Posted: Jan 04, 2010 at 7:44am
I'm looking for hair dresser recommendations in the Memphis, TN area.
My hair is long, naturally dark reddish brown, and it's colored 10N blonde, by bleaching. It's been this way for 10 years, and I love it. My most recent hair dresser does not practice anymore, so I am searching again.
The most common problem I encounter is hairdressers who do the touch-ups really sloppy, and slap on 2 inches of bleach onto 1/2 inch regrowth. Clients can tell by looking in the mirror, and just be feeling it go on, that it isn't being done right. This just makes me cringe when a hairdresser does this. And these are usually from really confident hairdressers who guarantee to me that they have lots of experience in whole-head bleaching - and they often work in really big name salons. a shame
I myself know how to bleach it and keep the bleach just on the regrowth. I've done it before. But it's a pain and I don't do my own hair anymore. So really I am looking for a hairdresser who would color it the same way he could take care of his very own hair.
For some reason bleach doesn't bother my scalp, but permanent hair color leaves oozy spots on my scalp. So after the bleach the best result has been with the non-reactive type of toner that looks like a gel, in the application bottle. I wish I knew the brand name, but I don't. I recently tried Wella demi-permanent toner, and it too left my scalp open and sore. Does anyone know a big name salon hair color brand that is not Wella?
Also, I am a nice polite customer and tip really generously. Any leads would be sincerely appreciated!