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 Long Term HF37/hair vitamin customers share your results

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Pinkslippers View Drop Down
Joined: Apr 25, 2003
Posted: Apr 26, 2003 at 8:11pm

I would like you all to share your results of HF37 if you are a long term customer (6 months of longer). I took HF37 for 8 months off and on and HF37 grew my hair past my shoulders which it had never been in years. Now, I am taking them again consistently and I will keep you all posted on the results. So far I have been taking them consistently from Mar/03 and will continue until I acheive my goal of waist length hair. Also, I was thinking of taking biotin and sea kelp along with the HF37. I decided to start this post b/c I am tired of reading posts from people who have only taken them for 3 or 4 weeks and then have all of this negative stuff to say about them. Before you share results, please go back and figure out how long you have been taking them and if you have only been taking them for 3 weeks why would you give a negative input when you have not even given them time to work? HF37 took about a month before I could actually see the results and then my hair took off growing. Due to stress and a bad relaxer my hair broke off and I will grow my hair back and I know I must have patience. Also, I am increasing my intake of fish and dark green vegetables. Long term vitamins takers please share your results.


Karen Shelton View Drop Down
Admin Group
Joined: Nov 26, 2000
Posted: Apr 26, 2003 at 8:11pm
Hi Pinkslippers,

Thank you sooooooooo much for your post. Although we no longer carry H37, our Hairtopia product is of the same family. We get so frustrated because people will NOT give the product a fair shake. Just like you said. The body does not heal overnight. It takes times for the damage to be reversed.

Even though we have a 45 day money back guarantee you would be shocked how many people take the product for 7 days and then call us and say "hey my hair is not growing so this product is not working". Geez, when I was growing my hair it took me about 90 days to really see the results of hair vitamins, better hair care treatments and a better diet.

Anyway, thank you so much for putting this into words from a consumer viewpoint.

Best wishes,
Karen Shelton

Pinkslippers View Drop Down
Joined: Apr 25, 2003
Posted: Apr 28, 2003 at 8:11pm
Thanks Jantzen for the informative info. I read on another posting that the Hair Fitness vitamins are packed and really worked. I just ordered some so I will keep you all posted on the hair growth progress. The lady that created the formula has hair down to her knees.

Ronda22 View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 02, 2003
Posted: Jun 02, 2003 at 8:11pm
OK everyone here is my story.....
my hair, if i'm lucky, grows about 1/4 inch a month, i have fine hair, but i have a lot of it. I was growing my hair long, until one day i went to my hairdresser and she cut like 3-4 inches off. i cried for 3 days!! it was awful! i had reached my shoulders, and now it was up under my ear!! so i started researching.... and what i eventually did was order Hairtopia. Oh my goodness, I am a believer!!! my nails took off right away. I work in a chemistry lab, and i am exposed to a lot of solvents, causing my nails to be short and not healthy. i noticed the first week a huge difference in my nails. by the way, I have always measure my hair, lets just say i'm an obsessive compulsive person about my hair. so when i got my hairsut, the top measured 6". in two weeks, NO LIE, i noticed a 1/2" of growth!! I have been taking the hairtopia faithfully and have noticed a HUGE improvement in my hair, it feels fuller, and its softer and more manageble. I am starting my 4th week on Hairtopia today, and I will certainly be ordering more!!! I just finished painting my nails, i cant tell you the last time i was able to paint my nails and have them look so nice!!!
so for those of you out there, please give Hairtopia a try, this is what i figured..what have i got to lose? if it doesnt work, i can get my money back, no money lost....
i really am happy with my hair cut now, i have gotten a ton of compliments on y hair this past week. people love how it looks, and finally, so do I !!!!!
Good luck to all of you, I know how SLOW it is to grow out hair!!!!
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