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 Why doesn't he call me?

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Ohla View Drop Down
Joined: Feb 21, 2013
Posted: Feb 27, 2013 at 8:32pm
My friend introduce a boy to me. We just talk to each other online and feel happy. Four days aog we met each other for the first time. After that he have't contact me yet. I'm very sad. I don't know what he thinks. Just sad, sad and sad.
Ohla2013-02-27 01:39:24

Karen Shelton View Drop Down
Admin Group
Joined: Nov 26, 2000
Posted: Mar 01, 2013 at 8:32pm
Hi...I hear you.  Sometimes this just happens.

People either click or they don't.  There's plenty of fish in the sea.  Instead of feeling sad about this guy just move on and look for someone else who will call you.  Why waste your time on someone who doesn't?

Also, if you busy your mind looking for someone else, you will forget this guy who doesn't call you.  You can never tell what is in someone's mind.  Even if they tell you, it may not be the truth.

So sorry you are sad.  Hope you feel happy again soon.

Ericachristina View Drop Down
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Joined: Mar 12, 2012
Location: USA
Posted: Mar 16, 2013 at 8:32pm
I agree with Karen, you can't hit it off with every single person you meet, sometimes it just doesn't work out and that is not your fault. Just remember do not internalize the problem and blame yourself, he isn't the only guy out there and when you meet the right guy it will be worth the wait.

Some guys are like that, they just don't call and if he is the type of guy who isn't interested enough to pick up the phone then maybe it's better you learn this at the beginning instead of constantly crying over him later on when he is making a poor effort in the relationship.

Don't ever let someone have the power to effect your emotions to the point where you are broken and "don't know what to do." happiness has nothing to do with a man, it comes from within you, and if you remember this and live by it no one will be able to have this effect on you.

I am not saying that it won't be sad or hurt for a while, it happens to the best of us, but you have to retain the ability to pull yourself out of it and move on for your own good. You must heal to allow the possibility of a new relationship and to let in someone worthy of you.
He just didn't realize what he had...his loss! You can do better just stay positive.Ericachristina2013-03-16 21:32:10
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