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Un-cut Hair

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Topic: Un-cut Hair
Posted By: uzma
Subject: Un-cut Hair
Date Posted: Oct 21, 2002 at 1:55pm

Recently I have been exploring the idea of leaving my hair un-cut for the rest of my life.

I sought and found inspiration in many cultures, religions, etc. However, as a modern woman living in the big city and working for a global corporation, the choice of un-cut hair is controversial.

I am committed to NEVER letting a sissor near my hair again. I never use heat on it, always protect it from the elements and cherish it.

Is there anyone out there who has also made this choice?
What are your reasons?
How long have you been letting your hair grow? What responses have you had from others?
Do you ever forsee cutting it...why?

Uzma (curious and un-cut)


Replies: 66
Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Oct 21, 2002 at 1:55pm

Recently I have been exploring the idea of leaving my hair un-cut for the rest of my life.

I sought and found inspiration in many cultures, religions, etc. However, as a modern woman living in the big city and working for a global corporation, the choice of un-cut hair is controversial.

I am committed to NEVER letting a sissor near my hair again. I never use heat on it, always protect it from the elements and cherish it.

Is there anyone out there who has also made this choice?
What are your reasons?
How long have you been letting your hair grow? What responses have you had from others?
Do you ever forsee cutting it...why?

Uzma (curious and un-cut) ), R '. `p %

Posted By: Ingrid16
Date Posted: Oct 22, 2002 at 12:23pm
Hey, Uzma! Kudos to ya- you`re very bold for deciding to do that. ITs a shame that we live in these `modern` cultures where that kind of free expression is looked down upon. I agree with Gary (above)- since you`ve gone thru so much personal trouble to grow your hair out,, and if its what you really want to do, then go for it! Hope your hair grows long & beautiful, and don`t let anyone`s criticism ruin the happiness you get from it. Its none of their business, anyway!
Love, Ingrid :) :) @ad a`dba $($, @ #.4`` $ )% )-% ),, ,"` #4

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Oct 22, 2002 at 1:55pm
Hi Gary
Good to hear from you and thanks for the encouragement. Hope you are well. Hope to send you some pics of me in partywear at Christmas time - would like your comments...maybe you`ll tell me I look like a man in drag (lol).......

Hey there Inga
Thanks for your nice comments and support. read your post about the positive comments from your bro`. Wow - now there`s a RESULT. Lots of love to you.

Anyone out there who is going to join me in my (as one friend put it) "Quest for the Hairy Grail?

Uzzeee ), R '. `p %

Posted By: duke
Date Posted: Oct 22, 2002 at 6:34pm
Cool idea. Good luck. Don`t worry about conformist pressure. It`s trash
and ignoble.

Posted By: Ingrid16
Date Posted: Nov 3, 2002 at 3:34am
Hey Uzma!
Just wonderin` how your hair is coming along...long, flowing & beautiful I hope!!!! Has your mother laid off on you about it yet? Just curious.
Lotsa Love,
Inga @ad a`dba $($, @ #.4`` $ )% )-% ),, ,"` #4

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Nov 3, 2002 at 10:11am
Hi Inga

My mother is not "off my case" ....she has changed tactics (and I`m quite enjoying it).


She bought me an absolutely gorgeous diamante clip last week and yesterday when I visited her she bought me a really expensive and very beautiful antique slide for when it`s longer.

My initial reaction was "o my God, I`ve become her personal `dress-up doll`" but it`s actually quite OK because I think this is her way of showing concern for her now mentally ill daughter (lol).

We went to a charity ball the other day and I wore a beaded see-thru black lace jacket with a skimpy, clingly top underneath (very fem) and heels,etc. My hair was pinned back and I wore the diamante clip she had bought me. I had a LOT of compliments, most within my mother`s hearing as to the positive transformation in my appearance ( and I could see her beaming with pride.

She`s still fairly shocked but at least the hostility is over.

Mom`s no longer the problem. What is more worrying is that I am being harassed by a guy at work...anyway that`s another story.

What`s happened in your life, Inga?
The event I last recall was your brother making a positive comment on your new short hairstyle, at a family dinner.
Has your mother softened up at all?
Have you spoken to her about your feelings?
I would be interested to know her ongoing responses.

Take care and bye for now.


Uzma ), R '. `p %

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Nov 3, 2002 at 10:37am
Oops. Forgot to tell you about how my hair is looking these days.
I think it`s a bit weird.
It`s almost shoulder-length, which is very far off being long and flowing.
The underlayer of my hair is wavy and the top layer is curly and getting curlier as ot grows.
It frizzes on wet days, even if the rain doesn`t fall on it directly. When I had short hair I thought it was straight - but I guess because I always had layers, I couldn`t really tell.
My hair is very dry and coarse and the individual strands are thick - so I have to mega-condition it.

