do guys prefer women with short hair?
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Topic: do guys prefer women with short hair?
Posted By: redhairedgirl Subject: do guys prefer women with short hair? Date Posted: Feb 19, 2005 at 5:20am
About a month ago I had my long hair cut really short - buzzcut short at the back and sides, kind of spiky on top. I hated it almost immediately even though my then boyfriend said he prefered it, I thought he was just being nice. Since then I have been desperately trying to grow it long enough to have extensions put in. I am really confused now because I always thought that guys prefered women with long hair but looking at some of the threads and postings on "Short Hair", a lot of men seem to really go for short haired women. I beginning to think I would be better of saving the money on extensions and just going and having it cropped again. Anyone got any opinions?
Replies: 31 Posted By: redhairedgirl
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2005 at 5:20am
About a month ago I had my long hair cut really short - buzzcut short at the back and sides, kind of spiky on top. I hated it almost immediately even though my then boyfriend said he prefered it, I thought he was just being nice. Since then I have been desperately trying to grow it long enough to have extensions put in. I am really confused now because I always thought that guys prefered women with long hair but looking at some of the threads and postings on "Short Hair", a lot of men seem to really go for short haired women. I beginning to think I would be better of saving the money on extensions and just going and having it cropped again. Anyone got any opinions?
Posted By: xxxzvp
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2005 at 7:17am
Speaking for myself, I love short hair on women, the shorter the better. When I started dating my wife, she had hair past her shoulders, and I told her of my preference for short hair, she has steadily gotten it cut shorter and shorter. She is a little reluctant to go as short as I would like to see,like a very short flattop, or maybe a Sinead O'connor buzzcut. Yet her hair is now about a half inch long on the sides and back, and about an inch on top. She's getting there, but it seems it's never short enough for me.
Posted By: loveshorthair
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2005 at 9:47am
I think there are more guys that like short hair (probably in the chin length to a little shorter range) than most people think - especially girls.
My wife had hair to her butt when we meet. It wasn't long before I was cutting it shorter and shorter. It hasn't been much past chin length for 15 of our 20 years together. She also said this summer she is going back shorter - pixie! I can't wait for summer!!!!
You have to decide about the extensions. If you are only getting them because you think guys only like long hair - DON"T I would let it grow out a little and try some styles in that range to see how you like it. While some guys prefer the very short severe cuts - I think they are in the minority. At least that is my observations.
Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2005 at 10:33am
If you ask the question on a short-hair internet board, you'll get responses favoriing short hair. Likewise, if you ask the same question on a long-hair internet board, you'll get responses favoring long hair.
What you do you prefer for yourself, as far as looks, versatility, ease of care and styling, and other factors?
And only you can decide how important the opinions of others are (whether they be significant, friends, family members, or others).
Good luck with your decision.
Posted By: MightyH
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2005 at 11:14am
redhairedgirl -- Dave is right on the button with this one. I like short hair on women too, but only if the style is right for that particular woman. Of course, what everyone else wants shouldn't matter. If you hate short hair, then grow it out. After all, it's your hair, and your decision. Best wishes!
Posted By: Rod
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2005 at 11:19am
From your description, you didn't just cut your hair short, you cut it very short. Why do that if it wasn't something you really wanted?
Many men do prefer long hair, but it sounds like your guy likes short hair. There are some out there. If your guy likes short hair, don't worry about what other men like. You only need to worry about one. If you don't like it so short, grow it. If you like it, be happy you have one of the guys who likes short hair.
Posted By: redhairedgirl
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2005 at 12:16pm
Thanks for the replies everyone! I had my hair cut because my ex best friend kept on at me about how great I would look with short hair, blah, blah. At the moment I like the fact that I can get ready and be out of the house in less than half the time it took before, but that's about it. I have red hair (as you might have guessed) and it was nearly down to my butt. It was such a part of who I am that I just don't feel the same since I lost it, but I am sure I will get over it. I am not with the same guy who said he liked my hair short anymore, but my new boyfriend says my hair is my decision and he would like me anyway I have it (love you Si). Other peoples opinions do matter to me, thats why I posted the question and I suppose I was just surprised from reading "Short Hair" how many guys seemed to prefer it. I will leave it growing out for now and see how I feel in a week or two, I don't think having it cut again would bother me as much as the first time. I would welcome more feedback - so over to you guys!
