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 Your hair's life story.

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enfys View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Aug 05, 2003
Posted: Aug 26, 2003 at 12:00pm
Well, I was just curious. In other threads people have talked about what they think childrens hair should be like in their opinions, and I was just curious as to how everyone's hair has been throughout their lives.

I was born with black curly hair, which straightened and lightened as I got older. My mum thought it looked cute in little bunches tied with bands with animals and things on. As a child in the 50s she couldn't easily have long hair and was forced to keep it short. I never noticed my hair when I was little, even though it was long because most of my friends had long hair, too.
When I was about seven, most of them cut it to shoulder length, but I never did because I would have felt mean when my mum loved it long. By high school (in Britain high school is 12-16) everyone had shoulder length hair practically, and I considered cutting it just to shut my friends up and because I thought it would be more accepted in society. Luckily, I never did cave in to pressure and my hair survived almost intact, except for layers. There are about 20cms left of them, so I'm trimming about 1 cm a month off myself (in Wales there are no long hair specialists, and I don't trust anyone. Ever.
Now I've grown my hair about another 10cms since I started there, and intend to grow it more, once I've got rid of the layers. I'm 15, and a happy, mould-breaking bunny.

Well, that's my story. It's not very interesting because there have been no major changes in my hair, but I know some of you have.
This thread is hopefully going to be where you could post all your stories for us to enjoy. If you wold like to post pictures, that would be nice, too. (Personally, I wouldn't post photos because I'm always worried about the possible risks, and I don't trust people. Ever).

Well, start posting stories. Please. Or else I'll look like a twit infront of all you nice people.

SuperGrover View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 17, 2003
Posted: Aug 26, 2003 at 12:00pm
What a good idea!

I'm tired, so mine will be short.

I had short hair all my life, up until about fourth grade. People always thought I was a boy. My hair tangles really easily, still to this day, and my mother didn't want to care for it. I'm sure I wouldn't have put up with her combing it either. I have a very tender scalp.
Mom couldn't sympathize. She has thick, almost black hair. I have my Dad's thin blonde hair.

I got perms from about 4th grade to 7th. They looked funny! It was the late 80s.

Then in 8th grade, boys started teasing me that my hair was dirty. All the time they would say "Oh, why don't you wash your hair?" Of course I did wash it, it just looked dirty cuz my hair is a dirty drab colored blond/brown. So at the age of 12, I got my first dye job, and 12 years later, I'm still dyeing it! I dyed it reddish blonde til the end of high school, and now I dye it blonde.
Also at the same time I got this red dye job, I got a bowl cut, buzzed up the back and everything. Short short short. Junior high is a bad time to have super short hair. More teasing. At least I liked the color. I had the stylist leave the shaved parts natural and only dye the top. It looked cute! I'm sure it also looked weird. I've always been an unusual girl.
I was very proud of the fact that I was the first girl in school to start dyeing her hair! It quickly became a trend. :p I'm such a trend setter. Hahaha.

I always longed for long hair, but college made that pretty much impossible. I worked as a lifeguard and spent so much time in the sun and chlorine that my hair was always frizzy and brittle. I was in marching band, and that didn't help either. Always wearing a ponytail, all that running and marching around... lots more breakage.

So I've been trying to grow my hair long since the end of high school. Now that I'm finally 2 years out of college, it's starting to actually get there!

Whoa, that's still a long answer. I must get me to bed! Zzzzzz. Night!

papillon_purple View Drop Down
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Joined: Apr 23, 2003
Posted: Aug 26, 2003 at 12:00pm
I think when I was young my hair was mostly above the shoulder. The shortest being ear-length, during my tomboy phase. Right now, I think my hair's the longest it has ever been.

Lyris View Drop Down
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Posted: Aug 27, 2003 at 12:00pm
Enfys, thanks for starting this thread and sharing your story. A good read and a unique theme!

