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Holly View Drop Down
Joined: May 30, 2003
Location: The West
Posted: Jan 11, 2000 at 12:18pm
I just have to write that I really DO NOT LIKE the commercials for these products! I even complained to Clairol, and I used to receive coupons for haircoloring products from them, and they immediatly just stopped sending them after I complained. (I said it respectfully to them as well). I did say that L'oreal and Revlon don't have to resort to that kind of advertising-that probably made them a little upset:)) I don't want to admit this, but I still continue using their haircoloring products, because they are the gentlest and best coloring that I've found. I just wish they would stop these commercials. Now, I moved to France around three months ago, so I've no idea if they are still on like they used to be, but little kids can see these commercials any hour of the day!Not what you'd expect from an old tride and true company like Clairol.

Ally View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 02, 2002
Posted: Jan 11, 2000 at 12:18pm
Holly--Heh. :) I don't find these commercials offensive so much as ANNOYING. They're neither clever nor funny, and the "When Harry Met Sally" bit is a dead horse. I'm an actress (not my primary profession), and I'd be mortified to do one of those.I put them on the same list as that Nexxus shampoo commercial where the model's boyfriend has promised to "wash her hair."*GAG*Ally

Holly View Drop Down
Joined: May 30, 2003
Location: The West
Posted: Jan 11, 2000 at 12:18pm
That Nexxus one must be kind of new-I don't remember seeing that when I was back in the states. You're right, though, it's sounds like a dippy one:)

Erica View Drop Down
Joined: Feb 01, 2002
Posted: Jan 11, 2000 at 12:18pm
I have to admit--I'm not as much offended by these commercials as I am HUMORED by them because they are so DUMB! Actually they make me cringe in embarassment for the very stupid women who are featured on the commercials. Well, if this makes you feel any better--Clarol has lost all credibility for its Herbal Essence products with me. I would actually be EMBARASSED to buy them now--its like buying a condom--you'd feel like everyone was looking at you funny!! LOL!> I just have to write that I really DO NOT LIKE the> commercials for these products! I even complained to> Clairol, and I used to receive coupons for> haircoloring products from them, and they immediatly> just stopped sending them after I complained. (I said> it respectfully to them as well). I did say that> L'oreal and Revlon don't have to resort to that kind> of advertising-that probably made them a little> upset:)) I don't want to admit this, but I still> continue using their haircoloring products, because> they are the gentlest and best coloring that I've> found. I just wish they would stop these commercials.> Now, I moved to France around three months ago, so> I've no idea if they are still on like they used to> be, but little kids can see these commercials any hour> of the day!> Not what you'd expect from an old tride and true> company like Clairol.

Serena View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 26, 2002
Posted: Jan 11, 2000 at 12:18pm
What is so offensive to you about the ads? I always veiwed them as an amusing satire of the many comercials that use sex to sell stuff. There are many ads that I am upset by (like ones for wrinkle creams featuring 20 year old models), but the herbal essenses ads have always been OK by me. My mother works in a healthfood store and all the stuff in her refrigerator is labeled organic. When I lived with her, one of my freinds told me, "Eating at your house is such a organic experience". It took me a while to get the joke but when I did, I laughed.

Holly View Drop Down
Joined: May 30, 2003
Location: The West
Posted: Jan 11, 2000 at 12:18pm
> What is so offensive to you about the ads? I always> veiwed them as an amusing satire of the many> comercials that use sex to sell stuff. There are many> ads that I am upset by (like ones for wrinkle creams> featuring 20 year old models), but the herbal essenses> ads have always been OK by me. My mother works in a> healthfood store and all the stuff in her refrigerator> is labeled organic. When I lived with her, one of my> freinds told me, "Eating at your house is such a> organic experience". It took me a while to get> the joke but when I did, I laughed.Well, Serena, like the others here, I'm not the only one..and I'm sure we're not all prudes, I get humor out of a lot of things, but it's just embarrassing, like Erica said. Also, imagine you have a little kid sitting there, wondering what the heck it meant. Then they ask you what it means..of course you can't tell them, but it's just sad that a product has to be sold that way(apparently not to well, it's turning people away!)and at any hour of the day this commercial is on. One time when it was still a new commercial, my brother really wasn't watching t.v. and was looking down at a book, and when it came on he thought the channel changed to the local cable's x-rated channel(it isn't suppossed to show over the airwaves without being paid for as a channel, but somehow? it gets through on a certain channel). Yes, wrinkle cream shouldn't be sold by 20 year olds either, but what does that have to do with this commercial being perceived to be an ignorant and dare I say it?-Dirty commercial. Especially the one where all the women are in the shower together. Come on!By the way, there are other commercials that have been ignorant that I haven't liked as well, but since this is a sight about hair, I thought this one was relevent to thesight.

