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 My hair was destroyed today/help wanted

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CherryB View Drop Down
Joined: Jan 22, 2006
Location: Canada
Posted: Jan 22, 2006 at 6:02am

Help wanted desperately.

I know this post is too long but I'm sobbing, so stressed, I can't sleep, don't want to go to work again, don't want to go out again, and I'm not kidding, it's that bad, I feel my life is ruined, people are going to laugh when they see me, I don't know what to do.

If you have the time, and you have any advice I would appreciate you reading at least part of this, especially if you are a hair dresser and or can help.

This is what happened, I am losing my mind right now over it.

I am naturally light brown, used to be blonde but around age 12 it went dark so I got highlights, and have continued with lights for the rest of my life. My hair is always the color of Britney Spears or Paris Hilton, in other words really blonde. My hair is quite long, it's almost (or it was) exactly like Heather Locklear's.

I've been going to this hairdresser now for 6 years, she uses the cap and pulls some of my roots through and puts bleach on, that's it, works nice, I've always been happy until today.

I go in, totally unexpecting that I was about to have my life ruined in the blink of an eye (yeh, yeh, OK not my life, just my hair). When I first went in she surprised me and says "want to try something new today?" I say not really, I like the way you always do it but what did you have in mind? She says well instead of the cap, just apply the color with a brush, it will be healthier, I say, no I like the cap, so she begins, then the other girl working there says, who I've since secretly nick named, "Big Mouth Know It All" says to me; "you can still change your mind" so I did.  I said to my former hairdresser OK I've been coming to you for 6 years, if you think it will be OK, I trust you. So she paints this color on and this is where the trouble sets in; usually it only takes 5 or 10 minutes to lighten my hair, but she left this on for about 20 minutes and I started to notice that it was going orange, so I said, shouldn't it be rinsed off by now? She says, "no it's a new color without peroxide, it takes longer." Now, I KNOW that my hair needs peroxide to get the shade I want so I begin to panick. She only told me she was going to try a new method of applying it, I knew nothing about the "new" color until now. She (my hair dresser) says to Miss Big Mouth know it all, "do you think it should come off now?" Big mouth says, "no it needs another 20 minutes, " I look panick stricken but my hair dresser says, it will neutralize and cut out the orange after it's on longer, go sit over there and don't look in the mirror, it'll be fine, so I do, like the moron that I am.

So she rinses and sure enough it's bright orange, I say "oh no I'm not happy and I don't like it," she says, "oh I wouldn't let you leave like that anyway I can fix it, I'll just bleach it like always," I say, "is that safe, after all that chemical to apply more, I don't want to be bald," she replies "I'll just leave the bleach on for 2 minutes," I say, "but what about the orange, where's that going to go," she says (she knows nothing about hair I found out after all these years) "the bleach will cut it." Guess what happened, brighter orange, I mean brighter, she says, that's OK I'll tone it, again even brighter more orange like orange, so she tones it again and again then she, the stylist, starts to cry and says, "you're my best client and I've ruined your hair and I can't fix it." 

So I've been there for 4 hours at this point with her trying to fix it. By the way Big Mouth left for the day, hours ago after dropping her jaw when she saw my hair when it was being rinsed, then said haha just kidding.  I explained to my hair dresser calmly, (didn't cry once, until I got home) that if somebody has been coming to you for 6 years, leaves happy each time, you probably shouldn't try something new, she keeps saying, "I wish I could rewind time, I have no idea what I was thinking, just picked out a color from the color book." Bottom line, my hair is destroyed and can't be fixed, at least not by her.

