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 This time the stylist was scard of me lol

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dianefromcanada View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 15, 2000
Posted: Feb 27, 2007 at 5:08am
As some of you know already I have breast cancer  I am looking at a total of two years of a series of treatments starting with chemo.
When I learned that I had breast cancer as many women I really cried.  It is bad enough that my own husband passed away seven years ago but to think that my children could easily lose their second parent was enough to declare war. I have always been a very strong character.
My second though when I learned that I was going to have chemo was my hair.
Anyone that knows me in life knows my signature is my long blackish-brown hair and a dark red lipstick.
Now for the lighter side of things
The first stage was that I cut my hair above my shoulders so that the experience wouldn't be so dramatic.  Yesterday I went into a stylist shop and told the male stylist I had a mission for him.  Within the next six days or so my hair will probably fall out completely.  Poor stylists they must have a data base of people who they fear lol because he just stared at me in shock and horror. I don't know the countless times I have totally ripped a stylist apart for not following directions in the amount of hair they could cut off me.
I told him that he had to because if he didn't my hair will start falling very soon and everyone in the city will easily hear me scream. Then I said "the length will fall in clumps on my pillow, floor, people etc" and the reality is chemo is an experience that really plays on one's emotions that one doesn't need any more devastation.  Chemo is pure hell.
I can't even go to a shopping centre or in large crowds for at least 4 months. 
Okay so he takes his shaver and tried the number 4 and I said shorter.  AFter deciding number 3 is good enough he looks at me and said" you one of the rarist ones that can actually look good with that short hair."
And you know what!
To my friend at Hair Boutique I look good with that short hair because I have a round head.
When I came home I surprise my youngest son and for the very first time in his life he was able to rub the top of my head and he was laughing.  I quickly wore my black wig before my oldest came home and when he walked in he said oh you did something to your hair.  OH really! and ripped off the wig.  He too was laughing and wanted to know if I wanted to join the army lol.  My children have always known me with long hair.  They used to pull it, comb it, used it to climp up on my lap etc.
My hair is very thick and I had a hard time sleeping last night.
I found my hair was thick and slippery and kept on hanging on the pillow.
In four months my hair will start to grow again and supposely it grows fine and curly or straight and at times a totally diffirent colour.  Plus I would finally get rid of the grey hairs.
I already picked some short hair styles for the future and one day I will return as a long hair goddess lol
Hopefully this will help someone else when they read this.  Over here in Canada doctors beleive that mannogram should start at 50 unless one has a history. In my case I have no family history.
My new doctor believe that mannogram should start at 40+ eventhough one has no history.  My cancer could easily be two years old and the lump was hidden.   I would be dead next year if I didn't see this new doctor.
Take care
I will never say that hair grows back.  Sure the logical thing is it does but to many women it is very devastating.
dianefromcanada2007-02-27 11:13:41

Bob S View Drop Down
Senior Member
Joined: Sep 23, 2003
Posted: Feb 27, 2007 at 5:08am
     Hey Diane!!! You have been missed.Wink I am so sorry to hear about your awful ordeal, and I'll be praying for your complete recovery. Hair loss is difficult even for some men, myself included, so I can only imagine your trauma. Your only positive choice now is to have some fun with the undesired change, and your boys are leading you in that direction. It really is not the end of the world.  
     No guy would feel worse than me if my DW *chose* to get a brush or buzz cut, but if her life was threatened, I couldn't care less about her stupid hair. Frankly, and please don't think I'm blowing smoke, I think it's very cool when a woman faces a crisis with courage, and her bald pate actually becomes very beautiful and elegant as her spirit shines through. Yes, long hair can be gorgeous, as I'm certain yours was, but it's a radiant soul that grants a woman true beauty. God bless, Bob Big%20smile
Bob S2007-02-27 13:02:28

HAWG View Drop Down
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Posted: Feb 27, 2007 at 5:08am
Diane, you're an awesome women and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.  You go girl!  Mark

Susan W View Drop Down
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Joined: Sep 18, 2004
Posted: Mar 08, 2007 at 5:08am
Diane I am so sorry you have to go through chemo.  I wish you the best of luck and hope only the best for you.

