Has your daughter lost anymore weight? I just got my order in the mail and took 2 pills this morning. How many pills does she take? I heard a lot of bad responses to cinialb after I ordered, then I saw your post! I'm hoping it works for me too!
I've been taking it for almost a week and I've lost 5lbs this week. When did your daughter stop noticing a difference?
So far I really like it, all other diet pills I've tried make me jittery and headachey and wierd. I don't know if this one is making me lose weight any faster but it sure is curbing my appetite. I litereally have to force myself to eat because I absolutely don't want to.
I'm not interested in losing weight and being unhealthy so I'm taking my supplements and making sure I do eat... but beyond those concerns I've absolutely no interest in eating at all.
I love my food, but if it means I can reach my goal weight I'm happy to give up enjoying it for a while!
Same for me! I've been taking it for a week now. I weighed this morning and I lost 7 lbs. Thats better than the 2 a week I was losing from my diet... I usually only lost 1 pound if I didn't go to the gym all week, 2 if I did. I havn't gone to the gym in more than a week and I still lost seven pounds! works for me! :D