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Your 2005 Hair Resolutions

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
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Topic: Your 2005 Hair Resolutions
Posted By: DaveDecker
Subject: Your 2005 Hair Resolutions
Date Posted: Jan 1, 2005 at 9:35am
Happy New Year, everyone!

What are your new year's (new hair's) resolutions?

I endeavor to take better care of my hair by being more gentle when detangling, and performing more "search & destroy" missions on splits (I've got a bumper crop of them at the moment). I'd also like to make better efforts to keep the ends better moisturized & oiled.


Replies: 10
Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jan 1, 2005 at 9:35am
Happy New Year, everyone!

What are your new year's (new hair's) resolutions?

I endeavor to take better care of my hair by being more gentle when detangling, and performing more "search & destroy" missions on splits (I've got a bumper crop of them at the moment). I'd also like to make better efforts to keep the ends better moisturized & oiled.

Posted By: Suers
Date Posted: Jan 1, 2005 at 12:08pm
Long hair resolutions:

1. condition AND oil regularly

2. stop trying to detangle without mercy

3. try to resist trimming at the salon, which usually means 4-6 inches off.

4. do some interesting styles sometimes other than plain bun or two braids, one braid.

Posted By: The Asian Invasion
Date Posted: Jan 1, 2005 at 12:25pm
I resolve to not listen to not listen to what the "in" style is not, and grow my hair out to hip length. I also resolve to clarify my hair more frequently and be gentler when styling my hair. =)

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: Jan 1, 2005 at 5:20pm
Journal Entry From Earlier Today

January 2005 New Year, New Plan

Warning: Bubba could break out into a pondering at any moment. Be prepared to be taken on a ride. Please keep your hands inside the car at all times and your safety belts fastened. We are not responsible for injury or loss of property while reading this entry.
Thank You,
Management of BubbaLand

It is now officially the New Year in Michigan. Until yesterday I really didn't have a plan or resolutions. But after seeing so many people who have gone ahead and made changes for the better I've decided to make some changes towards healthy hair.

I have really been struggling the past 6 months with my routine. I have started to fall back into my rut of tangles and breaking during combing. Who am I kidding? I didn't start falling I fell in. In the past few months I have worn my sleep tail maybe 3 times. That sleep tail is my routine. Without that I might as well forget the rest. I cannot sleep with loose hair. It does not work for me. Maybe a satin pillowcase would help? Duh, it will.

My goal was set at 36" which is about waist on me. In September I did a trim and measured about 33". I have not measured since then. Here's the thing. I'm probably at least 34"-35" right now. I don't want to be getting to waist length yet. I have not earned that right. And I have not Learned that length. So as of now my goal is still 36" but I am not allowed to get there until the end of this year. Yeah, how do I not grow my hair? For starters I don't care what my hair measures right now. It could be 37 inches. I am cutting my hair back to 33 inches. That's step 1. I don't care if that's 1/2 inch or 4 inches. I have way too many broken ends, shorter pieces, and "undesigned layers" to keep growing without getting them under control.
That means that my goals for the year are

1. Start at 33"
2. Do Search and Snips on splits and breaks. Often.
3. Keep hair growing towards 36" but do not pass it early. Hitting 36" early means a required immediate trim of 1 inch minimum. No exceptions to this rule. I don't care if some miracle happens and splits go away. The waist is off limits before 2006.
4. Do trims regularly to maintain hem ends. Work out trim frequency to take 1/2 inch at least every trim to maintain good hem.
5. Learn how to do something other than a gosh darn ponytail. What the heck do I have this long hair for? I better be doing braids by summer. At least to try sleeping in them.
6. Denman Brush - Must Have Now!!!

Keep Shining :)

Posted By: Viktoria
Date Posted: Jan 2, 2005 at 7:10pm
My resolution: To be gentler, to be patient and not cut, to enjoy my hair more and experiment with new styles.

And all my best wishes for you all!

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Posted By: Grace912
Date Posted: Jan 3, 2005 at 4:51am
To wear it down more - I'm so neurotic about frizz that I tie it up the second that it starts to frizz at all, but no one else seems to notice, so maybe they're onto something.

Resist coloring - my natural dark brown seems to be the color of the moment anyway.

And even though I like my bangs for now, by the end of the year I will probably have begun to grow them out. Starting in the summer, probably; humidity makes me look like Shirley Temple on crack (no offense meant to Shirley Temple or crackheads). !,) A( Had%p (%2$ ` ) 4`p $(!$ )-% !-%,$ ,bb

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: Jan 3, 2005 at 6:54am
I echo the same. More dusting. More gentleness when I detangle it.

Master the dadgum french twist. I thought I'd been wearing a twist for months now, turns out its more of a half-french-roll-half-twist type thing that doesn't look as good as an actual twist would.
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Posted By: Layla
Date Posted: Jan 3, 2005 at 11:33am
Stop pulling my hair into a ponytail all the time. and figure out a way to prevent breakage. get rid of bubble hair. ! % !c. ` Ba % ,0 " ,"B "2%,$ %,%$(( $ "2

Posted By: strawberryfine
Date Posted: Jan 4, 2005 at 3:00pm
I got a trim of about 3/4" on Jan. 02. It was combed rather roughly with me howling the entire time. It's a little choppy but at least some more of the old bleach is gone.

1)I will only S&D until my hair is long enough to pull around and trim myself. That will probably be December 05 at the earliest.

2. Since I won't be trimming, I resolve to be extra gentle with every single hair, while combing, brushing, detangling, shampooing, styling, sleeping, hanging my head out of moving car windows(just kidding, I don't really do that) etc, etc, etc.

3. I will be more conscious of my clothing and try to wear more things with a slippery texture and less nubby fabrics. If the fabric is rough, hair will be up, preferably with a silky scarf around my shoulders.

4. Find a better way to sleep on my hair; silk hair bonnet, silk scrunchies, tied with a sock, tied with smooth ribbon, braided.

5. Try to drink 2 glasses of water a day. I hate to drink water so this is a reasonable goal for me.
Also, 1 glass milk daily.

6. Keep ends oiled daily with jojoba and stop sampling everything in the world. My hair is dizzy from last year's exposures.

7. Enjoy the ride. I resolve to enjoy my hair each and every day wherever I am with the length.

I'll have to keep coming back here to remember all of these;LOL.

Happy New Year,

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Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: Jan 10, 2005 at 11:21am
New Year's hair resolutions
(1) to reach hip length or possibly tailbone within 2005
(2) to finally make up my mind about whether I want 100% uncut tapered ends.
(3) to be more patient when combing out tangles
(4) to not talk to real life people about my hair as if it were a fresh relationship. to keep quiet about my visiting hair boards unless the person asks for hair advice. and yet, to invite more visitors.
(5) to remember to take vitamins and drink more water
(6) to find more innovative but safe ways to make my hair wavy and/or curly
(7) To not worry too much about hair loss, and remember that spring will bring more growth and thickness. $$ )'```ara $).,`` %*,`r !,,!-- ,,)-% ! " $4

Posted By: laststar
Date Posted: Mar 12, 2005 at 6:49pm
I would like to get to 30 inches by 2006 after that I would like it waist length. I would like to hot oil treat more often and wear it down more as opposed to a pony tail.

Keep it growing
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