My two pence: Hair - unstyled, uncolored, mostly uncut for the first 14 years. Long, wavy and huge bangs. Medium brown with touches of gold highlights. Cut to chin in disastrous decision at 14. Bangs grown out at 15. Hair BSL and all one length by 16. Blow dried stick straight most every three days since then. Attempted to turn light brown at 19 courtesy of Clairol Hydrience; repeated attempts left hair orange-brown. Color faded but never returned to original shade. Cut to shoulders, began growing out damage. At 22, fake color is gone, hair is past shoulders and on the way to slightly above BSL again!

enfys View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Aug 05, 2003
Posted: Aug 27, 2003 at 12:00pm
Hey, who would have thought that there would be so many interesting stories already. I'm glad you all converted from not being too hard on your hair.

I started this because I thought that we had a great thread for what we were aiming for in the future, but not one about what happened in the past. Okay, let's keep posting!

Snuggles View Drop Down
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Joined: May 18, 2003
Location: Colorado
Posted: Aug 27, 2003 at 12:00pm

I was born with black, straight as a board, fine and thick hair. I had it grown out to my waist (I was about 7), until we moved from California to Texas. The change in weather, going from dry to very humid, made my hair into a curly, frizzy mess. It's been curly and naturally frizzy ever since. Because of the heat, I had it cut up a little shorter than shoulder length, which only made things worse. I had bangs too *cringe*. I kept it short up until the 7th grade, when I realized that my yearbook picture detailed a strange lookin' overweight girl with a 'fro. I started the first part of 8th grade, and tried growin' it out a little. Then, we moved here, to Colorado. The dry weather helped control the frizziness, and I was able to keep growing it out. It was long, curly, and bushy until halfway through 9th grade. I had gotten it down to my waist, and then I kinda flipped and told my mother to cut it all off. She cut it to my shoulders, and for the first time in my life, I straightened it. The change in my appearance was *amazing*. However, cutting sorta became an obsession from that point on. Over the next two year, I cut it shorter and shorter, and then a summer ago I decided I'd had enough. I was going to cut it to my chin, just short enough to keep cool, but not so short as to look like a boy. well, the woman cutting it was 70 yrs old, and made an 'oopsie', and we ended up having to cut it up to my ears...booooy did I regret that... I spent a year growing it to my shoulders, and it eventually reached about bra length. Then, I flipped out again, and had it cut up two inches from the shoulders. I regretted it as soon as we did it. Now, I've spent another 9 months growing *that* out, and it's finally reached the collarbone. I am *not* cutting it again..hehe. I have an appointment to get it cut and colored, but I will *not* do anything other than a trim and

*Phew* Long story :D

DaveDecker View Drop Down
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Joined: Nov 28, 2000
Location: United States
Posted: Aug 27, 2003 at 12:00pm
This is a great idea for discussion, enfys. Thanks for starting the conversation!

I'll be fairly brief.

I had a crew cut until I was 9. Then it was allowed to grow out a little bit, to a few inches. Then I got the long hair bug... ... and grew it to about chin/shoulder length, had it there for about 2 years in my early teens. Then it got shorter and layered (this was the late 70s. After college, went a bit shorter yet, to typical 80's execu-cut. In late 1991 I had my hair cut, the guy cut it too short, I remembered I liked having long hair, and that was it -- I decided then to let it grow longer. At the time I didn't know how long, just that I wanted it longer. After a bad salon visit put me back 6 months, I avoided trimming my hair for almost a year, until it was a shaggy layered mess, longest parts to around my shoulders. Over the course of the next few years I grew out the length and the layers. It reached waist-length in 1997, "classic" length in 1999, and knee-length last year.

And that's my story.

uzma View Drop Down
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Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Aug 28, 2003 at 12:00pm
June 1965 - June 2002: Between 1 and 4 inches short.

June 2002 - June 2003: From 4 inches short to 22 inches long.

August 2003: 23 inches long.

Kateyez37 View Drop Down
Joined: Aug 20, 2003
Location: TX
Posted: Aug 28, 2003 at 12:00pm
I had hair down to my tailbone until I was about 11, when I had the bangs 'feathered'. About 3 years later, I had it cut fairly short (just above shoulder length) - a short version of the Farrah Fawcett 'do, and kept this hairstyle, or at least a modified version of, for YEARS.

When I was pregnant, my hair grew really fast and was very healthy. By the time I had my children (both of them), my hair was to my waist, with no split ends and I really didn't take care to ensure its' health, so I would imagine it was all hormonal.

