I recently bought two bundles of 12", 25 count u-tipped extensions from Futress for filler for my own extensions, but then decided to remove my extensions b/c I just can't afford them anymore.
So, I have these virtually untouched, very beautiful extensions (I'm caucasion w/spiral curls & have found that the silky & deep curl blend really well together) that I'd like to sell. The deep curl is chestnut brown, the silky curl is medium brown. I purchased them for $80 plus shipping. Make me an offer and we'll see what we can work out.

I have them listed on ebay as well, & since I can't post pics here, I'll share the links:
Sorry the pics aren't better--if you're interested or would like to see more pics, please PM me.
P.S. I hope I'm not violating any forum guidelines by posting this!

I apologize in advance if I am!