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 Thank You To All For Reporting Spam

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Karen Shelton View Drop Down
Admin Group
Joined: Nov 26, 2000
Posted: May 12, 2009 at 6:19pm
I just wanted to take the time to thank all of you who reported the various shoe spammers that hit the HairTalk boards today. 
I am so sorry this happens and we do everything we can think of to block them but when they slip in, as soon as you report them or we see them, we jump to delete their accounts, delete their posts and block any IP addresses we can find.  We also report them to the appropriate agencies to hopefully get them shut down.
I also wanted to invite anyone who wants to Tweet with me on Twitter to follow me on  If you do stop by to see me on Twitter please let me know you are a HairTalk visitor. 
I am very active on Twitter and stop by several times a day.  Also, we have links to any newsletter announcements and links to the latest Hair Blogs and articles on out Twitter feed.
I want to warn you that Twitter is very addictive so if you haven't joined yet you have been warned by me - a huge Twitterholic.  :-)
Thanks again for letting us know about the spammers.  It is so much appreciated by all of us at
Best wishes,
Karen Shelton2009-05-12 23:59:07

two0426 View Drop Down
Joined: May 06, 2010
Posted: May 06, 2010 at 6:19pm
World of WarCrafts spotlights art and wow gold creativity by WoW players, including wow power leveling fan Frcwekvnasp art, cooking, comics, cosplay, music and fan fiction. wow power leveling Show us how you express yourself; contact our tips line (attention: World of WarCrafts) with your not-for-profit, WoW-inspired creations.
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It was a dark, steaming jungle night in northern Stranglethorn. The ambient noise of the forest is astonishing. An endless natural orchestra of birds, insects,wow power leveling and mammals play in the lush canopies and dank undergrowth. Much like the Swamp of Sorrows, rain is a daily occurrence in Stranglethorn Vale.
After Spirra crossed over the mountains it looked as if we would soon reach aion gold the goblin metropolis of Booty Bay. Then an unexpected storm blew us badly off-course. Spirra took this in stride, saying that it would just take a little longer, and that she could stop by Grom'gol if I wanted. Then, drifting low over the verdant jungle ceiling we heard a staccato of gunfire rise from the tangled landscape. aion gold Bullets shattered the propeller and pierced the balloon, and we streaked to the ground. It ended suddenly when Spirra's zeppelin impaled itself on a tree. Fortunately, neither of us was badly hurt. We climbed down the tree, carrying what supplies we could. Of our attackers we found no sign. ("Stranglethorn Vale," Travels Through Azeroth and Outland)
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to actually be in Azeroth? To travel from wedding dresses place to place, staying in inns or with friends and acquaintances,wow power leveling taking in the sights and logging it all down in your journal? Find yourself transported as you see Azeroth and Outland through the eyes of itinerant traveller Destron the mage, as documented in the fan fiction Travels Through Azeroth and Outland.
Submit your own illustration of Travels Through Azeroth's main character, Destron, for a chance to have your art featured here at and on the main page of Travels Through Azeroth. wedding dresses Join us after the break for more details.
World of WarCrafts visited with Travels Through Azeroth author Destron to find out more about the creator behind this extensive (and still growing) body of fan fiction.
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