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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
URL: /forum_posts.php?TID=1096
Printed Date: Jan 12, 2025 at 9:53pm

Topic: sleeping
Posted By: emilee
Subject: sleeping
Date Posted: Oct 19, 2004 at 12:57pm
hi. my name is emilee.

i have been growing my hair out for almost 3years now. it is finally down to my bra clasp. i love it. it just cant seem to get long enough. ive wanted long long hair for so long now but i never could stick with it... i'm so glad that im finally sticking to it this time. it hasnt been this long in 9years..

but im having difficultly at night. i can't seem to
find a good way to wear it. sometimes ill wear
one braid but that doesnt always work, it just
falls out of the braid from not being done tight
enough or it makes my hair way too curly the
next day. ponytails dont really work either.. they
just fall out & make more knots. i want to treat
my hair the best way possibly while its growing,
im just not liking this whole sleeping thing.. then
my husband rolls on it when it's down.. you know how it is..

any advice?


Replies: 57
Posted By: emilee
Date Posted: Oct 19, 2004 at 12:57pm
hi. my name is emilee.

i have been growing my hair out for almost 3years now. it is finally down to my bra clasp. i love it. it just cant seem to get long enough. ive wanted long long hair for so long now but i never could stick with it... i'm so glad that im finally sticking to it this time. it hasnt been this long in 9years..

but im having difficultly at night. i can't seem to
find a good way to wear it. sometimes ill wear
one braid but that doesnt always work, it just
falls out of the braid from not being done tight
enough or it makes my hair way too curly the
next day. ponytails dont really work either.. they
just fall out & make more knots. i want to treat
my hair the best way possibly while its growing,
im just not liking this whole sleeping thing.. then
my husband rolls on it when it's down.. you know how it is..

any advice?

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: Oct 19, 2004 at 1:38pm
Some women sleep with theirs down, hanging draped above them over the head of the mattress (that's what I used to do when mine was longer. I also used to do braids held in place with those terrycloth ponytail holders you can buy in drug stores). Some even put a soft and slippery cloth over the head of the mattress so it can slip around without knotting. Some put their hair in a bun on top of their head (I found that too uncomfortable). Some make night caps with a satin inside to wear with their hair inside it. Many buy satin pillowcases for maximum slippage. !)) C ed``d ` %44`r #.,bb $ !,) ! (!) !!$` ,.

Posted By: emilee
Date Posted: Oct 19, 2004 at 1:53pm
thanks! ill try one of those tonight..

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Oct 19, 2004 at 5:46pm
Hi Emilee,

I don't have anything to add to Susan's excellent suggestions but I just wanted to say "Hi" and welcome!

Posted By: emilee
Date Posted: Oct 20, 2004 at 6:20am
hi! dave is it?
you have AMAZING hair..
i love it. i think i might
reach that length some
day. aah.. i can't wait!
thanks for the welcome!

Posted By: kittykatgirl20044
Date Posted: Oct 20, 2004 at 8:04am
Hi Em:

I sleep with it lose and draped down. This seems to work best for me. Long hair takes more work, but its worth the time and trouble. I love it.

Susan !, igd `p2$ ,4b`

Posted By: Credence
Date Posted: Oct 20, 2004 at 8:31am
Hi Emilee and welcome to the board.
My hair is a little longer than yours and I find
sleeping with my hair draped over my shoulders
works best for me. I just want to say that I think
you are a very beautiful woman, you have a
great smile and lovely hair. Best of luck in growing
long, beautiful locks Emilee.

Warm regards

Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: Oct 20, 2004 at 9:15am

I have to agree. Having it drapped down is the best way.


Posted By: emilee
Date Posted: Oct 20, 2004 at 11:36am
draped over your shoulders?
so you mean just wearing it down?
or over the back of your bed?
i'm confused!

thanks for the welcomes & compliments!

i feel so welcomed (:

Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: Oct 20, 2004 at 1:00pm

I guess it depends on how you sleep. If you sleep on your back then drap it over the back of the bed. If you are like me and sleep on your side most of the time. Pull it up and around your neck so it rests on your neck and shoulders.

Let us know how you make out.!!!

Posted By: emilee
Date Posted: Oct 20, 2004 at 2:44pm
that is how i usually sleep anyway,
i pull it to one side around my neck,
i just move alot sometimes & it gets
in knots.. i guess i just have to be
more conscience of it.. !
thanks for your help...
how long is your hair anyway?

Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: Oct 20, 2004 at 3:33pm
Hi Emilee:

Its really nice meeting and chatting with you on line like this. My hair is past my shoulders. Its around the middle of my breast's. I have been growing it out for a few years now. I love it. It takes some work, but worth the time.


Posted By: emilee
Date Posted: Oct 20, 2004 at 5:07pm
well it looks like it is beautiful!
how long do you hope to get it?
aah long hair is so beautiful..
i'm starting to appreciate it more
& more.. (:

i'm enjoying talking to you
online like this as well!

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Oct 20, 2004 at 5:33pm
Thank you emilee, for your very kind words. If I can do it, anybody can. I'm just a guy, what do I know about hair?

Greetings to Susan (kittykatgirl) and deltagirl! You are both lovely women with gorgeous hair.

Er, sorry to butt back into the conversation. Please, proceed with your chat.

Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: Oct 20, 2004 at 6:46pm
Hi Emilee:

I think I have reached the perfect length for me. At this time all I will do is keep it trimmed, styled, and make sure I get no split ends.

How about you ? How long do you plan on growing it out ? I think it looks beautiful now. Do you plan on a special cut for it ?


Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: Oct 20, 2004 at 6:47pm
Hi Dave:

Thank you for the warm welcome. Its nice to be here and make new friends.


Posted By: emilee
Date Posted: Oct 21, 2004 at 11:35am
dont worry about butting! join in!
i wanted to say congrats on the "position"*edit* i mean the "role" that you got. the thread you started a little while ago, wouldnt let me reply, so yeah, congrats!

my plan is to grow it out for as long as i can take it. for as long as i keep taking care of it & dont get sick of it, i want it long. to my waist first.. then see how the care is going.. if i dont mind it all that much i might try for even longer, but my husband isnt too hot on long long hair, so we'll see.. maybe i can sway him over (:

my hair is actually quite a bit longer then it is in that picture. that picture was taken at the beginning of this summer so it's grown a few inches, but i'm really enjoying this long hair.. i had it really short for so long.. ive probably had every short hair style there is, but long hair i think is the most becoming on me. i kindah cut some bangs to go to the side yesterday.. i dont like the way i look with no bangs at all, so im keeping some hair shorter around my face.. ill just always have fun with those hairs & then let the rest just grow grow grow! (:

Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: Oct 21, 2004 at 12:25pm
Hey Emilee:

I think with your face and features you would look great with a style that framed your face, and had bangs. You have the look for it.

Have you thought about adding highlites to your hair at all. I was thinking along those lines myself.


Posted By: korsakovhatt3
Date Posted: Oct 21, 2004 at 1:50pm
Hi Emily & DeltaGirl. You both have lovely hair.

My hair is just past my waist. I grew my bangs out a few years ago. They were just too choppy -- too much contrast between the short bangs and long hair length.

Lately, though, the weight of my hair was pulling it away from my face so much. I hated how bare my forehead looked -- especially when I put my hair up. I got it cut two days ago. It's still really long, but I got some face-framing layers. The stylist razored it and continued the angle so it blends in beautifully with the length -- no obvious layers that will look weird when it grows. He also cut a few little strands of wispy bangs that I can leave loose or brush to the side. It really softens my face. I think this is a great option if you don't like how you look without bangs.

P.S. On the sleeping question -- I hang upside down in my closet when I sleep. That way, my hair doesn't get tangled and I get some lift at the roots. I recommend it.

(Just kidding).

P.P.S. kittykatgirl20044 -- I just scrolled up and saw your photo. I didn't mean to leave you out -- your hair is beautiful too. Welcome. ! % A` nade a  p / ,bb . %!$ !!,, -% `` !.

