Posted: Jun 02, 2003 at 8:11pm
OK everyone here is my story.....
my hair, if i'm lucky, grows about 1/4 inch a month, i have fine hair, but i have a lot of it. I was growing my hair long, until one day i went to my hairdresser and she cut like 3-4 inches off. i cried for 3 days!! it was awful! i had reached my shoulders, and now it was up under my ear!! so i started researching.... and what i eventually did was order Hairtopia. Oh my goodness, I am a believer!!! my nails took off right away. I work in a chemistry lab, and i am exposed to a lot of solvents, causing my nails to be short and not healthy. i noticed the first week a huge difference in my nails. by the way, I have always measure my hair, lets just say i'm an obsessive compulsive person about my hair. so when i got my hairsut, the top measured 6". in two weeks, NO LIE, i noticed a 1/2" of growth!! I have been taking the hairtopia faithfully and have noticed a HUGE improvement in my hair, it feels fuller, and its softer and more manageble. I am starting my 4th week on Hairtopia today, and I will certainly be ordering more!!! I just finished painting my nails, i cant tell you the last time i was able to paint my nails and have them look so nice!!!
so for those of you out there, please give Hairtopia a try, this is what i figured..what have i got to lose? if it doesnt work, i can get my money back, no money lost....
i really am happy with my hair cut now, i have gotten a ton of compliments on y hair this past week. people love how it looks, and finally, so do I !!!!!
Good luck to all of you, I know how SLOW it is to grow out hair!!!!