This is what I did: I first combed some mineral spirits threw my hair for a about 5 Min. I then rinsed it out. Next I used some Dawn Dish washing liquid to get the oily mineral spirits out which worked great. I then used my shampoo & conditioner which I left on for 3 Min. & also the next morning I used my conditioner again. My hair is somewhat the old color. A bit darker but no longer sticky although a tad on the dry side. WHAT A ORDEAL! I hope I can get it back to normal. SO the moral to the story?? That's easy= Wear a HAT next time. "AGAIN" THANK YOU ALL: Rob
Posted By: LiliBeach
Date Posted: Jun 23, 2003 at 9:59pm
I'm so glad it worked out for you. !- A `badera -, , @ )20`p )2$-!) !-,- )!4 r $(