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 please help a poor lonely desperate soul, plzzzz!

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sorrowboy76110 View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 05, 2006
Posted: Jul 05, 2006 at 6:29am
Well, I am desperate...

I started to lose hair about 5 years ago. Different from male pattern hair loss, mine is thinning all over. I used to have very thick hair. About 5 years ago when I first came to US, for some unknown reason I started to shed hair. Within serval months, my hair became thin all over, and literally my bath tub was clogged with my fallen hair almost everyday.

At very beginning, I didn't pay much attention to it. After a year, I went back home to pay my family a visit, my mom asked me why my hair was so thin. Until then I realized that I had hair problem.

Still, I didn't pay enough attention to it. But I started to take some FDA approved medicines (I cannot remember the name of the product for now, but something like procerin or something). Several months passed, that product didn't help me at all. Then I switched to some herbal supplements. Up to now, I've tried more products than I can count by using both my fingers and toes. However, the results are still not promising. My hair looks thin, frizzle, and weak.

These days, I am so obssessed with my fallen hairs. Every morning, the first thing I do after I get up is comb my hair on a white counter (easy to see, 'cause my hair is black.)and count how many hairs will fall out. Usually it varies between 10-20. I also have a VERY CLOSE look at my pillow to see how many hair I can find, which ranges from 5-7. Then when I shampoo, I also purposefully run my fingers through my wet hair to see if there are any hairs falling out. In addition, more than 5 times everyday, I will look at the mirror to check if my hair on the top head gets thinner or thicker (of course, no changes are being noticed.) All in all, I am scared to see the fallen hair, yet I cannot stop doing all these aforementioned crazy things.

So, I almost want to beg anyone who can help me to give me some suggestions... Every day I take vitamins, flaxseed oil, primerose oil, saw palmetto extract, grape seed extract... (you name it!) But I dont know if it's necessary, or is there anything I am missing???

Please, help. I am only 29. I cannot afford being bald.

PS: I just had my blood checked a couple of months ago. The thyroid and iron levels are normal. A long list of other test results are all in the normal ranges... So what's going wrong with me? What I want is just regrow some new hair so that it doesn't look so thin. Is that too much to ask for?    sorrowboy761102006-07-09 12:03:38

Kuroneko View Drop Down
Elite Member
Joined: Aug 27, 2003
Location: USA
Posted: Jul 09, 2006 at 6:29am

I'm female, but other than that, your situation sounds very much like mine.  Currently I'm thinking I'll either try some MTG (a product meant for horses that another poster's been using and keeping a journal on) or try to save up for a laser comb (a Dateline study said those work, which gives me some hope).  I think my own poverty is my biggest obstacle!  I haven't got the money to try a lot of expensive gimmicks.

sorrowboy76110 View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 05, 2006
Posted: Jul 10, 2006 at 6:29am
Thanks for your reply, Kuroneko. Just two quick comments:

(1) What's the full name for MTG? Can males take MTG also?

(2) You may want to try Melatonin, which is supposed to be helpful for woman hair diffuse. It's not expensive at all. You can get it from most grocery stores, which costs around 5-6 dollars.

BTW, your pic looks very cute and your hair looks very good in the pic :)

Kuroneko View Drop Down
Elite Member
Joined: Aug 27, 2003
Location: USA
Posted: Jul 11, 2006 at 6:29am

MTG stands for Mane-Tail-Groom, and it's a product meant originally for horses.  A woman on this board heard it worked for humans, too, so she tried it.  The company told her they were working on a version specifically for humans, but I don't know when that will be out.  Their website is here:

In what form would I buy the Melatonin, and how is it used?  Does it take a long time to work?  Is it something you have to keep up long-term to keep results?
That avatar pic is a little outdated, though.  I'll probably make a new one as soon as my friend gets the pictures off her camera.  She gets lazy about that ^_^;;; .

sorrowboy76110 View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 05, 2006
Posted: Aug 07, 2006 at 6:29am
Melatonin is very inexpensive. You can get it from almost any grocery stores. Since it's an OCT (over the counter) medicine, you don't need prescriptions. Melatonin is originally designed for promoting sleeping quality. Therefore, you can only take it before your bedtime. Typically 300mcg x 2 every night before bed is effective. Remember, don't take it over 2 months. Personally I don't understand why. But I believe following the instructions is always a good idea. Because of this constraint, one possible suggestion is: take Melatonin (300mcg x 2 every night or following the instructions) up to 2 months, then stop for about 2 months, followed by another 2 months of taking it.

Another study on the effect of Melatonin on women's hair loss shows that topical use of Melatonin is quite successful in stopping women's hair loss. Nevertheless, I have never seen any topical products made from Melatonin in the market.

Anyway, Kuroneko, your hair does look fine to me.... To be honest, it's pretty...

sorrowboy761102006-08-07 21:47:01

Kuroneko View Drop Down
Elite Member
Joined: Aug 27, 2003
Location: USA
Posted: Aug 12, 2006 at 6:29am
I'll have to look it up and see what's in it that would make it not be taken for long.  Usually there's a good reason if they say something like that.
I really need to get a new icon going, but I still haven't got any better pics to use :-( .  That one's from my birthday in January.

hairhead View Drop Down
Joined: May 09, 2006
Posted: Aug 31, 2006 at 6:29am
Dear try Laser therapy while it works for most with regrowth it is very good with hair thickening and color replenish . I got mine  from good luck in your search
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