Posted: Jul 13, 2011 at 8:36pm
As the name itself would suggest cosmetic dentistry is the art of beautification of the teeth by using different methods. Cosmetics of different types are used by women for the beautification of their bodies but the ones that are used for the beautification of the teeth are altogether different. These are proper doctoral procedures done by experienced dentists and are not used by some beautician. Cosmetic dentistry Sydney is the art of mending the dental problems and looks in such a way as to make these look good to others. There are many procedures which are used by the dentists for this purpose. The use of each procedure is dependent on the type of the tooth problem faced by the person. It might involve addition of the some material to teeth or gums, removal of teeth, straightening of teeth and also, just doing superficial procedures without addition or removal of anything. Some of these techniques of cosmetic dentistry are mentioned below:
1. Whitening: This is also called the bleaching of the teeth. It is done to make the teeth whiter. If the teeth are yellow or are stained then this method can be used to make them whiter to improve their look.
2. Reshaping: This is a method where the enamel of the teeth is removed or the shape, position or length of the teeth is altered to make these get improved looks.
3. Bonding: In this method, an enamel type substance is used for application to the surface of the teeth and then this is shaped, solidified and then polished. This is the procedure used for giving the natural look to the teeth and to fill small gaps between the teeth using the composite material.
4. Bridges: The dental bridges are the false teeth which are used for filling the area in which the gap is left by the missing teeth. These are put between the two crowns and are fused into these. These two crowns placed on either side of the tooth are used to hold the crown in its place. These are fixed and can not be taken out at will, as is the case with the partial dentures. The main reason for the use of these is to fill in the gaps left open by the accidental removal of teeth or the wilful wisdom teeth removal.
5. Veneers: these are the thin laminates of porcelain which are bonded to the teeth directly. These are used to give a better look to the teeth by closing the gaps or covering up bad coloured teeth where the bleaching has failed to throw up good results.
6. Lifting of the gum: Under this cosmetic dentistry Sydney procedure, the tissues and bones of the gums are reshaped. The aim is to get the more elongated gums shape and straightened teeth.
The basic objective of the cosmetic dentistry procedures is to improve the appeal and look of the teeth. Improving functionality is not the primary aim though it is very desired to be done, if possible.