When your hair is combed over your forehead and you can`t really see your hairline it looks a lot fuller, it seems like you still have a lot to work with.
I would suggest if you want a different style you should go to a hair dresser and discuss it with them, they will have had a lot of experience cutting hair and then you can explain your qualms and they can suggest cuts that may work for you. You have to go to a good hair stylist though, people who actually know what they are doing because you do not want to make your problems any worse. I would ask for a style that helps hide your problem areas and also gives you some more body and volume around the sides, front and back. I think a darker color may also help but I do not know if you are willing to try dying it.
As for the dryness and coarseness I do not know what you use on your hair or what you to do your hair that may be causing some dryness but I can recommend some things you can do. Try to wash your hair less, shampoo will strip your hair and make it dry. If you do need to wash your hair more often then use a sulphate free shampoo which is less harsh on the hair and won`t strip it as much.
You can try scalp massages, if done regularly they can really improve circulation to your scalp and hair follicles and if you are experiencing genetic thinning of the hair this may be able to help slow it down some.
A different hair style from the stylist will do wonders I think, I have also seen women with thin hair do wonders with a blow dryer and a round brush to add volume, lift and really make their hair style have more body. It is a bit difficult to explain using a round brush and blow dryer for volume but Youtube is great for that.
You can try conditioning your hair with very good thick conditioning treatments. Look for a conditioner that says deep conditioning treatment for dry damaged or coarse hair. Also make sure to leave it on for at least 20 mins before you rinse your hair. The container will tell you how long to leave it on for, but if you need more conditioning then you can leave it on longer. Oil treatments are also good and there are serums that you can use after you style it to add moisture and shine. this may help with the dry coarse hair.
If it`s really the thinness you are worried about have you ever considered trying some of the, shampoos, conditioners and other treatments that are geared towards thinning hair? You could take a look at your local beauty supply outlet and try something like that if you do not want to have any major restoration, or you could check online, I know Folica.com has some products under hair treatments. I have never tried them myself, I`m female and I do not have thin hair but I am trying to give you some suggestions since you seem to be in a real bind. To me it doesn`t look like you really need to go as drastic as hair restoration.
Aside from this forum check online and do some research, there should be a lot of help for thin hair online.
Sorry that I couldn't be more helpful but good luck!
Ericachristina2012-07-26 23:45:53