Posted By: Heratic
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2005 at 2:39pm
I'm another one whos wife has gone dramatically shorter since we first met 9 years ago, principally in two main stages. She absolutely loves her short hair now and is still going shorter rather than growing it out, although she freely admits that if she had been cropped to this extent 5 or 6 years ago she would have burst into tears and been mortified. Indeed she had a continual battle with her former stylist to keep her hair long - it was a couple of years after changing stylists that she went for it.
I think it all comes down to the individual woman and where she is at and what she is doing in her life as to what length of hair she is comfortable with at any given point. There is no harm in spending 10 years with ultra long hair, getting it all cut off and spending a few years with ultra short hair, before growing it into a different style.
I'd say have fun and experiment with your short hair while you have it & keep it short for a time. IF you grow it out in future at least you'll know what you look like with short hair, whether you ever decide to cut it short again or not. ! Cab ``ar$ )-40 b /( ` .$ )-% $%!)!)-,
Posted By: Rod
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2005 at 6:08pm
You did something drastic going from so long to so short. Missing it is understandable. Most women aren't brave enough to do it all at once, so feel proud of yourself.
Your boyfriend is scoring major boyfriend points by saying your my hair is your decision and he would like you anyway you have it. But you say other people's opinions matter to you, especially the boyfriend's. So don't let him off so easy. Tell him that you like that he likes you no matter what, but that you want his input. Pick up a hairstyle book or download a lot of short hairstyles from the web and ask him to look at them with you. Only show him the ones you like. It will do a lot for your confidence if he says, "that one rocks" or "that would look hot on you." Nothing beats compliments from your significant other.
If your boyfriend were like the guys on the "Short Hair" board, you would hear a lot of compliments and might feel better about it. He might not be, but that doesn't mean he can't flatter you.
Maybe this cut is too short for you or just isn't the right cut. Experimenting might help you find a cut you like. View it as an opportunity. If not, you can always grow it long later.
Posted By: arch94
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2005 at 9:17pm
as bad as i hate to admit it, DD is right this time...
You'll get 99% positive feedback here about keeping it short...
Good luck.! ! @ cnat r` $ .0`b /.0 ` % ,))%,,,!,$ %4` /4
Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2005 at 5:53am
Female, but here to chime in on the side that it doesn't matter what guys in general think. You have a bf already, so right now he's the only guy you need to think about. Definitely get him involved in making the decision for what to do next with your hair. But I like the suggestion of showing him styles you like and having him help choose from those, because you have to please yourself first. And whether you grow it long again or not, do try to see this as an opportunity to try out different styles, styling products, and hair accessories (any little jewels, hairpins, clippies, headbands, etc. that will stay in your hair are fair game! any that don't stay, wait a month or two and try again ^_^ ). You can even try on clothes you didn't think suited you before, to see how the change in hairstyles affects how you look in them. You'll seem more attractive to everyone around you if you're having fun trying out new looks than if you were to sit around moping and wishing it were longer.! % Aaebade d !, ` . 4``
Posted By: redhairedgirl
Date Posted: Feb 21, 2005 at 12:28pm
Thank you for all the replies, you have made me feel much better about my hair. I only posted the question because my boyfriend said he wasn't bothered how I had my hair and I wanted some guys opinions. I have finally managed to get him to give his opinion, after much persuading (I don't think he wanted to upset me, poor flower, lol) anyway he likes short bobbed hair with short bangs, especially when the bob is angled so it is shorter at the back than the front. I think I can live with that, so as soon as my hair is long enough I will get some extensions and go for it. Thanks again Sarah the redhairedgirl.
Posted By: shorthairnomore
Date Posted: Feb 21, 2005 at 6:43pm
Its totally up to you how you want your hair but I`m a guy who loves long hair on ladies......Just way more beautiful and elegant in my oppion.......
Posted By: Rod
Date Posted: Feb 21, 2005 at 8:13pm
``* !$p $(` `dd
There are a lot of us who like short hair. It sounds like the new boyfriend does too. You won't need extensions for an a-line like one. Just wait a few months for it to grow out. Find a pic of the haircut that you and the boyfriend like and put it on your bulletin board near your bed.
And go to - and you'll find out all about the cut your boyfriend is suggesting.
Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: Feb 22, 2005 at 12:13am
I prefer long hair on 90% of women. Most guys feel similarly. That said, I like some short cuts myself on *some* women. You are lucky to have a guy who doesn't care about hair. Have fun re-growing! BTW, *MY* wife recieves far more positive remarks about her LONG hair! Bob To me, long locks give a woman an extra dimension of beauty. A good short cut is one which highlights *other* facets of a woman's attractiveness, such as eyes, lips and neck, although long styles can also help do this. Amazing length, if it is worn with flair, can overwhelm any facial flaws to the point I don't even notice them. This may sound corny, but *any* woman who tries her best to look good succeeds, in my eyes.
Posted By: S_Miller
Date Posted: Feb 22, 2005 at 1:47pm
I've always have had short hair styles and I've never had problems getting dates. Many men ( and women) have complimented on my short hair styles and I guess at this point of my life, it helps "define" me. % Ahad
Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Feb 22, 2005 at 5:43pm
Ummm... Bob S... I see that you have edited your post 3 times already -- but apparently, not enough. I don't wish to discourage you, but I would kindly advise you to limit the extent of (or carefully parse) your raving for long hair on this (the *short hair* ) forum.
Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: Feb 23, 2005 at 2:37pm
Two edits were for grammatical errors; in the other I added the last paragraph. Brent, I should have said that 90% of guys who care about hair like long. Some like both, and I'm in that category to some extent myself. No scientific study was used. (lol) In fact 90% seems somewhat high upon reflection, but this number includes those who think of shoulder length as long hair. Best, Bob
Posted By: redhairedgirl
Date Posted: Feb 26, 2005 at 8:43am
Hey, time-out gentleman! Can't you just agree that you both have valld points and leave it at that? Some guys obviously prefer short hair and others prefer long hair on women? I have certainly learned a lot from starting this thread, I just assumed that guys liked long hair and that was that, but I was obviously wrong. Oh, in case anyone is still interested I have had extensions put in. Just short ones, my hair is still a bit short at the back and sides for extensions really, so they are just attached to the longer hair on top. I am quite happy with my bob for now but I am sure I will go longer again next time - sorry chaps!
Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: Mar 8, 2005 at 3:23pm
Brent, my own dad prefers short, permed hair, and my mom has always had that style. I don't know how men of that era could have survived with all the short processed locks on display. (lol) I had two reasons for responding again, though. First, I was over the top in my desciption of my love for length on this board, and I'm sorry. I saw the straightforward question, and gleefully added my two cents. Second, you possibly would be surprised, Brent, but *many* men are mildly to seriously unhappy with their s/o's hair length. It's not a divorce issue, I hope, but there's plenty of grumbling out there. Most women simply can't understand the passion some of us guys have on the issue. Best, Bob
Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Mar 8, 2005 at 4:18pm
``$ $4B @ b`a Bob, I'm glad you came to realize why your prior post was not appropriate on this board....
,"$ ,( $B. @ ``$ ... on second thought, it looks like I spoke too soon.
Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: Mar 9, 2005 at 2:20pm
To Dave---LOL! You are so right. I can't be trusted! Bob
Posted By: Myriam
Date Posted: Mar 19, 2005 at 4:44am
When I've met my husband I had long hair and after I have cut it short and more and more short and he love it !
Even (especially ) when I have buzz cut or I'm bald.
and I don't think that he's an exception
Posted By: fatmoogas
Date Posted: Apr 6, 2005 at 2:48pm
Think Red should follow her own feelings. No need to keep chopping and changing the hair as well as the boyfriend
By the way, I was just cruising the board and like about 75% of men I prefer longer hair. Especially long red hair. (!% Qa da d`` ) $ br
Posted By: HD_EU
Date Posted: Apr 7, 2005 at 8:10am
The problem with every discussion about preferences on every board is that hardly any board will be a good sample of general society (eg neglecting the elderly, some poorer who don't have access, others who don't want access, etc.). So whether it's 75% of men that prefer long hair on this board or not is irrelevant.
Should a decent study be done (won't anytime soon as it is too expensive to waste tax payers money), then the conclusion wouldn't even stand. Eg show men pictures of beautiful long haired women and plain short haired women. Guess what the conclusion will be? Do it vice versa and the conclusion is completely the opposite.
