So after three years of having red hair (I used Feria R68). I really wanted a change.I wanted to go blonde.
I went to a salon to try to get this look, one that came recommended by my mother...
It looks almost nothing like the photo, I never thought Id get it exactly like the picture but this is absolutely just wrong. For some reason she thought that by dying my hair a "neutral" color she could get rid of the red without bleaching(I told I didn't mind a bleaching if it would get me the look I wanted) but she chose a light brown saying she could do the look without bleaching, which ended up looking almost black on top of my red hair) and then lighten it of with Highlights all over. It just looks so unnatural and I am not happy. They said I could go back for more highlights but I feel like thats just not going to work.
Should I just buy a light blonde hair dye and do it myself?
Should I just ask the stylist to to that?
Or should I do like she says and just get more highlights?
I'm just frustrated I paid $200 for something I am not happy with at all.

What I wanted-

After- (sorry cell phone picture)
In the sun-
caincandi2012-06-06 17:12:22