Getting excellent results with Kerastase bain satin 3 shampoo, Phytokarite conditioner, PhytoDefrissant relaxer and Phyto 9 leave-in conditioner. Also taking HF-37.
Hair has softened up and is straighter when I use the PhytoDefrissant (thank God for that product).

Because I am growing out layers and my hair is it`s natural colour (salt & pepper), when I leave it loose it swishes about and has a wild appearance which I enjoy (it goes with the attitue lol). I like the uniqueness of my hair.

Everyone adds their own colour to the tapestry of life. I absolutely abhor the inflences that want us all to be the same, think the same and deny our innermost and outermost selves their true and full expression.


Uzma ), R '. `p %

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Nov 4, 2002 at 1:10pm

Hmmm. That`s an angle I hadn`t considered.
I`ll certainly think about it. Thanks.
He`s not my diamond - he`s married with a couple of kids - but I guess he could just be going through a strange phase/be lonely/need reassurance that he still has what it takes, etc.

OK. I won`t "show claws" as long as he doesn`t touch me again.
If he does, no more nice girl.

Best regards


PS: What happened to chivalry? Why are guys on the take all the time? I would MAKE time for any man who treated me with honour and respect.

 ), R '. `p %

Posted By: Ingrid16
Date Posted: Nov 7, 2002 at 10:07am
Hey Uzma! Good to hear from ya!
Wierd stuff about your mom...I guess she got the point! :) Or is she scheming in some other way? Who knows with mothers, right? Either way, I`m happy to hear that she`s being supportive- that was really sweet of her to buy you that stuff. Sounds like your hair is looking good. If its kinda wild and wavy now, then it`ll look great once its longer. Wild, untamed long hair is super-sexy, and hey, if it gets a little hard to deal with sometimes, just remember the happiness it gives you & the effort you`ve gone through to grow it out! :) :)
Don`t want to talk too soon, but it sounds like a victory to me :) :) :)
What`s the deal with this guy at your work? Married with kids? What did he say or do to you, anyway (if you want to tell)? Well, he may be harmless, but any guy who would betray his vows and his children has proven himself untrustworthy. That`s a wierd situation; you don`t want to be cruel or catty with someone, but sometimes if you`re even a little bit nice to them they think its some kind of invitation. I dont know the specifics, but be kinda careful- I`m no expert but it seems like guys can sometimes get really nasty if they feel rejected or shamed. Good luck with all of that & be careful, OK? (sorry I don`t want to scare ya or anything like that, but you never know from people....)
Anyway, things have been kinda up & down with me. On the good side, I cut my hair again, a little bit shorter. I dance with the school dance team & on my own, and it kept getting in my eyes since it is too short to put up- I like it a lot tho. Its really short! Now I can pull it back with a hand band or with tiny butterfly clips & keep it off my face.
My mom hasn`t nagged on me about it- she actually said it was `cute` when I came home from the salon. I dont know if she was being honest or not, but it was a lot better than "You look like a boy!". Still, yesterday we got some pictures of me & my brothers developed; they were from when I still had long hair, and she said "See, look how pretty you were with long hair." Ugh! Oh well. For the most part, she`s backed off, which is good cuz I`m pretty tight with my mom & it kinda hurts when she rags on me about stuff like that (we were always close & always talk about `girlie` stuff- kind of our refuge from my all-too-manly father & brothers).
On the bad side, I broke up with my b/f (got dumped, to be honest) :( :( It would be stupid to say its cuz I cut my hair, but I know that he hated it short & thought I wasn`t as pretty without it. I`ve been kinda heartbroken & blue the last couple of days- locked in my room & writing depressing poetry and stuff. Don`t want to whine or anything, but I`m sad; I thought we were good together :( I`m not sure why he did it, but I know there are other girls that he`s been eyeing for a while; he says that I was `to emotional and serious` for him, & he `just wants to have fun`. *Whine!*:(
Anway, enough of that! I know what you mean by the lack of chivalry. I`m sure there are really good guys out there; ones who will appreciate such ravishing, charming beauties as us! (Hehehehehe!)
Ok, I gotta go now. Thanks for writing and stuff & thanks to anyone else who took their time to read this!
Take care, Uzma!
Lotsa lotsa Love (or as they say over in your part of the world, Cheers!)
Inga :)  @ad a`dba $($, @ #.4`` $ )% )-% ),, ,"` #4

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Nov 8, 2002 at 1:11pm
Inga Honey

I`m so sorry to hear about your break up.
I hear this kind of thing all the time - a lot of guys in London have become really fickle and don`t seem to realise or care how they hurt others.
We girls call them "players".
Everything seems to be going well in the relationship and you would never know that they are just tagging you along until they catch the next unsuspecting woman.
I guy I was seeing for 9 years left me for a another girl. They broke up after 10 days and he wanted to come back, but I wouldn`t have him. It really hurt bad because I had given this person so much love, space, nurturing, consideration, care - not to mention a fair bit of money. I think maybe I gave too much. Anyway, I`m a lot older and possibly wiser now - and there are some major rules I have learnt - No.1 being "hold-back" - don`t give anyone everything. No.2 being "love yourself more than you love him". I could go on....

