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wheeler View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Mar 23, 2003
Location: between a rock and a hard place
Posted: Apr 28, 2003 at 12:16pm
I've noticed that lots of girls with curly hair slave over straightening it every single day. I'm not saying that's bad at all but I like having curly hair and I try and encourage others to wear their hair the way nature gave it to them. I was just wondering what everyone thinks about the fact that in general, people with straight hair seem to want curly hair and people with curly hair seem to want straight hair. I've got to admit that it's fun once in a while but I was just thinking about what makes people want to change the way their hair naturally is.

SnowWhite View Drop Down
Joined: Feb 20, 2001
Location: Illinois
Posted: Apr 28, 2003 at 12:16pm
It could be that the grass is always greener on the other side. I think that lots of times we aren't satisfied with what we have (hair, car, house, bf/gf, etc) and so we try to change it or improve it. Lots of times we go by someone else's standard of what is best or beautiful. It's hard to accept what you have if you think something else is better. Me...I love my curly hair and wouldn't change it for anything. However, I'd like a newer, nicer car. :)

cara View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 29, 2003
Posted: May 03, 2003 at 12:16pm
When I was in late high school and college it was THE thing to have straight hair, and of course mine wasn't! I did several things to straighten it, beginning with the largest size rollers that I would sleep in-ouch! Then I moved on to a home straightening kit-which gave my naturally dark brown-black hair a rusty cast, and didn't do too much for its condition either. But I didn't know any better at the time. Later it was a solid 30-minute blow-drying session every time I washed my below shoulder-length hair! And forget it if it was humid out, which on the East coast it is alot of the time! It wasn't until I was about 27 or so, while living in NYC, that I found a hair salon that specialized in wavy-curly hair. I found that salon by way of a magazine article about naturally curly haired women, that featured hair about the same texture as mine. Well, that did it! At the time my hair was below shoulder-length, with the long blow-drying time mentioned above, as my hair is pretty thick, and I was up for a positive change. I booked an appointment right away, tossed my rollers and blow-dryer, and have never looked back. That was nearly 30 years ago! Over the years, I've gotten all kinds of compliments about my hair, and best of all, I can just work some gel through it, scrunch and go. The style is short-but-not-too-short, so it looks feminine and appealing. Actually, now, I wish it would curl more, as the arid climate I live in now, tends to straighten loose curls. So I do find myself using more gel to curl it up. But when it does rain, or I go out to the Coast to the beach, my hair loves it and curls up even more!

Orc View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: May 07, 2003
Posted: May 10, 2003 at 12:16pm
Curly hair looks better on females than males if you ask me.
Look at Julia Roberts and Sarah Jessica Parker; they both look a 10000 times better with curly hair than straight.
Can you imagine Brad Pitt or George Clooney wearing their hair curly?
Men with curly hair look so old fashion. Isnot it the sixties look?

Molly View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 15, 2003
Posted: Jun 04, 2003 at 12:16pm
When I was little I had curly hair. It was very pretty and I loved it. Well when i was about 6 or 7 it went out, now I am 13 stuck with straight hair with a little wave to it. I hate it! I wish I had curly hair like I used to! If any one has any advise email me at! Thankyou!
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