In the mean time, I want to go home, this is my cherished day off work and I'm tired out, she won't give up and I can't go around with my hair like this anyways, it's two distinctly different colors at this point, bright neon orange where my roots were and ash blonde from all the toners on the bottom, so I pick out a picture of Angelina Joli and say, "OK this is what I want you to do, I think it will work, I've been thinking of going dark for a while anyways, can you make me dark brown like her, I think dark brown will cover the orange and I love that color hair" NOW she decides to use the cap, makes no sense since the bright orange is painted to the roots so what I ended up with is a really bad immitation of Lindsay Lohan's, not near as pretty but that's the best way I can describe it, it really looks like a very bad do it yourself dye job with neon orange roots. It didn't come out anything like Joli's, it came out like, I don't even know if there is a name for this color. It's sort of a muddy pinkish orange mouse shade with neon orange at the roots. There's nothing nice or blonde or brown even about it. She just wouldnt' listen, even after all that, she said about Anglina's picture, "no that color is too dark for you, you won't be happy with your hair that dark, lets just go a shade lighter." I'm thinking, I said I wanted it, why can't you listen! I'm not a hair dresser but I think I know more about hair than her, I know she should have just taken the dark color I asked for slapped it on minus the cap and it would have looked nice, but no she had to go a shade lighter and use the cap now. When that rinsed off and was dried, I grabbed my coat, she says "don't you want it curled" I said no and ran. She also kept talking about how she'd never do that again, etc. next time she'll do it the old way, as if there was going to be a next time.

I want my blonde hair back, I never knew how much I liked it until now. I don't know what to do, do I have to wait for this to grow, get it all cut off, or is there a quick fix? What it seems is that whatever that color she put on it just won't fade off, can't be covered, won't rinse off. Mom said it might wash out eventually.

I have to go to work and people are going to laugh at me. I have my reply ready, "yeh OK, I screwed up my hair, please don't stare."

I was thinking OK it could have been worse, it could be my health, maybe this is punishment from karma or God for being too vain, I don't know, it's just hair but I'm really having a nervous breakdown.

I was thinking maybe I should go to the drug store and get a bottle of brown rinse and put it on. Is there anything to cancel out a bright orange color? Can blonde be brought back after dark toners? Actresses change their color all the time, there must be a way, but this girl sure didn't know.

I'm not going back to her again, because I've lost all faith, trust and respect for her as a hairdresser but I'm not even mad at her, because I know she didn't mean it, she tried so hard to fix it, seemed as upset as me but I have no idea why she decided to try something new.

Lesson learned: I was way too passive and trusting with her.

I even asked her if there was anyone she knew to call that might have an idea of how to fix it, "she'd mentioned recent classes in color, maybe that's where this all came from."

I didn't pay her, I usually give her a good tip but this time she said "there's no way you're paying me" I said are you sure? OK then and left.

I've already thought about hats but I work inside and I don't think I can wear a hat all of the time there, I'll see but I will wear one outside, it's cold here, I usually do anyway. Updo's do look much better, I've been practising already today and have been looking around the house for clips and stuff.

She does feel bad. She just got too comfortable with me because I've been a client for so long but I'm sure she learned her lesson, too bad it had to be on my head.

I just don't think it can be fixed. I'm told there are some very good stylists where I live, I'll try to get some opinions but right now I've afraid to let anyone touch it.

On the bright side (well good side ) if there is one, I still have hair and it seems to be healthy, I don't think she used a lot of harsh chemicals, she used some for sure and none of my hair has broken off yet. *fingers crossed*

My wedding is in 9 months.

My hair is thin, fine and very straight.


noeyangel77 View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 08, 2005
Location: Canada
Posted: Jan 22, 2006 at 6:02am

I was thinking OK it could have been worse, it could be my health, maybe this is punishment from karma or God for being too vain, I don't know, it's just hair but I'm really having a nervous breakdown.


Hi Cherry,

That sentence you wrote above is exactly how I have been feeling for 3 months after a similar hair tragedy.  I am so sorry for you!  I hate when people say it is just hair - no it is not.  Nice hair can make you feel confident and beautiful - It is a part of you & your personality.  Don't ever feel like you are vain or this is a punishment from god.  It was just a horrible, horrible mistake.  I am not a hairdresser, but I recomment that you go to another salon that specializes in color correction to have this "fixed"  THank god you don't have damage!! YOu should really count your lucky stars for that.  Believe me - when you hair is falling out in your hands that is when you can get in a deep depression.  I am in not way saying that what happened to you was not tramatic - I am just trying to help you feel a little better.  Like you said - you still have hair.  I believe your color can be fixed. What your new stylist should do is use a color remover (NOT BLEACH)  to strip the brown dye and everything else in your hair right down to the underlying color.  IF you have highlighted hair I believe the remover will strip the dye down to the previously highlighted hair.  This hair will not be a nice color underneath - but will provide a base for the hairdresser to put a new blonde color or warm brown if that is what you decide.  Just make sure they don't put bleach overtop of you already highlighted hair.  IT will break off!! THe color remover should only be on for a few minutes (She should watch it carefully)  I wouldn't recommend you try to fix anything yourself.  If you are feeling this bad - you don't want to make anymore mistakes.  Where in Canada do you live?  I can suggest a great stylist in LOndon, ON if you live near by.

