Hey, just found out they are going to have a beauty/fashion show in FWB. I live about 20 miles from FWB but am excited. There isn't much going on in this town. We have great beaches but to have a fashion show is something I have not seen here in my 10 years living here. I'm really excited.
Going to a Beauty Show may be limited to Professionals only.
A lot depends upon the show's organizers. Sometimes non-professionals are allowed to go to the shows IF they get special advance permission to do so. Also, they can sign up to work for the show.
Usually hair and beauty shows are in need of temporary workers to do all kinds of things from greet people, take tickets or related. Of course sometimes the workers are provided to the show by the auditorium or convention where the show is being held.
At any rate...getting to go to a hair and beauty show is a HUGE opportunity. If you get a chance to go...definitely do it. gendolly2014-05-30 09:36:53