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 OMG I cut off 14 inches of hair yesterday :(

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Juliejewels View Drop Down
Joined: May 25, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Jun 08, 2008 at 11:18pm
I had been toying with the idea of no longer wearing my hair extensions ( I wear clip ins I make) and cutting my own hair.
My own hair was as long as the extensions, so I just wore them for fullness.

So yesterday I  went in and had 14 inches cut off and now have this bob -do!!!  OMG!!!

  I am totally freaking out ., I want my long hair back, but it is such an abrupt bob  and so short in the back I cannot disguise the tracks. The top looks like a muffin over the tracks! ( I just clipped on about 4 wefts to see if it would work).

Any suggestions or am I doomed to grow this thing out for awhile?

My own hair really needed a cut, it was pretty dead for over coloring, so I know it will grow in beautifully. oh...but I am so sad.

I am just asking for advice. I do not have a pic of the bob, I cannot stand to even look at it, but it is your typical bob with a few wispy layers, a little shorter in the back than on the sides.

PS: any other kinds of extensions are not really an option for me right now. I workout a lot and need to be able to scrub my scalp and wash everyday.
Juliejewels2008-06-08 20:58:37

corioliss View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 27, 2007
Posted: Aug 16, 2008 at 11:18pm
I went into shock when I had a bob :s  You can wear clip in though, you will need to use plenty of strips...I don't think 4 is enough to cover up the bob.  One option would be to have the weight taken out of the bob perimeter.  Have a look at the pic shows a girl going from a bob to clip ins.  Also look up 'scene hair' on google...its very stylised but could be a cool look if thats your kidn of style.

Juliejewels View Drop Down
Joined: May 25, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Aug 16, 2008 at 11:18pm
Thanks, that link was really helpful. My hair has grown about an inch and a half... I think I do need to get the weight out of the ends and go for the look in the pic you provided.  Looks like an easier transition to the clip-ins  I have been using them and pulling the top back.and clipping it in the back. It is a pain  in the a**. I find the wavy clip ins allow me to blend my hair easier.
I actually wore the to/sides down last night with the wavy hair and they blended in pretty well.
I really appreciate your post :)
Hopefully I can get through this growing out.
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