Posted By: emilee
Date Posted: Oct 21, 2004 at 3:17pm
ive had my hair so many colors and had highlights before & it's just.. well, i'm tired of them (: i'm finally getting my hair back to it's natural color after many years of dying it so i dont think i'm ready for highlights just yet. i have used henna on my hair (which is amazing) to enhance my reddish highlights which is beautiful, but as for now.. im embracing my natural color (: do you dye your hair much susan? of have you?

i love having some sortof hair around my face, it's just more.. i dont know.."me" i guess.. i think that i might consider doing more wispy layers as its growing out too.. good ideas..

i didnt catch this last girls name that commented.. but thanks for joining our conversation! you seem to have very BEAUTIFUL hair & i am rather jealous, you can't tell from the black & white pictures.. what is your hair color exactly? have you always had it pretty long? it's fabulous.. & for a second there, i thought that you werent kidding about hanging in your closet! haha.. i'm not usually gullable like that (: but you just never know.. some people are pretty weird!

aaah... this is so much to talk about hair with girls that appreciate it (:

Posted By: korsakovhatt3
Date Posted: Oct 21, 2004 at 5:14pm
Hi Emilee. My name is actually Juliana. My user name is way too long, but I don't think I can change it now. Your natural hair colour really suits you and not getting highlights keeps it healthy.

I had really long hair as a child, but it was short through junior high and much of high school. I've had it long for about ten years now. I find it much easier to take care of than short hair (less bedhead). As for sleeping, I actually just flip it up over the top of my pillow. It doesn't stay there all night, though. My boyfriend often rolls over on it. I've been trapped a few times, but I've just gotten used to it. Sometimes I put it in a scrunchy on top of my head. It gives me some wave and a bit of lift at the roots the next day.

The first picture I'm attaching shows my natural colour. It's auburn (sort of a chestnut with red and gold highlights in the sun). It's been that colour for ever and I got a bit tired of it, so I dyed it for the very first time ever about 3 weeks ago. It was a nice honey blonde. I loved it until I added some highlights. They were pale lemony yellow. I tried to tone them myself. It was disastrous. Over the next 24 hours, I had numerous hair colours ranging from apricot to bleached blonde. I eventually ended up with brown hair (2nd picture). I still want highlights, but I've learned my lesson. I'm going to a pro to get it done.

The third picture is me before I got my new haircut. I know what you mean about wanting to have some hair around your face. I have a high forehead, so hair all one length is a little too severe for me (as you can see in the photo).

! % A` nade a  p / ,bb . %!$ !!,, -% `` !.

Posted By: Viktoria
Date Posted: Oct 22, 2004 at 7:23am
Hello everybody! Great to see so much action on the board, and so many new faces!

For sleeping, I swear by my satin night cap (no tangles, no waves, no frizz). Unless it is wet (it takes forever to dry, might as well do it while sleeping), then I let it hang down on the floor.

I used to think the night cap was ugly at first, but I got used to the way it looks, and now I can spend cozy evenings by the tv in it (and my pyjamas), just being as comfortable as I can get!

 % C`e adu a - , `b 4(` /.%% -$ ,%$! 8bp ,(

Posted By: emilee
Date Posted: Oct 22, 2004 at 8:49am
hi viktoria! thanks for joining it!

i am getting attached to this site it is so much fun!

i want to share with you guys my "hair journey"
i think i might go to that thread & post that later
on.. (no time to figure that out now) but i have
had quite the journey, i think you guys might
find it.. interesting (:

my hair has been doing well at night. ive been
just simply wearing it down & pulling it to one
side. it works great. if i wake up throughout the
night i just consciencely(sp?) pull it to the side
so my husband does not lay/roll on it.

i cut more hair around my face last night.
thanks for juliana (: you inspired me! so
yeah, it looks alright.. i hate how that hair
appears dirtier then the rest though.. washing
over the sink is helpful.. yet very annoying..

thanks for sharing those pictures with us.
i love seeing people's hair. personally, i think
that you look really good without bangs. but
then again, ive never seen you with bangs.
but yeah, i like you in the picture i think that
you are a very beautiful woman (:

Posted By: korsakovhatt3
Date Posted: Oct 22, 2004 at 10:02am
Hi ladies. Viktoria, that satin night cap sounds interesting. Did you make it yourself or did you buy it?

Thanks for the compliment, Emilee. (You're beautiful as well, as are you, Viktoria.) Part of the reason I decided to get some bangs is I think I look too young with my hair all one length. I'm small and I have a baby face. I'm 34, but I still get ID'd at the wine store or in pubs. I'm trying to make a career change -- from graphic designer to college instructor. I want to look more mature than my students. Some friends had recommended cutting my hair short, but I love having long hair. I think the layers make me look a bit more sophisticated.

Please do share your hair journey with us. I found the easiest way to upload the photos is to go to You can just browse your hard drive for the photos and click "host". Just cut & paste the string of "Img" code they give you into your post. ! % A` nade a  p / ,bb . %!$ !!,, -% `` !.

