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 Glued Hair Extentions FALLING OUT!

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pippy View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 07, 2006
Posted: Nov 07, 2006 at 7:06am
Had glued hair extensions, nautural hair, installed almost 4 weeks ago. 
After 2 weeks had 10 fall out.  Took them back to salon and they said they would hold them til top up appointment and checked scalp said rest looked secure.
1 1/2 weeks later I now have another 20 have fallen out.  Appointment Saturday. 
What is a NORMAL amount to loose after 4 weeks please?


cryption View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 27, 2006
Posted: Nov 19, 2006 at 7:06am
It depends on how well you treat them. don't tug at them and don't let the glue bonding stay wet or damp. Avoid brushing them when wet, comb the ends through if need be but brush it thoroughly then step in the shower with it TIED BACK in a loose pony tail and let the shampoo and conditioner just rinse over it, don't scrub at it or it will tangle. Tie it back loosely before bed, better still wrap it in a cloth (preferebly silk) that'll keep it smooth and tangle free for the morning.

Wendy Grosse View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 06, 2006
Posted: Nov 20, 2006 at 7:06am
What brand of extensions were used? I had a " falling out" problem as well.
It was my first client, thank goodness it was my sister, but I had to take them all out, I think my install problem was I didn't get a good closed end at the top of the bond.

amm View Drop Down
Elite Member
Joined: Oct 13, 2004
Posted: Nov 20, 2006 at 7:06am
The only time I've had fusion just fall out was when I didn't get the bond hot enough before rolling. The stuff really has to melt good for cohesion. Wendy, that is exactly right. The top of the bond has to be closed up good and tight.

Flaxenhair View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 02, 2006
Posted: Dec 02, 2006 at 7:06am
Hi, I just had Cinderella hair applied at salon. Within 4 days- let it cure, then washed hair on 4th night.  Bonds started falling out. Stopped counting at 30! The bonds themselves looked cloudy and mushy. I used a colored hair shampoo, diluted w/water . Went back to salon, had extra tips saved, had them put in. Now 4 days later, washed hair with salon shampoo that they said was used on others w/no problems(color shampoo) dime sized amount watered down before use, 30 more and up have fallen out. I read on some websites that the keratin bonds in the blond colors are falling out. I now think it is the glue because the new ones that were put in felt tight, and I could feel a hard glue tip surface prior to washing. Now all glue tip surfaces feel mushy, or like they are not even there. My whole house is filled with long hair falling out. Its everywhere! because they are slipping out and shedding before they fall completly out.  I dont know what to do. Called salon and told them to call company. I think its the glue not working. When hair comes out, looks like there is little glue on them and it is cloudy/mushy. I have had these in less than 2 weeks! I would say half hair is out now. Even if we get more hair as a replacement Im out of money. Spent a fortune to have them profess done this time. I had microweft done at home, w/goldbond. Worked great, but hair got tangled up at weft. Not my hair, it was the fold over hair that tangled in among the other fold over hair from sewn part of weft. I also used monkey bars, lasted very well, had hairdresser putthem in. She never did them before and rushed thru it because she decided she hated the process. She did a horrible job, (put in bigger and bigger hair peices and glue balls because she was tired of doing it after 2 hrs and refused to take a break. Hair stayed in no problems. Some shedding, but that was because too much hair and too big of glue ball. I picked wrong person to do it. Well needless to say, what a mess. I would like to know if anyone has put them in themselves using I or nail tip method and if so , how do you put them in the back of your head. I dont have anyone to help me with this, if I do it on my own. I was so exited to have it done professionally, but am afraid to tell husband he paid because he loves long hair. I saw a company offering to send keratin glue chips for those people who had hair come out. I think they should put in the glue then send the hair. That is 2X the work. Do I have to pay the stylist to apply them again?  Any suggestions. Thank you.  Flaxenhair2006-12-02 14:50:57