Anyway, i hope this helps.  I just wanted to send you a reply because I know it feels like you are waiting forever for answers when something like this happens..  There are lots of great people on this site who will give you advice and make you feel better about what happened.  If you have time - try to post a picture.  That will help you get more advice. Rebekka is someone on this board who is very knowledgeable and if you post a pic - I bet she will be able to give you a better opinion.

I am so sorry for you.  Just know that others have been in your situation and we are there for you!!


KellyH View Drop Down
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Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Jan 25, 2006 at 6:02am
Crap! I can't help you either.....I'm just so sorry you have to deal with this. I hate directing anyone from this Bloopers forum, but you might want to post this in the Hair Color forum as well. There are lots of helpful ladies over there!

Claude View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Jan 07, 2002
Posted: Feb 01, 2006 at 6:02am

I'm a hairstylist maybe I can help.

Was your stylist trying to match your bleached hair by using hair color on your uncolored roots? If that is the case then she was probably using a High Lift Series of Haircolor for blondes which typically are lift and deposit haircolor which lift natural and artificial pigment however the level of the haircolor needs to be in a specific range for example Level 6 or higher to get the desired results. If you are a Level 4 and someone uses this highlift blonde series on your hair to lighten it you will not have satisfactory results and your hair could end up a brassy, undesirable color like your neon orange roots that you now have.

If the rest of your hair was blonde and you wanted to go darker you would be doing what is called a tint-back. A tint back is going 2 levels or more darker from your current hair color....for example blonde to brown. When a tint back is being done it's important to apply a filler to the hair to add the underlying pigment back into the cortex of the hair strand. The cortex is where the melanin and haircolor penetrate and it's what gives the hair color. When the hair is lightened that pigment is removed gradually becoming lighter and lighter until it reaches blonde in color. The underlying pigments are red, orange or yellow depending on how dark your natural hair color is. The orange that you have at your roots is the underlying pigment of someone with a brown haircolor. The color your stylist applied didn't achieve enough lift to get your hair to match your previously colored hair. Typically high lift color should be mixed with 40 volume developer...and sometimes various color lines have a blonding cream or enhancer to give the color an additional 1/2 - 1 level of additional lift allowing you to safely get 4 - 5 levels of lift. It depends on the color lines....Wella, Goldwell, Redken, Chi, Matrix, etc. Goldwell goes from Level 2 - 10 with a High Lift 11 series while Redken goes from 1 - 11 and others vary as well.

Your roots could have been corrected with bleaching to remove that additional pigment get the hair to a light enuff level and then tone it to match the rest of your blonde hair. Unfortunately your stylist went and put brown haircolor over your whole head to try and get the colors closer to match but what happened was this....Your roots were already beginning to lift from the original color she put on and the underlying pigment orange was exposed but it just didn't lift light enuff....might not have been on long enuff. Typically High Lift Series need 45 minutes perhaps slightly longer to lift....she could have put you under a dryer at low heat to help the lifting action. So with the underlying pigment exposed she put brown on...typically brown hair colors contain minimal amounts of red & gold when you mix those colors together you get orange add that to your already exposed underlying pigment of orange and it will only amplify the color and make it more intense.

As for your previously colored hair she should have filled it with an orange filler before applying that brown hair color....when she didn't she was taking your gold based hair color and adding a color with minimal red & gold color in it. Combine all of that and that is why your hair is pinkish + gold + red and your gonna end up with a hideous color like that since the hair wasn't filled initially.

Hope I didn't confuse you but I hope you find a better stylist and colorist.


aubergine View Drop Down
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Joined: Aug 14, 2005
Location: England
Posted: Feb 03, 2006 at 6:02am
Shouldn't the salon have had a seperate colorist to do the jobs that the hairdresser isn't sure about?  Your hairdresser obviously wasn't entirely clued up on colour and what she should be doing. 