Posted By: emilee
Date Posted: Oct 23, 2004 at 7:52am
aaah well i will post my hair journey soon then.
i can upload them through my husband's site
(he does webdesign) so yeah im all set that way
but thank you very much! hmm ill try adding one
on to this post just for fun..

this is a picture of my hair on my wedding day
(i got married this summer)

as you can see i edited this many times because
i cannot get the image to appear so here is the
link haha..

i got it!!!!!!
sortof! haha..
thats not the picture that i wanted to put on
but i guess that i got rid of the picture of my
hair all done.. they ended up taking all of those
curls & pinning them up into loose curls & then
they put flowers all through it. then the top of
my hair is all weaved together .. basket like..

Posted By: dragoness
Date Posted: Oct 23, 2004 at 12:19pm
Hey! Your hair looks awesome...aswell as everyone elses. I'd have to stick with the advice of trying to hang your hair over the end of your bed, especially if your hair gets to point where it's long enough to stay over the side even when you roll around...YAY love tush-long hair!!! Good luck with growing it out, hope it works out well for you! !, ie ``e a %.(`p $. `b %0$ $(% , ,$(),br

Posted By: korsakovhatt3
Date Posted: Oct 23, 2004 at 12:31pm
Emilee, I love the hairstyle from your wedding photos. That is so cool. I've never seen that woven look before. Very beautiful. ! % A` nade a  p / ,bb . %!$ !!,, -% `` !.

Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: Oct 24, 2004 at 12:57pm
Hi Emilee, Juliana, Vikteria:

I have been away for a few days. Just returned from a short trip to Foxwood's. It was great, lots of fun. Its great to meet you girls, and yes Em is so right. Its so nice to have girlfriends that all share the same love of long hair. So many of my friends are so not into long hair. They all want real easy to manage cuts for work. I know this makes things for them very easy. Its just that I really love having and wearing my hair long. Its so nice to have friends who share the same feelings.

Em - You natural color is great. I just love the wedding picture. I am thinking of adding some highlites to my hair. Just for a chage.

Juliana - You have very beautiful hair. Thank you so much for the kind words. What have you decited to do with your hair for the new job ? Can you just wear it up while you are teaching ?

Vikteria - tell us more about the cap you wear ?

Again, its so great meeting you all.


Posted By: korsakovhatt3
Date Posted: Oct 24, 2004 at 3:05pm
I agree with you, it's great to find other women who enjoy talking about hair. Especially long hair.

Most of my friends have short hair. I've had short hair before and I've found that my long hair is easier to take care of. (None of my short-haired friends believe me when I tell them this.) When my hair was short I had to use a lot of styling products. I could never just roll out of bed, brush my hair and be ready to leave the house like I can now.

As for the teaching job, I'll probably stick with a loose bun for now. I'm sure that won't last for long, though. Once I've settled in I'll probably go back to leaving it down because that's my favourite way to wear it. I tend to get "hair headaches" when I leave my hair up all day. I think I was just concerned about the students' initial impression of me. I was afraid they wouldn't respect me as much if I looked too young.

Deltagirl, your hair looks highlighted in your photo. Is it or is that natural? Whatever it is, it's a lovely colour.

I'm planning on getting highlights soon. This is the colour I'm aiming for. The first time I ever coloured my hair was about a month ago (it's brown now). I want to be blonde though. I'm ready to try something new.

! % A` nade a  p / ,bb . %!$ !!,, -% `` !.

Posted By: Viktoria
Date Posted: Oct 25, 2004 at 5:17am
Hi Everybody, you have been busy here! I % C`e adu a - , `b 4(` /.%% -$ ,%$! 8bp ,(

Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: Oct 25, 2004 at 6:17am
Hi Juliana:

That photo was taken a few months ago. My hair color is not natural in that photo. My natural color is a shade or two darker. You are correct. In that photo I do have highlites. Since that photo was taken the highlites are gone. I was thinking of adding them back in. I like the look it gives me.

What to you all think ?

When I ask my girlfriends, they all say. I should cut my hair much shorter. I am so against that.