Oh Inga. Please don`t be so sad. You were his girlfriend in good faith and he can`t take that away from you. You remained honorable and faithful - these are first-class virtues. He will have to bear the burden of his actions and account for them one day, along with the hurt he has caused. More fool him if he thinks he can have his "fun" making others suffer.

I wish I could magic your pain away, but I`m afraid it`s part of the growing process of life. You`ll be more resilient and cautious in future, I`m sure. My advice is to be selective. You are a treasure - make sure it is a Hero who wins you and not a thief who steals you. Your ex was not worthy of you.

I am sending you a huge hug and a big big kiss.

Lots of love

Uzma  ), R '. `p %

Posted By: Ingrid16
Date Posted: Nov 8, 2002 at 4:42pm
Thanks so much! You`re wonderful & supportive & I really appreciate it! I never thought that heartbreak could hurt so much, but there are people like you out there who know what its like and can just be a friend if its needed. I know this is supposed to be a hair-related board and we`re kinda falling off the subject, but I`m happy you were here. Funny how someone you meet on a message board online can make you feel better than your closest friends & family (they`ve been great but nobody said anything as inspiring as you!)
Yeah, it still hurts bad- he was my first real boyfriend & altho I`m not naive enough to think that it was `meant to be` or that we`d be together forever (I wish fairy tales were true but theyre not), I was, and am, in love with him. Actually, I was long before we ever got together. It seems like every memory I have of the last year and a half since we first met has him in it, and it feels wierd and bleak knowing that he won`t be in the ones that are being made right now. (Did that even make sense?)
You`re right tho- I didn`t do anything wrong, he did. Its hard to remember that & believe it, but I`ll try.
Again, thanks soooooo much for caring, Uzma, and thanks for all of your encouragement and support and...crap, I`m gonna get teary again. Just thanks, OK?
I sending you back a big huge hug!
Lotsa love,
Inga :) :)

P.S. Sorry to everybody else for getting personal & off the subject- y`know how it goes.....
 @ad a`dba $($, @ #.4`` $ )% )-% ),, ,"` #4

Posted By: turquoise_girl
Date Posted: Nov 9, 2002 at 7:02pm
this really is a wonderful idea! you have the best chance of reaching the longest length if it goes uncut. just make sure you don`t put your hair`s beauty in jeopardy( don`t leave horrible damage on the bottom just because you don`t want to cut it- because that damage can travel up the hair shaft). also, to keep your hair the healthiest:
invest in a satin or silk pillowcase/ satin head wrap for when you sleep because it will prevent breakage. use deep conditioning treatments if necessary and be very gentle with your combing and shampooing. GOOD LUCK to you, i hope you all the best and make sure to keep us updated on how it is going. when the damaged parts of my hair grows out( from health problems - there are only a few more inches left to go) i am surely going to try to not trim my hair unless it is COMPLETELY necessary. a couple of years ago i never would trim my hair and it looked great... and was quite long!:)

Posted By: turquoise_girl
Date Posted: Dec 4, 2002 at 10:45pm
hey uzma, i was wondering: in your first post you said that you found inspiration in different cultures and religions... could you give examples? i would love to hear about it. Thanks:)

Posted By: Ingrid16
Date Posted: Dec 5, 2002 at 2:58am
Turquoise Girl-
Good luck growing your hair out! Hope it gets to be as long & flowing & beautiful as you could possibly wish!:)

Ingrid @ad a`dba $($, @ #.4`` $ )% )-% ),, ,"` #4

Posted By: turquoise_girl
Date Posted: Dec 5, 2002 at 2:18pm
well thank you very much ingrid!

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Dec 8, 2002 at 2:29pm
Dear Turquoise Girl

Thank you for your encouragement.
I am trying to take the best care of my hair  ), R '. `p %

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Dec 8, 2002 at 3:32pm
One more gorgeous web-site with hair customs/styles from different time-periods and cultures: -
 ), R '. `p %

Posted By: turquoise_girl
Date Posted: Dec 8, 2002 at 5:03pm
cool, thanks. i especially enjoyed reading the one. very interesting. thank you for your good wishes, back at ya! keep us posted with your progress:)

Posted By: Ingrid16
Date Posted: Dec 12, 2002 at 9:30am
Thanks for the interesting links! I really enjoyed the Eras of Ellegance link...I`m into history & past culture, etc., so I loved it! :)

Ingrid @ad a`dba $($, @ #.4`` $ )% )-% ),, ,"` #4

Posted By: Lady Maria
Date Posted: Dec 31, 2002 at 5:50pm
I congradulate you on your brave and interesting decision to grow your hair as long as it can grow. A year ago I had hair past my waist, but my hair was thin, tangled easily, and I decided to get it cut. It also takes an extraordinary amount of time and energy to really care for hair that long.
It was fun having hair that long though. Best of luck and have a happy New Year! !$) Aabha

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Jan 1, 2003 at 7:46am
Thank you Maria.

