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Just need to let it out

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Topic: Just need to let it out
Posted By: Spaci32
Subject: Just need to let it out
Date Posted: Jul 12, 2003 at 9:41pm

Sorry everybody but I'm using this as a complete and total bi**hfest because as usual all my friends have decided to ditch me and leave me sitting at home. So can't really say anything to them. Just coming to the realization that I'm beginning to hate people which isn't a good thing because I'm a social worker. I just don't understand how someone (lets just say namely males right now) just decide that they don't need to call back.....ever. BUT they (namely one) are so good and making up for it that I'm a complete sucker. So thanks everyone I feel better now. Today I hate people. Tomorrow will be another story.

A wish is a desire without any attempt to attain its end.

Replies: 6
Posted By: Spaci32
Date Posted: Jul 12, 2003 at 9:41pm

Sorry everybody but I'm using this as a complete and total bi**hfest because as usual all my friends have decided to ditch me and leave me sitting at home. So can't really say anything to them. Just coming to the realization that I'm beginning to hate people which isn't a good thing because I'm a social worker. I just don't understand how someone (lets just say namely males right now) just decide that they don't need to call back.....ever. BUT they (namely one) are so good and making up for it that I'm a complete sucker. So thanks everyone I feel better now. Today I hate people. Tomorrow will be another story.

%) @ ab ` `e ) $ b` (.4` .8 !$$%- $ $- !4`` .

Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: Jul 13, 2003 at 8:14am
Spac...your worth MORE... than your giving yourself credit for?

Try to keep it about yourself. What do YOU want?
What are you not getting from your friends?
and ...Why?

ARE they friends? What do you want from your friends?
sorry for rambling...I don't know your situation...
Give it time .....Cheers
! ( A(bb 4be $ ",`b -& 0 %,($$ (--!!,,br #4

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Jul 13, 2003 at 5:41pm
Hi Spaci

You know if people "ditch" you and leave you at could always "ditch" them and go find a party and some new friend.

You own your life and make your own destiny.

If there are things in your life that make you unhappy today - you have the power to scrap those things and move into a happier tomorrow.

Best of luck...I hope you cheer up and kick some rear . ), R '. `p %

Posted By: SuperGrover
Date Posted: Jul 13, 2003 at 9:42pm
Hi Semi-twin Traci.

That happens to me a lot, too. I've never been super social anyway.

I'm with them. You'll make new friends!
Didn't you say in another thread that you were moving?

Traci !) ic a p`` -& `b . @p )2 ,-$ ! ! $ -$ ` ,

Posted By: LiliBeach
Date Posted: Jul 13, 2003 at 9:57pm
It doesn't sound like they deserve the name friends.

Keep on smileing Spaci, we love you!! !- A `badera -, , @ )20`p )2$-!) !-,- )!4 r $(

Posted By: Spaci32
Date Posted: Jul 14, 2003 at 10:15am

Hey all. Thanks for the support. I just needed a sounding board somewhere and didn't expect any replies. I did have places I could have gone but I'm a pretty shy person and didn't want to go by myself. It's embarassing walking into places when everybody is staring. At least for me.

I guess it was more of a dating thing that night. Those lovely on again, off again things is inbetween again. Just a little frustrated at the time.

And other Traci I am moving this thursday to Asheville, NC. Well supposed to be. I'm making myself sick trying to decide whether to move or not. I was offered a great job here in Iowa but not sure if I want to stay in the boonies for 2 more years. So it's basically family/friends and great job versus mediocre job in a great location.

I think i'm going to be sick I keep thinking about it.

Traci %) @ ab ` `e ) $ b` (.4` .8 !$$%- $ $- !4`` .

Posted By: SuperGrover
Date Posted: Jul 14, 2003 at 11:43pm
I'm sure whichever one you choose, it'll work out well. Have you been able to visit the Asheville, NC area at all?

Maybe you'd make new, better friends there.

Moving away from home is something everyone should try at least once in life, I think.

Just my 2cents. !) ic a p`` -& `b . @p )2 ,-$ ! ! $ -$ ` ,

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