Posted By: emilee
Date Posted: Oct 28, 2004 at 5:57am
hi girls! i am back. i figured i should take a few days break from here.. i think that i was getting rather attached (:

as for highlights.. do what you want! hair always
grows back.. if you want highlights, go get them!
just dont overdo it.. if you get them.. dont go get
rid of them or get something else right away, do it
in a healthy manner (:

i did it. i cut some more bangs. i wasnt going to
& they really arent THAT short.. but i like them..
& i figured hey, i needed a little little change &
this was just right.. they will grow back, but for
now i love them & i'm glad that i did it (:

and thanks for the compliments girls,
you guys make me feel so good!

Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: Oct 28, 2004 at 6:26am
Hi Em:

Big Welcome back. we missed you..


Posted By: emilee
Date Posted: Oct 28, 2004 at 1:49pm
thank you susan (:

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Oct 31, 2004 at 11:54am
Great pictures, Emilee! You, Susan and Juliana, and your hair, are pretty. Looking "too" young is not a bad thing, IMO. I used to be mistaken for being as much as 10 years younger than I am. Not so sure how much people would underestimate my age these days - high stress takes a toll.

Juliana, where on your head do you position the bun? Your headaches might be reduced or even eliminated if the positioning is changed.

Susan, why invite trouble? Don't even ask your hometown girlfriends for their opinion.

Posted By: korsakovhatt3
Date Posted: Oct 31, 2004 at 4:22pm
Hi Dave. I usually wear my bun quite high -- I like that look best. My hair is very thick and heavy. If I wear a lower bun, it's less uncomfortable. If I had more than one anchor point for my bun, the weight would be spread out and I would probably be less likely to get a head ache. I just hate hair pins, though. (I'm lazy when it coming to doing my hair.) I always feel best when I wear my hair down.

As for looking young -- I agree it's not all bad. I got ID'd in a bar a couple of days ago. I have to admit it made my day. I hadn't been ID'd since I was 28. I really only want to look older in professional settings.

P.S. Dave, you look very young in your photo. You're wearing your stress well. ! % A` nade a  p / ,bb . %!$ !!,, -% `` !.

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Oct 31, 2004 at 5:42pm
Hi Juliana,

I think Denise (catt_grrl) may have some ideas for putting your hair up in a way that won't hurt. Denise....?

Thanks for the compliment on my youthful appearance, though I will say that being on vacation (when the picture was snapped) does help reduce stress considerably -- at least for the duration of the vacation.

Posted By: emilee
Date Posted: Nov 6, 2004 at 6:25pm
whoa have i been slacking or what!?!

haha.. well.. i feel as though i have nothing
new to say or write or post. i was going to
post my hair journey but i just havent found
the time to get them together & upload them.
we'll see. eventually perhaps.. i should have
earlier today, i was so bored.

anyway... my hair hates this weather.
cold & windy. aah wind is the devil.

anyway, just wanted to write & say that
i miss you all.. okay.. well goodnight!

Posted By: Eowyn
Date Posted: Nov 6, 2004 at 7:26pm
Emilee, I just wanted to say I think your hair is really pretty!! I love that how they weaved it in your wedding photos. Very pretty!!

Dave, your hair is really long!! It looks very healthy and nice! Lol, Im envious!

Juliana, I think your natural hair color is so nice, I like that reddish auburn look, tho I know what you mean when you say you want to try a new color, cause I guess sometimes we get tired of our own color even though it is very pretty, and want to try something new. I bet you would look good blonde as well! I hope that works out good for you. :) ! ! A`ab pab ! ,bp , 4`` ()$% !$) -$ ,`` .

Posted By: korsakovhatt3
Date Posted: Nov 6, 2004 at 8:32pm
Thanks Eowyn. I've actually been blonde for 9 days now and I LOVE IT.

! % A` nade a  p / ,bb . %!$ !!,, -% `` !.

Posted By: Eowyn
Date Posted: Nov 7, 2004 at 8:29am
Hey excellent!! Im glad you really like it! ! ! A`ab pab ! ,bp , 4`` ()$% !$) -$ ,`` .

Posted By: deltagirl12345
Date Posted: Nov 7, 2004 at 9:17am
Hi Juliana & Em.

Juliana - I bet you look great as a blonde.

Em - Where have you been, we miss you. I agree, this weather does a number on my hair also.


Posted By: emilee
Date Posted: Nov 7, 2004 at 4:54pm
wow 3 pages now!!

thanks so much for the compliment Eowyn!
(is that your name?)

i trim my hair like im supposed to & im recently
finding some unwante *eek* split ends! how
could this be? any ideas? and any suggestions
on how to help it? its so strange im always so
good to it! haha..

