well, since my parents spend all their money on me and my brother for christmas, i want to make them their own christmas ornament. does anyone know how to make a personalized christmas ornament? i dont want it to be glass or anything... and i dont have any money. so i can really only use the stuff i have at home. and i dont want it to be crappy, i want it to last a couple years. i was thinking of make it out of some plater/clay type of thing and just carve in a personal message. does anyone know how to do that? thanksss. (:
Administrator2012-06-21 16:56:36
I made personalized ornaments for my friends one year, and I just took the plain ball ornaments and wrote on them with a paint pen. I think making a small picture frame would be easy with some arts and crafts items. You could use Popsicle sticks as the base of the frame so its sturdy, and then use felt or cardboard for the back and glue the photo to it. You could decorate the frame with all sorts of things - quotes, beads, ribbon, and just glue a loop in the back so it can hang.