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 Water Only

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LadyFrog View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Apr 23, 2005
Posted: May 08, 2006 at 12:09pm
Is anyone here interested in trying Water Only with me? I have been interested in this for a while and have started. I'm only using water to rinse my hair and am using my fingers to move the oil down the length. I rinsed on saturday (a week from last wash) and have been fingercombing. It looks pretty clean and non piecy. If you want more info about it there's a massive long thread here

Some people have tried using ACV etc. but it drags out the transition period so I'm not going to use them, but that is a personal decision.

The general idea with WO as far as I can see is that you move the sebum down the length and your scalp will produce very little sebum as it is not being stripped. This means that your hair may be quite piecy etc. in the first few weeks but after that (depending on your washing schedule before) it should start producing very little oil, whilst your length receives conditioning from your natural oils.

Some people have been doing this for over a year so I can testify that this does work as a long term method and my parents also knew someone in real life who did this and he apparently had gorgeous, shiny hair.

Hellfrozeover View Drop Down
Joined: May 09, 2005
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: May 08, 2006 at 12:09pm
I might try it now that school is over and I'm allowed to look a bit "college hobo" since there's a transitional period!

SpecialKitty View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 19, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: May 08, 2006 at 12:09pm

Hi LadyFrog and HFO - I think I'd like to try this as well. I have had mixed results with CO and herbal rinses. I will start at the close of this week - maybe over the weekend for my first water-only wash. Does that long thread address the sweat issue from exercising? That's my only major concern.....


missrini View Drop Down
Joined: May 07, 2005
Location: Australia
Posted: May 09, 2006 at 12:09pm
I am closely watching a journal of one "guineapig" who is trying WO....I am living vicariously through her hair!! hehehe  I am not ready to try WO yet as I'm still experimenting with CO, but I am still VERY interested in this washing method.  Ladyfrog...please post your progress

always_alone View Drop Down
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Joined: Jun 22, 2005
Posted: May 09, 2006 at 12:09pm
I wanted to try WO...but I'm afraid that is one of those things I will never be able to do. Why? Because I have VERY hard water where I live. Going to stick with CO. 

LadyFrog View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Apr 23, 2005
Posted: May 09, 2006 at 12:09pm
I think the sweat issue is OK with WO-because you're not cleansing the scalp as such, you can rinse as often as you like and I know some people on the thread have coped with swimming as well.

So far I have discovered that my fingers are my friends. My hair tends to get piecy rather than separated when I need a wash but a good fingercomb and it looks fine again. I am supposed to be going to my cousins wedding in a fortnight so if my hair is manky I will shampoo it for that but after that i will be hopping firmly back on the band wagon. I hope I won't have to shampoo it.

LadyFrog View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Apr 23, 2005
Posted: May 12, 2006 at 12:09pm
Just checking hair looks fine. A little bit piecy/sebumy at the top but not as bad as it was with CO. Have been preening/massaging daily. The ends of my hair feel fine but I don't think I've ever had particularly dry ends. This is day...6 but if you count from the day I last washed with anything but water it's another week so I've been WOing for aprox. 13 days. I'm going to wash it tonight as I've been running.

Suers View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 23, 2004
Posted: May 12, 2006 at 12:09pm
Well I was working in this historical house. We learned that women 200 years ago maybe washed their hair once a month on average. They sometimes oiled and perfumed it, and thought that brushing and combing it was really important. They tried not to expose their hair to too much sunlight either. They wore bonnets outside and cloth bonnets inside and at night.

Longhairdreams View Drop Down
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Posted: May 13, 2006 at 12:09pm
I've been watching people's progress on here and another long hair site.since my hair is shaved and going to be covered most of the time,I thought I'd give it a go.
Are any of you using any kind of special rinse in place of S&C? Plus I go natural on my body as well,have for years.Guess I didnt realize that was weird.My skin is just too sensitive for even natural soap.Sounds gross,but I feel just as clean as when I washed my skin raw.I saw it mentioned on the other long hair forum.

LadyFrog View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Apr 23, 2005
Posted: May 14, 2006 at 12:09pm
No, I'm just using water. Is that what you mean LHD? Suers-  I was always taught that they wore bonnets to protect their skin as pale skin was considered very important. I suppose you live and learn Smile Also, isn't it true that they hardly ever washed, seeing as there wasn't exactly central heating or running water! They just wore perfume to cover it up.

I washed my hair last night (with water of course!) and it seems very clean. I even wore it down and it looked fine. I'm just waiting for the nasty bit to come along. Where is it! It's trying to lull me in to a false sense of security...Tongue

SpecialKitty View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 19, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: May 14, 2006 at 12:09pm
I am ready to try WO! I am going to run today, and this evening will wash with water. I'll try to go all week with just water and check in to let you know how it's going. Thanks for the info on your progress, LadyFrog! It is encouraging....

DaveDecker View Drop Down
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Location: United States
Posted: May 14, 2006 at 12:09pm
It's just getting to be summer here (hot and humid) and I will not be trying WO any time soon ( LOL ) but I wish you well in your endeavor, LadyFrog.  Sounds like it's going well, so far! Thumbs Up

LadyFrog View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Apr 23, 2005
Posted: May 14, 2006 at 12:09pm
Yeah. grr. I was happy with my hair until my mum told me that it really did need a wash. Mind you she was stroking it at the time Tongue

Wooh! Go SK! I go running too and it's rather nice standing under cool water for ages and having an excuse!Wink

SpecialKitty View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 19, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: May 15, 2006 at 12:09pm
Yah, I chickened out and did a CO - but water today I promise!!!