The tangling thing is starting to happen already - I wake up every morning looking like Medusa with a head full of writhing snakes (lol).
Still, there is a certain wild charm to it.
I guess I`m in love with my hair, or totally I tolerate and even celebrate it`s foibles.

How short did you go?
Did you have to adjust to the new style - psychologically, I mean? Did people start treating you differently in anyway?
I would be interested to know........

And a Happy New Year to you, too.

Best regards

Uzma ), R '. `p %

Posted By: Lady Maria
Date Posted: Jan 1, 2003 at 10:04am
Hi Uzma,
I got my hair cut a year ago out of frustration and depression, I had broken up with a guy and I just went to the beauty salon and had it cut. I had it cut initially in a short bob cut and then a week later went back and had it cut in a short pixie. Quite a change going from hair past my waist to a short pixie!
I really missed my long hair,I cried some tears, but I did get compliments on my new look(you look cute, adorable, that sort of thing), and many of my girlfriends and women co-workers wear their hair short, which helped.
Two months after I got my hair cut short I met a guy who is really good to me, a handsome, loving man who I really love, and that really helped too. We are getting married this May.
I have done other things also to compensate for my lack of hair. I always dress feminine, I always wear makeup, I got my ears pierced again, I wear two earrings in each ear, and I have a pierced left nostril and I wear a nosestud. I bought some beautiful new skirts and dresses. I actually feel very feminine!
I go in once a month for a trim to keep my pixie looking good and not shaggy. It is actually quite short now, the shortest I have worn my hair, my pixie really isn`t much longer than a crewcut, but I have gotten used to the style, and after the initial shock of not having long hair wore off, and the tears dried up, I have to say I really like my new short hairstyle.
I can see why you want to wear your hair long though Uzma I still love looking at long hair on both men and women, it is wonderful!
I say , you go girl, if you really want exceptionally long hair and you feel you have the right hair for it,(I really didn`t , my hair was too thin), grow it as long as you like! that sounds like fun Uzma!

Happy New Year, and enjoy your long hair!

!$) Aabha

Posted By: turquoise_girl
Date Posted: Jan 11, 2003 at 7:04pm
how long is your hair now uzma?

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Jan 14, 2003 at 1:11pm
Hello Turquoise Girl

Thanks for your interest.

My hair is now shoulder-length and growing fast.
Its black with silver streaks (naturally) - my 5 year old neice keeps saying "you have glitter in your hair".
It has loose waves in it but has a tendency to dry frizzy on the day I wash it.
Its strange the way it looks - unusual, having it`s own unique combination of characteristics. It looks and feels unlike I had imagined it would.

I am toying with the idea of having a series of black & white art photographs taken of it (and my self) as it is growing out. Like a sort of testimony to my "peaking femininity" - well I`m in my thirties now so everything will head south soon - I`ll need something to cheer me up on a cold wet afternoon ......

Take care TG.



 ), R '. `p %

Posted By: Ingrid16
Date Posted: Jan 16, 2003 at 2:56am
Hey Uzma! Sounds like your hair-growing experience is going well :). How`s things with your mom? Has she made any more of a fuss about it lately? Just wondering....

Lotsa Love (& Cheers)

PS- BEAUTIFUL quote.....The Song of Songs again? @ad a`dba $($, @ #.4`` $ )% )-% ),, ,"` #4

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Jan 16, 2003 at 1:00pm
Hi Inga

Guess what - my Mother has decided to grow her hair!!!
I feel victorious...hehehe.

And yes, its the Song of Songs again. I really love it - although my favorite part of the Bible is Hosea.
They both move me.

Inga - please write some more poetry soon and post it on the Hair Poetry board. I really enjoy your imagery and use of language.

Take care


Uzma ), R '. `p %

Posted By: hairalways
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2003 at 5:56am
Hey Uzma,

I loved checking out the links you provided. The sikh page was really fascinating and so much of what it said really hit home with me. I am not Muslim...but I do feel that there is truth in every philosophy.
Anyway, I am not claiming to never cut my hair....but I am seeing how long I can go without trimming it. i went from a clippered nape and chin length front in May of last year to shoulder length now. I have not had a cut since then. I condition a lot and use oils so you would not think it needs it. So I can relate to you sense of curiosity as to where it will go. It is like relinquishing control over something that all my life, I (or my mom)controlled quite subconsciously. I would go to the salon and tell the stylist "I want my hair to do this" like it was a trick pony - then come home and force it into straightness, or waviness........ Now I wash and condition and let it decide where it wants to go. As long as it looks healthy, I don`t see anything wrong with that.
Anyway - I am rambling...just thought I would share.


Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2003 at 2:04pm
Hi Jacqui

Glad you enjoyed the links.
Sounds like you have come to a peaceful co-existence with your hair - or maybe it would be more precise to say that you have granted it it`s freedom.
I like what you said.
Enjoy your journey of discovery.
And thanks for sharing.


 ), R '. `p %

Posted By: Ingrid16
Date Posted: Feb 5, 2003 at 8:52am
Hi Uzma!
So your mom's letting her hair grow?!?!?
Is it because of you? Wow! That's great! Not really revenge, but sort of, in a nice way...well, good job convincing her or being an example. It'll probably bring you closer, too. :) :)

Good to hear from you, Uzma...I'll try to write ya some poetry soon,OK? I'm so flattered by what you said! Thanks! :) :)

Inga @ad a`dba $($, @ #.4`` $ )% )-% ),, ,"` #4

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Feb 13, 2003 at 1:18pm
Hi Cosmillionaire

Thank you for your positive feedback and advice.

With respect to maintaining the "look" of well-groomed hair, I have to tell you that it is exactly this type of control that I am rebelling against.

My aim is "un-finished" hair, left totally to it's own devices, as God intended, without reference to social opinion/norms/convention/acceptability.
The slavery is over. Period.

I am experimenting with products.
Previously, I have used and raved about the Phytotherathrie and Kerastase lines - both top of the range, salon-quality products.
I have had a change in direction recently.
I am using totally natural products i.e shikaki (soapnut) or egg+lemon+Rosemary EO to clean and various base & essential oils to condition.
This routine is more effective than anything that I have previously tried. My hair has never felt/looked so good and my scalp is clean and calm.

I am starting to realise exactly how much we are SOLD in terms of how we must take care of ourselves, and that hi-tech synthetic products can out-perform unaltered, natural substances.
Of course, hair-cuts, colours, products are all designed to make us spend more and more money. The fashionable changes in style are likewise aimed at making us feel out-of-tune with the modern world, insecure, etc. Therefore we are buying security and tribal acceptance at a cost to our individuality as well as our pockets.

I'll get off my soap-box now (lol).

Thanks for your feedback.

Uzma ), R '. `p %

Posted By: turquoise_girl
Date Posted: Feb 13, 2003 at 4:31pm
wonderfully said uzma:)

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: Feb 14, 2003 at 6:51am
If your aim is
"My aim is "un-finished" hair, left totally to it's own devices, as God intended, without reference to social opinion/norms/convention/acceptability.
The slavery is over. Period."

Why do anything to it but wash it with mild now and then... isn't doing anything else self defeating to your goal?

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Feb 14, 2003 at 12:26pm

Minimal interference is my aim - but, as a religious woman - "cleanliness is next to Godliness".

Therefore, I wash it and moisturise it if and when I feel it is required. I administer basic care and then leave it alone.

If I lived in the Hunza Valley (a relatively unspoilt and pure environment in my homeland) - I would probably wash my hair and body in the local stream as needed - and that would be it.

But I live in polluted London on a questionably toxic diet, hence more washing and nurturing of hair and body wih "substances" than is ideal.

Best regards

Uzma ), R '. `p %

Posted By: Kintaro
Date Posted: Feb 14, 2003 at 2:39pm
Uzi : I have one suggestion. If ANYONE makes a derogatory remark, pump their bodies with "metaphorical" lead since their insensitive (and often envious) spirits aren't worth being carried in such a body.

How long has it been since you stopped believing in all this society-mandated crap ?

I'm (by my sig, you get an idea) 18, male, have been 31 months without going to a "hairstylist" since style is too synonymous to cut around here. While I really know nothing about hair (the first time I bought a bottle of shampoo on my own was only 3 weeks ago, pitiful ) , I wish to learn. I am convinced there are ways to keep the hair manageable even if they become 1.5 metres long or more (possibly thick braids, braids of braids, I don't know)

I, however, am an atheist. I can disagree on your position's backings, but the end result is what counts. Humans have evolved in time from being slime to scaly fish, to all sorts of intermediate forms, to primates who were hairy all over but kind of limited length, to homo sapiens: a creature that can have a much longer length on the head, and elsewhere. Hair is there. So I say make use of it instead of discarding it.

The appeal of the long hair derives in no part from femininity or masculinity. We are human, and if we exploit what we are and not what we are told to do, that is natural beauty. That is art.

Counterpoint : I'm not saying short hair on others isn't artistic. However, I am repulsed with how short hair (or none) used to have a social stigma of slave, and now, everyone decides to go for the slave cut.

If I want to master something, it will be myself. Please remember that, it may be one of the mantras you keep sacred in your mind.