Kimbearly View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 26, 2004
Posted: Mar 08, 2007 at 5:08am
 Bald%20Is%20Beautiful Diane,  You are a brave woman and I admire your strength.  May your chemo treatments be gentle on your tummy but strong enough to get that cancer out!   

buzzedboblover View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 17, 2004
Location: Scotland
Posted: Mar 14, 2007 at 5:08am
My thoughts are with you. I hope your treatment is going well  and giving results.

dianefromcanada View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 15, 2000
Posted: Apr 16, 2007 at 5:08am
Thank you everyone for your extremely kind thoughts.
Right now I have practically no hair and been wearing wigs.
I totallly understand why my children never wanted to cut their hair really short in the winter.  Its cold without hair lol  One night I even wear a touque to go to bed.  Very atrractive lol
Now I understand little house on the prairie and why women went to bed with bonnets.  I bought a few hair caps.  I can easily take -40 degrees but goodness sakes not having a cold head at night. Never realize how hair really keeps someone warm.
I have a good attitude and have ajusted to my patches look almost bald look.  At least I am not sliding off the pillow now. lol 
I'm going on my fourth chemo treatment very soon and my hair will start to grow again after my six treatment.  I wonder how long it will take to have decent hair lenght again.  It will fun to see what the hair turns out curly or a totally different hair colour.
Everyday I decide if I want to be a blonde, brunette or a red head.  My boyfriend laughes because he wouldn't be able to tell anyone what I looked like that day!
dianefromcanada2007-04-16 17:56:37

Bob S View Drop Down
Senior Member
Joined: Sep 23, 2003
Posted: Apr 24, 2007 at 5:08am
     Hi Diane! I appreciate the update. Keep 'em coming, when you are able. Frankly, my DW's locks possibly would have remained pixieish had she not experienced COLD ears! (lol) Love and Prayers, Bob Heart

dianefromcanada View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 15, 2000
Posted: Apr 26, 2007 at 5:08am

My medical oncologist has black hair down to her waist.  She curles it into spirals.  She wears these neat frilly clothes under her white coat and high heals.  It makes me smile because I hear her go down the hallway, tap, tap tap tap etc.  All my life I wanted black hair because this beautiful girl in highschool. People always thought I had black hair but it is two shades before black.   Her whole appearance reminds me that there is no reason why I can't do the whole thing again and grow my hair very long.  She went all ga ga over my purse.

I just thought it was amazing that I who loves long hair very much ends up with a doctor that has long hair.  I will have tell her how her appearance encourages me for the future.  She gives hugs too.  What more does someone want lol.

Its hard to describe her.  She is a fluffy, beautiful, positive human being.

I just find joy in little things I guess lol lol

Susan W View Drop Down
Elite Member
Joined: Sep 18, 2004
Posted: Apr 30, 2007 at 5:08am
She sounds wonderful!  I'm glad you got a great doctor!

Bob S View Drop Down
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Joined: Sep 23, 2003
Posted: May 10, 2007 at 5:08am
     I'll bet my last dollar that, coming from you now, your doctor will appreciate your positive comments beyond measure. You are one kind woman, and your posting is a reminder that good people have no need to see people similarly deprived to make them feel better! Embarrassed Bob

dianefromcanada View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 15, 2000
Posted: May 10, 2007 at 5:08am
I do have plans the next time I see this doctor to tell her how her hair and her clothes and just the fact she is so frilly really puts me at peace because to me it tells me that she really cares about the women she treats. 

dianefromcanada View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 15, 2000
Posted: May 25, 2007 at 5:08am
I thought it was my imagination but having other people look at my hair we have concluded that my hair is starting to grow again.
Jumping up and down with happiness
dianefromcanada2007-05-25 18:43:58

