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 long hair on boys

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KingVyse View Drop Down
Joined: Apr 01, 2004
Posted: Apr 20, 2004 at 5:06am
Omg,who cares,he is just a little kid still,i had curly long hair at that age and looked like a girl(until i got a little older),im a hell of alot older now and i could cair less about back then.I kinda like it too because now i got an idea of how my hair looked i say just keep the kids hair long.

Erinlynn View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 18, 2003
Posted: Apr 21, 2004 at 5:06am
Becasue this topic filtered up again:

At the easter parade there was a chubby 10 year old "girl" sitting behind us blowing bubbles. "She" looked very female. Someone asked my friend where the bubbles were comeing form and she replied "They are from this lady behind us". The "lady behind us" countered "I am a boy". Ooops! sorry!

He really looked feminine. Especialy blowing bubbles like that...

DaveDecker View Drop Down
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Posted: Apr 25, 2004 at 5:06am
Oops! Oh well. The nature of humans seems to be to need to immediately identify the gender of others...

DaveDecker View Drop Down
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Posted: May 23, 2004 at 5:06am
[QUOTE=Esther] Boy oh Boy, I'm so confused, My grandson is 3 1/2 and has the most beautiful curly locks that would put Shirley temple to shame. After reading everyones comments I feel guilty for pressuring my daughter into cutting his hair. It's not that I don't like it long, I braid it to keep it off his face, but I guess my opinion was more to please society, maybe she should wait!
For her son of 3 1/2, she should do what she sees fit. A good and decent society is made up of all the people in it, including those who decide that their very young children will have long hair.

Erinlynn View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 18, 2003
Posted: May 24, 2004 at 5:06am
I was thinking about this whole subject again and thought of the kids of my families friends whom each had long hair untill they choose to cut it in highschool. They are the children of hippies...and their long locks had some style to them too...kindof a shaggy 60s look. A

nyways they were teased some but if I recall the same people who teased them teased my sister for being slightly chubby when she was a child (Ironicaly now my sister is gorgeous and fit, and they put on weight), and teased me about my long hair and when was I going to ever cut it...even my shorter lenghts were still very long to them, thye wanted it styled and cut to shoulderlenght.

Bearnup View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 27, 2002
Posted: May 26, 2004 at 5:06am
I seem to remember the origins of this thread when it came up way back when. Anywho....

Hair length should be ALL about CHOICE, and that choice should be for the person whose head is wearing the hair....

With that said our 11 yr old daughter Ellen just had her waist length hair cut to just below her shoulders. She asked to get it cut in about March -- because it was to much trouble to brush herself and she didn't like using detanglers or having someone else brush it for her. The ONLY reason it wasn't cut THEN was at our (her parent's) request. Ellen was going to be junior bridesmaid in a May wedding and we asked her to keep her hair long so it could be put in a bun for the wedding. Ellen said that would be fine. Had she objected and asked to cut her hair we would have taken for a cut back in March.

The wedding was Saturday that MONDAY ellen made a donation of hair to locks of love. She looks pretty with the shorter hair...just like she looked pretty with her long hair..but I am her dad so she always looks pretty to me.

My wife and I are both still growing our hair long and beautiful.

As I said at the start -- We need to remember that kids are people too -- They have feelings, opinions and ideas that are just as important as the grown-ups responsible for their care.


duke View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 11, 2000
Posted: May 28, 2004 at 5:06am
I second that, Bearnup. Haven't seen you in quite awhile. Glad you're around.

In fact, there was an update to this long and old post. The boy's grandmother was apparently embarrased at his long hair and took him for a forced haircut without the mother's knowing it! It was a traumatic experience for both the mother and the boy. I of course joined the discussion condemning this action. But the wider issue began to be debated on the forum, big time. I argued vehemently with a person who didn't see things the way I did - and essentially wanted to shut me up. That person insulted me for some of my views and then this continued on other threads. Then that person and one or two others I think began attacking other posters for their opinions on other subjects. As if we don't have a right to disagree. Finally, HairTalk was shut down for awhile, offending posters banned, and I think at least one very constructive poster apparently scared off the boards!

arch94 View Drop Down
Joined: Jan 07, 2001
Location: United States
Posted: May 28, 2004 at 5:06am
Just plain wrong.

My two cents.

DaveDecker View Drop Down
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Posted: May 29, 2004 at 5:06am
[QUOTE=arch94] Just plain wrong.

My two cents.
What's "just plain wrong?"

arch94 View Drop Down
Joined: Jan 07, 2001
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Posted: May 29, 2004 at 5:06am the topic of the message thread. two cents.

Vineman View Drop Down
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Posted: May 30, 2004 at 5:06am
Why is it just plain wrong? It's been done for hundreds of years, only the last century or so has seen widespread short hair.

DaveDecker View Drop Down
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Posted: May 30, 2004 at 5:06am
[QUOTE=arch94] the topic of the message thread. two cents.
Thanks for clarifying your meaning.

That said, I don't think your comment is appreciated here. Ask yourself, how do you think a "short hair on boys is just plain wrong" (or "short hair on girls is just plain wrong") message on the short hair board would be received? Do you think the people there would gladly say, "Oh yes, you are so right, short hair is just plain wrong, and thank you for enlightening us!"

Why don't you elaborate on why you think long hair on boys is "just plain wrong?" I'd really like to hear your thoughts on the subject.

