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 Extensions causing MAJOR itching!

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Tamtam View Drop Down
Joined: Oct 20, 2007
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 20, 2007 at 7:31am
Hello all!
I am new to the forum. I've been lurking for a few months and finally got the guts (and the money) to get extensions!

They have been in for exactly 2 weeks and as much as I love how they turned out, THE ITCHING IS DRIVING ME FREAKING INSANE. I've itched my scalp so hard I've drawn blood. And I worry how painful that will be when I go in to have my hair colored next .

Please tell me there is a trick to get the itching to stop.   

*A little about my extensions*
Extensions were installed at Hair Police using the pinchbraid method. My real hair was about to my ears and now it is at the bottom of my bra strap.

Sofiaone View Drop Down
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Joined: Jul 19, 2007
Posted: Oct 21, 2007 at 7:31am
what type of extensions did you have done? we can't help if we don't what type.
since there are a myriad of reasons why you could be having itching.

too tight weave, too close to the scalp for strand by strand method, allergies to product used.....etc.

oh*so*sassy View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 06, 2007
Posted: Oct 21, 2007 at 7:31am
Pinchbraids, you say?
They may be a little too close to the scalp, or, your scalp may be just getting used to them. Sounds like you have some pretty severe itching, though. If you can stand it for a while, it WILL get better as the hair grows a bit and the braids slightly loosen & move away form your scalp a bit.
I have heard that WitchHazel can help. It MAY sting, though, if you have open wounds on your scalp from the major scratching.

Do NOT color your hair with chemicals until the scratching wounds heal.Dead

Good luck- I hope you can curb this itching so you can enjoy your install. Smile

ETA: Clarity
oh*so*sassy2007-10-21 06:43:46

asinnamon View Drop Down
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Posted: Oct 21, 2007 at 7:31am
you could try seabreeze too.  your scalp is probably just reacting to the extra weight and heft of the extensions.  also, make sure you are both cleansing  and rinsing well.  shampoo residue can really make you itchy.
Do not color your hair if you have open scratches, I agree w/ sassy!!

sherrie215 View Drop Down
Super Elite Member
Joined: Dec 21, 2004
Posted: Oct 21, 2007 at 7:31am
cosigning with the others, witch hazel, tea tree oil or seabreeze will all help. I go through the itchy phase with nearly every install. It passes, but can about drive you insane sometimes! Confused

Sofiaone View Drop Down
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Joined: Jul 19, 2007
Posted: Oct 21, 2007 at 7:31am
sorry tamtam....I didn't read your post properly. I didn't see that you had said you did pinchbraids....there is another poster here that just did them too and you can ask her if she had any itching...I think her name is msfit....

It could be that your braids are tight and itch b/c they are new. did you call hairpolice and ask them about it? did you get human hair or synthetic hair added?

if you did synthetic....maybe you are allergic to the hair.

if your scalp is raw and bleeding from the itching ....i think it is pretty severe and you should definitely go back to the salon. I a little itching sometimes is normal.

msfitns72 View Drop Down
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Joined: Nov 15, 2004
Posted: Oct 22, 2007 at 7:31am
OK-- let me chime in here! I know what you're feeling like, girl! I have worn pinchbraids for a year and a half now and the very first install was NOT the most comfortable experience. I had the same reaction and so do most people that get pinchbraids done the first time.

First off-- DON'T SCRATCH!!! I know it's hard, but try to just "tap" on the places that itch with your finger tips. Your scalp is reacting to the new tension from the braids....and I promise you, after the first install, your scalp will be an old pro! Yes-- it may seem like the braider did them "too tight" or too close,etc.....but the braids need to be tight to ensure they last throughout the install. As they loosen, your scalp will relax. Your hair, more than likely isnt being ripped out either....dont worry! I have had complete takedowns in between and my hair is fine.

The only other issue that could contribute to this in an EXTREME way is if your braider has created "crosshairs" while braiding. When you look at your pinchbraids, they should all be very uniform and neat ( like a perfect grid pattern on your head) and when you run your hands through each row, you should not be encountering a bunch of hair "loops" (where individual hairs have been incorporated into a braid from too far over) This can cause problems, especially itching because the hair is being stretched too far.)   You may even experience "tension bumps" where the braids are....but in my experience, this is only with the first install.

You know how they get all tight feeling when you shower as the hair draws up when wet? I freaked out when I first got them wet, they felt so tight and heavy!!! Well-- this too, goes away after your scalp adjusts. You can try the suggestions from the girls in the aforementioned posts....but I just waited it out and did a lot of "tapping!" My installs now are a breeze! No itching, no heaviness. And I wear 22 inch hair! I love my pinchbraids and can't live without them now. :)
But if I would have taken them out the first 2-3 weeks, I would have said they were HORRIBLE and never had them done again!