Posted By: Eowyn
Date Posted: Nov 7, 2004 at 6:00pm
Hi emilee!
Lol I wish Eowyn was my real name! Its from a Lord of the Rings character, my real name is Laura (much less neat in my opinion!)

Hmm, I think hair can get some split ends, no matter how well you treat it, maybe some hair is more prone than others to it. I think it looks great tho personally from your pictures. ! ! A`ab pab ! ,bp , 4`` ()$% !$) -$ ,`` .

Posted By: korsakovhatt3
Date Posted: Nov 8, 2004 at 3:17pm
I thought Eowyn was your real name too. I was going to ask if you were Welsh. ! % A` nade a  p / ,bb . %!$ !!,, -% `` !.

Posted By: Eowyn
Date Posted: Nov 8, 2004 at 8:34pm
Ahh man! Lol I should make my signature say "my real name is Laura"

Well, Im sure some of you have heard of Lord of the Rings, but if you haven't thats okay. Eowyn is one character in the trilogy, and she is the White Lady of Rohan, and is the niece of the King of Rohan, who is Theoden. Rohan is just one of the realms of Middle Earth, and it is in the southern part of Middle Earth, and the Rohirrim live there, and their name means "the horse lords"...sorry Im rambling!! Well, anyways its a great book trilogy and movie trilogy too, I highly recommend it!

Okay sorry...back to hair!! ! ! A`ab pab ! ,bp , 4`` ()$% !$) -$ ,`` .

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: Nov 11, 2004 at 12:08am
First, "Bartender, a round of You have beauiful hair compliments for everyone on me."

As for sleeping I use a Sleep Tail.
Sleep Tail isn't a technical term of any kind. It's just what I call the Ponytail that I use for sleeping. Unlike a regular ponytail it has more than one holder.

I use my covered elastics. I put one on at the nape and then carefully slide it down to the bottom position about 2/3 of the way down. Then I put another at the nape and slide it down to the top position 1/3 of
the way down. I have not had as many tangles from sleeping since I started doing this. I don't always do this, but when I don't my hair is worse. Some have tried it and liked it and others didn't.

Here's a picture

Posted By: emilee
Date Posted: Nov 11, 2004 at 3:07pm

more wedding hair photos

hmm.. no more suggestions on split ends?

thanks mr.bubba! haha my cousin used to wear
his hair like that to bed, i should give it a whirl!

Posted By: korsakovhatt3
Date Posted: Nov 12, 2004 at 6:47pm
Emilee, that hairstyle is so beautiful! I actually e-mailed your previous wedding hair photos to a friend who is getting married. It is such a unique look. I had never seen anything like it before.
It makes me want to get married just so I'll have an excuse to wear my hair like that. (I think it might be a little too elegant for a trip to the mall.)

As for split ends -- Oddly enough, I don't have any. I don't know why. I think it's just genetic. I have freakishly strong fingernails too -- they don't break.

I think it's perfectly normal to get some split ends, though. My friend just snips hers off to prevent the split from spreading further up the hair shaft. She doesn't get an all over trim -- she just looks for the individual strands that are split and snips off the split area. Her hair still looks gorgeous.

Judging from your photo, your hair still looks wonderfully healthy. If I were you, I wouldn't worry about a few split ends.


P.S. You mentioned keeping some shorter layers around your face. I recently got a haircut with some layers. I love it. It gives me a lot more options when it comes to styling my hair. I have a really pronounced widow's peak when my hair is all one length. The layers hide it. :-)

! % A` nade a  p / ,bb . %!$ !!,, -% `` !.

Posted By: emilee
Date Posted: Nov 13, 2004 at 6:35pm
wow juliana your hair is great.

im glad that you liked my wedding hair!!
it was soo much fun to go get it done.
when i went for a trial i just sat & looked
at books & pointed at styles i liked & she
started to play with them & do them to
my hair. thats the one we came up with
that i liked the most. i wanted it half up &
half down to show my length (i havent had
it this long since i was about 8!!) so yeah...

as for split ends, youre right.. my hair isnt
all that bad.. i just notice it more then other
people 'cos im overly aware of it (: because
it is my hair & i just want it the healthiest it can be.

i like your layers alot. im growing some of my
bangs back out.. i like having them sometimes
other times i dont haha im so fickle! but ive
been wearing them pinned back alot then i just
take them down they look good either way though
but thanks for the picture & help, i pretty much
have some layers like that now!

anyway.. thanks again! i hope your weekend is beautiful (:

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Nov 14, 2004 at 4:52pm
Hey Emilee, more great wedding hair photos -- thanks for sharing!

