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BIGGMike View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 24, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Dec 29, 2005 at 2:58pm
[QUOTE=baller05] Negro: a member of the Negroid ethniBlack from Latin - Niger.

Negroid: pertaining to, or designating a major ethnic division of the human species where members are characterized by brown to black pigmentation and often by tightly curled hair, broad nose and thick lips.

Negro: a member of the African branch of the Black race formerly called Ethiopian.

Afro: from Latin, Afr - Afer, an African.

it's no secret that during the early 1900's (and even today - check out TV) the lighter complexioned Negroes are favored.  Some passed for White, others thought they were better than their darker skinned brothers and Mr. DuBois hated being called a Negro.  (His father was a caucasian.)  DuBois founded the NAACP along with caucasian Jews.  The "Negro" became the enemy to the "colored" and this shameful neurosis was contagious to the masses of Blacks in America.  Even the blackest of our people called themselves "colored", but thanks to the Garvey movement the "Negro"was saved.  Integration and miscegenation will not save the Black Man.

    "White" supremacists divide the race by using names such as colored and mulatto.  There would not be coloreds or mulattoes if it were not for the caucasian, but there would be Africans and Negroes.

    Negro became a bad word to us during the rise of the Nation of Islam.   Under the teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X, Negro was degrading to the Black Man because he was "Muslim".  Malcolm taught us to hate the word Negro.

    The New Consciousness of being "African" among the Cultural Nationalist also contributed to the demise of the term Negro.  Nobody wanted to be a Negro anymore!  Even though Negro means the same as Black (to describe the Melanin content) it is preferred to use the European version, "Black".  Marcus Garvey accepted the use of Negro because it described the Melanin-Dominant people who were oppressed whether they were Africans or not.  Of course Garvey's ancestors were Africans like millions of Blacks in European dominated nations but it must be remembered that any person of any race born in Africa would be an African but not a Negro.  We must learn the difference between Nationality and Race.

    Marcus Garvey wanted Africa free of aliens if not physically at least free of the political and economical control they had over indigenous Africans.   Today, many Africans are more White Arabs than they are African Negroes.  The Algerians, Tunisians and others of course have some Negro blood and it does not make them Negro or Black, but African.  Likewise some Italians and Spaniards have Negro blood in their ancestry but it does not make them Black.  Again, Negro is perhaps the best word to describe Melanin-Dominated peoples including those from New Zealand, Australia, the Phillipines, etc.

    Black peoples' struggle does not center on African-American concerns but on the uniting of the "Negroid" peoples globally.  This is the reason Marcus Garvey founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association; to liberate all Negroes and not just Africans.  Africa of course is the Motherland.




BIGGMike View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 24, 2005
Location: United States

BIGGMike View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 24, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Dec 29, 2005 at 2:58pm

This is true. The media and even our own people say that Black people are uneducated and lazy and don't want a job  This is a falsehood. There are many Black MEN with college degrees but can't get a job. Oh they can find plenty job openings, but we don't fit the company image. You know look like, talk like, live like. The problem with this is we are African Americans with a history of Slavery in this country be the same people who own the companies. This is why the Nation of Islam teaches that Black MEN should have their own businesses. Grow their own food and buy, not rent, their homes. As long as we are dependent on others we are of a Slave mentality. This mentality comes from opression and bondage of the Black MAN and people of color/other races.

Without a good job and opportunities a Black MAN will have a hard time supporting a family. He will be ashamed and not sure of his manhood because of his failure at finding work or his force subordination to others.  Many men who are blessed to find work also find themselves in the low income bracket. Again they work but don't make enough to support a family or support themselves. This is a problem.  This is an emotion burden that he seeks to free himself of. He can remain and feel emasculated or leave and be free of the embarrasment in the eyes of his children. In his eyes he is a failure even if he is college educated, even if he does love his children, even if he is an over achiever for the condition he grew up in. Your social enviroment plays a very big role in your developement and place in society. Boys who do not have strong active fathers in their house hold find themselves over burdened with unanswered question of manhood. Questions that mama can't answer because mama is not a man. This and other problems are destroying the African Ameican communities all over the America.

The "Answer" we most build the African American Family Up. MEN must stand up and befaithful and loving to our women, women must allow them to stand up by not overshadowing them with thier accomplishments and see their failures for what they really are. We can not and must not close our eyes to ignorance, racism, and prefference of the Black woman over the Black man. Remember a Black MAN can rise no higher than the Black WOMAN. She is the backbone of the family. She is the nuturer of life. So if her mind is of the world, her seeds will not be fruitful. The same goes for the MAN. If he is of the world and submit to the evils of the flesh, he will destroy his seeds and his woman (AIDS, emotional burdens, economical burdens, children outside the marriage, and lust for other women/men or money). Please understand some of this is my oppinion and some of it is ordained by God and nature. Destruction of the Family is also destroying the Black community. Wake up and think please.

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