When I was about 26 years old, I started experiencing fallout, which lasted until I was 31-32. I eliminated most of my stress (job), started eating much better and my hair regained its' health, although it took several years to do so.

Right now, I'm in the process of trying to grow my hair out, to at least halfway down my back or longer if possible. If it's healthy, I'll go for as long as it will grow. :)

Dave, that is so cool -- you must have one great mane, there!


Gollan View Drop Down
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Joined: Jul 25, 2003
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Posted: Aug 29, 2003 at 12:00pm
From my baby pictures I already had hair when I was born. I had very light hair that gradually darkened. As toddler and young boy it seems I always had a brushcut (went with the cowboy and sailor outfits). In 1972, at age ten I went to a boarding school that had surprisingly liberal hair rules. I had the standard "bowl cut" that every other boy in my grade five class had (think early Beatles). Around fifteen I began to grow my hair and this started the battles with my parents over my appearance (that and shaving, sheesh). The next year, in 1978, my mother had the brilliant idea that my getting an afro-style perm would make my hair look nicer and would get my father off my case. Keep in mind that in 1978 men's afro-style perms were perfectly acceptable. It looked cool (at the time) but my dad felt it was too big and had me cut it down. In 1980 I left home and joined the (Canadian) army. They solved my hair problems by cutting it all off. And then I got stuck in a style and wore either a short military cut (tapered sides and back) or a brush cut for the next twenty years. In my defense, I will say that even after I left the military I was working in a lot places were conservative appearance was the norm. In June 2002 I decided enough was enough and resumed the long hair growing I had started at fifteen. My hair is now mostly past my shoulders, with the bangs (fringe/frontal hairs) playing catch up.

Viktoria View Drop Down
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Posted: Aug 29, 2003 at 12:00pm
What fun to read all these stories!

I have been going up and down with my hair all my life. I think all hairstyles look great, one way or another. And maybe I had not really made my mind up about what kind of person I wanted to be either. It was always some kind of "being fed up with it"-reaction that caused me to cut it: finding too much hair in the drain (when I moved away from home and had to clean house myself), getting it caught in equipment (at Scania or working as a photographer

DaveDecker View Drop Down
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Joined: Nov 28, 2000
Location: United States
Posted: Aug 29, 2003 at 12:00pm
[QUOTE=Kateyez37] I had hair down to my tailbone until I was about 11, when I had the bangs 'feathered'. About 3 years later, I had it cut fairly short (just above shoulder length) - a short version of the Farrah Fawcett 'do, and kept this hairstyle, or at least a modified version of, for YEARS.

When I was pregnant, my hair grew really fast and was very healthy. By the time I had my children (both of them), my hair was to my waist, with no split ends and I really didn't take care to ensure its' health, so I would imagine it was all hormonal.

When I was about 26 years old, I started experiencing fallout, which lasted until I was 31-32. I eliminated most of my stress (job), started eating much better and my hair regained its' health, although it took several years to do so.

Right now, I'm in the process of trying to grow my hair out, to at least halfway down my back or longer if possible. If it's healthy, I'll go for as long as it will grow. :)

Dave, that is so cool -- you must have one great mane, there!

Hi Kris, Thanks for the encouraging words. I've talked briefly with Karen about the possibility of posting a recent photo of me at the site. No decision has been made.

If you've had your hair to waist-length before and in good shape without even trying, I am certain you can regrow to the same length (and longer, if that is your wish).

Benji the Sausage View Drop Down
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Joined: Jul 07, 2003
Location: NJ
Posted: Aug 29, 2003 at 12:00pm
Born-Brown, straightish hair.

Born to 5 yrs- Hair several inches below shoulders.

6 to 11-Tailbone length.

11-Cut it to a little below shoulders. kept it shoulder length.

13-cut to above chin length by a moronic stylist who needs to stop cutting hair for the sake of mankind.

13 1/2-Purple and red hair. Fun times.

13 to 14-Highlights, daily blow dry. long bands parted on the side.

14-Dyed back to brown. No more blow drier. Started using artec.