Even my crappy salon that I barely go to (I just don't really like salons - they never make me look as nice as I can) has it's own colorist.  Although I've never used her, maybe I should to sort my friggin colour mess out!

Renata22 View Drop Down
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Joined: Jan 17, 2006
Location: United States
Posted: Feb 07, 2006 at 6:02am

You WERE way too nice. She had to TELL you not to pay her?

I don't know much about hair coloring. I have dark hair and used to give myself highlights by spritzing lemon juice on it in the summer time. Very subtle, but no chance for an "oops" moment.

The next time someone screws up your hair, leave then, don't allow them to do ANYTHING more to your hair. Go home and come back with a sign that says "I had my hair colored here", and a folding chair, and sit there all day.

marque View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 21, 2006
Posted: Mar 21, 2006 at 6:02am
I can totally sympathise wit this whole hair disaster. I've been going to my hair dresser for 9 years and trusted her too. I went to her after Thanksgiving last year 11/2005 to have her do root touch up ( brown to blonde ) and weave in low lites for contrast. It came out pretty good as usual but two pieces didn't look right. The tips of my bangs were all dark and I had one chunk of hair on the front right side that was too big and dark. I went back and asked her to just fix the 2 pieces by foiling out those 2 only. I had a big weekend coming up with the boyfriend and wanted my hair to be perfect. I too have been asking myself is this the price I pay for being too vain?  When I went back she suggested covering my entire head with bleach/shampoo mixture to lighten things up knowing darn well I just went to her to go a bit darker with the lowlites mixed in. It wasn't what I asked her for but I did trust her and was paying her for her expertise so I let her do it. She covered my head in bleach w/a bit of shampoo mixed in and started working it into my hair for 20 minutes as if she was washing my hair (an important point to this story is she's always on antidepressants and I saw her take some meds right before she started my hair and as she was doing it, her speech begun to slur while she was talking to me so I know the meds were kicking in!)  anyways....after about 20 minutes of working it in she washed my hair and said "oh no, it's too brassy, I know how you are, wouldn't like it." so she covered my hair AGAIN in bleach and worked it in for another 20 minutes or so. When she was done, I stood up and my hair was solid WHITE and falling out and breaking off in my hands. All I could say wasd " oh my God!  oh my God!"  she tried to play it off by saying  "well you know in summer when you like it blonder it kind of looks like this"  the only thing she could do at that time so I could just make it to work the next day is put a rinse on it to tone it down. The next week she kind of fixed the color but I had lost even more hair and was steadily losing it. She gave me a couple bottles of CAT protein to work on getting the health back because whatever hair I had left was fried and destroyed. By now, it has finally stopped breaking since it has been 3 mnths but I've lost 70 % of my hair and what I have left is destroyed. I have been sad, depressed, embarrassed,..and I go no where with out a hat except at work but am still embarrassed to go to work but obviously have no choice. I have finally decided the only thing I can do to make myself feel better is hair extensions. This is very expensive but can't live with hating myself anymore. I have a professional job and work with the public and it has been affecting my work because I don't want to see my customers because. I know they would notice and be thinking "what the heck did she do to her hair?" My question is...what do you do when someone does this to your hair? Is she responsible for paying for whatever it takes to make it better? What makes this difficult is the fact that I have known her for 9 years and last year we even went on a trip together. I've been going back to her a little bit just because I think it is her responsibility to fix what she can and me not have to pay for it but I've decided to get the extensions and think she should have to pay for atleast half of it. I will see her tonite for some low-lites again for some contrast because my hair looks so bad I need to do something to get me through until I can afford the extensions. How is it that you can pay someone for their expertise and a service and if they totally destroy something there is no consequenses for them?  If I took my car to her and she destroyed something on it, she would be responsible to replace it. I know hair grows back but it will take 2 years to get it back. She has destroyed my appearance and self confidence for the next 2 years.   help!  I've asked a couple hair dressers what do you do when someone does this and I never get an answer. Is there some unwritten code between hair dressers that they won't speak up to tell you anything?

