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 Men's understanding a women's hair

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Sparrowhawk1161 View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Sep 15, 2009
Posted: Dec 20, 2011 at 7:35am
I think a lot guys just don't get it.  And, I lot ladies really want them to.  You through so much fuss to make sure you hair is great for him... the girls and society...
That's a lot of work!
IF you have a guy who gives up and just doesn't get it, that is zero in that count.  The girls have cound and society has count.  You take these numbers and it shows you if your is presentable to outside world.
Take a teen.  She get flack from some cheerleader, and she takes it, and she is depressed and moody... for long time... unless someone comes in, finds about this cheerleader... finds out she is a "Bully" jealous" of her great hair and all she wants is to bask in the glory of this girls misery.
Even guys should know this for there are teen girls. Destroy the compition, you look better... doesn't make sense but, to teen... maybe...
Guys wake up and smell the conditioner... these girls... and see what is happening.  You are the most handiest guys on earth.  Change light bulb, fix the bathroom sink, wash you daughters hair wehn she has a cast on her arm... no problem... show it.  Or did just forget?
I wish there was a thread about guys and girls understanding beauty for girls and women.  Not this... OK... just do it!
Have you had this?  Your daughter decides to do things strangely... instead of doing her hair in the shower, she does it in the kitchen sink.  BUt, she isn't patent about you sitting around watching sports... she's getting on your case... and you finally have to figure this out.
You wet her hair.  Shampoo.. condition it to what she says... and just about when you are through, you get into water fight!  OF course you are going to do that... water fight!  GReat6er fight on the whole block... you both ARE SOAKING AND LAUGHING.
Until mom comes home... both of you get a scolding and clean up!  But, at least her hair is done... and you did something for that girl... you got her soaking wet!  YES!!! YES!!!
I one!!! what darling... change my clothes... clean up all the water?  What water!Wink

Sparrowhawk1161 View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Sep 15, 2009
Posted: Dec 20, 2011 at 7:35am
Oh... ladies... can you help clean up my mess?  I water everywhere!  It was fun but... it's going into the basement... I need some help hereOuch

fadrickstar View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 24, 2011
Posted: Dec 24, 2011 at 7:35am
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