Keep me posted on your progress. Also-- if you start to lose some, dont panic...but keep in mind, if you have more than 5 or 6 come undone in one install period, you may want to re-evaluate your braiders skill level.
Hope this helps!!

Tamtam View Drop Down
Joined: Oct 20, 2007
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 22, 2007 at 7:31am
Thanks for all the great suggestions! I will certainly try them all.
The itching is getting less and less but I still have moments that I just want to rip them out! But then I look in the mirror and love my new look (not to mention being hit on twice in 2 weeks which NEVER happened when I had short hair ).
And it's so great to hear that I'm passed the tough part and that I won't have to go through this with every future tightening. I was really worried about that.

msfitns72 View Drop Down
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Joined: Nov 15, 2004
Posted: Oct 23, 2007 at 7:31am
Amazing what long sexy hair will do, huh? Just keep chanting, "beauty is pain, beauty is pain" LOL. and the itching will slowly go away!
It DOES get so much better and if you are like me, you'll be addicted to your new pinchbraids!

junglered View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 30, 2007
Location: United States
Posted: Dec 06, 2007 at 7:31am
How big is the braid?  I recently saw an example on a maniquin and they looked huge.  like an half an inch wide. 

Do people want to touch your hair all of the time.  I have the fusion ones. Now that I have all of this hair,  people touch my head and they can feel the links.  Drives me crazy.  On the Russian hair.... I'm thinking of ordering and making my own bonds,  (I'm a hairstylist),.  Should I order the double or single drawn hair? How is the quality holding up?.  Tell me your maintenance routine.  Lots of questions....sorryEmbarrassed

Kimmyh51 View Drop Down
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Posted: Dec 06, 2007 at 7:31am
I had the same problem with hair sewn onto cornbraid tracks - never again i wanted to scratch my scalp off! LOL  If you cant bear it - try another method such as wefts with micro links on them

JeepGirl View Drop Down
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Posted: Dec 07, 2007 at 7:31am
msfitns,  you do the pinch braids with human hair or do you wear synthetic? I'm assuming you can use either with this method. How long does your install last?
Just wondering about this method, how much hair do you use and generally how much do you pay for a full install.
Thanks for any info on this!!

msfitns72 View Drop Down
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Joined: Nov 15, 2004
Posted: Dec 07, 2007 at 7:31am
My pinch braids are with human hair. I used to wear the Bohyme hair--which was nice but I had to change it at each maintenence. Sometimes I could wear it a second time...but usually it would be pretty spent after 6 or 7 weeks. I am now wearing Russian hair that is unbelievable. I am on my second install with this hair and it is the same as when it was first put on my head! It will definitely be good for round three as well!

You CAN use synthetic hair.... a lot of pinch braiders prefer it actually because they can fold it over and it really grips the string.

My installs usually last about 6-7 weeks. But thats because I am adamant about getting them re-done at this point. I hate letting them grow out too long. I am wearing about 5.5 ounces of hair. :)

Shirilyn View Drop Down
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Posted: Dec 07, 2007 at 7:31am
With any type of extensions, you will have some itching, never discomfort. If your itching persists for more than a couple of days or gets even worse you may have to remove them. You may be allergic to the hair or you just can't wear extensions. Wearing extensions takes some adjust. Knowing that your wearing a hair addition is something new to the brain. So good luck with your hair addition.
Oh yeah, I suggest that my clients use seabreeze or tea tree shampoo by Paul Mitchell.

JeepGirl View Drop Down
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Posted: Dec 10, 2007 at 7:31am
How much does it "generally" run you for your pinchbraids with the 5oz?
Just trying to get a range of prices. How long does it take them for your install?

msfitns72 View Drop Down
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Joined: Nov 15, 2004
Posted: Dec 12, 2007 at 7:31am
The girl I go to charges 75.00 an hr to do pinchbraids and it takes her 3-6 hours to do mine depending on what we are doing to it. ( maintenance, new install, etc). Generally about 400.00 every 6-7 weeks is what I pay with a tip. Pricey? A bit....but well worth it to me!!!

yurika975 View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 11, 2007
Posted: Dec 12, 2007 at 7:31am
have you thought of using an anti-itch braid spray? like sulfur 8? they are usually in the black hair care aisle. they are light waterbased so no gooey mess and do the trick!

Tamtam View Drop Down
Joined: Oct 20, 2007
Location: United States
Posted: Dec 12, 2007 at 7:31am
I actually just had my first tightening done yesterday and I got this stuff called Knotty Boy (for dreads) and it's awesome! It's a spray with peppermint oil and witch hazel. It works awesome!
FYI: My extensionist charges $65/hr and my tightening took 5 hours (well, that's with her styling it, too). Plus a $50 tip. Which leads me to my next question...
What do people tip their extensionist? What's the norm? I don't know if I'm being cheap or over the top.

billet View Drop Down
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Posted: Dec 13, 2007 at 7:31am
Hey,TamTam,how about some pics,huh!! We want to see the new you!
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