14 1/2- Went back to using normal hair conditioners that are cheap but kept away from the blowdryer. had a few inches trimmed off for the sake of split ends. Random long bangs

15-Dyed hair black. cut bangs straight aross with a face frame. Originally intended upon bleaching some parts so they can be purple. my school doesn't like that idea.

im 15 now. with almost BSL black straight hair and I use artec smoothing conditioner. in growing out my bangs but i dont know how much I like myself without them.

i dont know. black hair with the bangs straight across is sortof a statement. but it stops being interesting to me after a while of having it.

when it was short and purple and red i used to do all sorts of weird things with it. my art teacher always loved it. because she said my hair was a "piece of artwork" and always commented on the vibrant color.

bah. now I wanna dye it red again.

Kateyez37 View Drop Down
Joined: Aug 20, 2003
Location: TX
Posted: Aug 29, 2003 at 12:00pm
Hi, Dave. :) I hope you're right -- I would really like to be able to have long hair again. You just can do so many things with it.

Also, I would love to see your pics posted here. I hope to be able to grow hair that long one day. ;)


grenwich View Drop Down
Joined: Apr 07, 2002
Location: upstate NY
Posted: Aug 31, 2003 at 12:00pm
I had hair I could sit on when I was a little girl. My inspiration was everywhere - my grandmother, my aunties and cousins, all had hair of varying degrees of length. My family was one of the original dysfunctional families, and my mom wasn't around very much. She did visit occasionally, and in the summer of 76, she got the idea that I needed a hair cut. Dorothy Hamill had won gold, and had the hottest haircut around. I cried, the lady who cut my hair cried. My grandmother kept my ponytail in the bottom of her jewelry box.
I went from easily tailbone length, to the wedge. I think I was in denial for several years. My hair went through the late 70s and early 80s very short. In 1984, I decided not to get another hair cut. I had about an inch on top, and shaved sides and back. It had been dyed and product'ed to death. I stopped using anything but shampoo and conditioner on it, and let it go. I have had 2 major trims in the past 19 years - 4-6 inches each time, of thinning damaged ends. My hair is now almost 41 inches long, with some variance.
I'm never going to have short hair again - as for how long? Who knows? I'll let everyone know when it stops.


Erinlynn View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 18, 2003
Posted: Sep 01, 2003 at 12:00pm
The story of my hair. Well when i was born it was blond. It stayed blond untill I was about 3 when it darkened to a honey color..some reddish hints. By the time I had my first serious hair cut encounter it was this honey color (age 6). My best friend was a big tom boy and had her hair cut really short. i wanted to be just like her so I got my just below shoulder lenght hair cut to a very boyish style. My friends couldnt tell me from her. From then on I wanted my hair long again but my mom wanted it short. The shorter the better. By the time i was in 3rd grade my hair was a brown with reddish highlights as it is today and my hair was always just below shoulder lenght and my mom always wanted it shorter. In 4th grade I wanted a perm. She wanted it short. No short = no perm. So I got my hair cut and permed. 4th and 5th grade i look like a lamb with short curly hair. In 6th and 7th grade i had shoulder lenght hair and permed it. I also had those 80 charecteristic poog bangs. I always had bangs but before 6th grade they were just curled under. I dont liek my 6th and 7th grade hair. In eight grade I grew my bangs out (inspide of hateing the no bang look during most of my life) and and i grew my perm out and havent permed it since. From then on my hair has gone from varing lenghts no shorter than just below mid back and almost to my knees. I wont get it shorter than that!

The end!

No hair coloring becasue i like my color...although id love to have natuarl red hair. Id also love to try dark cherry or blue or purple but i refuse!

Katherine View Drop Down
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Joined: Feb 28, 2001
Location: Torrance, CA
Posted: Sep 05, 2003 at 12:00pm
Great thread! Tell your story, hair! (Because my hair often has a "life of its own", it will be speaking in the first person).

I was very light blonde & worn in a "little dutch boy" style until third grade, after which I grew out to waist-length, with some natural waves at the temples. I was cut to shoulder length at age 16 (a 14 inch piece of me is still in a box in the garage somewhere) and then gradually shorter until age 22. Also went from light blonde to medium blonde as I aged. I then grew out to shoulder length before Katherine's wedding a year later, where I remained for several years. During K's first pregnancy, at age 29, I grew and grew, reaching a little below bra-strap length. I was cut to shoulder length twice, at age 34 and again at age 36, then mercilessly cut into short layers at age 38. Then I grew out to bra strap length again, at age 42 (a year ago), when I had become kind of straggly and 8 inches were cut to bring me back to shoulder length. K prefers it at shoulder length, but hubby likes it longer, and I like to be free and wild, too, so for the past year I've been growing again and now I'm 3-4 inches below shoulder length. I plan to get down to bra strap length again, at which point the scissors will probably come after me again!