chicsurfs View Drop Down
Joined: May 03, 2008
Location: United States
Posted: May 10, 2008 at 7:06am
[QUOTE=Flaxenhair]Hi, I just had Cinderella hair applied at salon. Within 4 days- let it cure, then washed hair on 4th night.  Bonds started falling out. Stopped counting at 30! The bonds themselves looked cloudy and mushy. I used a colored hair shampoo, diluted w/water . Went back to salon, had extra tips saved, had them put in. Now 4 days later, washed hair with salon shampoo that they said was used on others w/no problems(color shampoo) dime sized amount watered down before use, 30 more and up have fallen out. I read on some websites that the keratin bonds in the blond colors are falling out. I now think it is the glue because the new ones that were put in felt tight, and I could feel a hard glue tip surface prior to washing. Now all glue tip surfaces feel mushy, or like they are not even there. My whole house is filled with long hair falling out. Its everywhere! because they are slipping out and shedding before they fall completly out.  I dont know what to do. Called salon and told them to call company. I think its the glue not working. When hair comes out, looks like there is little glue on them and it is cloudy/mushy. I have had these in less than 2 weeks! I would say half hair is out now. Even if we get more hair as a replacement Im out of money. Spent a fortune to have them profess done this time. I had microweft done at home, w/goldbond. Worked great, but hair got tangled up at weft. Not my hair, it was the fold over hair that tangled in among the other fold over hair from sewn part of weft. I also used monkey bars, lasted very well, had hairdresser putthem in. She never did them before and rushed thru it because she decided she hated the process. She did a horrible job, (put in bigger and bigger hair peices and glue balls because she was tired of doing it after 2 hrs and refused to take a break. Hair stayed in no problems. Some shedding, but that was because too much hair and too big of glue ball. I picked wrong person to do it. Well needless to say, what a mess. I would like to know if anyone has put them in themselves using I or nail tip method and if so , how do you put them in the back of your head. I dont have anyone to help me with this, if I do it on my own. I was so exited to have it done professionally, but am afraid to tell husband he paid because he loves long hair. I saw a company offering to send keratin glue chips for those people who had hair come out. I think they should put in the glue then send the hair. That is 2X the work. Do I have to pay the stylist to apply them again?  Any suggestions. Thank you.  [/QUOTE]

If the salon did not offer you a partial refund I would of taken them to court.  The only reason that bond didn't stay in is because it was NOT
properly done.  The product itself is a great product...personally WAY
to expensive and can be done for less, and look and feel just as great!

They owe you on this, those extensions were NOT applied correctly.

MumtazG38 View Drop Down
Joined: Feb 16, 2009
Location: United States
Posted: Mar 03, 2009 at 7:06am
My hair extensions that I did myself using clear keratin pebbles from mane depot and a fusion wand and the asian virgin remy hair from main depot too are falling out.....not alot, seeing as i havnt washed them yet...but i fear that if 4-6 are falling out now that all will fall out once i wash my head. i am going on a 13 hour flight to pakistan to stay for 8 months or more and did the extensions myself, the tips are completly tightly may be that the glue was not completly melted...its difficult to do them in the back of my head. i even tried to get my cousin to do them but she did them awful, i did much better and more in line and secure. the only proplem is that the bond are quite long...most are about an inch in length, and the hair i attached my be thicker strands then my natural hair i attached them too......i was wondering....if i melt the keratin in a pot and then dip the strands into the glue and then apply...would that be better to assure that the glue is completely melted before applied....ive been pretipping the hair u tip style and then using fusion iron to apply? please tell me what i should do to do proper hair extensions that the glue isnt too long and the hair doesnt hurt when sleeping and that the bonds wont slip out....they arent falling, they just slip down quite a bit when i brush them from the ends. i have not damaged the bonds with brushing or washing or anything,i braid my hair before i sleep and rap it in a silk night cap..what can i do when i reapply to keep the extensions in longer and also........

i baught 7.0oz of hair and was told 4-6 would be a full head application for me......but when i put them in myself, i barely can fit half of 3oz on my head...barely. I've tried making the bonds smaller and closer together to fit more in but honestly.....I'm just not getting any thickness at all. the length looks awful without the fullness plz help me i cant go to a salon because i cant afford it right now ans because i must learn to do it properly now because in pakistan i will have to retouch up on my own as they do not have salons for this there. i will be leaving for pakistan on march 7th....4days from today.

please help me out....

