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 worlds best hair stylist academys

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Quieky View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 17, 2009
Posted: Nov 17, 2009 at 10:35pm
Hi Community,

I am an Austrian Hairdresser and live and work in Barcelona since three years. I feel like I hit a wall regarding my career plans. I always tried to learn as many new techniques, cuts and products as possible and practised hard until I knew how to do it.
I am quite happy with my level, but recently I feel that I have to take the next step in my career and face new challenges. I thought about doing a hair academy but its not so easy to find out which programmes are the best ones and which ones actually are worth the years of low payment and money one has to invest.

Thats why I would like to ask you guys what your experiences are in different academies.

Is there any credible ranking of academies worldwide?

I would really appreciate your input.

Thanks a lot to all you people out there!! Star

stars36 View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 20, 2010
Location: Spain
Posted: Nov 20, 2010 at 10:35pm
check out this website 
itec qualifications gained and free accomadation offered Smile

aadamjones01 View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 17, 2010
Posted: Dec 17, 2010 at 10:35pm
Hey I think the best judge could be Google to assist you as well as to guide you through! Courses you need to select should be as per the current vogue and that can be carried on through years. All the best mate!

Karen Shelton View Drop Down
Admin Group
Joined: Nov 26, 2000
Posted: Dec 17, 2010 at 10:35pm
My personal experience is that you should find an academy that meets your budget and convenience factor.  I went to the best cosmetology school in Dallas and one that is not ranked near the top.  I actually got the best training at the one not at the top because the school was a lot smaller and the teachers gave us lots of one to one time and training.  The smaller school was about $10K a year less.

The job market is so crowded now for people getting right out of cosmo school that it was actually an advantage going to the less expensive school because then when I finished I didn't have a mound of loans to pay off.

However, bottom line, you do most of your learning after you graduate so the key is find a cosmo school you can afford, convenient to your home but find a good salon where you can apprentice after you graduate.
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