P.S. : Uzma (the Uzi was used to emphasize the initial metaphor) : Any good product suggestions you may have that do not have pervasive smells and actually are beneficial to the hair, please, make a list. I like to meditate, and when you meditate, you breathe. I just don't want to smell beaver genitals, musk glands, whale sperm, or anything offensive in that line. I enjoy faint or no smells. If you know something that fits into that simple yet demanding category, I thank you in advance if you're willing to share the info. (! A al` eb (% $b` /6(bb !.$ ,-$! -- % ( Bp $

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Feb 14, 2003 at 3:45pm
Hi Kintaro

Thanks for your comments  ), R '. `p %

Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 2, 2003 at 9:10am
Uzma, since your hair is still quite short, never cutting it again it going to yield you very uneven and split ends. Even if you treat your hair with the absolute utmost care, just being alive, washing it and combing it you are guaranteed to have split ends. The problem with that is that the split ends travel up along the hair shaft and then your hair will become weak.

It is your hair, and you can do whatever you like, but quite frankly, your hair may never grow to even a medium length if you never, ever trim it.

I very much understand that you are leery of trimming it, because sometimes "trims" will take way too much off! One of the reasons that several years ago, I cut my long hair short, is that it was looking scraggly on the ends (let's face it, witchy hair is not attractive on anyone). I trim my hair ever-so-slightly once every 3-4 months now, and it's just even to even the ends and keep my hair looking thick and luscious!

I would highly recommend an occasional trim.

Posted By: Lyris
Date Posted: Jun 2, 2003 at 10:12am
Hi Jennifer! Uzma is well aware of split ends and their inevitability when deciding upon uncut hair--she has discussed this topic in detail on various other threads (check out this one: - ) To quote Uzma, "I have very specific reasons for choosing un-cut hair and these reasons are sufficiently compelling to maintain my commitment."

Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 2, 2003 at 10:28am
Lyris, I wasn't aware of that, thanks.

If she isn't concerned with how her hair looks, then there's no reason to keep it trimmed.

Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Oct 13, 2003 at 9:51pm
This is a really old thread but I just wanted to let people know that Uzma, to the best of my knowledge has kept her promise so far. She hasn't cut her hair in all this time. It is getting long!
I wear my hair short but I like long hair too. I believe it is important to wear the hairstyle that you like for yourself!4!,!

Posted By: duke
Date Posted: Oct 18, 2003 at 6:00am
My suggestion is to avoid trims as
much as possible and only trim IF
you get serious splitting, not to
decide "okay, I'll trim every so
often." I think that human hair has
been growing from short to long
for many years without regular
trims. There is for example a guy
in some place like Tibet who
stopped cutting his hair cold turkey
years ago and now has (or until
some point had) the longest hair
in the world. It's just not true
that hair needs trims as a rule
in order to grow well. It really
depends on the hair. Of course,
if you chemically process (dye,
bleach, perm) your hair or use
too much shampoo etc. you
weaken it and may have more
splits etc.

If all else fails and do need a
trim, I would advise trying to
find a salon that works only
with long hair. That way, you
significantly lessen the chances
that a stylist will chop off too
much, and increase the chances
that they'll cut off the absolute

Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Oct 19, 2003 at 1:28am
Duke, I don't even think Uzma is even interested in a trim for any reason. At least that is what she wrote.

Duke, may
I ask you something?
Why do you
always write your
lines real thin
like this?
Is there a reason for
this? Or do you just
like to have only
a few words on a line?4!,!

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Oct 19, 2003 at 4:02am
Hey Duke

Tina is right - I am not going to trim my hair.

I also wonder about your writing pattern .

Take care, ), R '. `p %

Posted By: duke
Date Posted: Oct 20, 2003 at 4:27am
Okay, let me try another writing pattern. I guess I am used to pressing "enter", and if I do after writing a long line, all the lines become crooked. Maybe I should just let the computer do "return" for me and use maximum space.

My advice on whether or not to trim is not directed necessarily at Uzma, but at anyone who is thinking about whether or not to trim.

Uzma, have you posted your picture anywhere?

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Oct 20, 2003 at 3:58pm
No pics of my hair are available on the web yet, Duke.
I need a sympathetic photographer, some scanning equipment and a photo-hosting site.
None of which I have obtained yet......... ), R '. `p %

Posted By: BaldJasmine
Date Posted: Oct 20, 2003 at 8:10pm
You and I Uzma are on the opposite end of the hair spectrum, you with your ever-growing long hair and me with my short afro crop. I wish you luck lady. May your hair cascade to your knees if that's what you want!,

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Oct 21, 2003 at 6:40am
Thanks Jasmine.
It's quite amazing how we humans express ourselves through our outside appearance - and hair. And how our ideal self-image differs from each other.

I wish you all the best with your goals too .

Take care,
 ), R '. `p %

Posted By: enfys
Date Posted: Oct 21, 2003 at 4:54pm
Uzi, you're totally amazing for having so much commitment, and being able to win the support of so many people on the Net, and your mum.

I won't do the no-cut thing myself because the styles I enjoy doing require straight ends, however I will, once I've got rid of my layers, only cut split ends. Probably.

Good luck with your hair growth: I hadn't read this before so it was cool to see how far you've come already.