DaveDecker View Drop Down
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Joined: Nov 28, 2000
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Posted: Sep 06, 2003 at 12:00pm

I like the way your hair tells its story.

If it likes to be wild and free, how does it feel about being cut down?

Katherine View Drop Down
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Joined: Feb 28, 2001
Location: Torrance, CA
Posted: Sep 07, 2003 at 12:00pm
Thanks, Dave! My hair appears to like being wild and free, but its "host" has had various reasons for cutting it down! Such as at age 16, to be more "sophisticated". At ages 34 & 36, to be a "practical mom", at age 38 to please a grandmother who had wanted me to have short hair, and at age 42 to get rid of straggly ends. My hair is actually fairly tolerant of these whims, perhaps realizing that they only come in certain even-numbered ages. It then conspires along with my hubby always to convince me to grow it out at least "one more time," by looking fairly attractive for a while. Seriously, when I was young I aspired to be a gray-haired old lady with a long braid coiled at the back of my head or around my head, and I may end up that way.

Laine1998 View Drop Down
Joined: Sep 22, 2002
Location: Fort Belvoir VA
Posted: Sep 07, 2003 at 12:00pm
hmmm Lets see.

I was born with near-white curly hair. My mom let it grow and grow, and the curls subsided, and my hair got a bit darker.

When I was around 5-6ish, I got tired of my long hair (fighting with my mom to brush it) and she had it cut off after me bothering her. It was about at my ears.

I then let it grow a bit, shoulder length (very thick and somewhat with curls in the shorter lengths.) She also had to have it thinned quite often.

Around 10ish I started letting it get long, and then my mom started lightening my hair for me. I did that off and on, but nothing too extreme.

Around 14 I stopped coloring it and started taking better care of it. I let it grow( it was already around bra strap length) and it looked nice.

Around 17, (1997) I got really tired of long hair I couldn't do anything with. So I went to my hair stylist (been to her for about a year now) and asked her to do something with it. Well, the first cut she made was about 6 inches in the front, and I started crying. After she was done, I LOVED it. It was shorter, had a few little layers at the bottom and it looked great!!!

(1998)Then I let my now-mother-in-law try to color it about a year later. Didn't work, and my hair was BADDDD. So I had the color stripped and had it recolored a decent color.

From there I just let it grow, and grew out all of the color. I went semi short in 2000 (about shoulder length) to finally remove the last of the color. (My hair is now a light brown, dark blonde, depends on how the sun hits it.)

Then About 6-7months ago, I got it highlighted for the first time, and several inches cut off. I now plan on keeping it highlighted and letting it grow out healthy again!

Thats my story, nothing too fancy!!! Edited to add that I tryed to be good with the dates.. It is 6am here so I'm not quite awake yet!

dianefromcanada View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 15, 2000
Posted: Sep 08, 2003 at 12:00pm
I was born bald.
I was very blond when I was 3-4 years old. I had curly hair and it reached about the middle of my back.
Light brown hair when I was in Elementary school. AT the time I decided that I was sick and tired of taking care of my long hair so it was cut very short. I had a fear that my boyfriend would pull my hair lol. He was a brat.

Beginnig of grade eight had above the shoulder length and it was darker. IN grade ten my hair was bra length and a lot darker almost black in colour. Grade twelve decided to keep my hair above my shoulder.
AFter graduation and meeting my husband I decided to let it grow because my husband wanted my hair to be like Crystal Gayle. For the longest time my hair was about the middle of the back because for whatever reasons it didn't want to grow. My hair wasn't so wavy.
Now my hair's texture tends to be very wavy and my boyfriend this weekend notice it reaches my waist again.
I am started to slowly have some white hair but I am not worried. When I will have more I will dye them to keep up with my ten years younger boyfriend.
Supposely this makes me a cougar! lol But what the heck this guy loves long hair and wants me to grow it longer.............
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