Hair Color
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Printed Date: Dec 25, 2024 at 10:59pm
Topic: Hair Color
Posted By: rattlayitdown Subject: Hair Color Date Posted: Mar 5, 2000 at 4:18pm
I was wondering, how do you know what colors to go for and which to stay away from? I was thinking it had to do with skin color and eye color. Does anyone know for sure? I'm fair complected but I can tan and I have hazel eyes. I have med. brown hair with natural red and blonde highlights you can see in the light. I want to try something new with my hair though and not sure if I should go to a dark brown.
Posted By: rattlayitdown
Date Posted: Mar 5, 2000 at 4:18pm
I was wondering, how do you know what colors to go for and which to stay away from? I was thinking it had to do with skin color and eye color. Does anyone know for sure? I'm fair complected but I can tan and I have hazel eyes. I have med. brown hair with natural red and blonde highlights you can see in the light. I want to try something new with my hair though and not sure if I should go to a dark brown.