Susan W View Drop Down
Elite Member
Joined: Sep 18, 2004
Posted: Mar 22, 2006 at 6:02am
I'm sorry to read that CherryB, I hope the situation has improved in the past couple of months.

marque, I'm sorry to read about this too.  Since she is the one who messed up your hair, yes I agree there should be some extent of liability.  Its nice that she's fixing it free of charge, but if that much of your hair is missing now and it really doesn't look like a normal amount of hair on your head, I agree that since this is her fault she should help cover the cost of extensions, if they are the way you want to go. She should NOT be doing other people's hair while on medications that make her speech slurred.  I think the reason the hairdressers aren't answering you is because with her popping meds during the process you may have a case for a lawsuit. I would probably only sue if she refused to pay for a way for you to look normal until your hair grows back, but you'd have to talk to a lawyer to discuss the rules for such cases.

With extensions, please read and ask questions on the extensions forum here to get lots of good advice before you go for those.  They can give you tips there on what kind of extension adding methods will do least damage to your natural hair.

marque View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 21, 2006
Posted: Mar 22, 2006 at 6:02am
I appreciate your advice. I'm pretty sure I could probably sue her for negligence too but knowing her for so long is what makes it so difficult. Not to mention the whole inconvenience of it and really, how can you prove someone was on a medication  while they had been doing your hair if no one else was there? I had an appointment with her yesterday evening to put some low lites in just to make the color a bit better to live with until I get the extensions and she called me to cancel because she said she went to the doctor anticipating surgery and was on medicine and didn't want to do a "bad job". I'm sure if she didn't call I would have figured it out when I got there and would not have let her touch my hair. I could barely understand what she was saying when she called me.   As far as the extensions go, I have been researching them on line for 3 months and have had 2 consultations. It seems the Greal Lengths are the best way to go without any damage. I do intend on asking her to pay for atleast half but expect her to tell me she can't afford it. What I'll do at that point, I'm not sure. I'm not sure that filing a complaint with the state cosmetology board would really do any good. Would it just go on her record or is there some kind of consequenses to it?

Susan W View Drop Down
Elite Member
Joined: Sep 18, 2004
Posted: Mar 23, 2006 at 6:02am
That I don't know (maybe one of the pros on the board would know).  At least she canceled this time when she was on her meds, she must have realized it was a bad idea to do hair on least that's a plus.  Good luck with your extensions.

Laura175 View Drop Down
Joined: Apr 03, 2006
Location: United States
Posted: Apr 03, 2006 at 6:02am
Hi Cherry,

What an awful hair experience! I once had a stylist
dye my hair dark brown when I asked for red and
then she said there was nothing she could do to
lighten it - it made me want to scream!

I was wondering if you would be willing to share your
bad hair story with the magazine that I work for? It's a
women's magazine and I'm doing an article on bad
hair experiences and I think that yours definitely
qualifies - would you be interested?


Miffny View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Apr 03, 2006
Posted: Apr 07, 2006 at 6:02am
Claude has said it all it is what I would done in a few weeks after deep treatments.

The "New" bleaches ammonia free etc can be just as damaging to hair in the wrong hands.

Hope all is well.

Torrie View Drop Down
Joined: May 01, 2006
Location: United States
Posted: May 11, 2006 at 6:02am
well im very sorry to hear bout it cherry i think hair dye shoud never have been envented ive ruiened my hair a time or two it never turns out as you expect it to ive been everywhere from blond to blue black it cozzez a lot of unessary heart ace my hair naturaly looks like blue lagoone brook sheilds its the best way i can describe it its realy gold or honey brown it was realy long well hair dye messed it all up i think we should burn hair dye in a bomb fire no one would ever have to through this again  all i can tell you is to stay out in the sun as much as possable and let it grow out to chin lenth then get a pixie cut

julesyjul88 View Drop Down
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Joined: Sep 12, 2006
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Posted: Sep 12, 2006 at 6:02am
Geez I hope you had this fixed. Alot of hairdressers just DO NOT LISTEN to their clients!!! I asked mine to make my light brown hair a dark,natural blonde,and what does he do? he bleached it with the same product you are refering to "the new ammonia free" and it was COURTNEY LOVE WHITE!
I had to find a Color corrector who said this guy didnt even tone my hair,just bleached it and told me it was done.
I think your hair will be fine though. There are definitely some good experts who fix these mistakes for a living. I have had my hair ruined MANY,MANY times,and I always recovered pretty good with the right help.
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