Bob S View Drop Down
Senior Member
Joined: Sep 23, 2003
Posted: May 26, 2007 at 5:08am
     Clap May this be the first of many, many good tidings from you, Diane!!! Love, Bob

dianefromcanada View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 15, 2000
Posted: Jun 19, 2007 at 5:08am
Well I met my medical oncologist and told her about her appearance. She was so taken back. I told her that her appearance encourages me about life, that one day my hair will grow back as long as hers and it reminds me all the things I love to do when I look at her.  She gave me a huge hug and told me about what she knew about the growth of hair.  I did my last chemo so my hair should really grow now.  It about 1/8 of an inch. 
When I has my last treatment my mother noticed the attitude of the patience in the room.  Everyone was smiling eventhough none of us had hair for the moment.  Everyone was looking at the next person wishing them the best for the finish line. Everyone that reaches the finish line has a positive impact on the others behind.
 She couldn't believe how people can overcome their problems and still be happy.
I read something the other day and I'm heading there in thoughts.
When we feel better, we have more access to our own wisdom, and common sense.  We tend to be less reactive, defensive, and critical; we make better decisions and we communicate more effectively.
Yesterday a strange situation happened.  I decided to bring my son to school and didn't bother wearing my wig. I was followed home by a man that had a very strong german accent and hardly could speak english. His excuse was that he wanted to purchase a vehicle exactly like mine and wanted to know the color of my vehicle.  Gee.... orange is orange
He didn't follow me home for the color of my vehicle.  People don't normally follow people home to ask about their vehicles.
  He followed because he probably thought it was great seeing a woman without hair.  He has no hair.  He was flirting and the only reason I was able to get rid of him, it stated to really rain.

Bob S View Drop Down
Senior Member
Joined: Sep 23, 2003
Posted: Jun 20, 2007 at 5:08am
      So glad your chemo is over, Diane! If I might be so bold, Diane, it may have been quite difficult for your oncologist to hang onto her gorgeous long hair, as she sees patients every day who would kill to have ANY hair! Your fawning over her hair's beauty may have been a needed shot in the arm for her, to know that she is actually bringing joy to someone afflicted with hair loss, not to mention the illness.
     You remind me of a very dear friend of mine who, despite a series of stunning misfortunes, refuses to dwell on them and instead chooses to bring the exuberance of her own personality into the lives of others. She is the type whose presence brightens everyone else's day, even if she's only with you for a few moments. Love, Bob Big%20smile

dianefromcanada View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 15, 2000
Posted: Jun 30, 2007 at 5:08am
What I reallly enjoyed about this doctor was that she admitted right at the beginning that if it was her that was losing her hair she would also be very devastated,  That statement made me feel she was human and also understood her patients.  She shown her female side to her nature on the matter and I guess that was what made me feel at ease with her.

dianefromcanada View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 15, 2000
Posted: Jul 23, 2007 at 5:08am
Today was a great day.  I finally decided that it was time to put away my wig and go shopping with my 1/8 inch hair!  Okay probably most people knew that I was a person recovering from Cancer and who cares. 
It was actually very practical to have this very short hair thing last weekend when I decided to try my new paint sprayer and it exploded all over me!!! lol  I was very entertaining. When the instructions tells you to tighten the connections with two wrenches they mean it! lol

Bob S View Drop Down
Senior Member
Joined: Sep 23, 2003
Posted: Jul 27, 2007 at 5:08am
     As you know, Diane, I am a long hair lover! (lol) But I think that you are very cool and courageous for daring to wear your naturally cropped pate in public. Hair is only one facet of a woman's beauty; confidence and a loving nature are far more important, and you have both in spades! I salute you. God bless you as you take each triumphant step! Bob Wink

dianefromcanada View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 15, 2000
Posted: Aug 01, 2007 at 5:08am
It makes about a good two weeks that I haven't worn a wig and I find that my hair is getting a lot darker and thicker everyday.  I guess our hair really does grow very fast eventhought we don't notice it half the time. 

