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 Cosmetic Surgery Under Age of 12?

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Karen Shelton View Drop Down
Admin Group
Joined: Nov 26, 2000
Posted: Nov 27, 2008 at 9:30pm
According to recent surveys in the spa and beauty industry approximately
17% of spas in the US offer services specifically focused for children. 
In addition to nail, facial and massage type of services, children are also starting to have laser hair removal as well as some types of waxing services.
The big controversy surrounding spa and borderline cosmetic surgery for children under 12 is whether or not it is making children grow up too fast.
What is your opinion?  Are spa and cosmetic surgery related services OK for young girls or does it skew their opinion of what it means to be a young child?

_Princess_ View Drop Down
Super Elite Member
Joined: Feb 27, 2008
Posted: Nov 30, 2008 at 9:30pm
Wow thats crazy..I think it isn't ok for them to have those cosmetic-type surgery related services..its like now-adays kids can't be kids, tryin' ta make them more grown than they need ta be

MajorLinda View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 16, 2009
Posted: Mar 17, 2009 at 9:30pm
According to me it's not good cosmetic surgery for kids.

MajorLinda View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 16, 2009
Posted: Apr 17, 2009 at 9:30pm
Yes, I have noticed a rather disturbing trend in the past several years where teens are asking for more radical, body-altering types of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Procedures.  Not only are there more teens seeking surgery but the teens seem to be younger and younger.  In the past several years, we have been contacted, on numerous occasions, by 13 year-old

jhnsmth910 View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 16, 2009
Posted: Dec 16, 2009 at 9:30pm
One of the most common mistakes people make when getting cosmetic surgery is using the wrong doctor. If you choose the wrong doctor or a doctor that is not certified, you could be risking your health and your life in some cases. At the very least, a bad doctor could make you worse than you were before you went in for the surgery. The doctor may not use sterile equipment, which could result in infection or hematoma. Other doctors may perform a procedure that results in irregularities, asymmetries, puckers, divots and dimples.

Another disadvantage of cosmetic surgery is the anesthesia used during the procedure. Anesthetic complications are more common than many people realize and they can be fatal in rare cases. However, less serious complications resulting from anesthesia include blood clots, temporary paralysis, abnormal heart rhythm and more.

A small percentage of people also get addicted to cosmetic surgery. They may find a celebrity in Hollywood that they want to look like and undergo several procedures in order to look like that person. Some have gone through so many procedures that they simply look like plastic clones of themselves.

dmorrell View Drop Down
Joined: Jan 05, 2010
Posted: Jan 05, 2010 at 9:30pm

For a young teenager, who's body is still growing and changing, cosmetic surgery such as reconstruction/augmentation can cause health issues later in life. Aside from that, undergoing surgery to change one's physical appearance at an age when one is learning to understand and accept one's self does not instill the type of values in a child that most parents would want (or SHOULD want). Arn't we supposed to be teaching our children that we are defined by why we are, not what we look like? Once they have learned this lesson, and they have passed through the teenage stage and grown into the person that they are going to be, only then should they consider changing their outer appearance to reflect who they are inside.

dmorrell2010-01-05 16:16:20

Fedric Levenson View Drop Down
Joined: Apr 19, 2010
Posted: May 11, 2010 at 9:30pm
Grateful to you for kind information.Yes you are right.It should not be well for young girl.They might feel problem in future.At teen age skins are very soft.Heavy cosmetics can damage the skins.So it's better to avoid this.


AnnieP View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 01, 2010
Posted: Jun 01, 2010 at 9:30pm
You all are nice.  What the heck is a baby being allowed to mess with her body for?  She's under the control of her parents who should not allow this to happen.  At 12 years old how many of us knew what was truly right or good and who's to say she will not live to regret it.  No people no.  Let them grow until the point that they can make a decision as an adult as to whether they want to cut away and replace the bits that god gave them.  NONSENSE.
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