Ally View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 02, 2002
Posted: Jan 11, 2000 at 12:18pm
> That Nexxus one must be kind of new-I don't remember> seeing that when I was back in the states. You're> right, though, it's sounds like a dippy one:)Okay, I hope I don't get flashbacks after this, Holly...ENTER supermodel with flowing blonde hair. She is wearing a white terry cloth bathrobe and is running a bath. She tells us it's her birthday, or her anniversary or something. "Michael" has made her dinner, bought her roses....and he's promised to "wash her hair!" She purrs all this in a voice that you could pour over waffles, but is obviously not an actress and obviously doesn't speak English as a first language. She also has a silver bowl and towels and some bottles of hair stuff in her arms.CUT to hunky guy embracing her from behind, burying his nose in her hair. "I LOVE your hair."She grins archly at the camera.END of commercial.I hope you're happy, Holly. I may not sleep tonight. ;)Ally

K View Drop Down
Joined: Feb 18, 2001
Location: USA
Posted: Jan 11, 2000 at 12:18pm
> What is so offensive to you about the ads? I always> veiwed them as an amusing satire of the many> comercials that use sex to sell stuff. There are many> ads that I am upset by (like ones for wrinkle creams> featuring 20 year old models), but the herbal essenses> ads have always been OK by me. My mother works in a> healthfood store and all the stuff in her refrigerator> is labeled organic. When I lived with her, one of my> freinds told me, "Eating at your house is such a> organic experience". It took me a while to get> the joke but when I did, I laughed.I agree with Serena. It's just another commercial using sex to sell something. "It's the American Way". Embarrassing commercials are more like the "Fresh as a summer's day" douche commercials when your dad is sitting right beside you. THAT'S EMBARRASSING! I can handle a shampoo ad.

Holly View Drop Down
Joined: May 30, 2003
Location: The West
Posted: Jan 11, 2000 at 12:18pm
Thank goodness I'm in France and don't have to see that one.You didn't have to go through all that trouble, Ally!:))It WAS entertainingly wrote, however!Thanks! Hope you didn't have flashbacks-and got a good night's sleep! In fact, I hope everyone who read that got a good night's sleep.:)Holly

Holly View Drop Down
Joined: May 30, 2003
Location: The West
Posted: Jan 11, 2000 at 12:18pm
That's exactly what I was trying to say, H. Taylor-CLASSLESS! Thanks for your post.

Holly View Drop Down
Joined: May 30, 2003
Location: The West
Posted: Jan 11, 2000 at 12:18pm
Thanks, Dan, I needed a good laugh!:))How about the one haircolor commercial for men where the guy doesn't look like his driver's license picture, and the policeman is commenting on it? Not that this has anything to do with hair, but I hate commercials that make old people look like their childish and feebleminded-seems like almost all of them do, in America. I'm only 31, but it makes me upset that they are portrayed this way. Hope this doesn't get your blood pressure up as well!:) Be careful!

Serena View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 26, 2002
Posted: Jan 11, 2000 at 12:18pm
I don't knoe how it is in France but in The United States, those 'just for men' hair colors are really bad. Not only are the colors fake looking but many of them contain lead. Notice that none of the women's haircolors say 'just for women', yet most men won't buy them just because there is a woman's picture on the box.

Serena View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 26, 2002
Posted: Jan 11, 2000 at 12:18pm
I agree, they should have a men's version of the ad. Odly enough, in my area, Herbal Essences seems to be more popular amoung men than women. Women tend to use Pantene, L'oreal, or some salon brand while men like Pert Plus, head & Sholders, and Herbal Essenses.
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