And thank you Eowyn/Laura for the compliment.

That's a great bartender-ish saying, PurpleBubba.

Posted By: Ursula
Date Posted: Nov 19, 2004 at 7:08pm

I am new and this is my first post. I am so thrilled I found this place.

I first off want to say how lovely everyone's hair is here. You must all be proud and happy!!!

My hair is long, to where if I sit up straight, my hair reaches my waist, barely.

I wish I had a better way of keeping my hair when I sleep. I usually braid it, then I hate it in the morning because it's all frizzy and yucky and I end up washing it almost daily. I found this board because I was looking for some solutions. I need to stop washing my hair so much as it is causing damage. I am also getting a bit of hair loss where my bangs used to be (I've grown them out a few times).

I've had long hair since forever. My last real hair CUT (as opposed to trim) was in 1981 when my mother convincedme to get a Dorothy Hamill bob. Hated it.

Posted By: korsakovhatt3
Date Posted: Nov 19, 2004 at 11:00pm
Welcome Ursula. I used to wash my hair everyday, too. Then I got ill for quite a while and started skipping a day here and there. My roots used to feel dirty after just one day, but I think the oil production kind of regulates itself after a while. Now I only wash every 2nd or 3rd day. My hair loves it (and so do I). ! % A` nade a  p / ,bb . %!$ !!,, -% `` !.

Posted By: emilee
Date Posted: Nov 26, 2004 at 6:10pm
welcome ursela..

yeah i am still not happy with how i wear my
hair to bed at night. last night i had it in
two braids & then took the elastics out before
i went to sleep & it worked well. no frizz in the
morning(one thing i hate too!) & yeah.. it
worked alright. but lately ive just worn it down
i dont really know what else to do that works
really great.. braids are nice.. they just create
too much frizz.. then buns or ponytails create
knots. nothing is working haha..

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Nov 28, 2004 at 9:57pm
Welcome Ursala!

Maybe a high bun would work for you? You could toss and turn and the bun would rest on the pillow no matter how you lie. Let us know what methods you try, and how they work for you.

Posted By: Ursula
Date Posted: Dec 3, 2004 at 8:51pm
So how do you make a bun that doesn't fall out?

I know this sounds odd coming from someone with long hair, but I always wear it down.

My hair usually falls out of whatever I put it in, be it a hair clip or a lobster thingie to make an up-do.

I am trying now to go every-other-day with the washings. I end up wearing a hat every-other-day, but I'm not washing it so often.

Posted By: korsakovhatt3
Date Posted: Dec 4, 2004 at 3:28am
Hi Ursula. Here are a few links you may find useful.

The first one shows how to make a dancer's bun. You can skip the hairnet part, but the rest of the instructions are very good. When I want a really sturdy bun I usually braid the hair before coiling it. -

This link is for a more casual bun. This is my favourite updo. If you want to wear a high loose bun for sleeping, just skip the hair stick. If you hair won't stay up without a little bit of help, you can use a loose scrunchie. I sometimes use one scrunchie at the base of the ponytail and then another, larger, looser one around the bun. This gives my hair some loose waves when I take it down in the morning. -

I also really like this little gadget. It's a quick and easy way to put your hair up. It stays put too. -

P.S. I think some of these directions may suggest the use of styling products. They're not necessary. You can make a perfectly beautiful bun without any styling goop or hairspray. ! % A` nade a  p / ,bb . %!$ !!,, -% `` !.

Posted By: korsakovhatt3
Date Posted: Dec 10, 2004 at 5:46am
I've found a new way to put my hair up for sleeping. Rather than just putting it in one loose bun with a scrunchie, I've started putting it in five or six separate buns. I flip my hair upside down, take a section of hair -- twist it, coil it, tie it in a loose knot on the top or crown of my head and then wrap it in a scrunchie. I repeat this 4 or 5 more times. In the morning I have lots of lift at the roots and some nice, loose waves. If I want it even wavier, I do this when my hair is slightly damp. When I take my hair down in the morning, I shake my hair upside-down, finger-comb the waves and I'm ready to go.
! % A` nade a  p / ,bb . %!$ !!,, -% `` !.

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