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 Menopause help

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Sunduster View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Nov 29, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Apr 16, 2006 at 6:59am

Doc says that the hot flashes are the body's response to lowered Estrogen levels.There's a dysfunction in the temperature regulating portion of the brain, until the body gets used to the missed estrogen.

About 80 % of all women have hot flashes. They will last 2.7 mins. During a hot flash the upper body and face, feel like they've been shoved into an oven.Your face reddens and you skin temperature suddenly rises 7 or 8 degrees. It will return to normal in about 30 mins.

Learn to relax. Close your eyes and sit quietly. This will help.

Learn what triggers the hot flashes. Maybe emotional upsets, maybe spicy foods, or a hot meal, or a warm room, even a warm bed.

Wear natural fibers. Synthetic fibers trap heat, and perspiration during a flash. Cottons will give your body more ventilation, and keep it cooler.

Eat several small meals per day. Avoid loading your sustem three times a day. The smaller meals will help your body regulate temperature more easily.

Drinks lots of water. Refresh with cool water or juice evey hour. This will keep body temperature in check. If out side every 30 mins.

Cut the caffeine. These beverages stimulate the production of the stress hormones, that trigger flashes.

Limit alcohol. Another triggerer.

Buy a purse size package of moist towels. Carry them with you at all times.

Turn that thermostat down. Open a window. Avoid hot foods and beverages. Heat in any form can trigger.

Dive in that bed, and attack your old man. Sex is great for preventing hot flashes. So get a humping ladies. Go get all slicked up with a sticky honey bath first. Whipeeee! Besides honey is great for the skin. Then go jump your partner. All that sex helps boost those Estrogen levels. In turn reduces hot flashes. So forget all those head aches partners. Go tackle Frisco. RIDE EM COWBOY!

Now if you sweat, forget hi - tailing it out of bed. You've got the blankets on one minute and off the next. So what. Just use separate blankets. Or get an electric blanket with dual controls. Then you can kick off the sheets when you need to cool down.

You also need to talk to your partner. He needs to know your feelings. Tell him why you've got to ride the bull more often. Then he will know you haven't flipped. This is new to him to. Try new positions. Closeness and hugs are also needed. Menapoause isn't an easy time in life. Touching is very important now too.

Strengthen your anal, vaginal and urinary muscles with exercise. Stronger muscles can help you relax, and use these muscles with less pain, and more pleasure in sex.

Just keep the sex alive. At least twice a week. More would be better if you can do it. It boost the Estrogen.

Menapausal women have needs, and feelings. 

 So Exercise them!

rr_84 View Drop Down
Joined: Oct 04, 2006
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Oct 04, 2006 at 6:59am

LOLHey that was most helpful LOL...kool

Sunduster View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Nov 29, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 09, 2006 at 6:59am
Your most welcome. Glad it was helpful.
Got loads of tips on medical, if anyone needs answers. Their just too numerous to list otherwise. But if you contact me I will see if I can help. Doc bills are outrageous. Us women need to stick together, just to find peace and comfort.
So ya all just consider me your big sister!

Walk Softly View Drop Down
Joined: Sep 22, 2007
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 01, 2007 at 6:59am
Sunduster, thanks for the info!  It's funny the hot flashes crept up on me gradualy, and finally, I figured out what it was when my kid said she could see her breath in the room!  For the most part I agree with the info you posted, with a few exceptions:
"They will last 2.7 mins. During a hot flash the upper body and face, feel like they've been shoved into an oven. Your face reddens and you skin temperature suddenly rises 7 or 8 degrees. It will return to normal in about 30 mins."   No, they can last all day and you feel like your temp is 105!  It feels like you have been shoved into Hell!

"Learn to relax. Close your eyes and sit quietly. This will help."  Relax?  If I am sitting with my eyes closed, folks get scared.  They think I have had a stroke or just sat down and died.

"Wear natural fibers. Synthetic fibers trap heat, and perspiration during a flash. Cottons will give your body more ventilation, and keep it cooler."  Why can't I just be NAKED?  My work clothes are poly-cotton scrubs, and I would really rather work in my bra and panties.

"Eat several small meals per day. The smaller meals will help your body regulate temperature more easily."   Can they be takeout, cause as hot as I am, I am not going anywhere the kitchen!

"Cut the caffeine."  Caffeine is actually a blood type now.  I need it to live.

"Limit alcohol. "  See caffeine

"Turn that thermostat down. Open a window. "   Two words: global warming

"Dive in that bed, and attack your old man. Sex is great for preventing hot flashes. So get a humping ladies. Go get all slicked up with a sticky honey bath first. Whipeeee! Besides honey is great for the skin. Then go jump your partner. All that sex helps boost those Estrogen levels. In turn reduces hot flashes. So forget all those head aches partners. Go tackle Frisco. RIDE EM COWBOY!"  CensoredNOTTAfuriousCHANCECensored

" Menapoause isn't an easy time in life. "  No it's not, Cry

"Just keep the sex alive. "   I'm trying, but it is work!, and I don't even get paid for it!

Menapausal women have needs, and feelings. 

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