karen s View Drop Down
Joined: Apr 24, 2005
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Sep 09, 2007 at 5:08am
Hi Diane,
I have just noticed your post and readyour whole story. You are an amazing person to come through all you have in the past few months, you are such a positive person. You hold on to that positive outlook Diane, as it is what gets you through each day. I know because I was you 11 years ago, I was diagnosed with bowel cancer at the age of 29 and had the cancer removed and then went through 6 months of chemo, not all of my hair fell out luckly, but just going through the chemo was bad enough.
That was 11 yrs ago and I am well and still positive, and thats what got me through it, never think of what if, just go for life, live each day as it comes, then days become weeks, weeks become months and, months become years. Well done you for continuing your positive out look in life. Having  an illness like cancer does change what is important in your life and thats what you grab onto honey.
Wishing you he very best of health and continued healthy hairClaprose
karen s2007-09-09 16:33:54

dianefromcanada View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 15, 2000
Posted: Sep 13, 2007 at 5:08am
Thank you Karen for your kind words.
Very please to hear you are one of those success stories.
These days I went back to work but decided to work for a company that is totally smoke free.  I might have become paranoid ..... but it is worth doing whatever needs to be done.
I need to share this funny story that happen to me at the lake.
I was sitting on a lawn chair with my legs crossed.  I was watching the birds, the chipmunks etc and was about to eat my cheesecake.
Wouldn't know what the cheesecake taste like because Mr./Mrs Whiskey Jack( grey jay) decided to fly just above my hair, land on my crossed leg,  then on my shoe ,and flew and landed on top on my cheesecake.
You need to understand that I had the fork in the cheescake ready to take a bite!!  This bird guped down two big pieces of this cake and flew off with a large piece.
Well that wasn't enough with this bird.  He came back and was ready to do the whole thing again.  It was the look in his eyes lol.  But he decided not because he noticed that my plate on on the railing now.  He/she flew to the railing and didn't pick the bleuberry on the plate but the rest of the cheesecake. lol
Is he watching my weight? lol  Did he/she hear that I am suppose to eat better these days?
Then I place a apple core on the railing and this squirrel though that this apple stuff was the best thing around.  Stood there holding the apple core with its both claws looking at me with thanks.
The whole gang really like the left over pancakes.
Anyways these birds are actuallly wild and they seem to know the person that feeds them well.  It doesn't matter when I had long hair or a wig or reallly short hair now they can't be fooled. 
dianefromcanada2007-09-14 10:25:53

Bob S View Drop Down
Senior Member
Joined: Sep 23, 2003
Posted: Sep 15, 2007 at 5:08am
     It's always nice to hear your reports, Diane. Thanks for such an amusing one! And Karen, what an upper to hear your "survivor" tale. Much obliged! Love, Bob Smile

phil View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Dec 01, 2000
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Oct 28, 2007 at 5:08am
Hi Diane. It must be years since I chatted to you about your long hair, so I was understandably concerned to read your story. We all know someone who has been through the same and they all say the same thing - it changes the way you see things forever. However what shines through your posts more than anything is your faith and positive outlook on life which was always apparent even before your illness, and this will certainly stand you in good stead. I wish you the very best of luck. So how long is your hair now? Will you be growing it as long as before, or experimenting with different styles throughout the process? 

dianefromcanada View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 15, 2000
Posted: Oct 29, 2007 at 5:08am
Hello PHil,
Lots of hugs.  Thank you for the very kind words.
YOu can see from my picture that I have a long way to go.  I am just about to put a bobby pin in my hair. lol  Yes I will probably try a few new style while growing out my hair.
I have put everyone at work at ease with my jokes.  Like don't worry about stuff you might lose your hair over it!  Today my employer found a elastic on the floor and was trying to figure to whom this thing belonged to and I pipe up and said "Not me!".  I am in a pretty good mood, went back to a old job I had years ago and love it.  My employer even grew out her hair and it is great.  She is one of those women that looks so different everytime she has a new style.
We have this new guy at work and he was totallly upset one day, claiming that he refused work from another company because they wanted him to cut his hair and trim his beard.  I told him that I fully understood what he was going through and my employers step in and said that I once had very long hair and know how devastating it can be.
So right now my kids rub the top of my head like I do when they have a brush cut.  Better take advantage of it since it won't last. lol
My hair is starting to get curly.  Not sure if I got rid of my grey hairs! lol
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