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 Stretching relaxers helps hair growth?

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*NOT*Principle View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 26, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Jul 26, 2005 at 10:44pm

I'm new here, so if there's already a topic on this I apologize.

But, I am on my 10th week post relaxer, and I want to go to 16 weeks(which will be the week after Labor Day weekend).  Since hair grows on average 1/2" a month, I should have 2'' of new growth at the end of 16 weeks(4months).  I have 1"-1 1/4" inch of new growth already.  My hair is chin-length at the top, but armpit-length in the back.  The back grows WAAAAY faster than the top.  This doesn't bother me because on me it just looks like a layered cut or something.  I want the top of my hair to be collar bone-length, and the back to be bra strap-length.

Anyway, how many of you have benefitted from stretching relaxers?

cookiesnkream View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Jul 20, 2005
Posted: Jul 26, 2005 at 10:44pm

    whats up girl,, im new here also and it seems we
have similar hair lengths,, mine is collar bone in
front and near bra strap in back and ppl just think i've
layered my hair but its really becuz my front broke off
years ago and obviously its growing in
inconsistently,, anyhoo i used to relax every 2 mths
but my last relaxer i spaced about 4 mths from the
previous and my hair is doing just fine and growinfg
beautifully, i dont know if its grown faster becuz of
this but it certainly seems very healthy becuz im
using all the right products and am cutting down on
the heat and no more sulfates,, make sure when u
do relax u dont ever ever overlap and always use a
special pre conditioner to prevent overprocessing,,
ive even heard this tip,, apply neutralizing shampoo
to all the hair ur not relaxing so if relaxer gets on it its
alreday neutralized to prevent overlapping,,
overlappping is what DESTROYED my hair up near
the root I had awful breakage years ago:-( it was
rather traumatic for me,, in many spots i had hair
about 2 inches long then strings of 9 inch or so hair
hanging down ( if u can imagine) it was terrible,,
anyway good luck .....

*NOT*Principle View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 26, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Jul 26, 2005 at 10:44pm
thanks! and yeah, i heard it's good to stretch the relaxers to prevent overlapping like you mentioned.  Also, in 8 weeks time the norm is to only have 1" of new growth.  To me, if i'm gonna take the time to relax my hair, i wanna see 3" of new growth, and be suprised.  i have type 4b hair, so relaxing every 7 weeks to only yield 3/4'' an inch of hair is discouraging at times since i have a goal to be BSL by 05/06.  I'm already at week 10, so i figure "why not".  i'll make this one the one i stretch.  I'm gonna so for 16 weeks.  Maybe 20 if my hair behaves!

cookiesnkream View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Jul 20, 2005
Posted: Jul 26, 2005 at 10:44pm

   good luck with thte stretch,, do make sure u take
care of the new growth and the meeting spot where
virgin meets relaxed hair ,, keep it well conditioned,,
u dont want to shoot urself in the foot by having the
hair break at that point becuz of the unlike textures,, i
can't see why this would happen though if u keepit
well moisturized and well conditioned, thats the key,,
i didnt take proper care of my hair and i lost it,, i
remember combing it excessively when wet and i
think i lost alot then,, i do everything i can to save my
hair and the results are almost exactly how i wish. its
soft shining and growing... i wish id done this years
ago:-) anyway keep reading the boards,, ive gotten
soo much good info off of blackhairmedia" and this
board i feel like i owe these ppl lol;-)   good luck!!

Sweet_Ambrosia View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Apr 20, 2005
Posted: Jul 27, 2005 at 10:44pm
I agree w/ the ladies above. Just to add if its gets hard to comb through your new growth finger comb instead you dont wanna risk breakage which can happen when you try to comb through thick new growth. Personally I stretch for 24 weeks (6months) to prevent overlapping and to give my hair & scalp a break from chemicals, I havent notice any spectacular growth but just the norm which is 1/2"-3/4" per month for me.

*NOT*Principle View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 26, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Jul 27, 2005 at 10:44pm
Well, another reason why i want to stretch my relaxer is because I can stretch it easier now it seems.  Back two years ago i cut my hair to only 3'' in the top, and only 1'' in the back.  i still didn't take care of it and keep a good diet back then, so my growth really didn't start to take off until the past 9 or 10 months.  i read that it's easier to stretch relaxers the longer your hair is.  This perhaps explains why back when my hair was 3" or 4", I had to retouch in 6 or 7 weeks or suffer massive breakage.  As it grew longer I could go to eight, but no more.  Now, I'm at my tenth week, and it's looking like I can go to 12 easily because when i finish towel-blotting my hair completely, I section it off, and comb it out gently.  Then I mist some water on the sections and kinda tie them up until i get around to those parts.  On the part/section i'm working on I apply grapeseed oil mixed with rosemary, or WGO and then I braid the section and let it air dry.  I wear a full-sew in weave so there's really nothing else to do but then proceed to cornrow it back up, and put the weave back in.
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