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 Hmmm, hope you can help...

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Tam Mc View Drop Down
Joined: Jan 19, 2002
Posted: Jan 10, 2002 at 8:21pm
I have long (about 4 in above my waist), wavy, very thick and heavy hair. After 25 years of short hair I finally grew it long. Due to my lack of experience (and having 10 thumbs LOL) I`m pretty hopeless when it comes to doing anything with it other than a low pony tail or just leaving it hang down. Unfortunately, leaving it down doesn`t mesh well with my job, since I usually wear a headset. Do you have any tips for easier french braiding? I can do a shaky french braid, but it always falls apart when I get past my collar...if I pull it over my shoulder to finish braiding it then the whole braid becomes crooked.

Also, any tips for updo`s? I`ve tried clips and buns but the weight of my hair drags it out fairly quickly. I`m a no fuss kind of person (which is why I grew my hair long, I thought it would be easier!)

I need heeeeelllllllppppppp!!!!!!! :)

AmberJune View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Jan 10, 2002
Posted: Jan 12, 2002 at 8:21pm
I`d like to help but i have short hair and wouldn`t know.. eckkk

You need Karen or Jeffs help!

andi View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 21, 2001
Posted: Jan 13, 2002 at 8:21pm
Try French Braiding it when it is not freshly washed, it is less slippery then :-)

Tam Mc View Drop Down
Joined: Jan 19, 2002
Posted: Jan 19, 2002 at 8:21pm
[QUOTE=andi] Try French Braiding it when it is not freshly washed, it is less slippery then :-)
Actually, I have the best luck french braiding it when it`s damp and less slippery....My hair can get pretty oily if I don`t wash it every day, then it gets all icky feeling :P

Tam Mc View Drop Down
Joined: Jan 19, 2002
Posted: Jan 20, 2002 at 8:21pm
[QUOTE=Kistara] If you want something quick, you can try regular pigtails for a cute look or even braid or french braid them. (If you have to pull it over your shoulder then keep it there and it'll still look good)
Another thing to try is the popular messy bun or if that's too easily caught on the headset, a regular bun. If your hair is too heavy, half is still better than none and still looks really good.
Finally, you can use the twisty bun or Heidi braid.
The twisty bun just involves putting your hair into a high ponytail in the middle of your head. Section the hair and twist each section individually. Keep twisting until the section starts to curl up. This is a good thing ;) Hold the end of the twisted section while you pin it close to your ponytail holder with bobbypins or hairpins. Do this to each section in turn. Depending on your number of sections, this can take from 10-25 minutes. I'd recommend no less than 6 sections.
The heidi braid is a braid that involves braiding all your hair on one side of your head. Just brush it all to one side and braid it and fasten it with a hairtie. Then, bring the braid over the top of your head where a headband would normally be and fasten the end on the other side. Try to either fasten behind the ear or tuck it under and fasten underneath your head with bobbypins or hairpins. It looks classy if you can't tell where it ends or starts. The hair can also be french braided as you braid across the head, but this is much more complicated. If you feel like experimenting, though, go for it. If having it on the top of your head will get in the way of the headset, try putting it up around the middle of the back of your head instead of on top. You will probably have to use bobbypins or hairpins to keep it up, but it'll be out of the way.
I hope this has helped!
Great ideas!!!!! I love the Heidi braid idea, I think I`ll try that one tomorrow! :)
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