LadyFrog View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Apr 23, 2005
Posted: May 15, 2006 at 12:09pm
tut tut Tongue

Carie View Drop Down
Joined: May 14, 2006
Location: Bangladesh
Posted: May 15, 2006 at 12:09pm
I've been reading this message board, and all of yourp progress have encouraged me to shampoo less frequently. My mother shampoos once a week and me twice. I let my scalp get sebumy and distribute the sebum with my fingers down the length. The 'natural oil' works great for my hair. I was thinking of cleaning my hair today, but now I've decided to do with WO.Smile
To tell the truth, in-between shampooing, I don't even water wash my hair. Coz I feel it makes my hair sticky. Perhaps this is bcoz of the weaher and air pollution in here. But most of my friends have long hair and they use WO regularly, and their hair is great! So I was thinking of trying WO too.(Approve)
My hair is now just below BSL, and it requires so much patience! And I'm afraid that as my hair grows longer it will be tougher. Stern SmileDetangling it each time I wash and fingercombing is so much time consuming.. I don't know if I'll be able to give so much time to my hair.. I have the toughmost exam in front of me. So any advice to save time in this field will really b appreciated.
Thanx LadyFrog for posting your progress so nicely, and others for your opinions.
[btw, LadyFrog, as u said, due to WO your scalp produces less oil, and u wash your hair regularly, - the doesn't this wash away the little sebum on your hair and make it dry? And I wonder what is 'piecy' or 'non-piecy' hair?]
   ...Lets see what happens to My hair.. Hopepully I'll b reporting my progress regularly. Hear from u soon! Bye. 
Carie2006-05-16 23:12:06

Carie View Drop Down
Joined: May 14, 2006
Location: Bangladesh
Posted: May 16, 2006 at 12:09pm
Hey LadyFrog, How frequently do u rise with water only, everyday??

LadyFrog View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Apr 23, 2005
Posted: May 16, 2006 at 12:09pm
Hi Carie Smile By piecy hair I mean when the strands separate, giving a slightly clumpy appearance. Sorry for any misunderstanding. Some of the long term WOers say that their ends got a little dry as no sebum was reaching them so most of them oiled them but no one has reported the actual body of the hair becoming dry. I doubt that it would become a problem but I've never thought about that aspect of it!

I don't rinse my hair between proper washes eitherApprove

I have been WOing once a week although I think that I might wash it twice this week, depending on how it looks.

Carie View Drop Down
Joined: May 14, 2006
Location: Bangladesh
Posted: May 16, 2006 at 12:09pm
Yesterday I WOed. Instead of being heavy and smooth it was lighter, and I was really missing its sleek look.. but today it's back to its original again Tongue. In fact the hair at the roots isn't as heavy as it'd have been (if I hadn't WOed) and so it's not looking too much oily & flattened either. The advantage of WOing is that u won't feel the need of S, and it's looking fine. So I'd better keep it like this and let the natural oils do its magic! Best of luck Thumbs Up

SpecialKitty View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 19, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: May 18, 2006 at 12:09pm
Oooooh, I'm two days into WO and my hair feels and looks awful. Very sticky, dull, and heavy.  I'm using my fingers a lot as LadyFrog suggests, but it doesn't seem to help. The other thing I noticed is that my hair took forever to dry. I'm wondering if it will turn around at all. Anyway, I'm going to try to finish out the week with WO, but I may give in and do an ACV rinse. Maybe it is one of those things that takes the hair and scalp a few weeks to adjust to?

Carie View Drop Down
Joined: May 14, 2006
Location: Bangladesh
Posted: May 18, 2006 at 12:09pm

My hair is also a bit sticky, and dull and heavy of course (as it always, asp when oily). It's not looking fresh/clean at all. In fact shampooing less is godd for hair, esp long ones, coz they need some rest, and nurturing from oils. So I'd WO today and see if it works. If it doesn't then usual S&C tomorrow.

missrini View Drop Down
Joined: May 07, 2005
Location: Australia
Posted: May 18, 2006 at 12:09pm
Special Kitty...from what I have read, WO can take a couple of months to adjust to.  Some people adapt more quickly than that, but I think it's something you have to be committed to longterm.
It's a very brave thing and I would think it'd be excellent for overall health in the long run, so you would have to weigh up the pros and cons I guess :)
If it's any consolation, my hair would be doing exactly what yours is right now! Dead

Carie View Drop Down
Joined: May 14, 2006
Location: Bangladesh
Posted: May 18, 2006 at 12:09pm
Missrini, then what would u have done if u were in SpacialKitty's or my place? Any suggestions?Question

missrini View Drop Down
Joined: May 07, 2005
Location: Australia
Posted: May 18, 2006 at 12:09pm

Well having never tried WO myself, I can only go on what I've read about other people's exeperiences.  Using fingers to distribute oils, rinsing with cold water, wearing lots of upstyles are all good ideas.

As I said, WO is something that needs a good deal of commitment and hair is really bad for the first few weeks by all accounts.  Photos of ppls hair that have been WO for a long time all look beautiful, so there IS a light at the end of the tunnel.

Hang in there :D

Carie View Drop Down
Joined: May 14, 2006
Location: Bangladesh
Posted: May 18, 2006 at 12:09pm

So u mean to say u would have WOed.-? Right, "patience is virtue", and "a rolling stone gathers no moss" supports what you say. What I want to say is, ppl says not to let the hair get too dirty, and hair which is sticky is of-course dirty. Should we not get rig of that dirt so tht it causes no harm? 

Anyway, I'd also continue this experiment. I confess I'm a bit confused if we should continue WOing without any S&C in between. It's been... 1 week since I last S&Ced. Never mind. Sorry for any misunderstanding. Embarrassed
Carie2006-05-18 02:47:51
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