At the moment you start to generalise, details get lost. In this case the fact many men will not make the distinction long-short when they first glance at a woman, they'll take in the general picture. Then they add as a bonus their 'general' preferences as a plus or minus. If all men and women should stand by their general ideas of beautiful and want them fulfilled, the world would be filled with singles and hardly any couples.
Tastes are a very personal thing (luckily).
Posted By: fatmoogas
Date Posted: Apr 7, 2005 at 1:58pm
This is mostly true. I prefer long hair...but that doesn't mean I hate short hair. Some women look better with short hair.
My two cents. (!% Qa da d`` ) $ br
Posted By: Lorryann
Date Posted: Apr 9, 2005 at 10:22am
I'm another gal who just cut my mid-back length hair into a really short shaved-back pixie a couple of months ago. It's very stylish--not one of those hideous hack-jobs our mothers got years ago. It started a little longer than it is now, but since I have very fine hair that doesn't hold a longer-layered style very well, I went back to my stylist and told her to go for it.
I have learned alot but going to what some would call a "drastically short" haircut.
First, EVERYONE will have an opinion. When you get a really short cut, it becomes more than "just a haircut." People WILL react. DON'T react to every opinion--the only one that coiunts is your own.
Second, no one will agree. Some will love it, others will hate it. EVERRYONE will talk about it. Be prepared to be the main topic at the office water cooler.
Third, a super short style requires GREAT make-up. So before you head to the salon, stock up on some good stuff. When my hair was long, I could get away without foundation. Now that I have minimal hair to hide behind, it's face first.
Fourth, don't rely on conventional wisdom--such as what haircut goes best on which type of face. When I was consulting with my stylist, she discouraged me initially from going really short--until we uploaded my photo and started experimenting on the computer. My face is oval-round, and I am "voluptuous". But I have great eyes, so I can carry the ultra short styles. My final style looks just like the one we simulated on the computer. And it looks great.
Finally, if you like it, the heck with everyone else! As far as guys go, I have never had anyone approach me about my hair--until recently. The most surprising thing I learned is that alot of men seem to like short hair. The other thing? I never realized how many ways you can style short hair--even at this length.
Just my 2 cents worth--I'll probably keep it super short through the summer, maybe even go to a long buzz-cut--then I'll probably want to grow it out a bit.
Posted By: loveitshort
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2005 at 10:59am
Lorryann... you hit it on the nose! I couldn't agree more. Absolutely
a short haircut on a lady will elicit a reaction from everyone, and
everyone will have an opinion. Who cares? As long as you love it and
feel great wearing short hair, that's all that matters. I love short
hair and my wife wears it short because she loves it, not because I
Don't be afraid to experiment and have fun with it.
,!$% Pa`n`t
Posted By: redhairedgirl
Date Posted: Apr 12, 2005 at 12:15pm
It's a little while since I last visited this thread I started way back when.. Anyway if anyone's interested i've now had extensions to get me back to virtually how my hair was before it was chopped. Some girls can have short hair and look great, but I just missed my long hair too much. I didn't feel as confident or sexy with short hair...oh well.
Posted By: cutmore
Date Posted: Apr 20, 2005 at 10:45am
I love short hair on women!!!! Some women do look better with long hair but,if you can wear short hair GO FOR IT!cutmore38462.4761111111
Posted By: eKatherine
Date Posted: Apr 20, 2005 at 11:41am
Help you find a way to convince her that she's wrong to like long hair and want it? Sounds like a tough situation.
You may like extremely short hair on her, but I'd guess that most people are thinking it's a nice change, or even that it looks a bit better.
There's nothing you can say without sounding like an ogre. Considering how she feels about her hair, the chance that you're going to get her to keep a pixie for the rest of your marriage is nil. Trying to make her do this is not going to improve the stability of your marriage.
The common perception nowadays is that a woman's hairstyle is supposed to change drastically on a regular basis. Few people will agree with you that expecting her to keep her hair that short indefinitely is reasonable. As I said, it'll make you sound like an ogre.
BTW, "almost to her shoulders" is not long. |
Posted By: cutmore
Date Posted: Apr 20, 2005 at 12:13pm
Well eKatherine, Thank you for your reply.I do sound aweful complaining about her hair getting longer.She has gone shorter a few times in the past so maybe thee old wait and she might be the way to go.Again Thank you for opening my eyes
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