Keep going, chick, and I can't wait to hear about how often you trip over your hair as it trails the floor! $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-)! !!%,!,`" !,

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Oct 22, 2003 at 6:31pm
Thanks for your encouragement enfys.
Godd luck to you in yours.
 ), R '. `p %

Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Oct 22, 2003 at 10:04pm
I'm like you Jasmine, my hair is about as short as it gets these days, a pixie one-half an inch long.

Uzma, how long is your hair now? I once had hair past my waist. Are you getting anywhere near that?
What are you doing with your long hair Uzma in terms of styling it? Do you ever wear it up or braid it or put it in rollers for some curl? I know you said you have thick, straight hair.
When I had long hair my hair was also very straight-(blonde hair in my case, not real thick, I had nice hair though)-. I did sometimes wear it up, but usually just wore it straight down my back. I never curled it. Sometimes I put it in a ponytail but often just wore it straight down my back past my rump. It was one length initially then I got bangs and still wore it long then I got it cut in a bob until I finally went very short with the pixie.
I loved long hair but I love short hair too.

I'm curious, how long is your hair Uzi?4!,!

Posted By: duke
Date Posted: Oct 23, 2003 at 10:57am
A "pixie" one half-inch long? At its longest length? Tina - that sounds more like a buzzcut to me. Or a brush cut, butch cut, what you will. A pixie is definitely short, but long enough to comb, short hair cut feathery. Am I correct?

Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Oct 23, 2003 at 12:28pm
I do comb it Duke. I wear my hair about the length of Jamie Lee Curtis or Alyissa Milano, a very short pixie.
I have it styled. I comb it down in front, it is tapered and cut short above the ears and short in back. It isn't a buzzcut. A buzzcut is close to the head maybe a quarter of an inch long.It is about half an inch long, maybe a little longer. I have it trimmed every few weeks so it always stays about the same length more or less.4!,!

Posted By: KathyAnn
Date Posted: Oct 23, 2003 at 10:13pm
*Duke I live with Tina so I should know. *It seems to me that Tina's hair is a little longer than one-half inch, not much longer than that but a little longer at least on top and in front. It might be one-half inch right after she gets it cut.* It's shingled and tapered like short pixies are. *Like Tina said, her hair is like Alyssa's or Jamie Lee's pixie. It is about as long as Alyssa Milano's hair right before she cuts it. After the cut it is about like Jamie Lee is now wearing her hair which is to me more or less a crewcut or an ultra-short pixie. She her hair cut usually every 5 weeks or so.
As far as Uzma's hair, didn't Uzma say she was growing her hair out from a short cut that she had a couple of years back. I think I read that on one of these boards. I believe Uzma said her hair is now past her shoulders but not real long yet. * Correct me if I'm wrong Uzma.

Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: Oct 23, 2003 at 10:33pm
Past the shoulders is really, really long, at least to me :-P . If my hair ever gets that long it's out of total laziness, and I always get angry with myself if I neglect it so long it gets that bad off. I don't think I could possibly let it go that long on purpose! ! % Aaebade d !, ` . 4``

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Oct 24, 2003 at 3:05am
My hair is past the shoulders - almost bra-strap length .
I have also found a way to constuctively use my intense interest in hair, by commencing trichology training.

When I was 20 years old, I had a mohican, with my head completely shaved except for a 3 inch long & wide strip from forehead to nape.

At the point I decided to grow my hair, I had above ear length hair cut into spiky/feathery long layers (which are still intact).

One phenomena I've noticed recently in London is the number of couples (of any & all persuasions) who have the same hairstyle.
It's like 2 people reflecting each other as part of mutual love....or almost merging into one.

Tina and you both have the same or similar hairstyles? ), R '. `p %

Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Oct 24, 2003 at 8:18am
Hi Uzi!
No Uzma, I have very short hair as you know and Kathy has a nearly shoulder length bob cut. I'm a blonde and she's a brunette. I'm short and she's fairly tall. So we don't look much alike in any way really.

Wow your hair is growing Uzma!
Your hair sounds nice.
Love ya! Chat with you later Uzi.4!,!

Posted By: KathyAnn
Date Posted: Oct 25, 2003 at 1:07am
*Your hair really is growing Uzma. That's nice.
*I've been thinking of growing my hair out longer too. That may seem strange to some who know us because I wear the pants, literally and figurativelly in our relationship. Tina's the "femme", the"wife" in our relationship. But Tina is just so darling, cute and feminine in her short crop, whereas I believe I look pretty good with hair that is shoulder length, maybe even longer.
*I haven't had really long hair for years. I would like to grow it out again at least as long as your is, maybe even mid back. I dress feminine when I am at work, I am in sales and wear a pantsuit or a dress, what-have-you, but when I'm not at work I just wear a pair of jeans and a work shirt and don't bother with any makeup . *I like wearing men's clothes too.
*I would like to grow my hair long and just tie it back in a long ponytail, and then wear a pair of jeans and a work shirt with some boots and a leather jacket. That's a casual look and feels free and easy to me.

Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: Oct 25, 2003 at 2:59am
That seems a little scary to me, couples with the same hair. . . like losing one's individuality. . . But I don't like the idea of people in love becoming thought of like one unit rather than two individuals, anyway, the way a lot of people seem to. I think it's good for people in love to be complements of one another, but not to the point they amalgamate into halves of one whole person. If a person loses him or herself in the relationship, what happens if the relationship breaks up? Then you're left feeling like you're not a whole person on your own, which isn't a positive thing. I wonder if that's why so many people just rush into a new relationship as soon as the old one is over, because they just don't know how to feel whole and fulfilled alone? *laughs* But now I'm getting way OT and over-analyzing, too. *pokes self to make self stop*

Originally Posted By: uzma "d (%$`($ @$d$ ! % Aaebade d !, ` . 4``

Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Oct 25, 2003 at 11:02am
Maybe you are right Kuroneko. Or maybe you aren't right. Maybe the couple wear similar hairstyles because they both like those styles or maybe they are just having fun. I'm sure there are different reasons for it.4!,!

Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Oct 25, 2003 at 5:58pm
I think it's sexy that you are growing your hair REALLY long Uzi!.
It wouldn't bother me at all if Kath decided to grow her hair longer. It is nice to run your fingers through beautiful long hair!4!,!

Posted By: BaldJasmine
Date Posted: Oct 25, 2003 at 8:43pm
I think it's great that people wear their hair how they want regardless of what others think because I believe people usually know what hair length or style flatters themselves best.

If you feel comfortable with your hair, just as with your clothes,jewelry, makeup etc. I believe you feel confident and better about yourself.,

Posted By: BaldJasmine
Date Posted: Oct 25, 2003 at 8:44pm
Let us know Kathy if you grow your hair out like Uzma is doing.
You and Tina are interesting people Kathy.,

Posted By: KathyAnn
Date Posted: Oct 25, 2003 at 10:40pm
*Thanks Jasmine. You are an interesting person in your own right.
I read on the Chillin board how you and Brent E are going to meet in person in Chicago. How exciting that will be for you Jasmine! I have heard of people chatting on the computer and then meeting up with each other but I've never actually known anyone who has done that. I'm sure it will be ok. Brent seems like an awfully nice fella *(smart too and a good writer ).
*Best of luck Jasmine.

Posted By: Girl Tia
Date Posted: Oct 31, 2003 at 7:17pm
Congrats to Uzma on her growing her hair as long as it goes.
I'm more than halfway down my back now, aiming for hip length or at least longer than I now have it. Being of Chinese heritage my hair is straight and black, maybe medium thickness.
How thick is your hair Uzma? What color is it?

To KathyAnn and tina m, congrats on your openess about your lesbian relationship. I'm a formerly gay man who, thanks to my sexual reassignment surgery, is now a transexual.
So I live as a hetrosexual woman living with my man.
I am now what I have wanted to be since I was a small child.

I look, dress and act like a woman too, because I am one. Legally too.
I'm unable to have children but other than that I'm a woman.
Looking at me you would never guess I was once a man.
So I'm a femme too tina. Just in a different way.

It's nice to know there are other members of the Gay/Lesbian?Bisexual/Transgender community who post.


Have you gotten any flack KathyAnn or Tina about your relationship on these hair boards?< , B`&

Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Oct 31, 2003 at 9:32pm
Hi there Tia.

Kathy and I haven't been given much "flack" about our lesbian "marriage" Tia. I'm sure many people here don't like it and maybe don't like us, I don't know, but they haven't given us any grief about it, -(except for one woman who apparently doesn't write on the boards these days. She hasn't written for a while.)-

People have given me flack about other things Tia, I get in my share of disputes on the boards,-(and I admit I am partially to blame for the arguments, not that I mind the occasional internet scuffle, tee-hee!)- but in regards to Kathy and my lesbian relationship, people have been pretty cool about it.

Take care girl.4!,!

Posted By: KathyAnn
Date Posted: Oct 31, 2003 at 10:36pm
*Hello Tia. Thank you so much for posting.
I'm glad you have fulfilled your dream of becoming a woman. There is a place for all of us here.
*We are all unique.
*I agree with Tina. People have been very tolerant of Tina and myself. Like she said I don't know how many approve or disapprove of lesbians but those who disapprove have not been discourteous.
Best of luck in your new life as a woman Tia.

Posted By: Nicky
Date Posted: Nov 22, 2003 at 10:58pm
how long is it now, Uzma?
oughta be looking pretty spectacular by now

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Nov 24, 2003 at 1:56pm
Hi Nicky

Thanks for asking .

My hair now falls to the top of my breasts.
it's 23.5 inches long

I love everything about my hair and it is looking and feeling beautiful (to me anyway).

Hope you ...hope as happy with their hair, whatever its length or style, as I am with mine.

Best regards, ), R '. `p %

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