nepenthe View Drop Down
Joined: May 05, 2009
Posted: May 05, 2009 at 7:06am
I wrote this in response to a different post, but since it's a similiar topic i will post here too (Also, sorry this response is a bit of a novel..l but I'm PASSIONATE about this!!)
Here's the post from a different thread:
I have the same exact problem that you have with the keritin glue breaking down/getting mushy!
I have been through 2 installs and I'm trying to find a better way to glue my extentions together!
I cut my human hair from a weft and use a wand to melt down my keratin glue sticks and then slide the hairs through several times to get a good coat of glue throughout the strands. I roll into an i tip with silicone finger pads until the glue is cooled. Then I wait about a week before I install with microlinks.
I do my best to keep shampoo off the bonds when showering and on the rare times that i use conditioner i only condition the ends of my hair. I also try to blowdry my roots quickly so the bond's don't stay too wet.
Alot of my strands fall out within the first month, then even more as the months go on. I was impressed to hear someone only have TWO fall out in a 4 month install as I have lost about 3/4 of my install in 4 months! (Though I have a lot more than 50 strands. I have about 350 in)
I have noticed that when i use the keritin glue to tip synthetic hair.. it stays much better. The glue stays hard for a very long time on the synthetic hair, but I only use synthetic for small streaks of color from time to time. I don't use it for a full install (awful tangles and snags). I wish I could figure out a way to make the glue stay stronger on the human hair that I am using!
I went to the hardware store last week to find an adhesive that was weather-resistant, thinking that the water was causing the keratin to breakdown over time. I just 5 mins ago tried to use this glue but it was worse than the keratin! Much more flexible and gummy-like so don't waste your time there  (at least not with loctit stik and seal ultra glue).
 Have you tried this method yet? Have you had any sucess?
Have you figured out any other way to bond the hair? Have you used liquid gold?
I am next going to try to create my tips with keratin and then coat with a nail glue or fast drying super/crazy glue.
Maybe we can figure this out together.
Looking forward to your response or anyone else that has the solution!
In response to your problem about not fitting enough on your head for fullness, try these 4 things:
1. i think it may benefit you to ask another freind that can see your scalp from the back to help you with your install. When i do my install i tell my girlfriend to take a very small amount of my own hair for each strand of extension( i also want thickness as i have very thin hair and not a lot of it!). It may help for you to SHOW your friend exactly how she needs to do it by using a barbie doll to show her how much hair she should take and how to part it etc... 
2. i make about 300-400 i tips with the keratin glue and sometimes my friend will have to fit the last 100 in by doubling up on hair that already has extensions attached to it.
If you can picture it: some of my own hair will have an extension attached near the scalp. Then she goes back and places one just beneath the one we just attached. sometimes she will attach the second strand to my natural hair, or my natural hair and the extension hair.  
However, it's important to mention that I use microlinks to do this so that i am not bonding any glue to my natural hair or further down onthe extension hair. Also, if they slip early on in the install it is easier for me to reinstall myself
3. Try using microlinks for your install instead of just fusion. I have my own issues with keratin breaking down so by adding a microlink to the install you will be adding another level of security. Maybe the nest time you do your extensions you can do some with just fusion, some with microlinks and some with a microlink and then melting down to create fusion with your natural hair? I have never done it but if you are already using the fusion method you might as well try this and see how it works.
4. You NEED the right hair cut. You cant just add all the hair in at the same length and expect it to look good. I have my friend cut my hair into long layers. Some extension hair she will cut just as short as my own hair! This makes the hair blend into one unified layered look. Since heavier hair will tends to weigh down and fall more flat you need to cut some of those extensions as short as your own hair to lighten the load. By getting a layered cut that doesn't sacrafice the overall length you are going for.. will make it look thicker.
If you go to a salon for your hair cut explain to them exactly what you need them to do and ask for LONG layers .
I hope this makes sense.
GOOD LUCK! Let me know how your next install turns out!
Overall -the problem is i DO still have the keratin glue issue. Some bonds becomes mushy and slide down considerable. others slide down to the point where they fall out or i need to take them out because they are just too low. Have you tried anything else since your post to help solve this??
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