(And BTW, what is the significance of the TCB and lightning bolt in your sig avatar?)

arch94 View Drop Down
Joined: Jan 07, 2001
Location: United States
Posted: May 30, 2004 at 5:06am
Hmmmm......where to start? If you notice, for quite a long time now, i've ended every one of my posts with "my two cents". I just don't think guys should have long hair. Funny though, I'm a short haired fan on girls too. Wow, never thought of it that way. Maybe someday society will say long hair was supposed to be mainly on guys, and the short hair was for the that's a plan i like.

Of course my "opinion" is not popular on the long hair support board. I didn't expect it to be. Again though, it's my opinion, and we all know what opinions are like...and I have both.

The "TCB and bolt" are purely Elvis. Ask any Elvis fan worth their salt, and they should know. He had jewelry made with that design, a wall in his house painted with it, and the symbol was on the tailwings of his airplanes. It stands for takin care of business in a flash.

My two cents.

Vineman View Drop Down
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Posted: May 30, 2004 at 5:06am
However, most people feel it's somewhat cancelled out by "Just plain wrong", and opinion reads something like "I don't like the concept of long hair on boys, personally". Just plain right makes something sound as if it's sick and/or creepy.

DaveDecker View Drop Down
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Posted: May 31, 2004 at 5:06am
First, thanks for the TCB explanation. Obviously I didn't know that much about Elvis.

[QUOTE=arch94] Funny though, I'm a short haired fan on girls too. Wow, never thought of it that way. Maybe someday society will say long hair was supposed to be mainly on guys, and the short hair was for the that's a plan i like.
Except for misfortune of male-pattern baldness, long hair can be for boys, men, girls and women. And of course, the hair can be altered (cut,colored, permed, etc). Societal expectations regarding hair have changed throughout history. So who knows for certain what will happen in the future?
[QUOTE=arch94] If you notice, for quite a long time now, i've ended every one of my posts with "my two cents". I just don't think guys should have long hair.

Of course my "opinion" is not popular on the long hair support board. I didn't expect it to be. Again though, it's my opinion, and we all know what opinions are like...and I have both.
Yes, I've noticed your "2 cents" ending. I guess I just wonder what reaction you expected or hoped for by posting that message here, and why. I sure don't expect to make friends going to the short hair board and telling them that "short hair is all wrong," and then hoping to deflect unhappy reaction by claiming, "well, it's only my opinion/two cents."

Gormlaith View Drop Down
Joined: Oct 23, 2003
Posted: Jun 11, 2004 at 5:06am
[QUOTE=DaveDecker] Except for misfortune of male-pattern baldness, long hair can be for boys, men, girls and women.[/QUOTE]

Long hair is also for those *blessed* with male-pattern baldness that leave their girlfriend beaming with pleasure at the feel of those softest hairs on top followed by gorgeous long hair in back. Long hair is for every male that wants it, that goes for women too.

DaveDecker View Drop Down
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Location: United States
Posted: Jun 13, 2004 at 5:06am
Hi Gormlaith!

Well yes, certainly long hair is also for those afflicted with male-pattern baldness. I tried (poorly) to say that the occurance of MPB is a cruel and involuntary trick played on (mostly) men that robs them of some of the hair strands they would like to still have. I feel badly for all men afflicted with MPB, whether or not they want their hair long.

Your boyfriend is blessed that you are his girlfriend, JLL. Please give him my regards.

kengibson2001 View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 14, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: Jun 16, 2004 at 5:06am
I'm growing my hair long. But I don't have to worry looking feminine. I look psycho no matter what my hairstyle is. I just look a lot less intimidating with long hair. I can't stand being mistaken for a psycho. I have very cold blue eyes maybe that's why.

Long hair looks feminine. I ask does this guy look feminine

The males have longer hair than the females.

DaveDecker View Drop Down
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Posted: Jun 19, 2004 at 5:06am
LOL. That's pretty funny, Ken!

Hey, the way I see it, long hair can be worn by men and women, since it can be grown to super long lengths on both.

AnaisSatin View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 28, 2004
Posted: Aug 01, 2004 at 5:06am
krazykid wrote:
Then again now I have BSL hair and still ocassionally get confused for a boy *shakes head in frusteration*

Don't worry Krazykid, that happens to me too... all the time.. even with mid-back length hair. The more men in society with long hair, the more I get mistaken for a guy. (I'm not bashing guys with long hair, currently dating a shorthaired male growing hair down to waist.. a wonderful sort) Probably also because of my attire.. the grunge Kurt Cobain look isn't very feminine. Anyway, this is my personal reason for going more extreme than most American citizens... hip or classic length... so more people think I'm female.

miss brenda View Drop Down
Joined: May 02, 2004
Posted: Aug 01, 2004 at 5:06am
The majority of both men and women these days wear short or fairly short hair, which is why people, men or women, with very long hair are unique.

Since most women wear medium or short hair, the only way you could be mistaken for a man if you are a woman, whatever your hair length, is to not wear any makeup or earrings, dress in grungy "male" like clothes, and have facial features and a body that is somewhat masculine to begin with.

AnaisSatin View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 28, 2004
Posted: Aug 02, 2004 at 5:06am
Miss Brenda wrote:
...the only way you could be mistaken for a man if you are a woman, whatever your hair length, is to not wear any makeup or earrings, dress in grungy "male" like clothes, and have facial features and a body that is somewhat masculine to begin with.

Yes Miss Brenda, that's exactly it. and most of it I can change. It's just so much more comfortable this way, not to mention safer on the streets : P
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